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Promise Me Tomorrow: Book 3 in the Witness Series (Volume 3)

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by Heather D'Agostino

  I met Dev my second year at the Academy. We were dorm mates, and where I was hot headed, he was cool. We were the perfect match for each other, and after graduating we decided to try and get a job with the CPD. I didn’t tell him why I wanted to leave NY, but Dev was ok with it. He’d smiled and told me he was looking for an adventure and was open to anything. We weren’t just friends, we were partners, brothers in blue, and I was determined to follow through on the promise I’d made my dad when I buried him.


  Present Day...

  “I never planned on meeting you.” I looked down at Tiff’s tear-filled eyes. We were lying in her bed. I had my back propped up against the wall, and she was curled into me with her head on my chest. “I can’t go through all that again. It nearly killed me. I’ll never look at the world the way I did before it all happened, and I don’t know if I can ever be who you want or deserve.”

  “I just want you.” She placed her palm over my heart as she tipped her head back and kissed my jaw. “Be honest with me and stop hiding,” she whispered.

  I closed my eyes as I kissed the top of her head. Her hair was still damp from the shower we’d shared earlier. It would be light soon, and I knew my time with her was coming to an end. “I have to go soon. I’m sorry,” I murmured.

  “The case,” she swallowed as she watched my eyes. “It’s him isn’t it? He’s the one you’re after.”

  “I can’t answer that.” I looked away as the night played over in my head. I knew she knew what I was saying, but it pained me to keep things from her. “I want to tell you everything, but I can’t. Hell, if my captain knew I was here, he could have badge. I’m breaking so many rules right now.” I chuckled to myself as I ran a hand up and down her bare arm slowly.

  “Will you leave?” she whispered. “Like Dev did?” she clarified. “When this is done, will you give us a chance? A real chance?” She shifted as she rose up on her knees to face me.

  “I wanna know what all this means.” She moved her hands in the air around us. “Is this some dream I’m having or are you really saying that you want to try?” Her eyes softened as she stared at me, the dim streetlight outside letting minimal light in the room. The shadows hid the uncertainty that I knew was apparent on my face, but I nodded nonetheless.

  “Fuck,” I hissed. “Goddamn, you make me do things that I never thought I would.” I gripped her face in my hands, cupping her jaw as I brought her closer to me. “I’ll try. I promise, I’ll try, but you have to know you could destroy me. I’ll give you my heart, but you have to protect it. I won’t survive you leaving me.” I crushed my mouth to hers and rolled us so I hovered over her. “Promise me you’ll never leave,” I murmured as she surrendered to me.

  “I promise,” she echoed as I slid into her causing us both to gasp. “Jase?” She wrapped her arms around my neck tugging me closer. “Promise me tomorrow.” I nodded my head as we slowly began to make love, because that’s what this was. Love. I loved her, and I was finally able to let myself believe that I could have a future with her. I finally saw in her what my father saw in my mother... tomorrow. I saw tomorrow, and Tiff was there, reflecting it back.

  Chapter 9


  In the early predawn light, I forced myself out of Tiff’s bed. As I dressed in the dark, I contemplated what I’d told her. I did want to try to be what she wanted, but I knew until this case was closed, I couldn’t follow through. All my effort and concentration needed to be directed at Simon. I had to be on point or all this was for nothing.

  Tiff shifted in the bed and released a deep sigh as she curled on her side, nuzzling the pillow I’d been sleeping on. Her face was soft and relaxed as her shoulders moved lightly with her breathing. After tying my shoes, I rounded the bed to her side and leaned over. I pressed my lips to her temple and whispered, “I love you,” before pulling back to stare at her. She didn’t move, and it pained me to leave her like that, but I didn’t have a choice. It felt like nothing had changed, but in reality, everything had. When I came back the next time, we’d be different. I’d be different.

