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Rose In Bloom

Page 12

by Mia Michelle

  His fist lands hard across my jaw. I was more than expecting that one, but he isn’t getting off that easy. I return the blow and manage to punch him in his stomach before he grabs for my throat. Throwing him back, I land another powerful blow across his cheek and another straight to his eye.

  He grabs my torn jacket and punches me straight in the mouth over and over. Spewing blood, I look him straight in the face.

  “You don’t deserve her! You fucking killed those people. How can she forgive you when she lost her family the same way?” I yell.

  He releases his grip from me. His eyes grow pained, but I know it isn’t from our fight. I’ve hit something deep. He drops to his knees and all I can do is stand there and watch it happen.

  “I know I don’t deserve her. You will never understand this, Lucas.”

  “Then walk away. Leave before this gets too ugly.”

  “I will never walk away from her. She is my life, Lucas.”

  “Yeah? Well, she’s my life, too. And I refuse to keep this secret any longer. It’s time that family learns who destroyed their life. I can’t for the life of me understand how she can forgive you.”

  Silence fills the room. His eyes blink in confusion.

  “I forgave him because I love him.” Skylar’s voice fills the room.

  I am so enraged with Sebastian that I didn’t even realize we weren’t alone in the room anymore.

  Skylar’s eyes are full of tears as she takes in the sight of the two of us. She rushes to Sebastian’s side as he stands and takes her into his arms. My already broken heart can’t take any more of this.

  “How can you forgive him? He is a monster, Skylar! That family deserves to know he did this.”

  “That family already knows, Lucas.”

  “What do you mean? He would be in jail right now if they knew.”

  “The people in that accident were my parents. I know how this must seem to you, being on the outside looking in, but that night destroyed him. He has spent every day since then in torture over it.”

  “You can’t possibly expect me to understand that.”

  “No, you are right, Lucas. I can’t expect you to. I just need you to stop this obsession. Please. You got the answer you wanted. Now please, just let this all go.”

  “It’s too late for that now. I’m sorry.”

  Sebastian breaks free from her hold and pushes right into me.

  “What do you mean it’s too late? What have you done, Drake?” he screams in my face.

  “I’m not the only one who knows.”

  “What? Who else did you tell?”

  “I told you, Sebastian. I didn’t send you that article. I haven’t told anyone.”

  “Then who fucking sent me that then?”

  “The same person who told me about that night… Maverick Larson.”

  “Maverick Larson?! How the fuck does he know about any of this? My father and I were the only ones who ever knew about that night.”

  “I’m afraid your father left out a detail or two there, friend. Maverick and your father had quite an agreement, I might add.”

  “How the fuck do you know all of this? And why are you involved with him?”

  “I told you I was going to find out what you were hiding, Sebastian. The clues were all around you. They led me straight to Maverick’s office. Your dear old father didn’t hide it well enough to keep your secret safe. Now you will pay.”

  “You fucking bastard!” He lunges for me, but I smile back into his rage-filled face.

  Skylar’s hand grabs his fist and pulls him back before he swings at me. She walks around him, never taking her beautiful eyes off mine. For the first time, I see something other than love staring back at me. I see the pain in her eyes and I hate myself for it. I’ve broken my promise to her and hurt her. Fuck! How I’ve hurt her. I know in that instant that even if this plan plays out and Sebastian is ripped out of her life, I will never be in it again.


  He’s finally done it. He’s broken his promise never to hurt me. Staring into Lucas’ emerald eyes, I struggle to process everything he’s just said and done. Everyone in this town has heard of Maverick Larson, but it means far more than just a name for me. It’s Brandon Larson, my attacker’s Kingpin father. The fact he knows about what happened that night and the fact Lucas is now a part of all of it, simply overwhelms me. I know I’ve hurt him, but I never thought he’d do this to me. To Sebastian, yes, but not to me.

