Book Read Free

Connor's New Wolf

Page 16

by Georgina Stancer

“You will be when the time comes.”

  “Wouldn’t it have been easier to do it while I was asleep?”

  “Who to say you won’t be asleep when we do?”

  “How’d you do that?”


  “Make me go to sleep like that?”

  “Magic.” Was all he said.

  “Fine, don’t tell me then.” She huffed.

  Tutting, he shook his head at her. “Poor thing, you don’t believe in magic, do you?”

  “There’s no such thing as magic.” She said, but even as she said it she thought about the dragon she had seen. If that wasn’t some form of magic, she witnessed that night, then she didn’t know what it was.

  “Ah, so you do believe. What have you seen, Anya, that’s opened your eyes and mind to the idea of magic?” he asked her.

  “Nothing.” She lied. “I stand by my statement, there’s no such thing as magic.”

  She didn’t know why, but she felt the need to protect the knowledge she had about the man that could turn into a dragon, even though she didn’t even know the person.

  “Keep your secrets then. It doesn’t matter either way, because soon you will have no choice but to accept that magic is real, as well as many other things you thought were just stories.”

  Anya didn’t like the smile that crossed his face. It sent a shiver of dread down her spin.

  Swallowing the lump in her throat, she just stared at him. Done with this conversation, he turned on his heel and left. Locking the door on her once again.

  Laying there in the dark, with only her thoughts to keep her company, she played back everything that’s happened so far, and everything she has seen.

  Anya thought the dragon had been bad enough, but the things that captured her when she escaped were a hell of a lot worse.

  The red skin and glowing red eyes were going to haunt her for years, she knew without a doubt that she was never going to forget what it looked like.Just the memory of them sent shivers down her spin. If she never saw them again, it would still be too soon.

  Where had he been while she was run down by the wolf and brought back by the demon? Was he the person that dragged her up by her hair? Is that why she didn’t see him?

  Anya didn’t know, but as much as she couldn’t stand the bastard, she preferred to deal with him than the demons.

  Thinking about the powder being blown into her face made her wonder if Kass had been there.

  Was he right? Could that it be magic that kept knocking her out cold? If so, then was Kass responsible for it? Would that make her a witch or something? It would explain how she was able to speak to Anya and give her directions when she wasn’t anywhere near her.

  Did that mean Connor also had the same magical ability as Kass? Because Anya could have sworn she heard Connor’s voice in her head before she passed out last time. Anya still didn’t know how it was even possible to do that in the first place, but could Connor really be able to do exactly the same thing as Kass if he wasn’t like her?

  Anya didn’t know the answer, and since there was no one around that she was willing to ask, she didn’t see the point in worrying about any of it at the moment.

  It was probably all in her imagination anyway, but it didn’t stop a small sliver of hope from flaring inside her at the thought of Connor coming to save her. Like a white knight rescuing a damsel in distress.

  Anya could stop the giggle that escaped at the thought of Connor dressed in armor, while riding a white horse. Yep, she was definitely losing it.

  After all, even if he was looking for her, how would he know where to even start? She could be hundreds of miles away for all she knew.

  It would help if she didn’t keep losing chunks of time. Not knowing how long she was out every time they made her go to sleep, made judging time impossible. Had she lost a couple of hours? Or a couple of days like she had when she first met Connor? How much distance had she traveled while she’d been unconscious? She didn’t know and had no way of finding out.

  Even without losing that time, she still didn’t know how long she’d been here since there was no clock on the wall letting her know what the time was.

  She knew it was day time now only because of the light coming through the window, but she couldn’t tell what time of the day it was by that little bit of light alone.

  Even if she wasn’t miles away and not much time had passed since she left Connor’s, it still begged the question of why would he even bother? It wasn’t as if he knew her very well. Yes, they spent the night together, but that didn’t mean he was her guardian angel or anything. It just meant they found pleasure in each other for a little while.

  Well, at least she found pleasure for a little while, she couldn’t say if he did or not. By the way he acted the next day, it seemed as if he regretted every second of their time together anyway. And if that was the case, then why the hell would he bother looking for her? He wouldn’t, that’s the answer.

  So, as much as she wished it was true, he probably didn’t care enough to even wonder where she was, let alone go looking for her.

  Even knowing that, hope still flared in her heart at the thought of him coming to her rescue. Wishful thinking or not, she didn’t care, she was going to hold on to that sliver of hope and never let it go.


  Connor spent hours searching for any sign of Anya. The few towns he came across took the most time, because he had to do it without bringing attention to himself. And running around, whether as a wolf or human, would have brought unwanted attention.

  He tried to make up the lost time whenever he was in a more rural area, but it still wasn’t good enough. It was still taking way too long.

  Connor couldn’t let himself think about what Anya could be going through while he was looking for her. He had to concentrate on finding her. They would deal with anything she been through together when she was safe.

