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Venomous: Erotic Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 1)

Page 45

by Fletcher, Penelope

  Panting, I squeezed my eyes shut and fought for air.

  I craved that cock.

  I had to be clever though, play it cool because if they caught on to how much I wanted it, they’d get shifty until we were consummating as their tradition dictated.

  Fiercely shuddered as he tasted me, powerful arms tensing, and caging me from escape.

  A pair of hands curved around my knees then began a slow, taunting glide upwards.

  Thighs stiff with excitement brushed mine from behind.

  Forgetting about playing it cool, I choked on my own frantic sounds, pushing back and forth, not sure who I wanted more, but determined to get someone up in there or flee the mortal coil trying.

  Venomous caught me against him with the flat of his palm on my lower stomach.

  His hold was firm, but gentled in deference to the beloved life I carried.

  Beautiful did not begin to describe the dynamic perfection of the cock pressed against me.

  It dug into my ass, and, I swear, I whinnied in desperation.

  Languid, he smoothed another hand over my torso, passing over my navel with an amused chuckle as it was now an outy.

  He stroked circles around the feature common to me, yet beguiling to him.

  Calloused finger pads tickled my ribcage until they grazed the outer swell of my breast.

  A thumb swept over my taut nipple.

  I groaned, undulating under the caress.

  Its twin tingled and burned at the merciless, raspy tongue flicking at it.

  The fleeting lashes caused toe curling ripples within my clenched sex.

  Fiercely released the mound he tortured with a slow lick.

  “I do not think she can be still,” Venomous mused over my head.

  “A show of force then,” Fiercely replied.

  Clasping my throat, fingers splayed over my chin, Venomous turned my head then tipped my face upward.

  He leaned to whisper against my lips. “Very well, my Lumen. It is fine to resist, to struggle.”

  The words knocked loose bad feelings alongside darker, needier lusts.

  “S-struggle?” I echoed in a trance.

  His palm boldly cupped my pussy. “Yesss. We will hold you down.”

  “Try to be quiet,” Fiercely murmured his thumbs sweeping the sensitive undersides of my breasts. “We have explained you are different, but we do not wish to distress our kindred.”

  Hearing these strange things in the heat of passion, I felt conflicted.

  This came out as a querulous outburst, tinged with the shrill voice of one suffering fevered delirium. “I need you. I don’t give a shit what your kindred might feel if I orgasm. I can’t take anymore. A noisy, messy orgasm is going to happen. I am going to murder you if I don’t come. Someone fuck me. Here. In the middle of the damn street. Just jump on it. On me.”

  Abandoning me to the fiery current thundering through my veins would redefine my comprehension of cruelty.

  “The death threat was sarcasm,” Venomous enlightened in a low aside.

  “Was not,” I snapped. “It was a vow–”

  Cut short by Fiercely crushing his mouth to mine, he pushed inside.

  The scent of his peppery musk intensified as he dragged me onto his spread thighs.

  A sweet, vanilla tongue thrust and parried against mine in brutal, hard stabs.

  He kissed with instinct, weaved a spell as he gyrated his groin in tandem with the enchantment he conjured on the tips of his tongue.

  Venomous rumbled, “We must do this quickly.” His rumbling voice was strained. “I fight my instincts. It does not matter who watches, I will take her as I wish.”

  Fiercely broke away on a hiss. “We go now.” He lifted me up and followed Venomous out the meditation pod into the darkened festival hall.

  Nuzzling his strong neck, I was so out of it, the change in scenery didn’t register.

  The milieu was a splodge of dim colour and of indecipherable hum of muted sound.

  The only real and true thing in sharp focus were the two males I wanted pounding inside me, fucking me hard, making me scream.

  Fiercely climbed onto the nest, set me down on my side then backed away before I could snatch at him.

  I was rolled onto my front, hips jerked up, presented.

  Face pressed to the furs, Venomous caught my scrambling hands then pinned them over my head.

  A thick thigh pressed between my legs to open them wide.

  Grateful I’d get what I’d been wanting, a whimper punched past my lips.

  A rough palm closed over my mouth to muffle the sound.

