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This Will Make You Smarter

Page 36

by John Brockman

  change and, 373

  globalization and, see globalization

  culture cycle, 367–70

  cumulative error, 177–79

  curating, 118–19

  currency, central, 41

  Cushman, Fiery, 349–52

  cycles, 170–73

  Dalrymple, David, 218–20

  DALYs (disability-adjusted life years), 206

  danger, proving, 281

  Darwin, Charles, 2, 44, 89, 98, 109, 156, 165, 258, 294, 359

  Das, Satyajit, 307–9

  data, 303, 394

  personal, 303–4, 305–6

  security of, 76

  signal detection theory and, 389–93

  Dawkins, Richard, 17–18, 180, 183

  daydreaming, 235–36

  DDT, 125

  De Bono, Edward, 240

  dece(i)bo effect, 381–85

  deception, 321–23

  decision making, 52, 305, 393

  constraint satisfaction and, 167–69

  controlled experiments and, 25–27

  risk and, 56–57, 68–71

  skeptical empiricism and, 85

  deduction, 113

  defeasibility, 336–37

  De Grey, Aubrey, 55–57

  delaying gratification, 46

  democracy, 157–58, 237

  Democritus, 9

  Demon-Haunted World, The (Sagan), 273

  Dennett, Daniel C., 170–73, 212, 275

  depth, 226–28

  Derman, Emanuel, 115

  Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 156


  mind and, 250–53

  recursive structures in, 246–49

  determinism, 103

  Devlin, Keith, 264–65

  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), 233–34

  “Dial F for Frankenstein” (Clarke), 61

  Diesel, Rudolf, 170

  diseases, 93, 128, 174

  causes of, 59, 303–4

  distributed systems, 74–77

  DNA, 89, 165, 223, 244, 260, 292, 303, 306

  Huntington’s disease and, 59

  sequencing of, 15

  see also genes

  dopamine, 230

  doughnuts, 68–69, 70

  drug trade, 345

  dualities, 296–98, 299–300

  wave-particle, 28, 296–98

  dual view of ourselves, 32

  dynamics, 276

  Eagleman, David, 143–45

  Earth, 294, 360

  climate change on, see climate change

  distance between sun and, 53–54

  life on, 3–5, 10, 15

  earthquakes, 387

  ecology, 294–95

  economics, 100, 186, 208, 339

  economy(ies), 157, 158, 159

  global, 163–64, 238–39

  Pareto distributions in, 198, 199, 200

  and thinking outside of time, 223

  ecosystems, 312–14

  Edge, xxv, xxvi, xxix–xxx

  education, 50, 274

  applying to real-world situations, 40

  as income determinant, 49

  policies on, controlled experiments in, 26

  scientific lifestyle and, 20–21

  efficiency, 182


  ARISE and, 235–36

  see also self

  80/20 rule, 198, 199

  Einstein, Albert, 28, 55, 169, 301, 335, 342

  on entanglement, 330

  general relativity theory of, 25, 64, 72, 234, 297

  memory law of, 252

  on simplicity, 326–27

  Einstellung effect, 343–44

  electrons, 296–97

  Elliott, Andrew, 150

  Eliot, T. S., 293

  emergence, 190, 278

  emergent complexity, 275

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 225

  emotional stability, 232

  empiricism, 85

  energy production, 313–14, 315, 316–17

  English language, 286–88

  Eno, Brian, 294–95

  Enriquez, Juan, 165–66

  entanglement, 330–32

  entropy, 237, 238, 239

  enumerative induction, 113

  environmental issues:

