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Campaign for Love

Page 24

by Annabelle Stevens

  She nodded. "That's exactly right. What I want. No more people pulling my strings. Not even you."

  "So what do you want?" he asked in a husky voice that set a thrill coursing down her spine.

  "You to leave now so I can get on with my work," she said firmly, ignoring the frisson of desire with all her willpower.

  "Please, Suzanna—"

  She shook her head. "I've told you want I want, and it also includes respecting me and my wishes. I didn't invite you here. I've heard you out, now I want you to leave, Quentin."

  He threw up his hands in exasperation. "Fine. I give up. Do what you want, with your life and your career. But if you want to speak to me, you know where I am."

  "Thanks. Good night. And if you don't mind, please let yourself out."

  His brows knit, and for a moment he paused in the kitchen doorway looking as black as a thundercloud. For a moment she was sure he was going to grab her and try to wipe her seeming indifference from her face.

  Then he evidently thought better of it, shrugged one shoulder, and left.

  She blew out a shaky sigh, more relieved that she could have imagined that he was gone, yet aching for him all the same.

  She was not sure what she would have done if he had gone Neanderthal on her. She had the feeling it would have been to either melt into his arms, or hit him with her rolling pin.

  She ached to be held, loved by him, but she was still hurt at what she saw as his lack of trust, and certainly his lack of faith in her morals.

  Sure, it was great being at the top, but she had worked damned hard to get there. If they couldn't see that at Elder and Rubin, she thought as she picked up the whipped cream once more to finish her elegant confection, maybe she could consider a future at Imperial Foods....


  Exactly two weeks after her original appointment with Nathan Elder, she found herself back in his office, looking the picture of calm, cool professionalism in a black power suit with crisp white blouse and her hair up in a bun so tight that no amount of wind would ruffle it.

  She wasn't too surprised to see a different personal assistant. The last one had looked like a class act, and didn't need to be chased around a desk several times a day.

  "Well, Miss Sills, I take it you've thought over my offer?"

  "Yes sir. It's Ms, by the way. I don't want to be labeled as available, or someone's property either. I have given it a lot of thought, sir, but I've had no reason to change my mind.

  "I think I've been helpful where I am. I'm needed, part of a team. The accounts are going really well. I don't want to move into an executive position at this time. Imperial Foods and Femme Fatale have both asked that Mr. Pierce and I be kept on their accounts, and the client is always right.

  "I don't mean to offend you, but I have to refuse your offer, even if that also means refusing the fine raise you offered along with it. But there are more important things than money."

  He stared at her as though she were speaking a foreign language, and she had to resist the urge to laugh. She was sure no one had ever turned him down before, or at least, not so reasonably.

  At length he blinked, and said, "Well, your eloquence impresses me, and so does your reasoning. I am surprised at the choice you're making, I have to admit, but I accept your decision.

  "In fact, Mr. Rubin and I have discussed this, and wondered if our offer of a promotion was a bit premature. However, we still feel you deserve the raise, so that stands, regardless. Thank you for coming, Ms. Sills. I hope we'll see more of one another, in any event."

  "Thank you, Mr. Elder, for being so understanding."

  Suzy went back to her office and once behind her closed door, she heaved a sigh of relief. That hadn't been so hard after all. The question was, now that she had said no to the mighty Elder, what would the consequences be?

  Reporting back to Brad and Quentin at lunch, she told them it had all gone like a charm.

  Or had it? Quentin seemed pretty quiet, almost as if she had done something wrong.

  That night he no longer seemed that eager to go home with her, and even when he phoned her that evening to say goodnight, he was distant and quiet.

  Something was bothering him, she could see that, but what on earth could she say? Are you falling out of love with me already?

  It never occurred to her to think that he might have felt regret about her turning down the promotion, even with all the strings which would have been attached.

  But she knew she had made the right decision, just as she knew there was nothing more important in her life than Quentin, being with him, making him happy. If that meant being part of his team, well, so much the better.

  They had so much in common. Surely the job would never drive a wedge between them?

  She had been angry over what he had said, but they had known each other only a short time, and yet their relationship had grown so intense so quickly.

  She could not blame him entirely for not trusting in her one hundred percent. Many people would have jumped at the chance Elder had offered.

  Or perhaps the promotion had made him feel inadequate. That she was rapidly becoming his equal, and might soon overtake him? She did not think he was so petty.

  But all the same, she longed for the days before the offer, when things had been so much less complicated between them. The question was, now that they were at such an impasse in their personal lives, how could they find their way back to one another?