  Stepping away from Sebastian, I move closer to Lucas. His eyes beg and search mine for forgiveness, but I refuse to pity him. Right now, I want to understand why he did this. Placing my hand on his chest, he acts as if it pains him to feel my touch. His eyes blink in agony before he opens them to stare back into mine. I search for any clue that the person I thought I could marry would do this to me. Not only had I loved Lucas, but he’d been my best friend. To know he is doing this to me is beyond devastating.

  “Skylar,” he whispers, his voice matching the pain in his eyes.

  Sebastian chimes in behind me. ”Don’t you DARE feel sorry for him, Skylar!”

  I look at my husband and hold my hand up in protest before turning back to face Lucas. With my hand still on his chest, I ask the one question that I want to know the answer to.

  “Why Lucas? Why did you do this?”

  “You know why,” he says, stepping back away from me, allowing my hand to drop away.

  “No, I don’t. You promised me a long time ago that you would never hurt me, but yet you go and do this? How could you?”

  For a moment, my words seem to level him, but then he looks past me to Sebastian and fury overtakes his body.

  “I had to do this, Skylar. Why won’t you wake up? He’s hurt you time and time again. How can you forgive him for this? He killed your parents, for God sake. He lied to you. I would never hurt you intentionally! I did this because I thought he was going to bring you down with him, and I couldn’t just stand aside and allow it to happen.”

  “You motherfucker!” Sebastian flies past me, and grabs Lucas by his jacket, throwing him up against the wall behind him, and landing a hard blow across his face. Both men grab for each other’s throats and squeeze with all their might. I can’t stand here and watch this pissing match any longer.

  “STOP IT!” I scream and the two of them reluctantly break apart, panting for breath. Staggering back, Sebastian looks like he is ready to kill him. Unaffected, Lucas just turns away and looks straight to me.

  “I can’t believe you would do this, Lucas,” I say, my voice trembling. The hurt seeps out of every word.

  “Skylar, please, let me explain. I didn’t know that was your family.”

  Sebastian speaks before I can. ”What is there to explain, you son of a bitch? You sold me out because you want her.”

  “Oh? And you are any better? How about we start out with the fact that you are STILL keeping things from her!” Lucas screams.

  Shocked and confused, I immediately look over to Sebastian. His eyes grow large and I know he is hiding something. I know that look.


  “Shut the fuck up NOW, Lucas!”

  “What? You don’t want me to tell her? How long have you been keeping it from her?” he says, laughing.

  I don’t recognize this man. What has happened to my sweet Lucas?

  “I said SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Sebastian screams, charging towards Lucas. This time Lucas is prepared and shoves back.

  “What is he talking about?” I ask, moving towards them.

  “We’ll talk about it when we get home, baby. Not here.”

  “Of course not! You are such a fucking coward, Thorne!” Lucas laughs and I hate him for it.

  Sebastian grabs my arm. “Baby, it’s not what you think. I can explain.”

  Breaking away from him, I stagger back into the couch, steadying myself on the armrest.

  Has he cheated on me?

  “Baby, listen to me. I never planned on keeping anything fr
om you. I just couldn’t upset you with the baby and all.”

  “T… tell me what?” I stutter, preparing myself for his words to level me.

  He shakes his head and I grow sicker by the minute.

  “Tell her or I will!” Lucas shouts.

  With wobbly legs, I make my way to the wastebasket, preparing to throw up.

  “It’s about Brandon.”

  Brandon? Why the hell would he have anything to do with this?

  “Brandon was released from prison, Skylar.”

  “W-what?” I say, the room beginning to spin. My knees buckle, but Lucas swoops in and catches me before I hit the floor.

  “Get your goddamn hands off my wife!” Sebastian roars, wrapping his arms around me and falling with me back to the floor. “Baby, are you all right?” he says, cradling me in his lap.

  Flashbacks overtake me.

  “Now be a good girl and don’t fight... You like it rough, don’t you?”

  I fight back with all my might, slamming my elbow into his face.

  “You BITCH! You are not turning me down tonight. I’ll take you conscious or unconscious. It makes no difference to me. Although, I think you want to be awake. I think you might just enjoy it.”