  Anthropocene thinking and, 206–8

  climate change, see climate change

  energy production, 313–14, 315, 316–17

  resource consumption, 175–76, 237, 238, 309, 313, 346

  shifting baseline syndrome and, 90–91

  equilibrium, systemic, 237–39

  estrogen, 230, 231

  ether, 338

  eugenics, 88, 89

  eukaryotic cells, 157, 196

  Evans, Dylan, 100

  evidence, 267

  absence and, 281, 282–84

  evolution, 51, 88–89, 98, 157, 166, 234, 333, 359, 395–96

  of brain, 10, 207, 257

  cooperation in, 99

  creationism vs., 268–69

  cycles and, 171, 172–73

  intelligent design and, 59–60, 89

  of microbes, 16

  mutation in, 99

  selection in, see natural selection

  time and, 1–2, 223

  toward intelligence, 4

  expanding in-group, 194–95

  experiments, 23–24, 34

  controlled, 25–27, 274

  double-blind control, 17–18, 44

  failure in, 79–80

  replicability of, 373–75

  thought, 28–29

  experts and authority figures, 18, 20, 34

  explanation, levels of, 276

  externalities, 124–26

  extinction, 175, 362

  extroversion, 232–33

  eye, 130, 139, 141, 147–48, 163, 188–90, 359

  facial attractiveness, 136, 137

  failure, 79–80

  fantasizing, 235–36

  fear of the unknown, 55–57

  Feynman, Richard, 20, 236

  financial analysis, 186

  financial crisis, 259, 261, 307, 309, 322, 386

  financial instruments, 178, 179

  financial risk, 259

  Finn, Christine, 282–84

  Firestein, Stuart, 62–64

  fish, 90

  Fisher, Helen, 229–31

  Fiske, Susan, 267

  Fitch, W. Tecumseh, 154–56

  fixed-action patterns, 160–61

  Flash Crash, 60–61

  flavor, 141

  Flock of Dodos, A, 268–69

  flu, 351

  vaccinations for, 56

  Flynn, James, xxx, 372

  Flynn effect, 89, 195

  focusing illusion, 49–50

  food chain, 312

  Ford, Henry, 335

  Foreman, Richard, 225

  Foucault, Michel, 118

  Fowler, James, 306

  framing, 201–2, 203

  free jazz, 254–56

  free trade, 100

  free will, 35, 48, 217

  Freud, Sigmund, 37–38, 146, 147, 148

  Friedman, Milton, 84

  functional modularity, 131

  future, 1–2

  Galbraith, John Kenneth, 307

  Galileo, 9, 28–29, 110, 162, 335

  Galton, Francis, 242

  Game of Life, 275–77

  game theory, 94–95, 96, 318

  Gandhi, Mohandas K., 335

  gangs, 345
  garbage, mental, 395–97

  Gaussian distribution, 199, 200

  gedankenexperiment, 28–29

  Gefter, Amanda, 299–300

  Gelernter, David, 246–49

  Gell-Mann, Murray, 190, 388

  General Motors, 204

  general relativity, 25, 64, 72, 234, 297

  generators, 277

  genes, 10, 15, 32, 88, 97, 98, 99, 157, 165–66, 395

  altruism and, 196

  horizontal transfer of, 16

  Huntington’s disease and, 59

  hybrid vigor and, 194–95

  McClintock’s work with, 240–41

  pangenome, 16

  personality and, 229, 233

  see also DNA

  gene therapy, 56

  genetically modified (GM) crops, 16, 56

  genetic vulnerability, 278–79

  geometry, hyperbolic, 109

  Gershenfeld, Neil, 72–73

  Gibbon, Edward, 128

  Gibbs, J. Willard, 312

  Gibbs free energy, 312–13

  Gibbs landscapes, 312–14

