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by Unknown

  What can you tell us about the next novel?

  Um, it depends on whether you meant the next one out, or the next one I'm writing. Well, if you mean the next thing of mine to come out after Book of Secrets, it's actually a comic book mini-series I'm doing with Shawn McManus for Vertigo Comics, a spin off of Bill Willingham's Fables, entitled Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love. It features the reimagined fairy-tale character, who is now "Cinderella, Super Spy," and is Sex in the City meets On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

  What are the last five internet sites that you've visited?

  Google Mail, Google Reader, Facebook, Blogger, and of course I should mention my own blog at

  Did you ever take any writing classes or specific instructions to learn the craft?

  I took a few creative writing classes, but I don't really recommend them. The best of them I took basically involved the professor assigning us novels to read, some of which were genius and some of which were crap, and asking us to figure out what worked in didn't in each of them. I think the best training in writing comes in reading.

  How did you get past the initial barriers of criticism and rejection?

  Dogged determination, you could say, if you were being kind. An obsessive compulsion, though, would probably be a better term for it.

  In your opinion, what are the best and worst aspects of writing for a living?

  The worst aspects are probably the interminable wait between finishing a book or story and readers actually getting a chance to read it.

  The best part is that you get to write for a living…




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