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The Alien's Rules

Page 5

by Maggie Carpenter

  “What time will he be there?”

  “Uh, around, uh, ten,” Ellie stammered, realizing she had no idea.

  “You’re taking a red-eye? Where to?”

  “I suppose you could call it a red-eye, though I doubt I’ll be doing any sleeping, and he’s taking me to the moon and the stars.”

  “Where else!” Robyn laughed. “I want to hear everything. See you at seven.”


  Ending the call, giggling at her private joke as the train appeared, Ellie walked in, found a seat, and let out a sigh. It was happening! It was actually happening! Closing her eyes, she thought back to her dreams, or the dreamscape as he’d called it. He’d made every part of her body come alive, but when she’d been fully awake, and she’d accused him of treating her like a lab rat, the way he’d grabbed her and thrown her headlong into a shattering orgasm had literally taken her breath away.

  The erotic memory made her stomach flip and set her heart racing, but a glimmer of worry floated through her head. Was it foolish to be going with him? There were probably many reasons she should stay right where she was, but even as the doubt hovered, she knew nothing would change her mind. She would go to bed, close her eyes, and pray that Valodar would come for her. She wished she could experience the flight back to the big spaceship, but apparently he didn’t want her to. She should have asked him why. What was so different about going back? She would ask him when she woke up in the… what was it he had called it? The receiving room. Yes, when she woke up in the receiving room, she would ask him.

  The train pulled into her station, and after walking briskly home and entering her flat, she headed into her small kitchen to make a cup of tea, carrying the mug into her bedroom. Pulling her suitcase from under the bed, she unzipped it and wandered across to her closet, but as she slid open the doors, she stared at her clothes and frowned.

  “What do I pack for a week on a spaceship? Good grief! At least trying to figure it out might help the time go by.”

  It did, and she was so confounded by what to pack, the suitcase had been filled and emptied several times before she threw up her hands and decided whatever was in there, it would have to do. Not sure where it should be left, she wrote a note, this should come with me, and placed it against the wall, then ambling back to her kitchen, she opened her lone bottle of white wine, poured herself a glass, and pulled a package of crackers from her cupboard. She had downed most of them when she decided to order the food for dinner. When Robyn arrived, the Chinese meal had been delivered, and Ellie had drunk half the bottle of the Sauvignon Blanc.

  “I’m glad I thought to bring this,” Robyn declared, raising a bottle of Chardonnay. “That food smells delish. Let’s grab some plates, then you have to tell me all about this guy and where it is you’re running off to!”

  Carrying the dishes and cartons of food to the dining table, they sat down, and Ellie poured herself a third glass of wine. She felt giggly and giddy, and as her friend peppered her with questions, Ellie found herself having trouble answering them. Finishing her first helping of the lemon chicken, Robyn laid down her chopsticks and stared across the table.

  “Ellie Blake, there’s something you’re not telling me,” she declared. “You’re acting weird, and it’s not just because you’re buzzed.”

  “I am?”

  “You know you are. You’re being evasive, and if you don’t want to tell me all the gory details, that’s fine, but I have the feeling there’s something about this man you don’t want me to know.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Yeah, it’s that obvious. You’re being totally vague, and what kind of a name is Avolar?”

  “It’s not Avolar, it’s Valodar,” Ellie exclaimed, “like valor, but with dar at the end.”

  “Fine, Valodar. You say he’s not English, but you won’t tell me where he is from, you say he’s flying you in his own plane, and—”

  “Vessel,” Ellie stammered, the wine making her head swim. “He’s flying me in his vessel. That’s what he calls it.”

  “Who calls a plane, a vessel?”

  “He does, and it is a vessel,” Ellie said, then quickly added, “I, uh, don’t know why I said that.”

  “See? That was weird, but okay, vessel. He’s flying you in his own vessel, you say you know where you’re going, but you don’t know where it is. That makes absolutely no sense, and I’m sorry, Ellie, but this doesn’t sound real smart.”