  My nose pulled air, nostrils hollowed the suck was so hard.

  I made a wild, guttural sound that felt so good, I squeezed my eyes shut, and groaned with abandon when I felt a prod at my opening.

  A bucking of narrow hips, and the distended head breached, pushing deep, the thrust a delicious glide of hard cock into wet cunt.

  I would have tried to high five somebody if my eyeballs weren’t rolling around my sockets like runaway marbles.

  Moaning, I worked my hips and plunged headfirst into the sensation of my clit swelling, my pussy clamping tighter around his shaft, rubbing against it.

  Stirring, stirring.

  The rod of iron easing back and forth created a concentrated friction that drove me out of my mind.

  I needed faster, or harder, or rougher.

  My keened protest didn’t invoke the change I wanted, but one I really hadn’t needed.

  Venomous clamped his hand tighter over my mouth which caused my sexual charge to skyrocket, and I struggled to break free, so I could tackle him, and take what I wanted in earnest.

  Which made things worse because he simply held me tighter, and moved slower.

  I couldn’t tell him to stop restraining me.

  The silent command to hold still made it worse, smashed against the primal urge to buck my hips and draw him deeper, nor could I tell him to fuck me, and make me come, so I could blink, and breathe, and function once more.

  On a laboured grunt, Venomous’ shaft throbbed and swelled to bursting then he jerked, and sighed as he flooded me with heat, hips grinding.

  He slipped out, hot cock smearing seed over my ass, and I have never wanted to maim someone so bad in my life.

  But then deliverance.


  Fiercely’s breath caressed my ear and chills whipped down my spine, arching it, pulling my stomach taut, neck straining as his heat covered me.

  A wild gasp come scream was smothered by another palm.

  “Feel me, Rä’Na.” That beautiful cock of his pushed into me. “Feel me as I feel you.”

  On my hands and knees, I managed to pull forward an inch then slammed back.

  He choked and clasped my hips, but allowed it.

  Within five stunted thrusts, I was there.

  The pleasure centres in my brain failed to absorb the sensations twisting my insides, so flipped switches and threw levers to force my body to release the pressure before meltdown.

  My jellied muscles jumped and twitched, my eyelids flickered, and my mouth opened and closed.

  I was one hundred percent certain I was having a grand mal seizure because all I could think was, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.

  Then his shaft rubbed against a swollen, hot spot on my inner walls and I was coming.

  Coming so hard, I feared spears of fire shot from my eyeballs.

  As I seized on him, Fiercely muttered heated words of devotion then I felt his seed filling me up, and marking me as his.

  Squirming, I grew dizzy and the world smudged, grew darker, and I lost contact with the rest of my body.

  I toppled, but was caught and steadied.

  I gradually became cognizant, shook myself then grunted, frankly, thrilled to be alive after such delightful suffering.

  Whispering above me then the warm rush of vanilla breath at my ear. “Rä’Na?”

  Languorous, I made a complaining �
�what do you want?’ noise.

  “I know you are tired,” Fiercely murmured, “but there is only one more.”

  The words began a steady meander through the nebulous layers of my satiation, but didn’t reach my ‘holy fuck this is happening’ centre fast enough to prepare me.

  A warm arm encircled my waist then a shaft penetrated my quivering depths, stretched me, which said a lot because Venomous had girth.

  It was like being dunked in ice water.

  Flutters tightened my chest as my heartbeat exploded into a mad dash.

  I inhaled, and smoky musk, thick and rich, stole up my nose.

  Limbs tingling, my back went rigid, my eyes rolled, showing too much white, and I peeped a squeak.

  Shock held me immobile as I realised who rolled his hips against my backside, was lodged within, who ever so subtly caressed my sides.

  Tremors wracked my frame.

  I struggled to decide to scream, cry or come again as he sighed, his hot come spurting deep.

  Dazed, I happened to look up at Venomous and witnessed the exact moment he snapped.

  Gleaming brille solidified to flat black orbs.

  His lips peeled back revealing curved fangs dripping with poison, muscles swelling, bunching, as he hissed like a feral beast and a wave of gold dappled his armoured scales.

