Book Read Free

Book Bitch

Page 16

by Ashleigh Royce

  As she lay with her back against my chest, I massaged her arms. She tilted her head to look at me.

  “It’s strange, but I feel so relaxed.”

  I smiled. “I’m glad I have that effect on you.”

  “Oh, you have lots of effects on me,” she said. “All of them good.”

  I bent my head down to kiss her nose.

  A few minutes of quiet settled between us. “You know, I meant it when I said I love you,” she said.

  “I meant it, too,” I said. “I haven’t been in many relationships, but I think I can honestly say this is love. I’ve never been this happy in my life.” Again she tilted her head and looked at me. I bent my head again, but this time I kissed her lips. It was a long, passionate kiss. Despite the steady temperature in my apartment, my insides were getting very, very hot.

  Rebecca turned on her knees in the space between my legs. Her kiss became more insistent. My blood raced. Her fingers laced in my hair, pulling me closer. Just as my temperature started to rise, she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bedroom. With a finger, she pointed to the bed; a silent command to lie down. I did as I was told. Grabbing the waistband, she pulled my pants off my legs. She rubbed her hand over the bulge in my briefs. I went to reach for her arm.

  Her finger wagged. “Nu uh.” She stripped off the sweats she was wearing and crawled over me. She straddled my waist. I placed my hands on her hips and she covered them with her own, guiding them to her breasts over her shirt. As I felt her fullness, she shifted her hips until she was positioned over me. Her barely audible exhale was the key in my ignition, as she adjusted herself and lowered herself onto my length. Her hands gripped mine as they closed over her breasts. And then she moved. Up and down. Rocking over my hardness. I slid one hand down the front of her and rested it on her hip. I used the other to palm the front her sex, pressing the heel of my hand against her clitoris. It caused her hips to move faster. Waves of her wetness ran over me. It made me fervent. Faster and faster she moved. I switched the position of my hand so that my thumb took over the clitoral massage. The exchange made her gasp.

  “Don’t stop,” I commanded.

  She continued to ride me, making me harder with each pass up and down. The build from inside happened quickly. I couldn’t think. All I could focus on was the intense sensation. I bucked my hips as she came down hard. She screamed out some garbled words and I felt her tighten around me, and then release. I pushed up twice more and then stilled and filled her. I helped her roll off me and onto her side of the bed.

  The only sound was our panting, which didn’t slow until the temperatures of our bodies had cooled. Rebecca’s skin was smooth and supple.

  I pulled the blanket around us and we fell asleep.

  The alarm woke us the next morning. Rebecca and I showered and dressed quickly and called a car to pick us up. On the way to Preston Price’s apartment Rebecca grasped my hand. “Thank you for being so supportive.”

  I smiled.

  Preston was dressed in a simple black suit, white shirt and black tie, so unlike the wild, bright colors of his usual attire. It was so out of character for him. Then I knew it was going to be an interesting morning. He got into the cab and we drove to where he was to meet Donovan, Lindsey, and Katie.

  Mrs. Richards met us on the street in front of the restaurant. The maître d seated us in the back with Rebecca’s mother complaining of improper treatment.

  “Why are we pushed back here? We should have a table up front. There’re are several places they can seat us, why back here? And what’s with all of these plants blocking our view? I feel like I’m eating in the jungle. I can’t see the rest of the dining room.”

  “Be quiet, Mother. There’s something I want you to see and you’ll ruin it if you’re out in the open.”

  Mrs. Richards’ attitude shifted. Elation covered her face. “A surprise? For me? Oh Rebecca, that wasn’t necessary. You shouldn’t have.”

  “Hush, Mother. It’s not a good surprise.”

  We sat and waited, looking over the menu. Donovan was the first to arrive… with Katie on his arm. They giggled and cuddled as they waited to be seated. Since the rest of their party wasn’t there, they felt comfortable enough to continue the snuggling as they sat next to each other in the booth. Donovan stroked Katie’s hair and gave her a long, passionate kiss. Katie chased him for more, of which he obliged.

