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Darkness Seduced (Primal Heat Trilogy #2) (Order of the Blade)

Page 18

by Stephanie Rowe

  Gideon stared at Quinn as his words settled in, as the pieces started to fall in place. “That’s what he wants her for,” he realized. “He wants her for her magic.”


  “Frank Tully. Nate’s partner. Lily gave me his name. We know who we’re looking for now.”

  “Frank Tully,” Quinn repeated. “He’s the one who was manipulating us? He’s taken over?”

  “Seems that way.” Gideon paced the room, thinking. “He’s after Lily, even though she doesn’t have the stone. He must want to use her magic.” He looked at Quinn. “Somehow, he’s going to use her to free Ezekiel. She’s part of the plan, along with the Calydon weapons he harvested from all the dead Calydons Nate murdered over the last couple months.”

  Quinn let out a low whistle. “He’ll be coming after her, then. It’s just a matter of time until he realizes where she is. We need to be ready.” He strode toward the door, his concern about Grace subordinated to the warrior who had a job to do. “Meet me downstairs with Lily as soon as she’s done in the bathroom. We need her to read the inscriptions on that knife. I’m going to go alert the team to be on the lookout for Frank or his Calydons coming after her. Then we’ll put Kane on her and you take off.” Quinn’s eyes glittered. “And don’t worry if you can’t bring yourself to leave her. I’ll make sure it happens.”

  “You mean, you’ll knock me out so you can take her?”

  Quinn nodded. “Trust me, Gideon. It’s the right choice.”

  Gideon scowled as Quinn strode from the room. Quinn had raised his mental shields at the last minute, but it had been a fraction of a second too late. Gideon had caught his teammate’s thoughts: if Lily really was a necessary key to Frank freeing Ezekiel, then the only way to truly stop Frank might be to kill Lily so he couldn’t use her.

  Gideon had seen the determination in Quinn’s mind, and knew Quinn was already steeling himself to do what would need to be done, if it got to that point. Such a neat solution, to kill one of the critical components to Frank’s plan. Sacrifice one innocent to save millions.

  It was an easy, automatic choice. It was a decision Gideon had made hundreds of times in order to make the world safe, to protect the thousands who would have died otherwise. It was the essence of who Gideon was, of his oath to the Order and the girl who’d died so he could live five hundred years ago.

  It was who he was.

  Lily, quite simply, might be too dangerous to be allowed to live.

  Then Gideon heard the soft sound of singing coming from the bathroom, and he closed his eyes, allowing the beauty of it to fill him. It spread through him like a violet light, the scent of spring, and the warm rays of a summer sun, reaching into the parts of him that had been dark, cold and silent for so long.

  Gideon Roarke, Order member, would do his job.

  Gideon Roarke, bonded male, had different priorities. Damn.


  Lily lifted her face, letting the hot water wash over her as she scrubbed her hair with the shampoo Grace had left for her. It smelled like lilacs.


  After two years of deprivation…lilacs just smelled…decadent? Frilly? Silly?


  That was it.

  She used to care what her shampoo smelled like. She used to pay money for highlights and a flattering haircut. There was a time when she made certain to put only all-natural products on her skin.

  Now, things like that just seemed…silly. It felt foreign, like some confusing world she didn’t understand anymore.

  Lily turned and let the hot water wash the soap out of her hair. She wanted to care about her hair. She wanted to fill her brain with little thoughts, like whether the conditioner was adequate, and whether the shirt she was wearing was flattering. She wanted to be the woman who hounded her publicist to find out whether enough tickets had been sold to her upcoming lecture.

  She didn’t want to be thinking about the heat pulsing in her forearm, about turning into a murderer like her grandmother. She didn’t want to be consumed with the reality of being bonded to Gideon. She didn’t want to recall having Frank’s ice cold eyes focused on her, and wonder what he was planning for her.