  Gifford, Gabrielle, 279

  Gigerenzer, Gerd, 259–61

  Gilbert, Daniel, 306

  Gleiser, Marcelo, 3–5

  Glissant, Édouard, 118, 119

  globalization, 100, 118, 237

  expanding in-group and, 194–95

  homogenization and, 118–19, 194

  global warming, see climate change

  Gödel, Kurt, 302

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 43

  Gold, Joel, 235–36

  Goldenfeld, Nigel, 58–61

  Goldstein, Rebecca Newberger, 112–14

  Goleman, Daniel, 206–8

  Golomb, Beatrice, 381–85

  Google, 25

  Gopnik, Alison, 146–49

  Gott, J. Richard, 11

  Götzsche, Peter C., 382–83

  Gould, Stephen Jay, 270

  graduate students, 65–66

  Grady, Denise, 384

  gravity, 64

  Gray, Elisha, 110

  Green, David, 391

  Greene, Joshua, xxvi–xxvii, 363–66

  Griffith, Fred, 244

  Grodecki, Louis, 248

  Guatemala, 345

  Haidt, Jonathan, xxviii, 196–97

  Hailman, Jack P., 160

  Hall, Charles Martin, 110

  Halpern, Diane F., 378–80

  Hand, Kevin, 312–14

  Hannay, Timo, 25–27

  happiness, 49, 93

  Hardin, Garrett, 99, 174

  Harman, Gilbert, 112

  Harris, Sam, 211–13

  Hayek, Friedrich, 258

  health care policies, 50, 67, 204, 233–34, 259–60, 387

  hearing, 141

  Hearst, Marti, 266

  Heinlein, Robert, 84

  Heinroth, Oskar, 160

  Henderson, Mark, 273–74

  Heraclitus, 127, 128

  Héroult, Paul, 110

  Hersey, George, 248–49

  hidden layers, 188–91

  Highfield, Roger, xxviii, 98–99

  Hill, Russell, 150–51

  h-index, 373–74

  Hirst, Damien, 307–8

  Hoehler, Tori, 313

  Hoffman, Donald, 135–38

  holism, 81–83

  Hölldobler, Bert, 196–97

  Holocene epoch, 206, 207

  holographic duality, 297–98

  Holton, Gerald, 85

  homeopathy, 18, 244

  Homo dilatus, 209–10

  homogeneity, 118–19, 194, 237

  Homo sensus sapiens, 345–48

  Honduras, 345

  hormones, 229–30, 346

  Hróbjartsson, Asbjørn, 382–83

  Hubel, David, 189, 190

  humanities, 364–66

  Hume, David, 146

  humility, cognitive, 39–40

  Hunter, William, 111

  Huntington’s disease, 59

  Hurricane Katrina, 10, 369

  hybrid vigor, 194–95

  “I, Pencil” (Read), 258

  Iacoboni, Marco, 330–332

  images and symbols, 152–53

  immigration, 100


  education as determinant of, 49

  happiness and, 49, 93

  India, 316

  Pondicherry, 389–90

  inference, 336

  to the best explanation, 112–14

  information, 226, 238, 266, 294–95

  deception and, 321

  depth and, 226–28

  flow of, 218–20

  Platonic, 177–79

  search tools and, 266

  secure sharing of, 75–76

  in-group, 194–95

  inheritance, non-inherent, 88–89

  innovation, 310–11, 317

  insanity/personality continuum, 232–34

  instinct, 62–63, 346, 347

  to learn, 154–56

  instinctive intuitions, 234

  intelligence, 240, 294–95

  collective, 257–58

  intelligence tests, 89, 195

  intelligent design, 59–60, 89

  intentions, 35

  interbeing, 289–91

  intermarriage, 194–95

  international trade and organizations, 96

  Internet, 20, 60, 74, 158–59, 179, 183, 238, 315

  access to, 19

  Internet (cont.)