  “But I do know the, uh, place he’s taking me, I just don’t know what it’s called, I mean, it doesn’t have a name, at least, I don’t think so.”

  “Unbelievable,” Robyn muttered, shaking her head. “Do you hear yourself? You’re talking gobbledygook.”

  “I know, I know,” Ellie groaned. “You’re right.”

  “Don’t you know the first rule of safe dating?”

  “Rule? What rule?”

  “You always tell someone where you’re going, and details about the person you’re going with. You make sure there’s an emergency phrase, so if you get in trouble you can call, say the phrase, and the person on the other end of the phone will know there’s something wrong and get in touch with the police.”

  Completely buzzed, Ellie leaned across the table with a heavy frown.

  “I don’t think my mobile phone will work where he’s taking me.”

  “Oh, well, that’s just great!” Robyn exclaimed. “You’ve know this Valvo guy for—what did you say? Three weeks? A month? And you’re going someplace where your phone won’t work?”

  “Valodar!” Ellie shouted.

  “Sorry, sorry, Valodar, but that’s totally beside the point. Are you going camping? Is that why you think your phone won’t work?”

  “No, we are definitely not camping, but now that I think about it,” she said, frowning and trying to make her mushy mind work, “he said he has other ways to communicate with people down here, at least, I think he did.”

  “What do you mean, down here?”

  “Here, on Earth,” Ellie said impatiently, then immediately gasped. “Oh, shit.”

  Robyn stared at her.

  “Ellie, what do you mean, here on Earth?” she asked slowly. “And I want to know—exactly.”

  “I, uh, there’s no point in me telling you. You won’t believe me, and I promised I wouldn’t.”

  “Have some more wine,” Robyn suggested, filling Ellie’s glass, hoping it would get her talking.

  “Thanks. Yeah, I could use it,” Ellie replied, talking a big gulp. “The truth is, I’m absolutely bursting to tell you, but it’s just so crazy. You’ll think I’ve lost my mind, or I’m making it up, or…”

  “Try me, please, for pity’s sake, try me.”


  “Ellie, I promise I won’t think you’re crazy, and I promise not to judge you, or rather, I’ll try not to judge you. I know I can be that way sometimes. I’m the first to admit it, but just tell me. For goodness’ sake, you need to, if for no other reason than your safety.”


  “You said that already,” Robyn grunted. “Would you please just spit it out? How bad can it be?”

  “Valodar is an alien, and he’s coming for me tonight, and I’m going to spend a week in his spaceship. Not his, exactly, but the spaceship he lives on.”

  Robyn stared at her for a minute, then began laughing hysterically, until finally managing to control herself, she began darting her eyes around the small apartment.

  “Am I on a gotcha TV show or something? Is that what this is? Oh, man, you really had me going there. Where are the cameras?”

  “No, there are no cameras,” Ellie said, shaking her head, then looking at her friend’s bemused face, she quickly added, “but I am joking, of course I’m joking. Spaceships and aliens, heavens. I was totally joking.”

  Robyn suddenly stopped her giggling, and an unexpected, awkward silence fell between them.

  “Oh! My! God! You’re not kidding,” Robyn said br
eathlessly. “You actually think…”

  “I said it was a joke.”

  “Then why am I getting chills,” Robyn whispered. “This is true. This is for real. Okay, now I’m freaking out.”

  Ellie reached across the table to grab Robyn’s hand, but stopped short. All the lights in her apartment began wildly flickering.

  “Please excuse the interruption.”

  Both girls spun around and stared into the middle of the room. Robyn screamed, and Ellie gasped in shock. Valodar was standing by the coffee table staring at them. He was naked from the waist up, his silver trousers matching the large silver jewelry draped around his neck, and striding across the room, he touched Robyn’s forehead. Robyn, who had been staring in frozen shock, immediately changed; her face relaxed, she broke into a smile, and when Valodar stepped back, she rose to her feet and extended her hand.