  After carefully making my way downstairs, I snuck out back behind Tiff’s building and darted between several others before hitting the street. I pulled my beanie down over my ears and kept my gaze directed at the ground. I didn’t want to attract any unwanted attention, and I needed to get back to the warehouse before sunrise. I’m sure Simon would be pissed that I’d taken off last night, but I didn’t care at this point. I needed to pull Max out of hiding again, and get this job done. Something big was supposed to be happening this week, and I hoped I’d get the evidence I needed.

  As my feet moved faster toward my destination, my phone buzzed in my pocket. When I glanced down at it and saw the number for the burner phone I’d given Dev, I knew it was something important. “What?” I barked into it.

  “Good morning to you too, sunshine,” Dev grumbled.

  “I don’t have time for this. I’m almost back. What is it?” I huffed. I was only two blocks away from the warehouse now, and I knew I needed to get off the phone before I returned.

  “We might have a problem. Listen, Jax was released this morning.” He paused as I stumbled over a non-existent bump in the sidewalk. “Are you listening?”

  “Yeah,” I stopped and ducked behind a corner. “Are you sure?” My brother had been locked up on multiple possession charges years ago, but I’d lost track of him when I left New York.

  “I had to check on somebody in the tombs. It came over the wire that he was being released. I’m sure he’s heading your way. Fuck man. He’s gonna recognize you. You need to get the fuck out of there,” I could hear the frustration, along with the worry, in Dev’s voice.

  “I can’t. I’m in now. I’m so close to getting in on a buy. I just need a little more intel, and then you guys can set up surveillance. “I haven’t seen my brother in fourteen years. He was high most of time back then. What makes you think he’ll recognize me?”

  “Shit, bro! You’re playing with fire,” Dev warned.

  “I’ll be careful; just trust me,” I whispered. “I gotta go. I’ll send a message if I get outed. Stop worrying.” I clicked off the line before he could respond and shoved my phone back in my pocket. Fucking great! Jax might show up. Was I naïve in thinking that he wouldn’t know who I was? Hell, Si hadn’t figured it out yet, why would Jax?

  When I got back to our little compound, I glanced around, taking in my surroundings. It was quieter than usual, and that caused me to be extra cautious. Si’s dark sedan was parked one street over, almost hidden from view. If I hadn’t been paying attention, I wouldn’t have noticed the driver. I’ve been trained to pick up on all these things though so I made a mental count of the men I saw lurking in the hidden spots. Something was up, I just wasn’t sure what...yet.


  “He returns!” Mitch shouted from where he was sipping some amber liquid on the couch in Si’s lair, as we now called it.

  “Fuck you,” I grumbled as I shrugged out of my coat and flopped down on the chair across from him. A scantily dressed woman was leaning against the bar at the other end, looking like she was coked out of her mind. “Your piece forget to leave this morning?” I smirked at him.

  “She’s fucking high as shit. I don’t think she’s slept in over a day. Ain’t earning me shit right now, right?” He looked over his shoulder and the girl’s head fell forward as she slumped on a stool.

  “Fuck, Mitch,” I hissed as I lifted my feet and crossed my ankles on the table between us. “What’d you give her?”

  “Sample of the new stuff.” He chuckled as he tipped his head back finishing off his drink. “Hit harder than I thought. Guess boss man needs to cut it more,” he mused as he waved his glass in the air.

  Another woman who I hadn’t seen came waltzing over, grabbed the glass and then paused beside me. Her hand lowered to my chest and trailed down to my waistband as she smiled coyly. “Want something to take the edge o
ff?” she purred as she tried to toy with my belt buckle.

  “Nah Sugar, I’m fine,” I winked as I brushed her hand away.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Mitch cackled. “That piece you meet last night get in your head?”

  Flashes of Tiff and I in the shower and then making love in her bed flashed through my mind at the mention of the night before. I felt my expression soften, but quickly slipped the hard exterior back in place hoping Mitch hadn’t noticed. “I’m just fucking tired. Something’s going on. I’d like to have my wits about me when orders come in today.”

