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Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3)

Page 4

by Snow, Jessica

  “Yes, Justine told me when I got back. She was worried about you, I promised her you're just being you. It's about an hour before we need to get to the palace, probably time to get cleaned up. Unless you want to meet Gwyndolen smelling like the exercise yard.”

  I roll my eyes, taking my towel and wiping off my face before giving Jensen a quick kiss. “Hardly. How's Mogar?”

  “Intellectual rumpled, and going off at a million kilometers a second with his thoughts,” Jensen says with a chuckle. “I've known the man for twenty-five years, and I still can barely keep up with him when he's going off the way he is this morning. I think he wanted me over there to have someone to bounce ideas off . Did he ever do that with you?”

  “Once or twice,” I admit, thinking back and shaking my head. “I never felt stupid until he started firing off ideas like he did, and I was left not even understanding some of the words he used.”

  “You're hardly stupid, I'm left in the dust the same way,” Jensen reassures me. “Go get washed up, I'll wait for you.”

  “Should I wear a dress?” I ask suddenly as we go into the house, biting my lip. “For the Noble Council, I mean.”

  Jensen, who's turned the other way to go get ready, stops, giving me a strange look. “Why would you want to do that? Because your mother's going to be there?”

  I nod, blushing. “Jensen, I haven't seen her in so long. And I mean, I'm supposed to be a Lady, and I just... what should I do?”

  Jensen steps closer and gives me a hug. “Kel, be yourself. I don't care about if you wear dresses or uniforms. I love you for who you are. This is your mother; she's going to love seeing you.”

  I take comfort from Jensen's hug and nod, hugging him back. “Okay, I'll be ready. Thanks.”

  “You're welcome. And one more thing. I love you.”

  * * *

  “With Lady Kelbara being so busy with the direct efforts to end the war with the Rebels, I have decided to find another advisor to add to my personal assistance group, someone who has direct experience with life on the far continent,” Audra says, standing in her place at the Council table. The chair next to Jensen is empty, and I feel my heart going a thousand beats a minute as Audra continues her little-prepared speech. “Thankfully, I didn't have to look very far, I've invited to the Noble Council the Lady Gwyndolen, Lady Kelbara's mother. If the Council would give a respectful welcome.”

  The side door to the Council chamber opens and for the first time since I was eight years old I see my mother. She's dressed elegantly but simply, in a blue dress that compliments Audra’s, including a small, thin bit of silver piping on the left sleeve. It's very clear from the moment she steps in whose side she's on in the current political climate.

  Tauren, ever the calm leader, gives Gwyndolen a respectful nod of his head, while the rest of us give her a deeper bow and Audra comes around, escorting her to her seat next to Jensen. Gwyndolen swallows a lump in her throat as she sees me, mouthing a nervous hello to me. I answer with the same, and we all sit down, ready to start discussing business.

  Down at the end of the table, a hand is raised, and Tauren acknowledges it. “Ah, Sir Tryion, did you have something to say?”

  A young, rather scholarly looking man speaks up. He's seated on my side of the table so it's hard to see him, but he looks young, maybe older than me but not by much. “Yes, sire. I would just, as the representative for my father, extend the warmest of welcomes to Lady Gwyndolen. It's nice to have another representative of the far continent on the Council. Greetings.”

  Gwyndolen gives a small nod, first looking down the table before looking to Audra and Tauren. “Thank you, Sir Tryion. And thank you, Queen Audra, for the warm words.”

  The meeting begins, and I try to focus on things, but I'm finding myself constantly distracted by my mother's appearance. I can see in her face the same face that I see in the mirror each morning. Her eyes are different, blue instead of green like me, but her cheeks, her hair, even her nose and chin are like mine.

  Except, my mother is just feminine. I rarely need to wear a bra, and in fact, I don't most days except during athletic training or under my armor when doing work with the Rangers. Meanwhile, my mother looks like the epitome of a woman's ideal form, with a tiny waist, long flowing hair, and curves in all the places that I sometimes feel like I don't.

  “Lady Kelbara?” Mogar asks, and I blink, realizing I've been spacing out.

  “Sorry, I must have been thinking about something. Yes, Lord Mogar?”