  “It’s delightful to meet you, Victor,” she said warmly. “I really must be going now. I hope you and Ellie have a wonderful cruise.”

  Ellie watched in stunned silence as Robyn picked up her coat and bag, and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Have fun, and don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone that you’re sneaking off for a week of debauchery.”

  She moved quickly out the door, and red-faced and mortified, Ellie gulped as she turned and looked at Valodar’s angry face.

  “How, uh, why, uh, I—”

  “Stop,” he said sternly, holding up his hand. “You broke your promise.”

  “Were you spying on me?” she demanded, thinking maybe her best defense was a good offense.

  “Not the way you think,” he replied, “and that is irrelevant. You broke your promise.”

  “I’m sorry. I, uh, I guess I drank too much,” she said urgently, realizing she was now suddenly sober. “It won’t happen again. I am sorry, truly, I am.”

  “I’m not sure—”

  “About me coming with you?” she interrupted. “Please, I really want to.”

  He had been going to say how I should punish you, but he was glad she’d cut him off. Her desire to join him was heartwarming, and certainly encouraging.

  “I am aware that humans break their promises all the time, but for me, for us, it is considered a serious offense. Promises must be honored, otherwise they’re worthless, and you are seen to be untrustworthy.”

  “You’re right. Of course, you’re right.”

  “If you join me, the very first order of business will be your punishment. If you accept that, then we can continue with our plans.”

  “I accept it,” she replied, fervently nodding, then wondering what sort of punishment he was talking about, she added, “as long as it’s not, uh, too bad.”

  “Too bad? Ellie, I would never abuse you!” he exclaimed. “I will punish you, though how I’m not sure yet, but I will not, nor would I ever be abusive. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, Valodar,” she replied, feeling chagrined. “Sorry.”

  “I am not insulted,” he said softly. “Your concern is understandable.”

  “So… are we leaving now? Is that why you’re here? I thought you were coming later.”

  “No, we are not leaving. Do what you must, then go to bed. I shall return and transport you.”

  “Okay. Sorry again, I’m an idiot, and now I’m upset. I let you down.”

  “Come here,” he said, opening his arms.

  Hurrying across the small space between them, she fell into his chest, and as he wrapped her up in his slight, but amazingly strong arms, she felt her worries dissolving, and closing her eyes, she sank into him, let out a breath, and smiled.

  Chapter Six

  In the early hours of the morning, Valodar had positioned his vessel close to the wall of Ellie’s bedroom. A shimmering beam had glowed across her, and like a giant gleaming hand, it had lifted her from her bed and carried her through the opening he’d created in the building’s wall, into his craft, and settled her on a warm, padded platform.

  Now in the receiving room, she was lying under the purple light, and Valodar was staring down at his naked beauty. She needed to be decontaminated and inoculated. The first was a tedious task, one she didn’t need to endure in a conscious state. Placing a black mask over her eyes, he brightened the violet light above her until it turned pink, then a blinding white. She was bathed in its lambency, her skin appeared almost pearlescent, and picking up a smooth silver, rocket-shaped cylinder, he pried open her lips.

  “Sweet Ellie, this is most important,” he murmured, placing it inside her mouth. “Your orifices harbor bacteria and viruses that are harmful to me and others on the station. I have sterilized you each time we’ve been together, but not to the degree I must now. You’ll be here for five Earth days. I must be thorough.”

  The white light had sanitized her epidermis, and the device had to remain in her mouth until it chimed. Sitting down next to her, he held her hand. She may not be consciously aware of what was happening, but he knew, on some level, his long tapered fingers wrapped around hers would offer comfort. This was why he didn’t want her conscious upon arrival. It was easier to have her already asleep, and just deepen her state once on his table.

  As he waited he heard a soft noise, and looking down at her, he saw she was softly sucking on the tube. He smiled. He had trained her to pleasure his injector, but his member was quite different to the human penis, and there was still much for her to learn.

