A Lover's Wish
Page 16
Dao smiled.
He took her lips roughly and Kianna moaned.
Chapter Nineteen
he day had dragged on with Dao trying to get some work done at home. Eventually he gave up and tried bugging Kianna, but she simply told him to go sit on a tack. He retaliated by making love to her against the stairs and then carrying her upstairs into bed. The two fell asleep tangled in each other’s arms. Dao couldn’t remember the last time he had done something like that or taken a nap in the middle of the afternoon, but he was sure glad he did it. His dreams were filled with his father. Lee was giving Dao his blessings over and over beneath a giant Banyan tree. The next moment, Dao opened his eyes, he felt rested and
happy, but Kianna was not beside him.
“Kiki?” he whispered. “Sweetheart?” he called louder. When no reply came, he pushed from the bed without his shirt and was on the verge of panic. The curtains at the balcony door blew inward and he caught sight of her. He exhaled in relief. He stood silently by the doors, watching her
stare at the water and knew that she had come to love that view. She would spend hours out there, just staring at the water as the sun died over it and he felt like a thief whenever he interrupted her. He didn’t say anything and quietly entered the house again, allowing her some peace.
It was a couple hours later when Dao finally walked out the set of double doors to sit beside Kianna. The sun was just going down over the waters of Lake Ontario, casting beautiful shades of colours across the sky. She had been silent and though he had been worried, he was on the phone trying to book Jason some trial gigs. He wanted to feel out the industry for his kind of soulful, sensual music before he offered a full contract. But after a while of not seeing her by the door, stripping to tease him or smiling at him, he got extremely worried. He grabbed two mugs of mint tea and offered one to her. He pressed a kiss to her head and curled a leg beneath him.
“Are you alright?” he wanted to know. She didn’t answer, but placed her cup down against the glass table to curl into his arms. He did the same with his mug and held her. Something was definitely wrong. “Talk to me, baby. I can help.”
She lifted her head and smiled down at him. “I need to talk to you about my houses,” she
whispered. “I have to make a decision—to let one go.”
“Mom’s and Dad’s is close to the woods—it’s quiet. If we ever need to get away from here without travelling, it’s the best place to be. It has the small waterfall and is very romantic. But at the same time, my house is well, mine.”
“I told you before that you’re welcome here,” Dao explained softly. “Do you not want to be here?”
“I want.” She nodded. “I want to be with you. But I have to be careful. I haven’t had the best of luck with the few men I’ve been with so far and well, I’m scared.”
Dao rubbed her back. “Well, you should sell one,” he agreed with her. “That will save you on the bills that you have to pay for both of them. Your house is smaller and in a place where I don’t feel comfortable with you being in. I know that you’re worried since your father—” Her nodding caused him to cut his words off. He saw the pain in her eyes and didn’t want to see her hurt. Dao kissed her forehead over and over. “So sell your house and keep your parent’s house as our sort of vacation house.”
“You would like that?” Kianna asked.
Her eyes twinkled up at him. “To see that smile on your face, Kianna,” his voice was caught in his throat, “I would do anything, anything all.”
She pounced on him, hugged him.
After catching her in his chest, Dao laughed. He crushed her body against his and kissed her neck. “Kiki?”
“I need to make love to you now,” Dao managed. “So bad. Stand up and strip for me.”
“Dao Zhi, we are on a balcony,” she feigned shyness.
“For me,” his voice was husky and cracking with emotion. “Only for me.” He watched the way her body pulled from his. When she was standing and began undoing the belt of her robe, a smirk found his lips. Her personality and self-esteem had grown between the time they had first made love and that very moment that she danced sexily to entice him.
He relaxed against the seat and watched her slow-eyed. Her body swayed sexily. He adored her curves, the roundness of her hips. He loved the thickness of her thighs and the smooth chocolate of her skin. Her robe slipped from her shoulders to pool on the ground behind her and Dao had to struggle to keep sitting—just to watch. It was hard as his body was throbbing with just the thought of touching her, tasting her. She walked naked to him and sat down astride his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled in close. Finally, Dao shifted and kissed the swells
of her breasts. He allowed himself the pleasure of feeding from her.
“Dao,” she whispered hoarsely. He smiled. “Yes my love?” “Oh, Dao…”
“I’m right here…”
Their lovemaking was slow against the patio chair. She was wrapped around him, moving rhythmically against him. She pulled him deep and caused him to scream her name over and over. She shuddered in response, especially when he bit her neck gently, then licked it away. Kianna felt touched, worshipped, loved. Her arms tightened around his neck, her fingers dug into his hair, yanking his neck back. As she exploded around him for what seemed like the hundredth time, she sought out his lips and plunged her tongue hungrily within his mouth.
Tender hands held her against her back before moving to grip her hips. He held her in place and drove his hips upward. She wrenched her lips from his to yell his name. Her body twitched, trembled and detonated. Her toes curled, her eyes rolled into her head and her fingers clenched even more in his hair.
