Book Read Free

Book Bitch

Page 6

by Ashleigh Royce

  She brushed herself against me. My heart slammed against my chest. I watched her disappear into the walk-in closet. A few minutes later she appeared in front of me, wearing a black cocktail dress that left little to the imagination. I remembered her curves, which were now covered by a small amount of fabric. Turning so that her back was toward me, she pointed to the zipper. I held my breath in an attempt to steady my hands as I pulled the zipper up her back. Fighting back the urge to kiss her bare shoulder and trace kisses up her neck, I put my hands on her waist and turned her around. Our eyes locked. I couldn’t read them. Her body responded to mine, but I didn’t know what she was thinking.

  “We have to go,” she said without conviction.

  “I know.” But I didn’t move. I didn’t want to break the spell she had on me. If we parted I may not have gotten another chance to be with her.

  She reached up on her toes and kissed me lightly on the lips. It was long and filled with emotion. I didn’t want it to end, but she pulled away. I chased her with my mouth, but she didn’t allow another.

  “I’ll get my shoes,” she whispered. Her back arched away from me and she used her hands to push off my chest. I released my grip and she walked back into the closet, coming out a second time with her shoes in her hands. She sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over to slip her shoes on. The soft tendrils of her hair fell forward. A few strands clung to her lipstick. In that moment, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She stood and I couldn’t be away from her any longer. I put my arm around her. I searched her eyes. “You’re so beautiful.”

  The lobby buzzer interrupted again. “That’s the car.” Her whisper was breathy. “Stay close to me tonight. I don’t think I’ll do well if you aren’t near me.”

  Was she crazy? The Book Bitch would always be fine, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay away from her, not after what we shared.

  Chapter Seven

  I’d never been inside the Waldorf Astoria, but I knew it was an extremely ornate display of Art Nouveau between the late 1890s to the 1910s. Rich gold repetitious concentric circles adorned door lintels as fluid, natural curves of flowers and wiry flowers of various shapes filled every space. The movement of Art Nouveau was at it’s best in the display at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.

  As our car pulled up to the front, Rebecca let go of my hand, which had been wrapped around hers since we left her apartment.

  “I don’t want to let go, but we need to remain professional here.”

  I nodded my understanding.

  The sinewy patterns were alive with feeling as you walked through the enormous hotel, as if being embraced by the décor into a world reminiscent of a time when people lived much above the means of the average, blue-collar worker. Far from being the first to arrive, you would have thought us royalty as everyone flocked to Rebecca to ensure she knew that they were in attendance. Even the waiters hovered, asking what she needed. I was quickly pushed to the recesses of the room as she was passed forward from one publisher to the next, then on to the authors and wealthy benefactors. I found myself near the bar and opted to get myself a drink. At least it would look like I had a purpose if I had a glass in my hand. I decided to get one for Rebecca as well, but I wasn’t sure what she drank. Steering clear of alcohol, I asked for a ginger ale with a lime. That way it would look like a cocktail without the buzzing effects.

  Wandering through the sea of people, that had miraculously grew in number since our arrival, I searched for Rebecca. I spied her talking with Gail Cranston. The thought hit me that I was watching the most renowned editor, for the largest publishing house, in the country, talking to the biggest literary agent, my boss and now lover. I admired how the fabric hugged Rebecca’s curves, the curves I had just had the pleasure of experiencing and now wanted more. My insides buzzed with excitement and I hoped the evening would continue the way it began.

  I set my sights on the two women, but before I was close enough for them to catch my eye, a somewhat assertive man in a tuxedo intercepted the ladies. He was every bit a cliché: tall, dark, handsome, and judging from his fancy attire and the attitude he wore as a cloak, wealthy.

  I slowed my pace and watched, as Rebecca seemed to be charmed by this new gentleman. My self-conscious criticized every way I wasn’t like this stranger. Rebecca looked in my direction and smiled when she saw me. That was my cue to approach. I sidled up next to her.

