For the Love of Raindrops

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For the Love of Raindrops Page 26

by Beth Michele

  “Oh, Dylan,” she moans, her voice hoarse with drowsiness. She immediately curls into my chest and I slip my arm around her waist, careful not to disturb the wire for the IV. I peek down at her, her lashes growing heavier against her cheeks.

  “I really love you,” she murmurs, and my heart soars.

  “Me too, baby, me too.” My fingers wander aimlessly up and down the underside of her arm and she lets out one last sigh as she sails off into sleep. “You’re okay,” I whisper into her hair. “Everything’s going to be okay, now.”

  I don’t go to sleep. I can’t. I stay awake to listen to Evie’s soft, peaceful breaths and the tiny noises she makes, her heart beating next to mine. This is what life sounds like. And nothing has ever sounded better.

  MY EYES SLOWLY blink open. But even before they do, I know exactly where I am. Against me, a warm chest rises and falls. I smile, though my head is heavy with a thick fog. It feels like I’ve been asleep for days.

  “Hey. How do you feel? You were in and out of it the entire day yesterday.” Dylan’s hand caresses my hair, the back and forth rhythm making my breaths come easier.

  “Tired mostly. My muscles are numb and achy but the doctor said that’s to be expected.” I lift my chin to Dylan’s gaze, wide-eyed and urgent.

  “I was so scared, Evie,” his voice is thick with emotion, “of a life without you in it. Of never seeing your smile, hearing you laugh. Every moment we’ve ever shared flashed before my eyes when I heard that car, and for a split second, I thought my life was over.”


  “No,” he cuts me off with a finger pressed to my lips, “let me get this out.” He clears his throat, his gaze burning into mine. “I should’ve told you before. But I’m not letting another moment go by without telling you now. I…,” he takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly, “I’ve loved you my whole life, Evie. Even before I knew what that feeling was. It was always you. It will only ever be you.” He eases forward, letting his lips find mine then skimming his nose along my jaw to my ear. “God, I love you.” His words are the softest whisper, stirring my heart and sending goose bumps traveling up the back of my neck.

  “I think I’ve always known, but I didn’t want to see it. Because I was just afraid of feeling too much.” I pause, trying to catch my own breath now. “But with you, all I want to do is feel.”

  His lips graze my earlobe, placing a tender kiss there as we experience the most wonderful calm in the silence. But my brain is demanding, so it doesn’t last long.

  “I’ve been trying to remember details of what happened, but some of it is a bit hazy.”

  “What do you remember?” He smoothes a few tendrils out of my eyes, trailing his finger along the curve of my cheek. I don’t want him to stop touching me.

  I grin, and it’s full of mischief. “Condoms. Lots and lots of condoms.”

  “You would remember that.” He chuckles, but his laughter deflates when my smile fades.

  “The look on your face.” I shake my head, the memory almost too painful to recall. “You looked terrified.”

  “I was,” he admits again in a whisper, “terrified of losing you.”

  I palm his cheek, staring into his weary brown eyes. “You saved my life, Dylan.”

  “It’s only fair,” he murmurs, touching his forehead to mine, “you saved mine first.”

  I let out a shaky exhale, a warm puff of air that sends a wave of nausea rolling through me. It’s more than repulsive.

  “Oh God.” I cover my mouth to prevent my rancid breath from flowing into his. “Sorry.”

  “Sorry?” Dylan’s eyes pull together and he grins. “Do you think I give a shit about your breath? Let me show you just how much I don’t care about your breath right now.” He dips his head, his lips advancing on mine before he slides his tongue inside my mouth. My self-consciousness disappears and I must be feeling better because I moan. And it’s not subtle. His tongue does a quick twirl before he eases out, smiling. I’m in a hospital bed and shouldn’t be turned-on, but I am. And judging by the hard-on pushing against my stomach, so is he.

  “Umm, I’m guessing you find my hospital gown sexy?”

  He smirks, nudging me with his erection, letting me know just how sexy he finds me at the moment. “What gave it away, Hopper?”

  “Don’t get me going. I’m in a delicate state right now. Actually,” I bite the corner of my lip, “I kind of have to go to the bathroom. Can you help me up?”