  “Fuck being sober,” he growled as he narrowed his eyes on the girl making his drink. “Life’s a party, right?” He hooted in her direction. She grinned at him before coming over to where we were, handing him his drink, and then sliding down onto his lap. As I sat there, she started working the zipper down on his pants and placing kisses to his neck. I’d seen shit like this many times before, but when she slipped to her knees in front of him, something snapped inside me. “Where are you going? You’re next,” he groaned as she pulled his dick from his pants and slipped it in her mouth.

  “Fuck no, I’m not.” I shook my head as I quickly stood. “I don’t want your leftovers,” I grumbled as I began stalking out of the room. The sounds of her sucking on his cock and his moans of pleasure were the last sounds I heard as I slipped from the room.

  When I rounded the corner into the hallway, Malcolm came into view. “Where the fuck have you been!” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Si’s got a job for you.”

  “Does no one in this group talk?” I tossed my hands out to the side. “While you guys came home empty handed, I was getting fucking laid,” I huffed. “Like it’s any of your fucking business.”

  “Well, while you were chasing tail, Si found a rat.” He motioned for me to follow. The first thing that popped into my head was that they’d figured me out. Usually, a ‘rat’ meant that someone had weaseled their way into the group and was leaking info to someone on the outside. I couldn’t imagine in the few short months I’d been here that they’d discovered anything yet.

  I was good at my job, that’s why I was here. Si trusted me too. More than he should. I’d started as a supplier, and when Si switched once again he’d kept me on as an enforcer. I was essentially one of the body guards when we went out. It was easier to get close this way, but it always meant that I got stuck carrying out the jobs I didn’t necessarily want. Today was one of those days.

  Malcolm led me to the back area of the warehouse where Simon usually had the crew that packaged our product before it hit the streets. In the back corner, a man was tied to a chair. “Fuck,” I muttered under my breath before schooling my features. I didn’t know who this was or what they wanted me to do, but I had a pretty good idea.

  “Got a job for you,” Si called from somewhere off to the side. “Rat just got out and tried to run. He owes me close to twenty-five K. I’m thinking that he doesn’t have it, so I need you to take care of him for me.” Si’s eyes twinkled. He’s always got this look on his face when he knew he had the upper hand. It was as if beating someone, or taking their life, caused him pleasure.

  “Besides owing you money, what did the fucker do?” I mused as I rubbed my chin. “I mean,” I paused for effect “if he’s been locked up, what could he have done?”

  Si smirked. “He screwed up a robbery years ago and ended up killing the bastard instead. I told him to tune him up, and he shot up instead. He’s got some cash hidden somewhere too that he owes me.” He walked around me and paused in front of the man in the chair.

  “Thought you’d run, did ya? Thought you’d get away?” The man’s head frantically moved from side to side as a mumbling panicked sound spilled from him. “My best enforcer is more than you ever were.” He kicked the chair as the man’s head jerked again. “Come over here, Max. Show this fucker what happens when you don’t do what you’re told.” He motioned me around, and when I paused in front of the chair, my stomach fell to my knees. It was my brother, Jax. He was older, and more worn from prison and the street, but I would know him anywhere. My fucking brother was staring me right in the eyes, and a moment of relief seemed to flood his face. I didn’t know if it was because he’d figured out who I was, or if he knew this was the end of him.

  “Find out where he hid my money, and if he doesn’t tell you,” Si smirked, “shoot him.” He slowly reached behind his back and pulled a gun from his waistband. “Use this. It’s pretty fitting. It’s the same gun he used in his fuck up.” He held out the gun, and I willed my hands to not shake as I wrapped my fingers around my dad’s revolver, the same revolver Jax had stolen from him.

  My eyes glanced at the gun as I tried to down play what was actually happening here. “What exactly do you want me to do?” I smirked as I glanced back at Jax before turning my back to him to face Si. “He seems like a waste of space.”

  “Find out where my money is and why he did it.” Si tossed his hand in the air before walking away. “I’ve got shit to do. Let me know when you find something.”

  “Can I have a little privacy for this?” I chuckled. “I’m more successful when I don’t have an audience.”

  “You can have whatever the fuck you want if you get me my money,” he called as he slipped out the door leaving me with Jax.