“Kianna I can’t…” That was all he managed before his fingers tightened against her waist. He hauled her downward, held her there and shoved roughly within her. His head tossed backward against the seat, his eyes widened and his whole world collapsed beautifully around him.
Panting for air, she crumbled against his chest and his eyes drifted shut.
“Would you like my help with packing up the house?” Dao sighed.
“Brain-mush-no-decisions-now.” Kianna trembled.
Throughout the night as Dao slept with his arms wrapped tightly around her, Kianna had thought back to the patio. She thought back to meeting Dao, China and everything that had happened. She wondered if all of it—even the bad parts—had happened just to throw them together. She remembered her mother always told her that everything happened for a reason and even though she loved Dao dearly, she didn’t want to believe that her parents’ death happened for her to find love.
But her parents had lived a full life—one that was full of love. She had seen how much her father loved her mother and vice versa. Guilt swept through her because it was as though she was seeking a reason to be happy. She winced and slipped further into Dao’s arms, pressing her face into his neck.
But by the time morning came, Kianna had come to a decision. If she wanted the wish that she made on the Banyan Tree in China to come through, she was going to have to face facts. Before Dao woke up, she got up and showered. She made breakfast and brought it upstairs. “Honey?” she shook him gently.
“Wake up. I made you breakfast. I have to go talk to the real estate people this morning. You want to meet me at my house later?”
Dao opened his eyes and smiled. “Sure. I’ll get some papers signed, make it a short day and meet you over there. Maybe I can help you pack up some things?”
“That would be lovely.” Kianna kissed him. “Thank you.” She kissed him again. “See you later. Love you.”
“Love you—wait. How about another kiss?”
Kianna laughed. “You’re going to make me late,” she complained even as she took his lips again.
Chapter Twenty
ao sat in his office and stared at the blank pad before him. He could
not believe what he was feeling. He was actually feeling like writing a song. He hadn’t done that since the beginning days of Red Dragon, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. He grabbed the note pad and began scribbling. If he wrote down all he was feeling and was sure the obsession he felt would go away. He had been so carried away that when a soft knock
sounded at his door, Dao jerked up in his seat. “Dao?” Beth-Ann called.
“Yah? What’s wrong?”
“Well I was going to ask you the same question.” Beth-Ann tilted her head. “You’ve been sitting there for hours. You’re spacing, Kianna is freaking– what’s going on?”
Dao glanced at the clock and flew out of his seat. “Oh no! I didn’t mean to stay here this late. Where’s Jason?” Dao pushed some folders into his bag to do some work from home the next day.
“Studio, erm…three!” she replied. “He’s recording Heart’s A Fire. That’s what you left for him to do today.”
Dao nodded. “Perfect. Give him this one, too.” Dao handed over the song he had written while zoning. “See if they can work it up for him. Did Britonnie call?”
“Ah yes. He was pleasantly surprised that you picked up an English soul singer.” Beth-Ann smirked, taking the note pad from him. “He says he can’t wait to hear him…”
Dao watched her read the notepad.
“Well, boss man, this is very good. I’m impressed.”
Dao beamed.
“Okay, tell the boys in Studio three to have the two songs done by tomorrow,” Dao explained. “Have them email me a copy of both once they are finished. I need to hear them before they get them on the CD.”
“Got it,” Beth-Ann replied. “I’ll forward all the important calls to your cell.”
“You’re a lifesaver.” Dao hugged her tightly. “And you go home. Take the rest of the day off. Enjoy the sun. Kianna is gonna strangle me!”
“I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.” Beth-Ann laughed. “Go home.”
“Am going! Jeesh, you’re worse than my mother!” Dao grinned, grabbed his things and
darted out the door. He was so late. But he had one stop to make before he headed to her for his punishment. His smile rueful, he made a left turn from the parking lot and sped toward the centre of downtown. He zoomed through the intersection on the amber light and continued on his way. He pulled into a parking spot and fed the meter before dashing into the store, “Hey, Maxxie!” he waved. “I need a favour.”
“Yah sure thing, Mr. Zhi,” the young man smiled. “What will it be?”
“I want to something, elegant, beautiful and—” “I got just the thing!”
True to his words, Maxxie Chapman had the perfect thing. Once Dao saw it, he knew it was the right one. His heart hammered in his chest so hard that his fingers went numb. He wiggled them, handed over his credit card and waited until it was run through. When that was over, he shoved his treasure into his pocket, along with the receipt and his credit card before climbing behind the wheel of his car once more.
The traffic leaving downtown Toronto was a beast. He hadn’t meant to stay in the office so long and rush hour traffic just served to drive him mad. He slammed his hand into the steering wheel and frowned, but that didn’t help. The traffic problem just served to give him an idea that he thought would work for both himself and Kianna. It took
him almost an hour to get to Kianna and when he knocked on the door, he held his breath. She opened it and he smiled. “Forgive me?”