  Until then, there was nothing he could do, except keep looking. Sooner or later someone was going to find her. There was plenty of them out scouring the area, even though he would have preferred more of them, he had faith in the ones that came along. He knew they wouldn’t rest until she was found.

  Connor was starting to lose hope as the hours passed by with still no sign of her. He was about to open a link with the rest of the search party, to ask if any of them was having any better luck, when he finally stumbled across her scent.

  It was faint, but there all the same. And even more importantly, it was strong enough for him to follow.

  Connor followed her scent back to a warehouse that was surrounded by a barbed wire fence. There was no one outside that Connor could see from where he was hiding, and couldn’t see any movement coming from within the building, but he knew that didn’t mean no one was home.

  Walking the perimeter, he made sure there definitely wasn’t anyone outside, while also checking for any hidden cameras. When he was sure there was neither, he jumped over the fence in one go, landing on his feet on the other side. It wasn’t only the feline shifters that had the ability to jump easily. Yes, they could jump further, but Connor didn’t need to jump further just to get over this fence.

  Swiftly making his way over to the building, so he wasn’t as out in the open like he was by the fence. Connor checked the building to see if there was more than just the one entrance that he had seen from a distance.

  He made his way around the building again, checking each window as he went passed them. None of them opened for him, a few even had bars on them. Those windows wouldn’t have been any good anyway. They were way too small for him to fit through, and they were too high up for him to peek inside without looking like an idiot, bouncing all over the place.

  The few that he could easily see through, showed him nothing but empty office or storage rooms. Not a single person was around, the building completely void of anything.

  Opening a link to Rush, Connor said, “I picked up Anya’s scent and I’ve followed it to a
n abandoned warehouse.”

  “Good, where is it?” Rush asked. Once Connor finished giving directions, Rush added. “Wait there for us, we won’t be long. Do NOT go in there on your own, Connor.”


  “I mean it Connor. Don’t disobey me on this.”

  Instead of answering with a lie, Connor severed the link. There was no way in hell he was going to hang around waiting until the rest of them arrived. Anya was in there somewhere, and anything could be happening to her while he was stood out here.

  Connor double checked the area. Looking through the windows one more time, and making sure there were no hidden cameras anywhere. When he was satisfied he hadn’t missed anything he made his way back to the front of the building.

  Connor knew he was going to get some shit off Rush later for ignoring him for a second time, but he didn’t care. He was prepared to face the consequences when he knew that Anya was safe. Until then, he was going to do whatever it took to get her back.

  Opening the door a crack, he peeked inside to a large empty storage room. Still not seeing any movement inside, Connor crept into the building as quietly as he could.

  There was only one other door in the room, so Connor headed straight for it. He didn’t make it very far across the room before he was surrounded by Imfera demons. They were evil bastards that enjoyed torturing anyone and anything they could get their hands on.

  Red scaly skin, twisted horns protruding from their heads that pointed forward, and razer shape claws. They appeared out of nowhere, which wasn’t something they could do by themselves, so he hadn’t been prepared for them.

  Connor didn’t have a chance to escape as at least a hundred of the demons boxed him in, leaving nowhere for him to go.

  Oh, shit!

  Connor wasn’t given the chance to attack any of them. He didn’t see the metal bar aiming for his head until it was too late. One of the demons whacked him full pelt on the head with it, sending him straight to his knees.

  Once his was down, they easily restrain him. Holding him tightly and in a way that prevented him from being able to shift. Not that he would around them anyway.

  Last time he faced an Imfera demon, he nearly lost all of his fur from one of their fireballs. It took ages for his fur to grow back in the places they managed to burn.

  So, nope, this enemy he would fight in human form…as soon as he could get free that is.


  “How did they find us?” he demanded.

  “How the hell should I know?” Kassadi said, sounding just a pissed off as him.

  “It’s your magic!” he shouted at her.

  “And? I already told you my magic is unpredictable.” She lied.

  Her magic had never been unpredictable, nor would it ever be if she had anything to do about it, but she told him it was when he first approached her about turning a human into a shifter. And she was glad she did. It gave her the perfect excuse to use now.

  “It’s a good job I had the demons here as a backup plan, isn’t it?”

  Well, no, not really. Kassadi kept that thought to herself. In fact, having them here made it even harder for her to secretly help Anya and the shifters.

  After all, he didn’t need to know that she’d had a change of heart about helping him. At least, not yet anyway. Until he gave her what he promised her as payment, she was going to keep pretending to be on his side, all the while helping Anya as best she could.

  In retrospect, Kassadi realized it was her fault Anya didn’t get away the last time. She should have used a spell to conceal Anya from him, like she did to hide Anya from the other shifters. The reason she hadn’t done that though, was because she thought he might become suspicious of her if he realized magic was used against him.

  Not that there wasn’t plenty of other witches around that would more than willingly aid the shifters in a fight against him. Especially if they found out what was done to Anya.

  “What are you going to do now?” she asked him.

  “The same thing I was going to do all along.”