  I feel my clothes being torn. His strong cologne fills my nose.

  And then I hear the voice that saves me once again.

  “Baby? Look at me!” Sebastian’s panicked voice brings me back to reality.

  “Skylar? Are you okay? Do you want something to drink?” Lucas says, finding his way beside us on the floor.

  Damn, why won’t the room stop spinning?

  My heart is racing.

  “How can he be released from prison? How?” I manage to ask, holding tightly onto Sebastian’s arm. Sebastian looks at Lucas and then back to me.

  “They fucked up his arrest and the judge overturned his case. But…”

  I interrupt him, fear overtaking me.

  “No! NO! He can’t be out! What if he… Oh my God!” I begin going into hysterics.

  “Shhhh! Baby, that motherfucker won’t come near you, trust me! I have Harrison’s men watching the house and the office. You are safe, I promise.” He rubs my arms in reassurance.

  “When did he get out? Why didn’t you tell me?” I say, breaking away from him.

  “Almost three weeks ago.”

  “THREE WEEKS?” I shriek. “Is that why you insisted on taking me away and getting married? So, it wasn’t some romantic getaway. You just thought I was too weak to handle it, huh?”

  “Skylar, listen to me. I just wanted us to be happy. We deserve that. I was planning on telling you when we got back, I swear!”

  “Really? We’ve been back how long now, and you’ve not once thought to mention it to me. You promised you wouldn’t keep things from me. You promised no more lies.” I scream, scrambling to my feet, pushing away from them.

  “Both of you are nothing but damn liars!” I yell, staggering to the door. Sebastian’s arms quickly wrap around my waist and I jerk free.

  “Don’t touch me! And don’t you dare follow me!” I shout, poking my finger into his chest and turning away.

  “Baby, NO!” Sebastian shouts, begging me to stay. I feel him moving closer and I cringe.

  “Let her go, Thorne!” Lucas demands, pulling Sebastian back. Angrily, he swings, landing a hard blow across Lucas’ jaw. Lucas counters, and the last thing I see before I walk away is the two of them falling to the floor. I refuse to watch this.

  Leaving the office, I make my way past a wide-eyed Carol as I head to the elevator. Hugging myself, I struggle to understand what all of this means for us now. A famous Austin Kingpin and his asshole son both hold the key to destroying everything in my life.

  Once I get downstairs, I wave an oncoming cab down and climb in. I don’t want to risk the chance of one of them catching up to me before I get out of here. There is no way I want to see either one of them.

  “Just drive, please.” I instruct and the driver nods. Leaning my head against the back seat, I try to settle the fears inside of me. Everywhere I look on the street, I see Brandon. Am I safe? What if he seeks revenge on me? Can I ever let my guard down? I can’t live like this, especially now with the baby.

  “Miss?” The driver brings me out of my daze.

  “Miss, I’ve been driving now for an hour. Where do you want me to take you?”

  Right now, since my sister and best friend are not here, only one person can calm me.

  When I hear the familiar door chime, I smile. Marie’s beaming face greets me immediately at the door. When she sees my tear stained face, her arms find their way around me. The dam breaks, and I hold on to this woman with all my might. I know I can never tell her what is really going on, but I just need her. The thoughts of Sebastian in jail for the rest of his life terrify me.

  Please God, I can’t lose him.

  “Let it all out, Bellissimo. I’m right here.”


  Everything is ready. For the past few days, I’ve worked hard preparing this place for her arrival. I know she isn’t going to be willing at first, but I think if I give her a little bit of time she will come to see what I’ve known all along. We are meant to be together. Last time I’d been too harsh with her, but this time I will be different. I’m ready to prove to her that I’m a changed man.

  Looking around at the old warehouse, I openly admit that this is not the Ritz-Carlton, but it will have to do for now. Once Skylar comes around, I’ll move us in my Dad’s huge penthouse, overlooking Austin. I’ll give her everything she wants and desires. Soon, Sebastian will be rotting away in prison while my brother and I take over the family business. I plan on not only making Sebastian take the wrap for my father’s death, but I also plan on taking over his precious Thorne Enterprises.