  Mogar smiles faintly, and I try not to blush too much. “I was curious as to the physical conditioning of the Rangers. While I asked Lord Jensen earlier, he said that he's been far too busy with tactical and strategic level issues to give us a full brief. Can you illuminate things for us?”

  I nod, grateful that Mogar is being nice. I know this one like the back of my hand. “Of course, Lord Mogar. The baseline that we started with was the Royal Lancer recruitment standards. From there, we increased the minimums by fifteen percent. So far, of the ninety-seven Rangers that we have, except for two that are on injury restrictions, all of them exceed the Lancer standard by twenty percent or more.”

  “Except for you, of course,” someone down on the other end says, and I turn my head, glaring at the unknown doubter.

  “I said all current Rangers exceed the Lancer standards by twenty percent or more. On the most recent physical performance test, I ranked thirty-fifth in the Rangers. Lord Jensen scored third.”

  There're a few gasps from around the table, and my mother looks at me, her mouth slightly open. “Thirty.... fifth?” she whispers, and I swear there's a hint of dislike, or maybe disbelief in her tone. “How?”

  “Years of hard work,” I reply, trying but failing to keep the anger out of my voice. So, where the fuck have you been all those years? I swallow my anger when Audra cuts me a glance, and I give my mother a nod. “Apologies, Lady Gwyndolen.”

  “None needed, Lady Kelbara,” Gwyndolen says, sitting back. I feel bad, but maybe there's a chance to mend fences later.

  The meeting continues, with it wrapping up relatively quickly, there's not much to argue about today. Tauren ends things with a little update. “I appreciate everyone's concerns about the war. In trying to keep things as stable as I can, instead of issuing price controls now, I ask each of you, as much as you can, to dip into your own personal funds to inject fresh money into the local economies. The crown will be taking the lead on this, I'll send out details soon. I know that it won't help with shortages, but it will help with the overall mood of the people, and of the economy. I do ask when you do spend, do not do it in a lavish or flashy way, but in ways that help the common people of your territories. Again, thank you to Lady Gwyndolen for joining us, and to Sir Tryion for attending in his father's absence, I wish him a speedy recovery. Council adjourned.”

  Afterward, like most 'friendly' Council meetings, there's a lot of sideline talk. I'm pulled aside by Mogar, who looks concerned. “Is everything okay, my youngest student?”

  “Are you going to always call me your student?” I ask testily, then sighing. “Sorry, Mogar.”

  “No worries, Kelbara. And yes, you will always be my student, considering that I call Tauren the same thing still when we're in private. But I'm concerned, you were rather harsh there for a few minutes.”

  “I know,” I sigh, turning to see Gwyndolen talking with Sir Tryion, who looks friendly enough. “Just.... maybe I should have met with her prior to the Council meeting. When she seemed to be upset with my report on my fitness, I grew angry.”

  Mogar laughs quietly, patting me on the back. “She was shocked, Kelbara, I don't think she was angry. If anything, from what I observed, she was just as nervous as you were. She kept glancing at you, and it wasn't judgmentally but instead... Kelbara, I think she's worried that you don't like her.”

  “I.... but.... heaven and stars Mogar!” I whisper, watching as Gwyndolen laughs at something Tryion says. “Okay, maybe I need to reset
my mind. We're having dinner together tonight, I guess that will be a better place to make conversation. Any advice, Games master?”

  Mogar nods, humming. “This isn't a game, Kelbara. Just be yourself, and what is in the stars is in the stars.”

  * * *

  I'm surprised when Gwyndolen arrives not in a shuttle, but on a hoverbike, her blond hair streaming out behind her as she swings around and lands on the small pad. She's changed as well, from the more formal wear she had for the Council meeting into something simpler, but no less elegant, a silvery gray dress that hugs her figure without looking slutty at all. I can't help it, I'm a little jealous when she gets off the hovercycle, smiling nervously when she comes over to me. “Kelbara.... thank you for inviting me to dinner.”

  “M... Mother, thank you for coming,” I respond, reaching out carefully and taking her by the hands. She's two centimeters taller than I am, but in my boots, we're nearly eye to eye, and I'm worried. Are my hands too work-roughened, my grip too strong? Am I...