  Mrs. Richard’s mouth fell open. Clearly, she had no idea of Donovan’s extra curricular activities. “He told me he had meetings. I didn’t realize what sort they were.”

  She began to rise from her seat when Rebecca pushed her back down. “Wait.” She held a finger to her closed lips. Mrs. Richards nodded. We all watched and waited.

  Lindsey entered the restaurant. She discovered her partners in crime and walked straight to their table. “I trust you two had a nice evening.”

  Katie smiled. “Yes, we most certainly did.” She looked at Donovan. He kissed her again.

  “Good. Well, I hope you got some rest. I don’t think winning Preston Price over is as easy as you think it’s going to be.”

  Donovan sipped his complimentary water. “Relax, Lindsey. You worry too much. He’s finished with Rebecca. We’ve offered him the world. I’d be surprised if he didn’t bring all of his oddball, writer friends along to join him at Richards’ Literary.”

  Lindsey leaned across the table. “I sure hope you’re right.”

  “Of course I am. Aren’t I always?” He looked at Katie once more, offered a seductive grin, gave her a quick kiss on the nose before he shrugged into his ‘professional’ façade.

  Preston sashayed in from the place we dropped him off. Donovan stood as he approached the table. Rebecca grabbed my hand. Mrs. Richards’ focus was shifted temporarily, but then she looked back at Donovan’s table with curiosity.

  “Preston,” Donovan said confidently. “I hope you slept well.”

  Preston shook Donovan’s hand and sat down across from the new hopeful troop. He smirked as he quickly assessed the situation between Donovan and Katie. “As I’m sure you did.” Katie blushed and looked down into her lap.

  A waitress took their order. Rebecca was ready to pounce. I held her arm back to indicate she should wait.

  “So, Preston,” Donovan began again. “Have you come to a decision?” The waitress came back with a tray of coffee cups. The conversation stopped until she distributed all of them and left. “We can go back to my office after brunch and you can sign the paperwork.”

  “Well,” Preston, ever the dramatist, leaned his elbows on the table and clasped his hands together. “I have been giving your proposal a great deal of thought. Even bounced the idea off a friend. I am intrigued by the idea of the movies. I’ve always dreamed of walking down the red carpet at the Oscars.” He looked at Lindsey. “Maybe with a hot young escort on my arm. Perhaps two. A blonde and a brunette.” He looked at Katie. “Don’t have a particular interest in gingers. Sorry, dear.” Katie scowled.

  The waitress came with their food. They stopped talking until she was finished and gone.

  Preston took a few bites of his breakfast, then a sip of his coffee. Donovan squirmed in his seat. Preston was making him sweat. Rebecca enjoyed Donovan’s having to work so hard.

  Preston swallowed what was in his mouth. “Although I am tickled that you’d want me back, Donovan, I’m afraid, with our history, I’m going to have to pass on your offer.”

  Donovan’s face drained. He clearly didn’t expect that. “Preston,” the first half of the name came out strong, then trailed in a softer, smoother tone. “Preston, all of that’s water under the bridge. Let’s talk about this. Maybe an extension on each manuscript would make you feel more at ease with coming back? Adding extra movies to the pot? What about mega book release parties? Tell me what is it about the proposal that you’re not happy with?” The air of desperation was apparent. Donovan needed Preston’s prior success – success that was due to Rebecca’s hard work – in orde
r to sustain any semblance of good standing for Donovan Richards Literary.

  Preston stood. “All of it is wonderful, Donovan, one that any author would jump at. But, the part of the deal I’m not happy with is the part where you’re involved.” He was about to walk away, when Rebecca walked over. Preston’s face produced a wide smile. “Oh, Donovan, I’d like to introduce you to my friend. You know, the one I bounced those ideas off of.”

  Donovan stood. “Preston…” Donovan’s voice trailed.

  Rebecca offered a little, smug grin. “Donovan. Katie. Lindsey, I believe.”