  The cylinder chimed, and carefully withdrawing it, he placed it back in its sterilizing container, then rolling her onto her stomach, he pressed a gem on his necklace. The area of the padded bench below her pelvis began to raise itself up, lifting her hips, stopping only when her bottom was high in the air. Spreading her knees apart, he separated her pussy lips and gazed at her womanhood. There were only three races in the galaxy with whom he could have offspring, and a human female was one of them. He found their charms decidedly enticing, and as he gazed at the fleshy pink lips, and spied the glistening moisture, evidence of her arousal, he lightly touched his crotch. He held a decadent secret she had yet to experience, and after her chastisement, he would share it with her for the first time.

  “I wish I could take you to my bed chamber right now.” he mumbled. “I yearn to electrify you and hear your whimpers and moans. To finally have you fully awake will be my dream come true.”

  Pushing back his carnal craving and reaching under the table, he withdrew a glove that appeared to be thin tin foil, but as he pulled it on, it wrapped itself around his fingers like a second skin. Sliding it into her pussy, he dallied at her magic nub.

  “The human female clitoris,” he muttered. “What a marvelous and mystical thing.”

  He heard a sigh, and surprised she had reacted, he circled and pressed for a brief moment. She responded with a quiet moan, and continuing to move the disinfecting glove across her sex, he thrust one of his long, thick fingers inside her. As he began slowly moving it in and out, the sound of her soft mewling carried to his ear. He frowned. Had he not made her state deep enough? Though her noises were utterances of pleasure, the disinfecting glove could sting, and he didn’t want her in any discomfort.

  “You are so full of lust,” he smiled. “Even in this state, you respond, but now I must cleanse an area we have yet to explore. Another reason I wanted you asleep. You may not enjoy this, and it must be done.”

  Removing the glove, he turned it inside out and placed it inside a thick black bag waiting on a counter behind him, and pulling on a fresh one, he touched a finger to her anus. Her cheeks clenched, but as he pressed forward, they relaxed, and to his amazement he was able to slide in his long finger forward with no resistance. Had she received training? Was she familiar with the joys that could be found in her rear orifice? Leaving his finger buried, allowing the sanitizing glove to do its work, he admired her wonderfully round backside. It would soon be red and hot. A vigorous spanking was in order, followed by another punishment with which she would not be familiar. Both were deserved for bre
aking her promise. His discipline always involved spanking, but he would also include another form of punishment that addressed the crime.

  Stepping back, he repeated the ritual with the glove, dropping it into a new black bag, then picking up both, he slipped them through a slit that had opened in the wall, vanishing as quickly as it had it had appeared, then returning to the table, he touched his necklace. The vivid white light slowly faded to soft pink, then back to violet.

  The decontamination was finished. Nothing he’d done would have harmed her. The friendly bacteria that lived in her body presented no danger, and would have been strengthened. All that was left was her inoculation, a simple touch of a sharp needle on her wrists, which would protect her from the germs on the station unfriendly to humans, and the translation implant, which would only take a moment to place in her ear. He completed the two tasks quickly, then touching his necklace again, he returned the table to its flattened state and rolled her onto her back, but just as he was about to bring her around, he paused. She was serene and at peace. He had often watched her sleep. There was a joy in it, and sitting next to her, he once again took her hand.

  “I don’t know what’s to become of us,” he said softly. “Many will not understand why I have chosen a human, but most are aware I have no interest in the mundane, and you are anything but mundane,” he said with a wry smile. “I hope you will forgive me when I confess how we met. You have no memory of it, but I must tell you. It would be dishonest if I did not. I hope I am able to choose my words well.”

  Raising her hand to his lips, he softly kissed it, then laying it down, he rose to his feet, placed one hand on her heart and the other on her head, and watched her slowly flutter open her eyes.

  Gazing up at the familiar purple light, Ellie smiled. She was in the receiving room. Valodar had kept his promise even though she’d broken hers.

  “Thank you,” she murmured. “I’m so happy to be here. Are you still upset with me?”

  “No, but I still must punish you.”



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