  Lily dumped conditioner in her hair and mechanically worked it through the strands, her belly aching. She’d thought a leisurely shower would be wonderful. Healing. Purifying. She’d been in Gideon’s sweatpants in the woods for so long. She’d been in her skirt and blouse at Nate’s for two years. Now that she’d been able to shed them, to cleanse all the vileness from her body…it should have been invigorating, right? Healing?

  But she felt no relief. In fact, she almost felt more vulnerable and more naked, as if the filthy skirt and blouse had been her armor against becoming soft or weak. Now that she smelled like lilacs and had been undone by the kisses of a man who made her entire soul shift when he walked into the room, she didn’t know who she was anymore. She felt like she was straddling two worlds: the woman in battle fighting to be strong and to survive, and the female who wanted to be delicate, pretty and consumed by a strong, powerful man whose entire being was focused on her safety and her world.

  Gideon was out in the bedroom, negotiating for her life with another Order member. He was her barrier against evil and death, but he was also her ticket to hell.

  But she couldn’t stop wanting him.

  Lily was too smart, too educated to fall into the trap of being a sheva. She’d spent her life intellectualizing all that Gideon and his race were. She’d tried to control their power by learning about it and understanding. She didn’t react emotionally to things. She didn’t have some burning female wooziness when it came to men, especially male Calydons.

  And yet the things she felt for Gideon had nothing to do with her mind. It was her body. Her soul. A craving for him so deep it hurt.

  She knew her feelings for him couldn’t be healthy. It was too intense, too desperate. Too needy. He made her feel like a woman, but it was sexual and sensual, reverberating in her core. Not light and frivolous, like wearing a cute outfit for him and exchanging flirty glances…not that she’d ever been flirty or frivolous in her life. She had no idea how to do that, or be that kind of woman.

  Her desire for Gideon made her body pulse with longing. It was a relentless calling that made her not care if she was covered in mud and blood, because the attraction and the need were so deep inside her—

  A thud from outside the shower curtain made her jump. “Lily.”

  She caught her breath at the nearness of Gideon’s voice, realizing that he was in the bathroom. “I’m still in the shower.”

  He yanked open the shower curtain and she jumped back with a yelp. His eyes were burning, so dark.

  Her heart started pounding and she grabbed the shower curtain to cover herself. “Gideon! This is so not a good idea.”

  He said nothing as he stepped into the shower, the water pounding on his clothes, like tears darkening the cotton of his shirt. Dirt swirled off the treads of his boots, turning the water a light beige. Water teased his blond locks, dampening them to his head, changing the shade of his hair to a dark brown.

  Gideon grabbed the shower curtain and ripped it out of her hand, exposing her. Yet still, he didn’t look at her body. His gaze was riveted to her face, so intense she felt as if steam were rising off her.

  He was every bit the warrior, the dominating Calydon who took what he wanted and wasted no thought on the needs of others. The marks on her forearms began to pulse, searing her skin as if they were on fire, and she couldn’t make herself turn away from him. She didn’t want to make herself leave, even as her mind was screaming at her to run.

  She wanted to stay right where she was, igniting under the intensity of his sizzling gaze.

  Lily swallowed hard, trying to break the spell she felt like she was under. “You wanted something?”

  Still he stood, his clothes getting drenched, water streaming down his face, staring at her.


sp; “I’m thinking.”

  God, she should be thinking. Thinking would be smart. So much smarter than letting herself ride the wave of heat building inside her. But she couldn’t think of a single thing other than him. He was simply the entirety of her mind, of her being. His aura, his power and his maleness were consuming her.

  His gaze finally went to her body, and his jaw tightened at what he saw. His hand moved, and she knew what he was going to do before he did. She pressed her lips together as his fingers brushed over a bruise on one of her breasts. She watched his expression tighten, letting his growing anger be her shield against the memories of how she’d gotten those injuries.

  “Hell, Lily,” he whispered, his voice raw. “You’re covered in bruises.”

  She lifted her chin, refusing to look down at what he was seeing. She didn’t want Gideon to regard her as damaged goods. She wanted him to look at her as a woman who was beautiful, strong and desirable. She wanted to be who she was today, not what she’d experienced in the past. “It’s over. I’m moving on.”