  Preston linked arms with Rebecca. “Rebecca and I have resolved our differences. We’re stronger than ever. I appreciate all you’ve offered, Donovan, but it’s really not water under the bridge. You see, you didn’t believe in me when I came to you. Not even enough to try. Trust me, I’ve asked around as to what your thoughts are regarding me. It seems you like to spew your opinions everywhere, like shit in an outhouse. It seems that what you say changes with whom you are speaking. If you talked with someone who likes me, your opinions were reserved, but if you talked with someone who doesn’t care for me, well, you were quite cruel. I can’t trust someone like you with my work. You don’t have my best interests in mind. And since I travel in multiple circles, you can be sure I’ll be sharing my thoughts on you with those members.” With that, he and Rebecca walked out the door.

  While Donovan realized what had just happened to him, I walked to the front of the restaurant with Mrs. Richards. Donovan’s face morphed from shocked to surprise as his body tensed. “Clarissa, what are you doing here?”

  “I was having brunch with Becky.”

  Donovan’s shoulders relaxed. He tried to steer the interaction. “So you saw what Becky just did to me?” He was unaware of just how much his wife had witnessed.

  “Oh yes, Donovan. I saw everything.” She glared at Katie. “Don’t bother coming home tonight, or ever. You can stay with your bimbo until my lawyer has drawn up our divorce papers.” She turned to me. “I’m ready to go, Alex.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Richards.” I escorted her out of the restaurant and back to the office.

  She raced ahead of me into Rebecca’s office. “Becky, I’m so sorry. I had no idea Donovan was as ruthless as he turned out to be. Can you ever forgive me for being so blind?”

  “We’ll talk about it, Mother,” Rebecca said. “I have a car waiting downstairs to take you home.”

  “Let’s get together to fix this, Becky. I miss you.”

  Rebecca smiled. When her mother had left, she hugged Preston. “You were fantastic! I never could have done all this without you, Preston. I owe you big time.”

  “You know I wouldn’t extend myself for anyone but you, Rebecca. You’re my favorite agent.” He winked.

  “Think about where you want to go for dinner, and check your calendar. I’ll clear whatever I have when you’re free.”

  He smiled, kissed her on each cheek, shook my hand, and left.

  As soon as the door closed behind him, I wrapped my arms around her. Before she could react, I pressed my lips to hers. Her body loosened and she looped her arms around my neck.

  “You were amazing today,” I whispered. “You deserve the afternoon off.”

  She smiled. “I like your thinking, but I have to make sure all of my ducks are in a row. Donovan will retaliate, no doubt.”

  “What more is there to do? Preston will spread news of Donovan and his sneaky ways around the industry. You’re contract to take over Margot’s company is done. The announcement was made to her staff…”

  “I still have to make the announcement to our staff, and fire Katie and Lindsey. Sorry. I know she’s your friend, but she betrayed me.”

  “She isn’t the person I thought she was. Do what you have to.” I thought about how I’d explain this to Connor. He might not ever speak to me again. And if he chose to stay with Lindsey, I wasn’t sure I’d want to know about it.

  Rebecca lifted her phone. “Rose, can you ask the staff to meet me in the conference room? I have an announcement to make.”

  Once she hung up, I walked over to offer Rebecca comfort, but stopped before putting my arms around her. She had her Book Bitch look on. I stood back as she collected her thoughts and then I followed her to the conference room. All the employees were arranged around the table, some even stood in the back of the room. Rebecca looked around at the faces staring at her. The air was heavy.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt everyone’s day. I know you’re all incredibly busy. I want you all to know how much I appreciate the amount of work you do to keep Stratford Literary in the top spot. It’s because of your commitment that I’ve been able to expand our company. Earlier this week, I purchased City Literary from Margot Tremont. Beginning next week, I’ll be shopping for a larger office space.” A low hum filled the room. “Now before anyone gets nervous, I want to assure you that everyone will keep their jobs; everyone except two individuals who have been caught trying to sabotage our efforts and the hard work that each of you contributes on a daily basis. Rest assured, those individuals have been taken care of. For anyone who has a concern, please feel free to come and see me. I’m well aware that the talk about me is that I’m an unapproachable, cold-hearted bitch. I’d like to prove to each of you that that label is completely false. I admit that my practices in the past have been solitary, but I always had everyone’s best interest at heart. However, I’ve recently learned that a successful partnership allows for wonderful results, and it’s quite enjoyable to share the rewards with others.” She looked at me and smiled. “That being said, since I’m viewing this new merger as the beginning of great things to come, I’d like to invite everyone out for a drink at the bar downstairs at the close of the day. You’ll all be given car service vouchers to get home tonight, and you can all come in two hours late tomorrow. That way we can celebrate properly.”