  “Well, uh,” he pauses, “you can just go here. You still have a catheter in.”

  Oh God. I scrunch up my nose, and I’m sure my cheeks are apple red right now. “Eww… talk about a mood killer.”

  Dylan barks out a laugh, his thumb tracing my cheek. “God, how I missed you.” He makes a grab for my hand, interlocking our fingers. “So, I have some news.”

  I recline against his shoulder, and he angles his head to mine. “What news?”

  “Jordy has decided he’s open to selling the diner and Braden’s dad is going to buy it.”

  “What? Wow, that’s… a surprise. Are you happy about it?” He hesitates, which seems odd to me considering this is what he’s wanted for a while.

  “Yeah. I am, but it’s just surreal. I don’t have any of the details yet. Jordy mentioned it when he was here and it was the last thing on my mind, to be honest.” His thumb skates over my palm, drawing tiny circles that prickle my skin.

  “Anyway, when you were being stubborn and refusing to wake up, I did a lot of thinking about things I want us to do together. Aside from going to New York if I get into the university.”

  “When you get in.”

  “Okay, Miss pushy, when.” He chuckles and the sound bounces against my cheek. “So, remember how you said after high school that you wished you had travelled abroad to Paris and England? I was thinking we could go… together. And…,” mischief blooms in his voice, “I want to go to Hawaii with you. I want us to christen the black sand at Pololu Valley Beach.”

  I have to swallow the desire burning inside of me. It doesn’t matter that I’ve been out of it for so long. Being this close to Dylan makes me want him in ways I can’t have him right now.

  “Would you mind not talking about anything sexual while I’m in a hospital bed with a catheter in? You’re kind of torturing me.”

  His finger slides under my chin, tilting it up to meet his apologetic gaze. “Sorry.”

  “Yes,” I smirk, “I can feel how sorry you are.”

  He kisses the tip of my nose. “You should get some sleep. You probably don’t remember, but the nurse had you up every few hours to check on your—” The door opens and in walks the nurse as if she knew we were talking about her. “Speak of the devil,” Dylan teases, and she smiles, carrying a bag of IV fluid over to the pole beside my bed. She removes the nearly empty one and replaces the new bag on the hook.

  “Good morning. Might I say you’re looking very well today, Miss Carmichael. I’m going to take your vitals and in a little while I’m going to get you down for some tests.”

  We’re both quiet as she takes my temperature and blood pressure, pulse and heart rate, marking her notes on the clipboard. She sets it back in the plastic holder, then looks up. “The doctor also would like to see you up and out of bed today. Maybe take a short walk around the hospital floor.”

  “Okay,” I agree, anxious to be out of this bed. My stomach grumbles, demanding my attention and reminding me that it’s been deprived of real food. “By the way, when can I eat? I’m kind of hungry.” Dylan laughs beside me and I elbow him.

  “Let’s start out slow,” she tells me, and my belly rumbles in protest. It’s not happy either. “Right after you have your tests, I can get you some ices and juice, some soup, and then we can move on to bigger things.” She clicks the handle on the oversized door but pauses, turning back to address me. “By the way, there is a circus of people out there waiting to see you, and I mean circus.” She laughs and Dylan and I stare at one an
other, not doubting for a second that she’s right.

  “That’s my family,” I reveal, a smile spreading from my lips clear across my face. “Can you send them in?”

  “Of course.”

  “Are you ready?” Dylan asks, his breath tickling my ear and making me giggle.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” He nips my lobe and I squeal, just as the door swings open. Purple balloons float in the air, followed by hair to match. Nora leads the pack, a purple ponytail bouncing over her shoulder. She passes the balloons to Braden behind her and runs over to me. Leaning over the bed, she pauses with wary green eyes.

  “Is it okay to hug you?” Her hesitance makes me realize I must look pretty fragile. Dylan pushes off the bed so he doesn’t get caught in the crossfire.

  “Of course it is. Get over here.” I open my arms and she falls into them, squeezing me as if this might be her last chance. She sniffles a little, but composes herself, and I know she’s keeping her emotions in check.