  And did she even want to try? There could be no love without trust. And no future for her and Quentin without love…


  The next evening she was behind her desk working late to finish a last minute Spudz idea that had come to her in a flash. There was a presence in the doorway, and she smiled up warmly, thinking it was Quentin. She was eager to share her idea with him, and perhaps start mending fences and seeing if they had a future together after all despite their tiff.

  Her face fell when she saw it was Nathan Elder, and she tried not to show how rattled she was, how cornered she felt. She was wearing a modest turtle neck sweater in cream and a well tailored pair of black slacks, but still felt almost naked as he stared at her.

  As she put down her pen, he sat down in one of the chairs. She didn't quite know why, but she was happy that it wasn't Quentin's usual seat.

  "What can I do for you, Mr.Elder?" she asked briskly.

  "I can think of a number of interesting things you could do for me, Suzanna," he said with a smirk.

  Suzanna noticed he had dropped the Ms. Sills, thus imbuing the moment with unnecessary familiarity.

  Before she could think of a rejoinder, he said, "For now, would you please let me see the Imperial Foods file."

  "Of course," said Suzy, as she got to her feet and walked to the file cabinet. She wished fervently that she'd worn one of her old boxy suits that day, something less provocative than the fitted outfit she had put on in the hopes of looking nice for Quentin that day, and possibly that evening.

  As she was opening the drawer, she sensed him looming behind her. In a moment she felt more than his presence. He had placed his hands on her shoulders as if to look over them into the file drawer at the same time pressing against her.

  She was so sickened she thought she would faint.

  "God, Suzanna, you are the most tantalizing piece.... I could do a lot for you--and you could do a lot for me. I'll bet you're great in bed."

  His hands had already started down toward her breasts. Before they could be defiled by his groping hands, she pushed herself away from the cabinet and out of his grasp.

  "Look, sir, I don't know what made you think I'd welcome your advances, but whatever it was, you misread the signs. If you leave my office now, I'll forget this ever happened. If you ever try it again, I'll tell everyone what a pervert you are.

  "And since everyone in this company knows about your past exploits with the former occupant of this office, I think that is one scandal you can do wit

  His face reddened and without a word, he turned on his heel and left.

  Suzanna threw herself down on the sofa and crushed her trembling hands together to still them. She was safe for now, but she knew she had just made a powerful enemy. One that could come in here at any time he liked, and try again, unless she stopped him one way or the other…

  That night, once she was home safely, she debated what to do for the best. After picking at a salad she could not force herself to eat, she made up her mind. She took a deep breath, then phoned Quentin and confided in him what had happened.

  There was no mistaking his fury. Not only had Elder been guilty of gross misconduct, but worse, it had been premeditated. Apparently, he had called Quentin to say he had set up an appointment for him with a new client that evening. He had planned his move for the hours when he knew Quentin would be out of the office.

  Because of Elder's crude pass, Suzanna temporarily reverted to her aversion to being touched.

  Quentin understood, and was the soul of kindness the next day in the office. He wooed her with tact and understanding. He kissed and petted her and talked to her soothingly. Gradually, her tension started to melt away and she relaxed in his arms.

  "You know, darling, this experience had nothing to do with the way you look, not really. Plenty of other men have been with you and all treated you with the utmost respect. Elder just happens to be a dirty old man, like your uncle."

  "He pressed against me. I felt him. You know. I hated it."

  "That was him. This is me, and I love you. We just have to trust each other. I'm sorry for ever being jealous, and the stupid things I said because of it. I trust you, and love you. And I'm sure you love me."

  She nodded. "I think I do. I just need us both to be sure."

  "Tonight then, at your place? The past two weeks have been the worst of my life."

  "Mine too," she breathed.

  He gave her a powerful kiss, and vowed, "I want to put all this behind us, and make you happy. And make you forget the touch of any other man but me."

  "Yes, yes, I want that too."

  They parted to get back to work, but with one final kiss full of promises delayed, but inevitable.

  That evening, after dinner, he set about wooing her all over again, gently touching her, until soon she forgot all about Elder's advanced, and was burning with desire for Quentin.

  She had missed the time away from him, and hated the wedge Elder had driven between them.

  "My dearest, make me forget he ever touched me. Touch me yourself. Make love to me. I've missed you so much."

  Within minutes they were in bed together, and he treasured her body with his. It was like the first time all over again, though neither of them could hold back for long.

  Climax came with a rush, releasing them to plunge into the valley of satiety. They relaxed in each other's arms as they vowed love and devotion once again.

  Quentin had dispelled the last of her bad memories, like George slaying the dragon. He was her hero, and this was a fairytale come true. They worked well together, and also shared a passion that blazed the more they indulged in it. Her life truly was perfect, and anyone who tried to ruin it again was going to have hell to pay.