  There is just one problem. Lucas Drake. For days now, he’s called and texted my father’s phone. I know he and my father had some sort of arrangement to take out Sebastian, but that’s yesterday’s news. Now I’m calling the shots and making all the moves. I certainly don’t need someone like him fucking all of this up for me. It took some changing of my original plan, but I think I can make his involvement in all of this play out to my advantage. As long as this Drake fellow thinks he’s talking to my father, I can use him to filter in information.

  It’s painfully obvious he has a thing for my girl. That’s fine for right now because it means he has eyes and ears on her. She’s accessible to him, where she isn’t to me at the moment. Thorne has men watching me at every turn, so I make myself scarce most days. I’ve done absolutely nothing to make anyone suspicious of my behavior. I’ve even stayed away from here as much as possible to not make this a place of interest to anyone.

  Once I have her, I will make this Drake character disappear. Straightening the bed up with the new pillows I bought, I stand back and admire the room. Yes, this will do just fine. Grinning to myself, I adjust my hardening cock as I think about her body. I can’t wait to break this bed in with her.

  My father’s phone chimes with a message from none other than Sebastian Thorne himself.

  SEBASTIAN: It’s time we meet face to face.

  I smile as I type in my reply.

  MAVERICK’S PHONE: All in due time, Mr. Thorne.

  Tucking my phone in my jeans pocket, I smooth out the blanket and grab my keys on the side table. It’s going to be hard to sit and patiently wait for this all to play out as I’ve planned, but when it does, it will be something beautiful to watch.


  Two huge plates of gooey chocolate treats and three glasses of sweet tea have me completely stuffed. Marie smiles proudly down at my empty plate as she takes it away. I swear, if I lived with this woman, I would easily weigh eight hundred pounds. Marie had sat patiently for the past hour, listening to me pour out my heart and soul. I’d told her about Lucas and Sebastian fighting and about Brandon’s release from jail, but I never mention what is really bothering me. I can’t talk to an
yone about that.

  Marie offered a few words of advice here and there, but for the most part just listening to my own words helps me realize what I’d always known from the start. Sebastian had done what he’s done from the beginning, protecting me. As much as I love him for his caveman ways, he has to learn to let me in if we are ever going to be able to face things together. We are a team now. There is no working alone in this life anymore.

  While Marie tended to customers and prepared to do her nightly baking, I’d curled up into my favorite couch and watched the flames dance in the fireplace. My mind is in such deep thought that I barely notice the blanket that Marie places over me. She takes my hand and squeezes it before looking back over me to the front. I watch her eyes twinkle and then she nods.

  “It’s about damn time,” she says chuckling.

  Confused, I sit up, look out the large front window of the bakery, and lock eyes with my beautiful husband. Cuts and bruises cover his face and his clothes are torn and stained with dried blood. Those glowing amber eyes search mine in desperation for forgiveness. Sebastian moves closer to the window, pressing his large hand to the glass outside.

  “Go easy on him,” Marie whispers over my shoulder as she pats my back.

  Turning back to the window, I walk towards him. Lifting my hand, I place it directly over his, painfully aware of how desperate I need to feel his touch right now. The cold glass burns my skin and leaves me in agony. I watch his mouth as he speaks. ”I’m so sorry, baby.”

  My eyes zone in on the dried blood on the top of his mouth. Before I realize it, I’m racing to the door where he is waiting to swoop me in his strong arms. I ignore the cool night air and hold onto him. His cologne fills my nose, and instantly, I relax against his chest. In his arms, I feel so safe, so loved.

  What will I ever do if I lose him now? This isn’t supposed to be our life anymore.

  He inhales the scent of my hair as he tightens his arms around my body. “I’m so sorry, Skylar. I thought I was doing the right thing,” he pleads as he rocks me against him.

  “I know and I’m sorry, too. I know you were trying to protect me. I just need you to trust me enough to tell me about things. Even the things that will hurt me.”


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