  “I thought you might like something to drink.” I handed her the ginger ale.

  Her smile widened. “How thoughtful.” She turned toward Gail Cranston. “Gail, you remember Alex.” With my free hand, I took hers and gave a polite little bow in her direction. I hoped I was as charming as Mr. Mysterious. Rebecca seemed pleased with my approach. She turned toward the man. “Alex, I’d like to introduce you to Donovan Richards.” I stood up tall and offered my hand, which he shook with a firm grip. His greying temples gave him a look of authority, but I could see that he was a man driven to succeed, no matter the consequences.

  “Mr. Richards, your reputation precedes you.” Let him wonder what that means.

  He let out a hearty, fake laugh. If I didn’t dislike him before, I certainly did after hearing that sinister chuckle.

  “So you’re Rebecca’s new sidekick?” The condescension in his voice was thick.

  “Yes.” I didn’t want to say much to him.

  He gave a snicker. “Well then, maybe you can talk some sense into her.” He focused his attention on her. “I’ve been trying to get her to merge with me to become the largest, and most successful literary agency in the world.” He lifted Rebecca’s hand to his lips. Rebecca’s brow furrowed and she looked from him to me. I’m not sure if it was anger or jealousy that welled up inside of me, but I knew I didn’t like him touching her.

  “We all know that’s not going to happen, Donovan.” She pulled her hand away. Gail remained stoic next to Rebecca. I remembered her comments about Donovan during our lunch. She didn’t care for the man and his bullshit either.

  A young man, maybe twenty-two, approached our group. His suit looked too big for him, as if he borrowed it from his dad. He seemed out of sorts. I knew how he felt. He whispered something into Donovan’s ear and then stepped back, waiting for instruction.

  “If you’ll excuse me, one of my top authors is here. I must go say hello.” With his attention on Gail Cranston first, he said, “Gail, it was lovely to see you.” His attention shifted toward me. “Alex, good luck to you in your new role.” He turned to Rebecca. “Just give it some more thought. You know we’d be perfect together.” He swiveled on one foot and followed the young man away from our group.

  Gail Cranston kept her eye on him as he left. “It’s amazing that man can get his pants on with the size of his balls.”

  Rebecca laughed. “He only thinks he has a big set.” She looked at Gail. “Mine are much bigger.” The two women laughed. I sipped my drink in order to hide my smile.

  Rebecca took me around the room and introduced me to various people: editors, publishers, independent book printers, competitive agents, non-competitive agents. By the night’s end, my head was crammed with names and faces, trying to remember what I already knew about them and everything new she told me about each one.

  The evening weather was beautiful so we waited for our car on the street, in front of the lavish hotel. The full moon shone between the skyscrapers. Rebecca looked radiant in its light. Her pale skin gave off a glow. My heart thumped in my chest. Was I falling for her? It was just last week that I had agreed with everyone that she was a ruthless taskmaster. A slight breeze danced through the curls that fell around her face. She shuttered. I moved closer to her and handed her my suit jacket, just as I had done after the dinner we had a few days earlier, but now it was that I wanted to protect her rather than it being an act of chivalry. She smiled as she covered the goose pimples that covered her exposed skin.

  Heavy air lingered between us. I wanted so badly to kiss her, but I knew she wouldn’t
approve of my being so close with so many people around us who’d use it against her. Our car arrived and I helped her in. When I closed the door, she gave the driver the address and waited until we pulled far enough away from the hotel so that we couldn’t see it through the back window. Turning toward me, she needed no words. Her eyes told me what she was thinking. It was what I was thinking, too. Her hands slid the fabric of her dress up her hips. Then she swung her leg over my lap and straddled me. Her lips were an inch from mine. I reached out with my mouth and connected with hers. Their warmth and softness sent ripples through my core. My hands found her waist. The driver’s eyes appeared in the rearview mirror then he quickly averted his glance. Rebecca rocked her hips so that she rubbed against my growing erection.