  There was a collective cheer. It was loud within the confines of the small conference room space. Everyone split up and went back to their desks to complete whatever they were working on. Rebecca and I walked back toward her office. Lindsey and Katie were sitting in the small waiting adjacent to Rose’s desk.

  Rebecca stopped and looked at both women. “I trust you both have the personal belongings from your desks?” Lindsey and Katie nodded. Rose handed Rebecca two envelopes. “Although I shouldn’t do this, I understand what kind of financial times we’re living in. This is two weeks’ pay for each of you. I will not be giving you any sort of recommendation so don’t list my name as a professional reference in your hunt for a new job, if you can get one once you’re reputation saturates the market. I strongly suggest you try a different line of work.”

  The women took the envelopes, surprise on their faces. They started to walk toward the elevator, wordless. “Oh, before you go,” Rebecca said. “Will you tell me why you did it?”

  Lindsey turned. “You gave the promotion to Alex.”


  “I’ve worked just as hard as he had. I’ve signed three more authors than he has. But you gave him the apprenticeship.”

  Rebecca’s mouth opened. “This was all because you were jealous?” Lindsey was quiet. “Even though you’ve signed more authors, he’s been here twice as long as you. His representation of manuscripts has caught the eye of bigger publishers. They look forward to the writers he brings to them. He’s gone out of his way to make both authors and editors happy, in the process of making all sides money. Although your authors are doing well, only one of them is on the Best Seller list, and I haven’t heard anyone sing your praises as they have Alex’s. I have a folder of complimentary letters regarding his handling of clients and publishers. Alex has had twelve authors on the bestseller lists in the four years he’s been here. There’s no doubt you’re a talented agent, Lindsey. I just wish you came to me with your concerns instead of trying to undermine and hurt me. Where has it gotten you? I’m sure no one in this industry will hire you now, with your qu
estionable ethics, except maybe Donovan.”

  Rebecca turned toward Katie. “And you, what was your motive?”

  Katie looked down. “He said he loved me.”

  “You poor thing. I might feel sorry for Lindsey, but I know she’ll end up on her feet because she’s a fighter. You, on the other hand, I have nothing but pity. You are swayed too easily by what others promise. You’re doomed because you don’t think for yourself.”

  Rebecca turned and walked into the doorframe of her office. She turned to look at the girls again. “Please don’t ever come back here.” Rebecca walked into her office and closed the door. Lindsey looked at me, sadness in her eyes. I shook my head in disappointment. Then I walked through the door to the office I shared with Rebecca. She was on the phone with the security desk in the lobby, giving instructions to relieve the women of their security badges.

  At five o’clock, Rebecca challenged everyone to race her down to the bar, where we celebrated with several rounds of cocktails.

  Since she was totally wasted at the end of the evening, I took her to my apartment and put her to bed. The day had been too tightly wound for me to even consider falling asleep, so I called Connor.

  “Dude, I just wanted you to hear from me what happened today so you could decide what you wanted to do, regarding Lindsey.”

  “What are you talking about, Man?” he said.

  “I know you and Lindsey have been dating.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. We went out once, a few Saturdays ago. That was it.”


  “Yeah, she wasn’t really my type. All she talked about was you and your new promotion. Kept asking me if I talked to you about it. I got the impression she really just wanted to get to you, not me. I didn’t call her after that. I know we haven’t talked a lot lately. I met this really awesome girl at the gym I joined. I’ve been going there every day after work. I’m beat when I come home, so I’ve been out of touch.”

  I smiled. “Nah, that’s okay. I’m happy for you. What does she do?”


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