  Gwyndolen blinks, a tear falling down her cheek as she lets go of my hands and hugs me, a sob deep in her chest. “My baby... I'm so sorry Kellie....”

  Kellie. I'd almost forgotten, she was the only one who ever called me that, but hearing the words I start crying too, clutching her and trying not to sob helplessly. I hear boot steps behind us and I sniff, stepping back to see Mother wiping at her eyes, blinking in the sunset light. “Mom.... is it okay if I call you that?”

  “I'd like that,” Mom says quietly. “Lord Jensen, thank you for letting me cry all over your landing pad.”

  “Lady Gwyndolen, in my house I do things much like my sister, I'm just Jensen. Especially considering who you are. Welcome to the estate, I can't quite call it mine just yet, I still feel like I'm just getting adjusted to the place. In that regard, would you like a tour?”

  “I think that would be great. Would you mind if Kellie led the way?” Mom asks, and I laugh. “What?”

  “Mom, I remember that name, but I've gotten so used to Kelbara that I don't think I'd respond if you keep calling me Kellie,” I say, taking her hand again before letting go. “Sorry, I know it's a little calloused.”

  Mom reaches out and takes my hand again, shaking her head. “Don't be sorry. I was a fool for reacting the way I did today at the Council meeting. And if my little girl wants to hold my hand, then I'm proud to do so. Come, show me your home.”

  We spend nearly an hour going through the estate, showing Mom around. She marvels over the piles of luxury items that are in storage, shaking her head. “Neyton and Neyilla had all of this junk?”

  Jensen laughs, nodding. “This is only about eighty percent of what we could get rid of, too. I told the staff that they could use what they wanted, so that's been about ten percent, and we've sold off another ten percent. I've been hoping to get rid of more, but with the war going on, there's been a drop-off recently in interest from various parties. Honestly, who needs authentic kolonite hair brushes right now?”

  Mom goes over to the brush set in question, picking up the brush and shaking her head. “Remarkable. And you don't use this, Kelbara?”

  “No, I just use a basic brush,” I reply, shrugging. “We've kept a few items for Jensen's bedroom, furnishings mostly, but Neyilla was pretty much the opposite of me, so I don't use any of her things. The brushes are yours if you want, though.”

  Mom caresses the set once more, then sets it down. “No. When I was a little girl, I so wanted a set like this, Tauria was Queen then and she was famous for having one. Probably why Neyilla had one. But no, not after the past six months. A regular hair brush is all I need or want. Let's finish the rest of the tour before we have dinner.”

  There's only one more nervous point when we pass by the 'playroom.' I didn't know it, but as we walk by we hear a 'play session' going on, the crack of some device or another audible through the door, along with the moan of painful ecstasy. Mom raises an elegant eyebrow, giving us a look. “Should I ask?”

  “Too many of the former slaves were abused to the point that this room is as much therapy as it is sexual release,” Jensen explains softly. “She has the night off tonight, but if you come by sometime, you can talk with Justine. She's my head of staff and the person in charge of this room. I trust her judgment in describing it better than I can.”

  Mom looks horrified, but swallows, nodding. “I... I see. I'm not upset about the room, what people want to do for pleasure should be nobody's business but theirs so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.... but the need for a place like this for that reason is disturbing. Were they that great of monsters?”

  I nod, then look over at Jensen. “As great as Jensen is, Neyton and Neyilla were just as horrible. We work every day to protect those who are here. But come, let's have dinner, and I can tell you about my life.”

  After an initial slowness that I can understand after the revelation about the playroom, Mom shows a healthy appetite, relishing every dish of the five-course meal. After dessert, Mom wipes her mouth and pats her stomach in appreciation. “No wonder you need to exercise so much Kelbara, after a feast like this, I think I need to do a few hours in the pool at the palace!”

  “You can make sure Audra does her exercises,” I reply, then sigh sadly. “Unfortunately, tomorrow I have to go out to train with the Rangers. Mom, I know that I'm not really happy about the way I've turned out physically, I mean you're so much prettier than I am...”

  “Bullshit,” Mom says, causing Jensen to do a double take. “What, didn't think I had language like that in me?”