“I don’t know why when you look at me like that I can’t stay mad at you.” Kianna reached in for a hug. “Come in. We still have plenty of work.”
“You do know that we could hire someone to do all this?” he sulked.
She simply laughed. “Come on, what fun would that be?”
“Hold on,” Dao took her hand and walked into the house. Everything was a mess. The shelves were empty. Boxes were strewn all over the floor. Old romance novels were piled in a pile that Dao was sure would topple over any second. There were old newspapers—that he guessed she was using to wrap things for packing—that were all over as well. Small particles of dust swirled around in the air, glistening on the late evening sunlight that poked through the open windows. He glanced around for somewhere to sit with her so he could talk to her. When he found nowhere, he used his foot to shove some boxes off the sofa and helped her to sit. “I need to run two things by you.
Dao knelt on the ground and braced his hands against the seat on either side of her to pull in close. He kissed her lips, tenderly at first. A growl
left his throat when she purred. “I love it when you do that,” Dao whispered, licking his lips. “But you can purr for me later. Right now I need to do this. Remember how I told you about me nearly getting married before and what happened?”
She nodded.
“Well, I am terrified, but I can’t let you go, Kianna. I just can’t. Every time I think of you leaving me, I get this—this clench in my chest so painful that I want to cry.” He dug around in his pocket. “I guess what I’m trying to say is—would you marry me?” Dao opened the velvet box and extended it to her.
Kianna swallowed the lump in her throat. She had been so nervous when he started about his previous engagement. She hadn’t expected him to ask her to marry him. Even though she was shocked, Kianna was no fool. Tears clouded her eyes and she couldn’t find words to say anything. She nodded .
“Is that a yes?” Dao questioned.
Kianna nodded again and this time that jerked the tears from her eyes and they pooled down her cheeks. “You just asked me to marry you, right?”
The smile he gave her turned her heart to mush and sent her head spinning with love.
“I did.”
She watched in a daze as he lifted her hand and slid the ring against her finger. “I will marry you,” she whispered. She fell against his chest. “I will try and be a good wife to you.”
“You won’t try, Kianna,” Dao caressed her back. “You will be the perfect wife for me because I’ve waited for you. I went through hell to find you and now that I have, I’m not letting you go.”
Her tears soaked through his shirt and Kianna felt bad, but she couldn’t help it. He had been amazing to her, loved her through her pain. He had touched her like no one else could and showed her how to touch him. She never thought a love so strong could happen three times in existence, but it had, first to her parents, second to his parents and third to her.
“I think…” Dao pulled away to look at her. “That we should have a small ceremony soon to celebrate our parents’ lives and our engagement— in a way of showing them that we are alright.”
“I agree. We should have it in China so that your mother can be there,” Kianna told him.
“But, Jace—”
“I’ll pay for her to go,” Kianna smiled. “I have a private jet remember?”
Kianna socked him in the arm playfully. “Then don’t scare me.” She laughed. “Now come on. The
sooner we can get this all packed up and ready to go, the sooner I can take you home.”
“Take me home? And do what, pray tell, to me, Mrs. Zhi?”
Kianna giggled and leaned in to whisper exactly what she had in mind. She felt Dao’s body tightened beneath her as she explained. He took her hand and led it to the front of his pants.
“See what you did?” he asked. “I think you should take me home now. Come to think of it, I think we should do that right here.”
“Oh no.” Kianna laughed. “It is your reward for being a good boy today.”
Dao pouted.
Kianna simply kissed him, grinned and walked over to grab a box.
“Kiki, tell me something.”
Dao’s voice caused her to turn and look at him. He was still kneeling on the ground watching her intently. “What’s that?”
“When we were in China and I took you to the Banyan tree,” Dao grabbed a box. “What did you wish for?”
Kianna dropped the boxes she held and walked
over to him. She took his hand and pulled him into standing position. She cradled his face, peering up into his eyes and smiled. “I wished for you, Dao Zhi. I wished that you would see how much I love you, what a good woman I could be
for you, but most importantly, I wished for strength. I wished for the courage to be the one for your heart. I know it sounds corny, but I knew then that I had some feelings for you and I wanted you. It wasn’t apparent how desperately.”
“You gave up a wish for me?” Dao’s eyes darkened and he pulled closer to her.
“In a heartbeat.”
Dao kissed her then. “It won’t be a waste, Kiki.
I swear.”
“I know,” she whispered.
With all their tender delays, that Kianna enjoyed immensely, they finally got back to packing. The moon was shining outside, insects chirping in the night and soft music from one of Dao’s artists played in the background. Kianna watched Dao as he wrapped a vase carefully in bubble wrap and placed it like a newborn into a nearby box. She had a smile on her lips at the way he was being careful. They had come together, sat down and discussed what she was going to do with the houses she owned since her parent’s death.