  Moving my hands, I positioned one down under her behind. The other slid to the front of her dress. I skimmed down the fabric until I reached the hem, then backtracked up underneath, gliding over her leg. When I reached the damp panel of lace between her thighs, I slipped a finger under the elastic of her panties. Stroking her clitoris with my thumb, her hips gyrated in synchronicity with my circular motion. A small gasp escaped her.

  Again the driver peeked in his mirror. I glared at him and he refocused on the road.

  Back and forth she moved against me. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to hold back until the end of the car ride. As if she read my mind, she slid me sideways until I was lying across the backseat of the cab. Her hands made fast work to undo my belt and unbuttoned my waistband. A slow tug of my fly revealed the hard-on that was barely contained within my briefs. She lifted then lowered the elastic band enough to expose my hardened length. As the cab stopped for a red light, she lowered her head and took me into her mouth. My heart pounded and I got lost in the sensation of being in her mouth, of being in the cab, in the middle of Manhattan. It was thrilling.

  The warmth of her mixed with the internal explosions I was experiencing and the constant glances from the cabbie made it exciting. The taxi resumed when the light changed. As the cab jerked and bucked through the pot-holed streets of Manhattan, Rebecca bobbed and licked every inch of me. I gripped the edge of the seat with my right hand and meshed my left into my own hair, trying to harness the sensations I was feeling. However, by the time we reached Union Square, I could hold back no longer. My hips thrust upward as I stilled and released into her mouth. She waited until I was done to lift my briefs back into place and sat up. She searched through her purse for a tissue and a mint, as I closed my pants and sat up next to her, on the side opposite from where I started. I fought to regain a normal breathing pattern. By the time I could speak without panting, we had arrived at Rebecca’s building.

  She paid the taxi cab driver. “This will cover his ride home,” she said. She exited the car and leaned in to give me a kiss before closing the door. She passed the mint into my mouth. I opened the window. “I’ll see you in the morning. Thank you for a perfect night.” Speechless, I watched as she walked into her building, leaving me in the taxi.

  When I knew she was safely inside, I gave the cabbie my address. He looked into the mirror and smiled. “Anything you want, boss. You’re my new hero.”

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning, I woke up with the smell of her perfume on me. I was reluctant to shower. As the water ran down my body, I thought of the memorable cab ride from the night before. Did I dream it all from the time I went to Rebecca’s apartment until I went to sleep? New stirrings tingled inside me. My body wouldn’t let me think of anything but her. The fragrance of her hair, the softness of her skin, the way her lips felt against mine, how she handled me over and over. Memories of how wonderful it felt to be inside her flashed through my head. Remembering the water flowing over her body in her shower. The way the fullness of her breasts looked in her cocktail dress made my breath heave. The rush I felt when she told that jackass Richards off. And, the surprise of her command of me in the cab, taking what she wanted as I surrendered. With one last stroke, I found release. It mingled with the shower water as it circled the drain.

  Making a conscious effort to put my clothing together better, I chose a light grey shirt and paired it with a red, white and black tie. Black shoes finished off at the bottom of black dress slacks. I wrote myself a note and used the magnet on the refrigerator to remind myself that I’d have to go clothes shopping over the weekend.

  With coffee in hand, I walked into the office and greeted Rose. “How was the fancy party last night?”

  “It was… interesting,” I offered a suggestive smile, now knowing how Rose knew that Rebecca wanted me, on multiple levels.

  Rose picked up on my hidden meaning. She smiled in return as she took her cup from the cardboard tray.

  I walked into the office. Rebecca was already on the phone. My heart rate increased when I saw her. I wanted so badly to pull her close to me and kiss her, but I stopped in front of her desk.

  “I told you, I’m not interested, Donovan. I’m quite happy on my own. In fact, I’m doing pretty well without a partner.” She smiled when she saw me. “Well, I appreciate your persistence… Yes, I’ll let you know if I’ve changed my mind. Thanks for the call.” When she hung up, she said, “Pompous ass” to the telephone.