  A minute later, she lets go, plopping down on the bed. “You are such a sight for sore eyes, you know that? You know you scared the ever-loving shit out of me?” She attempts to pin me with a serious glare, but it backfires. “I almost overdosed on Tic-Tacs.” I snort out a laugh and she giggles. “I’m serious.”

  I flick her ponytail with my finger. “What’s with the purple?”

  She pulls it higher, tightening the rubber band. “I did it in honor of you. I figured once you woke up I would go back to pink. But it’s grown on me, I kind of like it.”

  “I like it, too.” I grin. “It’s a good color for you. Hey, how’s your mom?”

  Relief appears to soften her smile. “She’s okay. It turned out to be benign, thank God. And now I have two things to be thankful for.”

  “All right, all right,” Braden pipes in, “stop hogging her and move out of the way, crazy.” He pushes in front of Nora on the bed and she glares at his back, making me laugh again. “Welcome back, Red. Nothing like taking your sweet old time.” He kisses my cheek and glances over at Dylan, who’s watching from a distance. “And boy, am I ever happy to see you. That guy over there,” he hikes a thumb over his shoulder, “he was losing his proverbial shit.”

  Dylan’s shoulders rise in a shrug. “I wasn’t that bad.” One side of his mouth flips up in an awkward smile. “At least I don’t think I was.” All heads turn as silence blankets the room until Braden slices through it.

  “Yes, you were that fucking bad. Anyway,” his focus comes around to me, “glad to have you back.” He taps my nose three times before he crosses the room to Dylan.

  Zoey walks through the door then. Dark circles line the area beneath her eyes. Her clothes are hanging off her already slim body, a nest of tangled hair tumbles over her shoulders. I can’t imagine what I’ve put her through. Knowing I’m all she has left, a guilt I’m all too familiar with creeps over my skin.

  She’s cautious as she sits down next to me, gingerly taking my hand in her own and staring at our joined fingers. After a beat, she looks up at me. Her eyes are watery, her voice brittle and tired. “Don’t do that to me ever again,” she scolds, smiling through the tears scaling her cheeks. “I didn’t think I—” Derailing her own line of thought, she changes direction. “I’m just so glad to see you again, baby sister.” Without warning, she lunges, throwing her arms around my neck but pulling back equally as fast. “Am I hurting you? Your IV?” she asks in a panic, glaring at the tape on my hand.

  “It’s fine. I’m good,” I reassure her, laying what I hope is a comforting hand on her arm. “But I’m worried about you. You look like you haven’t slept,” my eyes lower to her body, “or eaten for that matter.”

  “I definitely haven’t been sleeping, but thanks to Grandma Molly I’m eating pretty well now. I think she’s trying to fatten me up.”

  “Is someone talking about me? I think my ears are burning.”

  My eyes land on the pink purse swinging from her arm, then up to Grandma Molly’s happy face and Jordy’s lopsided smile. One hand goes to her hip while the other one holds something wrapped in foil. The scent of cinnamon and apples wafts in the air and I lick my lips, my mouth watering in the hope that it could be apple pie.

  “Well, dear, even in a hospital bed, you look lovelier than ever. I’m glad you’re back.” She strolls over to the side of the bed, setting the food on the small table. With a kiss to first my left then my right cheek, she adds, “I kept you in my thoughts every day, dear. I just knew you’d find your way back to us. Oh, and this right here,” she gestures to the hidden treat, “is an apple pie.” Her tone grows considerably louder and she winks at Dylan. “For you to eat, only.”

  “Can I cut in, Gran?” Jordy speaks from behind her, and she willingly stands off to the side.

  “Welcome back, Evie.” He gives me a quick embrace then whispers in my ear, “Dylan was going crazy without you.” I glance up to find Dylan watching us. He places his palm to his lips and blows me a kiss that has my heart thudding in my chest.

  Zoey strides up to Dylan and with the back of her hand smacks him playfully on the chest. “I owe you, DW,” she says, “for saving my sister’s life. Just so you know, though, the thought of being indebted to you makes my skin crawl.” She smiles on the last few words and Dylan chuckles. The ease in her voice releases the tension sticking to my limbs. I need her to be okay just as much as she needs the same for me.