  cloud and, 74

  memories and, 376–77

  online companies, 25–26

  open standards and, 86–87

  search tools on, 266

  intuition, 234, 372

  in-vitro fertilization, 165

  Jacques, Elliott, 334–35

  Jacquet, Jennifer, 174–76

  James, William, 163

  Jardin, Xeni, 376–77

  jazz, free, 254–56


  choice of, 350

  temperament dimensions and, 231

  time span of discretion and, 334–35

  Jobs, Steve, xxv

  Johnson-Laird, P. N., 122

  Jung-Beeman, Mark, 101

  Jupiter, 360–61

  Kahneman, Daniel, xxv, xxx, 49–50, 121, 280, 306

  kakonomics, xxviii, 318–20

  kaleidoscopic discovery, 109–11

  Kammerer, Paul, 110

  Kaptchuk, Ted, 383–84

  Kauffman, Stuart, 223

  kayfabe, 321–23

  Keats, John, 225

  Kedrosky, Paul, 90–91

  Kekulé, Friedrich August, 235–36

  Kelly, Kevin, 79–80, 306

  Kenrick, Douglas T., 129–31

  Kepler, Johannes, 72, 360–61

  keyboards, QWERTY, 285–86

  keystone consumers, 174–76

  keystone species, 174, 176

  Khosla, Vinod, 315–17

  kilogram, 341

  Kinsbourne, Marcel, 194–95

  Kleinberg, Jon, 74–77

  Klingberg, Torkel, 117

  knowledge, 52, 158, 238, 250, 262, 267

  as hypothesis, 340–42

  Knutson, Brian, 373–75

  Kosko, Bart, 355–57

  Kosslyn, Stephen M., 167–69

  Krause, Kai, 324–27

  Krauss, Lawrence, 53–54

  Krebs, Hans, 170

  Krebs cycle, 170

  Krieger, Nancy, 59

  Kuhn, Thomas, 2

  Kuo, Zing-Yang, 63

  Kurzban, Rob, 124–26

  Kutcher, Stan, 251

  labeling and naming, 62–64, 190–91

  Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 88

  language, 154, 155–56, 158, 257, 395

  path dependence and, 286–88

  thinking and, 242

  see also words

  Lanier, Jaron, 177–79

  Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 9

  Large Hadron Collider, 189

  large numbers, law of, 107, 122

  lateral inhibition, 130

  law, 260

  learning, 154, 160

  instinct for, 154–56

  Lehrer, Jonah, 46–48

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 109

  Leonardo da Vinci, 34

  Levin, Harry, 31

  liberal hyperrationality, 347

  life, 157, 158, 172, 291

  diversity of, 359

  on Earth, 3–5, 10, 15

  holism and, 81

  intelligent, 4, 5

  in universe, 3–5, 13–14, 292

  life code, 165–66

  linearity, 184–85

  Lisi, Garrett, 68–71

  Listing, Johann Benedict, 109

  literacy, 259

  risk, 259–61

  “Little Gidding” (T. S. Eliot), 293

  Little Red Riding Hood, 180–81

  Lloyd, Seth, 65–67

  Lobachevsky, Nikolai, 109

  Locke, John, 146

  logic, 113, 355

  Lombrozo, Tania, 336–37

  Looking for Generators, 277

  Lorenz, Konrad, 160

  Loughner, Jared, 279

  Lovelock, James, 15

  luck, 105, 106–7

  Lucretius, 9

  Lysenko, Trofim, 88

  Mach, Ernst, 85

  magnesium, 360

  magnitude, 12, 162, 182, 185, 186

  malaria, 125

  Maldacena, Juan, 297, 299

  management theory, 186

  Mandelbrot, Benoit, xxvi, 246, 326

  Marcus, Gary, 39–40

  Margulis, Lynn, 15

  marketers, 50

  Markus, Hazel Rose, 367–70

  Marler, Peter, 154

  Mars, 13, 179, 292, 360

  Marshall, Barry, 240

  marshmallow experiment, 46–47, 48

  Martindale, Colin, 129, 130–31

  mathematics, 355–56

  McClintock, Barbara, 240–41

  McCrum, Robert, 286

  McLuhan, Marshall, 41

  McWhorter, John, 285–88

  measurement, 340–42

  media, 41

  medicine, 51

  clinical trials in, 26, 44, 56

  health care policies, 50, 67, 204, 233–34, 259–60, 387

  physicians in, 36

  terms used in, 63

  mediocrity principle, 6–8, 11, 12

  Mednick, Sarnoff, 101

  memes, 180–81, 183, 242

  memory, computer, 39–40


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