  With that promise in her heart, she held the drowsy Quentin to her, and drifted into a dreamless sleep.


  At work the following day, Suzanna got a call from Barry Jarvis praising her for her work on the Lincoln Log Cabins which had boosted the sale of coconut bars beyond belief.

  Suzanna had calculated that one bag of the bars would make either six or seven houses small, seven if a cardboard base was used, six if an extra cookie was used for the base, or one large house.

  She had also showed them how to make them more colorful with frosting shrubbery, frosting curtains, silver balls for a doorknob, and a miniature flag flying from the front of the house mounted in more frosting cement.

  He also had much praise for her ginger-snap crumbs to thicken pot roast gravy, and for the elegant refrigerator dessert cake.

  He now wanted her to work on their pasta products, which would be the easiest of all given her love of Italian cooking.

  "I don't know how you do it, Suzanna," Barry said, "but you're the best thing that ever happened to Imperial Foods since Quentin."

  "Thank you for calling, and for all the kind words," said Suzanna.

  "Not kind, true, as I am sure Cyrus will tell you when he speaks to you later."

  "Give me love to Elsa, won't you."

  "Sure will. We'll let you know as soon as we set a date for the wedding. Another thing I have to thank you for."

  "You can blame your own love of German cooking for that one," she said with a laugh.

  "I hear Jerry and Sharon are getting to the serious stage as well," he said.

  "I know, it is great, isn't it," she said cheerfully. "I reckon at the rate we're going, a triple wedding might be in the offing."

  Barry gasped, and asked in a low, enthusiastic tone, "Has he asked you yet?"

  "Not yet, but if he doesn't soon, I am going to pop the question myself," she joked.

  "I'm surprised you haven't already."

  "Well, Barry, just call me old-fashioned."

  He laughed heartily. "You sure are, a queen of cooks and a Femme Fatale model as well. I'm sure your grannies would be mortified."

  She smiled to herself. "I think they'd be pleased, actually."

  "I totally agree. I was just teasing. They have plenty of reasons to be proud, and Quentin is a fool if he doesn't see you for who you really are."

  "Thanks, Barry. Anyway, got to go, heaps to do. See all of you soon for a get together."

  "I'm counting on it. Elsa is a great girl, but she still can't cook like you, even with all your recipes."

  "I won't tell her you said that," she giggled, and hung up.

  She wondered at the back of her mind as she had made the small talk why Barry had said that Cyrus would phone her personally, but did not dare ask. She would find out soon enough.

  The phone call from Barry Jarvis had set Suzanna to thinking in other ways as well. Not that it was the first time the thought had occurred to her, but it seemed to drive home the point at last.

  She realized that none of her problems had been caused by her looks per se, but by her near-paranoia about them.

  That, in turn, had been caused by a frightening youthful experience. Had her mother been less guilt-ridden and more aware of what her daughter had been going through, she'd have talked it out with her, and the whole incident would probably been forgotten before she reached the age of puberty.

  But Suzy had been made to feel shame. At long last, she was comfortable with herself because of Quentin.

  She was able to admit to herself that it had not been because she had dressed down, but because she had for once been calm, not fearful, confident, not self-conscious.

  She did have talent, she knew that now, and it would be easy enough to carry on using those talents outside of the office as well as in it. She was doing most of the Imperial foods campaigns from her kitchen or their labs anyway, so why feel tied to Elder and Rubin, or fearful because of Rubin?

  The one thing in her favor, which not even Quentin knew about, was that the rents from the apartment building her gran had left her made her more than well-off, and she had a small fortune banked as well.

  It was not the money, it was the ability to be herself that really counted, and now that she knew she could compete with any man in her chosen career in the advertising world, she was content. She was not a mere trust-fund baby, but a working professional with great prospects, and a growing portfolio of projects she could truly call all her own.

  She told Quentin about Barry's call, and he praised her, pointing out that clients usually only rang when people screwed up.

  "He said Cyrus would be ringing later. Do you know anything about that?" she asked curiously.

  He motioned her to a ch
air. "Well, the truth is that he wants us both to come on board full time. Together. As a team. They have no children, and they've taken a liking to us. It may be worth thinking about."

  She could see he was less than enthusiastic with the idea, though. So she shrugged and said, "It sounds interesting. We'll talk later."

  Suzy went back to her office and looked through her portfolio of work again, and the new requests from Imperial. She did a lot of soul-searching as well as she reviewed her work. And as she did so, a new plan began to form in her mind....


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