  “You’re still going through with it?”

  “Of course. The demons can hold them back long enough for what I need.”

  “Then what?”

  “Then nothing.”

  Kassadi didn’t believe for one minute that he was going to do nothing once he’d witnessed Anya shifting. She knew he had other plans, even if he did try to keep them secret.

  “I want you to help move Anya into a different room.”

  “What’s wrong with the room she’s in?”

  “Nothing is wrong with that room. I just have a better room set up ready for her.” He told her. Adding, “Don’t worry, it’s only along the corridor.” When she didn’t look thrilled about it.

  “Why move her at all then?”

  “Because as I just said, I have a better room set up for her.”

  He was up to something and Kassadi didn’t like it one bit. Still, she did as he ordered, mainly because she still held out hope he had the one thing she needed. But also, because she wanted to find out what he was up to.

  Kassadi wasn’t looking forward to facing Anya again, especially after everything she’s put her through already. Even though she tried to help Anya escape, it was nowhere near enough to make up for what she’d done to her. And the worst was still yet to come.


  Rush should have kept a closer eye on Connor, he knew he would end up disobeying orders and run off on his own, getting himself into trouble in the process.

  He was going to split them into pairs before letting them go off, but Connor was gone before the last lot of shifters arrived.

  Rush now stood just out of sight from the cabin, waiting for the others to catch up, and surveying the perimeter for any weakness they could take advantage of. He also scanned the area for any places the enemy might be hiding while he waited.

  They still had no idea what they were going to walk in to. They didn’t know their enemy, or how many there were, which meant they were going in blind. And now to top it off, they have two people to save instead of just the one.

  Rush was going to make sure Connor was on plenty of the shit duties that no one else wanted to do for the foreseeable future for the stunt he’s pulled today. He would not have anyone disobey orders, especially when there were lives at stake.

  Dominic was the first to join him. Still in wolf form, he made his way over to Rush before shifting back into human form.

  “Have the others arrived yet?” Dominic asked.

  “No, not yet, you’re the first to get here.” Rush shook his head. “I knew I should have made Connor stay at home.”

  “He wouldn’t have listened, and at least this way we know where he is, even if it is with whoever is waiting for us in there.” Dominic said.

  “I can’t believe the idiot managed to get himself caught though.” Aidan said as he walked up, with Kellen and Bliss not far behind him.

  “I’m never going to let him live this one down.” Kellen laughed. “After all the shit he gives me about my little sister, and he goes and pulls a stunt like this? Now that is priceless!”

  “He’s in a shit load of trouble, that’s for sure.” Rush told them. “We’re just waiting for the rest to arrive, then we’ll go find out what’s waiting for us in there.”

  “I can smell another wolf in the area.” Dominic said.

  “A witch as well.” Sasha said, strolling along as if she didn’t have a care in the world.

  “That’s who was blocking me from locating Anya in the first place.”

  “I’m just glad you managed to find a way around her magic.” Rush said.

  “Oh, I didn’t, they dropped the spell. Did I forget to mention that?”

  “Yes, you did.” Rush growled. “It could be a fucking trap, and you’ve just lead us right to it.”

  “I don’t think it’s a trap.” She said casually.

  “And how would you know?”

bsp; “Just a feeling.”

  “Well, your ‘feeling’,” he said, bracketing the word with his fingers. “Might well have just got Connor killed.”

  “Don’t be so melodramatic.”

  Rush generally didn’t hit females, but Sasha was pushing all the right buttons, to the point where he couldn’t wait to get in there and kill something. He didn’t know what it was about her, but his hackles were up every time she was near.

  Hopefully when all this is done, he won’t have to see her again. Knowing his luck though, she’d be turning into a regular visitor to their realm. Especially if Anya became Connor’s mate. In that case, he would have to just put up with her being around.

  Maybe I need to set some ground rules about visitors to the pack?

  It was an idea, but something he would have to look into another time. His full attention was needed here, organizing the rescue and making sure everyone made it back home in one piece.

  He could really do without having to rescue one of their own as well, but since Connor’s managed to get himself caught, they had no choice but to split up into two groups. They have a much better chance of success of saving them both that way, even if it did stretch them thin.

  “I’m gonna fucking kick shit out of Connor when this is all over.” Rush said angrily.

  “What’s the plan, boss man.” Aidan said, trying to lighten the mood.

  “From what I’ve seen, there’s only one way in and out of this place. No one seems to be home either, but that could just be a ruse.” Rush paced as he thought of the best way to go in without them all getting caught in the same trap as Connor. Which, with all of them going in through the one door was likely to get them.

  “I had a look around before joining Rush here, and I agree, there’s no other way in.” Dominic confirmed.

  “How long does it take the others to get here?” Rush was getting impatient , they should have been here by now. He just hoped they hadn’t been caught the same as Connor.

  “We’re here.” Autumn, a female hunter, said as the rest of the group joined them. “So, no need to get your knickers in a twist.”


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