  “Just... honestly Gwyndolen, no I didn't. Since landing you've spoken with nothing but grace and refinement, a total educated Lady. I'll remember not to underestimate you in the future,” Jensen says, getting up. “I think there's a plant somewhere that needs watering, and this feels like just the right time to go take care of it. You ladies have a good rest of your evening, and Gwyndolen, it was a pleasure meeting you. I look forward to having you over again any time you want.”

  “It was more my pleasure,” Mom says, giving Jensen a respectful bow of her head. Jensen blushes a little and gives me a kiss on the temple before leaving, and Mom turns to me. “He's wonderful, Kelbara.”

  “Thank you, Mom. I'm lucky.”

  “Again, I say bullshit,” Mom says with a small laugh. “He's lucky to have you. Kelbara, you're a beautiful young woman, in a way different from me for sure. We're never going to share dresses and I doubt you're going to wear my wedding dress without major, major alterations. But that doesn't matter.”

  “I'm not exactly curvy like you Mom,” I say, flexing an arm. “Or maybe I just have my curves in different areas that most women don't. I just... for years, I built this to try and live up to what Ambaris wanted me to be. Then I built it more to armor myself from him, and I keep it because Jensen likes it. I'll admit, I'm starting to like it too.”

  Mom pats my arm, squeezing my bicep in appreciation. “It's beautiful, Kelbara. I saw the way Jensen looked at you through dinner. When you said maybe we could get together, I was so scared. I was worried that you'd be just the little badass firecracker that I'd heard about. But I see that you're more than that. And you're beautiful just as you are. Kelbara, I'd like, when you get back, to get together again. To rediscover what it means to truly be your mother, if you'd give me half a chance.”

  I swallow, nodding. “I'd like that, Mom. Speaking of that, are you sure you want to stay at the palace?”

  Mom nods, getting to her feet. “You heard it today, and you said it yourself, Audra needs help. Right now, I'm able to help her until the war's over. It'll be easier if I'm at the palace to do that. But I'm just a hoverbike flight away now, it'll be easy whenever you're in the capital. Speaking of which, where are you training tomorrow?”

  “Desert training, it takes us an hour even by hypersonic shuttle to get there. We'll be gone for two days unless something happens. Some of the Rangers joke that they just wish they had a real battle again, it's e
asier than the training,” I tell her as we leave the dining room and walk towards the shuttle pad. “Little far for a hoverbike.”

  “I've got my shuttle pilot's license too, but you're right, and I should let you focus on training when you are with the Rangers. Then when you return, we can spend time together. Kelbara, I know I didn't say it enough, and I may not have the right, but I do love you.”

  Her words make me tear up again, and I give her a fierce hug. “I love you too, Mom. I never stopped, even in the years when we couldn't even exchange letters. Goodnight.”

  I watch Mom mount her hovercycle and lift off, waving before she turns and heads over the wall of the estate towards the palace. I smile, feeling better, when I remind myself that I wanted to ask Mom about Tryion, they looked so chummy today. Ah well, next time.

  Heading towards the quarters I share with Jensen, I'm surprised when he steps out of the shadows, grabbing me from behind and swinging me around in a big circle, kissing my neck as he does. “Mmmmm, I was getting lonely waiting for you.”

  “Hey, put me do....” I start before my hands realize something. Jensen's totally naked behind me, and that isn't a powerlance I feel pressing against my ass. My protest turns into a deep moan of desire as I wrap my fingers around his cock and caress it, sighing happily. “And I was worried you thought my Mom was sexier than me.”

  “You are the perfect woman for me,” Jensen reassures me, setting me down only long enough to turn me around and push me against the wall. “Angelic face, sexy body, a heart of gold, and the passion... well, let's find out about the passion.”

  Jensen tugs at the opening to my tunic, growling when he sees that I'm not wearing an undershirt. “Mmmm, were you anticipating this?”

  “No, but I'm glad you had it in mind,” I purr, laughter bubbling from my lips when Jensen starts rubbing my ribs, tickling. “Hey, stop that!”

  “No way in the stars,” he laughs, pinning me with his strength. “I'm the only person in the world who knows you're ticklish, and I'm going to indulge in that.”


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