  Subtly, I bring a hand up to my head, not wanting to let on that it’s starting to hurt a bit from all the excitement. My eyelids are heavy. All I want to do is close them and rest for a bit. I’m about to tip my head back when warm fingers find the area of exposed skin behind my neck and knead it gently.

  “You okay?” Dylan’s concerned tone combined with his massage relieves some of the mounting tension.

  I bow my head, letting the warmth of his hand seep into my skin. I swear he has magic fingers. “Yeah, I’m just tired.”

  “All right, everyone,” Dylan claps his hands, “time to go. Evie needs her sleep.”

  “Okay, dillweed,” Zoey retorts, and my lips rise of their own accord, happy that they’re back to verbally assaulting one another. It means everything is okay. Just like Dylan said it would be.

  After more hugs than I can count, everyone piles out of the room with the exception of Dylan and Zoey. Zoey snags a chair, sliding it across the floor with a screech.

  “So, when are they gonna let you out of this joint?” she asks, looking from me to the pie beside the bed.

  “Don’t even think about it.” I practically slap her hand away. “I haven’t eaten in over a week.”

  “Even I won’t mess with her,” Dylan teases, “you know how she gets when she doesn’t eat.”

  “To answer your question, though, I don’t know. I’m hoping soon. This hospital gown is starting to stick to me,” I tug the thin, scratchy fabric away from my skin, “and it’s pretty gross. I’m sure I heard the nurse say something about a sponge bath, and it’s pretty sad that I’m actually looking forward to it. I only hope it’s not by someone named Helga.”

  Zoey’s lips tip up in an amused smile and Dylan belts out a laugh that’s quickly replaced by a scowl.

  “It better be someone named Helga, and not some orderly with roving hands.”

  “On that enticing note, I have to go in to work for a bit.” She pushes her lips out in a pout and a high-pitched noise escapes. “They gave me several days off when the accident happened, so now I have to pay the piper, so to speak. But I’ll be back tonight.”

  Her mouth falls open as if she’s about to say something else, but then she glances at Dylan and snaps it shut. He takes the hint and wanders off. Once he’s out of earshot, she gets up off the chair and sits next to me on the bed. Grabbing my hand, she sets it on her lap.

  “I had a lot of time to think while you were asleep, and, I just want to make sure you know how much you mean to me. You and me, E,” she breathes out, “we’ve always taken care of each ot
her. We’re in this together, through thick and thin.” A single tear begins its lone journey down her cheek, ending on my fingertips. “I love you, and… my world would have been completely insane without you in it. So,” she pauses, rubbing her nose, “thanks for coming back.”

  “I love you, too.” I reach out and tug on a piece of her hair. “I hope now you’ll wash this nest.”

  “What?” She puffs up the underside of her tangled locks. “You don’t like my new look?”

  “Hmph… not so much,” I counter, and she smiles, frizzing it out even more in exaggeration.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” She gives me a hug then walks backward to the door. “Anything I can bring you?”

  “Food,” I gesture with my hands, “and lots of it.”

  “You got it.” She waves just as Dylan brushes past her on his way back in the room. “Later, DW.”

  “Bye, Slim.”

  Dylan plants himself next to me on the bed, kicking his legs out in front of him. “She’s actually been pretty tolerable lately,” he grins, his dimple coming out to play, “can you imagine?” He’s so darn cute and I wish I was stronger because I would attack him with my lips, and every other available body part.

  His mouth slants as if he knows I’m up to no good. “What are you thinking right now?”

  I smack my lips together until they make a pop. “Umm, that I wish I had some ice cream?” His eyes narrow as if he doesn’t believe me, and waits for me to try again. “Okay, I was thinking that I wish we were naked right now with a box of condoms. But,” I point a finger toward my legs, “cue the catheter so that’s the end of that discussion.” My eyes find his face again, roaming the sag of skin beneath his eyes, the now-full beard on his chin, the deflated spark in his gaze. “I want you to leave, too,” I urge, cupping his jaw, “you look so wiped out, Dills. Go home and get some sleep, and something to eat.”


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