  He slid his hand over her skin, his touch soothing and stirring at the same time, moving down until he laid his palm over a large, yellowing bruise on her inner thigh. Sadness flickered in his eyes. “You’ve suffered too much already.”

  She felt her throat thicken. “Don’t give me sympathy, Gideon. I can’t take it right now. I have to focus on what I need to do. I need to be strong.”

  “Turn around.” He gently cupped her shoulder and turned her even as he spoke.

  She let him spin her and leaned her forehead against the cool tile of the shower as she felt his gaze on her back. His fingers traced the cuts from the glass. The glass had been washed out in the river, but the slices still stung. She could only imagine how awful her body looked right now.

  Gideon’s curse was a whisper as he caught her wrist and turned her around to face him again, touching her jaw with the pad of his finger before dropping his hands to his sides. He was intentionally not touching her, and she ached at the distance between them. The few inches seemed like a tremendous gulf, a chasm that made her feel alone and desperate for connection.

  “Stop worrying about my injuries. We have much bigger things to deal with now.” She gestured at her bruises, forcing herself to stay focused. “These matter only if I get more of them. As long as I can stay safe from here on out, I’m good—”

  His eyes narrowed ever so slightly, and she had a fraction of a second to realize he’d made a decision before he moved. He was on her so fast she didn’t even know he’d moved until she felt the rough material of his shirt against her breasts, until the wet denim of his jeans scraped across her belly, until his hands gripped her bare hips. He pinned her against his body for a brief moment, his eyes searching hers, as if for confirmation.

  Oh, wow. This was going to be some kind of kiss. “Don’t—”

  He slammed his mouth over hers before she could finish her protest.


  The heat was instant, debilitating, and overwhelming. Gideon devoured her, kissing her so deeply Lily couldn’t breathe. He claimed her with every thrust of his tongue. He stoked fires in her, relentless with his almost violent kisses, as if he couldn’t control himself, couldn’t withstand the need driving him.

  Lily pressed her hands against his chest, as if somewhere deep inside her she knew she had to stop him, but she couldn’t bring herself to push him away. He gave her no chance to stop, to think, to assess. His onslaught of seduction was merciless, driving rational thought from her mind. His hands were everywhere, sliding over her wet skin, hotter than the steaming water still streaming down over them both. He kept up the sensual assault on her mouth until her arms finally went around his neck and she pulled him down to her, pressing her body against his.

  “That’s it,” he whispered into her mouth. “Just like that. Just don’t sing.”

  She almost laughed at the desperation in Gideon’s voice, then forgot what was funny when he cupped her bottom and lifted her up, sliding his hands down her bare thighs and forcing her legs around his waist, still kissing her, his tongue scraping over her teeth, so hot, so wet, making her want more. So much more.

  Lily leaned into him, kissing him back as desperately as he was kissing her. She didn’t resist as he carried her out of the bathroom into the bedroom. He tasted so good, like mint and the warm breath of spring and something else…he tasted like the scent of vanilla.

  And…something more ominous. Something dark and controlling. Something that tapped into the ancient power pulsating through him, the legend of the Calydons. She started to pull back. “Gideon—”

  “You’re mine.” He set her on the bed and crawled on top of her, pressing his hips between her thighs, his erection nudging against her through his jeans, making desire flare so fast she couldn’t breathe. He kissed her, so deeply, so thoroughly. His hands cupped her breasts, skimmed over her bruised belly, teasing, making her skin come alive with fire.

  His palm closed over the brand on her forearm, and her body convulsed with spirals of pleasure. His hips shifted to the side and his hand slid between her legs, his fingers sinking deep inside. “Oh, God, you’re so ready for me.” His voice was nothing more than a throaty groan, and she caught the words more in her mind then in her ears. The intimacy of the connection sent her spiraling toward the edge of control.