  Spitting a curse, Fiercely hooked his lower arms under me, and with a neat yank and roll, he pulled me off the nest and into his upper arms.

  Venomous launched himself at Cobra that Strikes, and they collided with a sickening thud of flesh.

  If the hunter, my lesser mate, had still been inside me, I would have been crushed.

  The males wrestled and grappled with each other, but it was clear Cobra was done for because Venomous had him pinned then went to town on him, raining punishing blows the other male was forced to endure, as after the first barrage, he seemed too stunned to fight back.

  Abruptly aware we had a sizeable audience, I snatched the white robe Fiercely held out to me, his attention on the tussle, and wrapped it around my nakedness.

  The crowd of kindred looked disturbed, but not surprised at Venomous’ reaction.

  I demanded, “Why isn’t anybody stopping him?”

  Fiercely’s face twisted. He dragged on his hardsuit. “You do not stand in front of the tempest, my Rä’Na. You get out of its way, and hope for the best.”

  “Hope for the....” I scoffed. “Enough.” I scrambled onto my feet, staggering when my legs wobbled.

  Waving Fiercely off, I eyed the violent clinch, thinking how best to break it up, knowing to draw near would be suicide, when it came to me.

  I yelled, “Venom, save me.”

  Just like that, he detached from Cobra and was in front of me, using his body as a shield.

  Crouched, he snarled as his gaze snapped side to side searching for the threat, tongue flickering as he sought a taste of his enemy.

  As he was bent, we were eye level, and I draped my arms around his neck, and propped my chin on his shoulder. “Now, babe, thrilling as that was to witness, it’s time to feed me then make merry.”

  “Aye, ‘twas arousing,” Beowyn agreed as he bounded up to us, cutting cheekbones flushed, his slanted eyes shining with feral excitement, and a darker, wilder kind of lust. “But why did you stop the sporting?”

  “Sorry to cut short your entertainment,” I said dryly, “but I didn’t fancy burying my lesser male under the same moon of my nuptials.”

  “Oh, ‘tis no bother. I recorded what was important.” He held up a device he’d called his SonCom when we had eaten high meal together before the ceremony. “Doubt I shall leave my harem for a cycle once I play it back in my apartments on Vayhalun.” He glanced around then his face brightened. “Food!” He sauntered off whistling and bobbing his head at a leery passerby.

  Bringing one of my hands to his sensual lips for a kiss I wasn’t convinced was proper to bestow on a mated female, Éorik smiled at me with genuine warmth. “Many happy returns, Lady Lumen. I wish you and your mates all the blessings of the Mighty Boar.”

  Fighting to tame my ‘I just got fucked’ curls with my free hand, cooling seed slipping wet down my inner thighs, I smiled. “Thanks.”

  “Think nothing of it.” He chucked me under the chin. “You have a pretty cunny. I am quite jealous of your males, and of you, truth be told. They are magnificent.”

  At that, he strolled after Beowyn leaving me with my jaw swinging, and my face a million times hotter than Rök’s red sun.

  After a lively feast, where Cobra and Venomous made peace, apparently the whole ‘trying to kill the lesser mate’ thing happened often in the ancient past, or with the more aggressive males, and was quickly forgotten, I cleaned up then walked the edges of the celebration with a cold drink of water in hand.

  I watched the jovial festivities experiencing waves of relief that bled the tension from my shoulders.

  The bonding ceremony was done, over, and I’d never have to do it again.

  Just about to rejoin the party, a familiar face I really hadn’t wanted to see approached me.

  I was not going to talk to her, never again would I talk to her, so I would remain aloof and cool until she buggered off.

  I am ice.

  “Salutations on this most joyous of festivals,” Singing Water said with a polite bow.

  Staring through her, I said nothing.

  “Your mates look thrilled, and you look happy,” a glance at my swelling belly, “and healthy.”

  “No thanks to you.”


  At least my voice was derisive instead of catty.

  “Yesss. That is truth. It is also truth my Rä’Vek covets you.” A tense pause. “And Lumen, it is truth you covet him. Perhaps you cannot admit it to yourself.”