  I handed her a cup of coffee. “Thank you. Good morning.” She took a small sip of the steaming liquid. I watched her lips pucker. A flash of how those lips created magic on my body just hours before caused a pull between my legs. I wished I were a cup of coffee. “Did you sleep well?” The edge in her voice sent a ripple through me.

  “I did.” I walked up next to her and leaned over her chair. Her body tensed with my closeness in the office. My lips brushed her ear, “But I missed you.” I put a light kiss on her hair and then tucked the lock behind her ear, before walking to my desk. I picked up a stack of submissions that I had read. Taking the seat in front of Rebecca’s desk I began what had become our ritual for discussing potential clients. She watched me with amused marvel as I donned my business persona.

  “Well,” there was a playful lilt in her voice. “I think you should request more of the paranormal fantasy and the erotic novel. Gail told me last night that she wants to expand her company’s production of those genres.”

  With our regular business concluded, I stood to return to my desk. “By the way,” she said. I turned to look at her. “You look positively yummy today.” There was that playful word again. Feelings from my morning shower returned. I needed to sit at my desk before she noticed. One side of my mouth lifted. I hoped it conveyed what I was thinking.

  Three hours worth of reading through submissions went by before I got up to stretch. Rebecca had just ended her millionth phone call. She stretched, too.

  “I’m going downstairs to get some lunch from the deli. Want something?” I asked.

  “What are you getting?”

  “I think just a sandwich.”

  “Okay. Get me one.”

  I went to the deli and had Marty make me two of his specials. With lunch bag in hand I met up with Lindsey and Katie getting out of the elevator just as I was going back to the office. “Hey, what’s going on?” I asked.

  Lindsey filled me in on what I was missing in the other part of the office, telling me what the other agents were working on. Katie remained quiet. I turned toward her. “So how are you settling in?”

  “Just fine.” Her curt answer wasn’t what I expected.

  I returned my attention to Lindsey. “How’s Connor?”

  She chuckled. “He’s perfect. Thanks again for introducing us.”

  I didn’t have to ask any more. I knew they had hit it off. I said goodbye to Lindsey and Katie when the elevator doors opened, they turned to go into the coffee shop in the lobby of the building.

  When I walked by Rose’s desk, she stopped me before I went in to Rebecca. “Preston Price is in there.” She rolled her eyes. I laughed.

  “Should I wait out here?”

  “I’ll ring in and see what she wants you to do.
” Rose dialed Rebecca’s extension. She whispered into the phone, “Do you want Alex to come in? He has your lunch?” She listened. “Okay. Thank you.” She hung up and looked at me. “She said to go in.”

  Even though I had the approval to enter, I knocked lightly on the door to announce it, just in case they were talking about something I wasn’t supposed to have knowledge of. Preston Price was sitting in the seat I normally took. I walked over and handed Rebecca her sandwich.

  “Thank you,” she said, putting it down on the side of her desk.

  I turned toward Mr. Price and dusted off my fake agent act. “Mr. Price, how wonderful it is to see you again. Had I known you were coming, I would have waited to pick up lunch. Would you care for half of my sandwich?”

  The pretentious author giggled. He looked at Rebecca. “You are certainly training him the right way, Rebecca. He’s quite charming.” He resumed his glance at me. “I do appreciate your offer, Mr. Ryan. And although you look rather… delicious, I have lunch arrangements in just a bit. I only stopped by to tell Rebecca that I should have the latest revision to you by the end of the week. I’ve been very diligent about keeping up with the deadlines you’ve been setting for me.” With that, he rose out of the chair. I stepped back to allow him to pass.

  Rebecca stood, too. She walked around her desk to escort him to the door. “I’m glad to hear that we’re on track, Preston. As soon as I look over the corrected manuscript, I’ll call Gail. Maybe we can get this out on the shelves by the holidays.”


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