  “Gideon,” she gasped, unable to articulate the need building inside her as she moved her hips in desperate invitation.

  “No, not yet.” Gideon held her writhing hips to the bed with a heavy forearm across her belly. He dropped his head and bit her nipple, his teeth nearly closing through the skin.

  Pain shot through Lily, morphing instantly into a pleasure so hot she couldn’t think past the crackle of energy pulsing through her. His mouth closed on her breast again, this time his tongue and his lips, while his fingers stretched her and teased her.

  There was a loud crack somewhere in the distance, a crack that sounded like a Calydon weapon coming out. “Gideon—”

  “Shh. It’s okay. It was me.” He worked his way back up her body, kissing and licking as he went, and she felt the cold steel of his axe on her belly.

  Lily tensed, and he kissed her before she could protest. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he whispered, his breath hot in her mouth. “I swear it. I’m going to keep you safe.”

  There was something dark in his tone that sent alarm spiraling through her, penetrating the lustful haze he was weaving around her. “Wait—”

  “There’s no waiting, Lily. There’s no more time.” His fingers began to work their magic again, sliding deep inside her, drawing her into their spell, even as she struggled not to succumb to the heat he was stoking within her. “Trust me, sheva. I can do you no harm. You know I can’t.”

  His words touched a truth she’d long known about a Calydon and his sheva: a Calydon would die before he would hurt his mate. Steeped in the thrill of knowing this strong, deadly warrior was her ultimate protector, Lily’s body refused to resist his touch, and desire began to build within her again.

  Gideon’s axe moved over her skin, a cold edge teasing dangerous fires within her. He pressed it under the underside of her breast, and she felt the pressure of the icy metal against her skin.

  But there was no fear in her, just dangerous pleasure as Gideon took her to that edge, as she let her head fall back and arched her back, pressing her body against his blade as his fingers slid deeper within her. His thumb teasing over her folds as she gave herself over to him, even as his blade scraped across her breasts, so close to her heart.

  “You’re giving me the chance to kill you,” he whispered.

  “You won’t.”

  “But I could.” The blade slid over her throat, a sharp edge so close to cutting her, but not quite. “By trusting me with something so dear…your life, we just completed another stage of the bond. Trust.”

  His satisfied words penetrated the sensual fog clouding Lily’s m
ind, and she realized he’d done it on purpose. He was trying to tighten the bond. She started to tense, then his fingers plunged deeper, tearing a gasp from her throat.

  Gideon kissed her hard, knowing he had her where he needed her. Her mouth was warm and wet, her tongue desperate for him. Her need for him was burning deep inside him, matching his own, but he could feel her mind struggling to surface, trying to rationalize, trying to plan what was best for them.

  Fuck that. He knew what was best, but he also knew they were both too damn cynical to let him do it, if he gave either of them time to think about it. He was riding the high of his instincts, and he didn’t want to give either of them a chance to think about what he was about to do.

  Lily moaned softly, her hips writhing beneath him as he found his rhythm, stroking her most sensitive spot with his fingers. His arm still pinning her to the bed, he could feel her belly tightening beneath his forearm as he coaxed her response. Still kissing her, he shifted his position to take his weight off the hand with his axe, and he moved the axe over his wrist, over the small white scar he carried.

  Lily stirred beneath him. What are you doing? Her question was foggy, barely surfacing through the haze of desire he’d stirred up inside her.

  Protecting you. He shoved the blade into his wrist as he thrust into her with his fingers again. He barely felt the prick as his skin split. Lily moaned with desire as the blood began to slide down his arm. He positioned the axe over the side of her neck, testing for the right spot. Minimal pain, maximum result. The cold metal pressed against her skin and Lily’s eyes snapped open.

  He hesitated for a split second, as she stared at the axe. At his arm. At the blood.

  Realization dawned with instant clarity. “Bastard!” Lily grabbed his wrist, her fingers slipping on the blood. She dug deeper, her nails digging into the cut he’d made on his arm as she fought to get out from under him. “Get off me!”


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