  She’s making out like this is my fault? “Why are you talking to me?”

  “I have approached to apologise, make amends.”

  “I don’t want you to. Frankly, I wish you didn’t exist.”

  “But ... you did not speak when ... when....”

  “No, I didn’t. Partly because I couldn’t take anymore. Partly because it hurt Venomous to have to do that to his mother and I didn’t want to add to the burden, and, yes, I’ve come to care for Cobra. Speaking out meant laying at his feet the choice of shunning his Rä’Na, or enduring the wrath of my vengeful mates.” I didn’t look at her. My face would give it all away if I did. “So what I did, I did for them, not you. You are just the worst type of person. You made me think we could be friends.” My voice cracked. “You look sweet, but you’re rotten, and I don’t want anything to do with you.”

  “Cobra that Strikes is my Rä’Vek.”

  “I understand feeling so strongly about someone that you would consider the most unreasonable of things, but what you tried to–”

  “There is no affection between me and him.” She sounded nauseated by the suggestion. “Truth, I feel nothing for him. He dishonours me by the way he looks at you.”

  And I don’t see him as just a friend either, not anymore.

  I hate this female is what he goes home to, but it’s not my place to interfere.

  I said, “He’s never behaved improperly.”

  “Of course not. He would never, but the look is enough to cause me offence. To shame me.”

  “The shameful person here is you. You, and the six others like you that tried to rip apart a happy clan because of arrogance, pride and jealousy.”

  “It will sound insincere, but I did think the odds of you being happier outweighed the risk of you suffering.”

  “The lives of others are yours to gamble with?” My fingers dug into my drinking bowl. “I was sold into a harem. If Beowyn had been different, my offspring would have been torn from my body and discarded like waste. I would have been raped, repeatedly, and my Rä’Veks would have grieved thinking our young and I had died.”

  Could she not comprehend how twisted that was?

  All becau
se she was jealous of a few stolen looks when she couldn’t be bothered to feel anything for Cobra?

  “They would have blamed themselves,” I finished.

  “I did not think of that. You must see my intentions were not evil.”

  “Oh no, just selfish and nasty. You stand there and tell me you played a game of chance with fate, and expect me to, what? Forgive you? I am on to you, you crazy bitch. So back the fuck up, and go pray to your gods my males don’t find out what you did.”

  “Y-you will not tell them?” She sounded faint. “You vow it?”

  “I’ll keep my mouth shut. I refuse to hurt Cobra that way. And yes, I do covet my lesser mate. He is a good male. He deserves better than you.”

  I beamed a smile at a passing a’Rä then waited until it was out of earshot.

  Finally, I turned to Singing Water, keeping my expression carefree in case my mates glanced in my direction, but my eyes were evil. “If I get so much as an inkling, you’re plotting to hurt me and mine again, I won’t send my Rä’Veks after you. I’ll send the Great Alpha, and his big fucking sword. See, he offered to take the heads of those who piss me off as a bonding present. I’m sure Cobra will get over it with me to help him through.”

  Ugly hatred twisted her mouth in a sneer for the briefest moment before she masked it with remorse. “Lumen–”

  “You were right before. This is a festival, a celebration, and I don’t want you here poisoning it. Leave. Now.”

  “He may want you,” she hissed, “and you may want him, but he can never have you, and you must forever look on knowing he is mine.”

  She fled.

  “Bitch,” I muttered.

  I can’t say I was proud of how I behaved.

  I can say it felt bloody good to get that off my chest, but the truth?

  She’d got the last word, and it was a direct hit.

  Not long after I got shot of her, I went looking for Cobra for two reasons.

  One, I just wanted to see him.

  Two, I needed his help.

  Looking left then right, I sidled up to him during a dramatic re-enactment of Zython and Starlight’s love, and nudged him with my elbow.

  He slowly turned to look down at my arm then higher at my face. “Yesss?”

  “You want to be a good lesser mate, right?”

  His attention sharpened to such a degree, it felt as if twin lasers drilled into my skull. “Yesss.”


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