  I stuffed the gun in my pants as I turned to face my brother. Anger, confusion, and pain warred within me. I hated that all of this was his fault. I was confused about what Si had said. What had Jax done that was so bad besides stealing from him? Pain sliced through my chest as I thought about how close we used to be. When we were kids, we were inseparable. Until he started using, we were best friends.

  I moved closer and leaned over right in front of his face, “I’m gonna take this off, but if you make a fucking sound, I’m putting it back.” I waited for him to acknowledge me before I slowly peeled off the cloth that was covering his mouth.

  He gasped for air before swallowing and looking up at me, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “What does it look like? I’m taking out the trash,” I grumbled as I paced in front of him.

  “No really. I don’t know what he’s talking about. I don’t have his money, you gotta believe me,” Jax begged. He looked different now, more put together, cleaner. “I got clean while I was locked up. I wanna do better. You gotta get me outta here.”

  “I’m not getting you anywhere until you tell me what it is that he’s talking about,” I growled as I leaned in closer.

  “I can’t. It was a long time ago,” his chin dropped as he refused to look at me. “He’s watching,” he warned in a low breath as he continued to stare at the floor. “Behind you from the window, he’s watching. Hit me,” he mumbled.

  I closed my eyes and wiped all emotion from my face as I pulled my fist back and put it right across Jax’s left cheek. “Where is it?” My voice boomed as I paced around the chair. Blood leaked from Jax’s lip as he nodded and chuckled. “That all you got?”

  I glanced up at where Si had been and noticed he was gone. I guess he was satisfied that I was doing my job and decided to go about whatever he did during the day. “I was holding back,” I muttered. “Tell me whatever it is that he’s talking about or I won’t be so kind next time,” I warned.

  Jax spit blood from his mouth as he peered up at me. “I’m sorry. I was high. I didn’t know what I was doing. I swear I didn’t go there planning to do it. It just happened, and then I couldn’t take it back. Si followed me in. He wouldn’t listen when I told him you didn’t take the money. I swear,” he swallowed “I never planned for them to die.”

  Realization at what he was confessing hit me from all angles as my world began to spin out of control. “You fucking sick sonofabitch,” I reared back and punched my fist so hard across his face, the chair flipped backward, causing him to land on his back with his feet in the air. “You killed them! You fucking took them away, and all they ever did was try to help you!”<
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  “No,” he gasped. “Si insisted that the money was there. I was so high that I thought he’d toss the house, see that I was telling the truth, and we’d leave. They weren’t supposed to be home. They came home early, while we were still there. Si tied them up, and beat Dad unconscious. By the time he was ready to leave, he had me convinced it was the only way.”

  He closed his eyes as he prepared for my fist to hit him once again. I straddled him as I balled my hands and pummeled him, starting at his face and making my way down his body to his ribs. I felt one give way under my blows and watched as Jax fought to stay conscious. I stood and maneuvered the chair upright before taking a few steps back and pulling the revolver from my pants.

  “Do it,” he gasped. “Fucking do it.”

  My hand stayed steady as all the feelings I’d buried all those years ago came bubbling to the surface. His face was dripping with blood, the same blood that I remembered seeing all over their house. I remembered all the times they tried to get him in to rehab. All the times they tried to help before they finally gave up, washing their hands of him. I’d stayed the longest, believing that deep inside somewhere was the brother I’d once loved, but not now. All I saw before me was the man that killed my parents. The man that was supposed to care about me.

  “Fucking do it!” He screamed at me as his face contorted in pain. “Get it over with. I deserve it.”

  I cocked the gun as pure rage ran through my veins, but the good in me somehow won out. I was a cop first, and I couldn’t do this. I released the hammer before lifting my hand and smashing the butt of the revolver across Jax’s temple, causing him to pass out. His body slumped in the chair as his eyes rolled closed. I tossed the gun onto a nearby table as I slumped down in a chair. I watched Jax’s body sit limply as I placed my elbows on my knees and dropped my head into my hands.


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