Book Read Free

Book Bitch

Page 19

by Ashleigh Royce

  Donovan was speechless. “Mark my words, Becky. We’re not done.” He pointed his finger at her, then turned and walked away.

  I sat back down. “Are you okay?” I asked Rebecca.

  Her face was red. “Yes. He just caught me off guard.”

  “Drink some water,” I suggested. She agreed and took a sip from her goblet. I reached across the table and took her hand in hopes to calm her, ready to tell her what I brought her there to hear.

  The damn waiter returned with our entrees. I felt my frustration level rise. I let out a long breath.

  “Alex, are you okay?” Rebecca asked.

  “Yes. I would just like an uninterrupted moment to talk to you about something very important.”

  She put her fork down, placed her hands in her lap, and gave me her undivided attention as the steam rose from her entre.

  I took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds before letting it out slowly. “Rebecca. I know it hasn’t been a very long time that we’re together, and a great deal has happened since that first day since I was promoted to be your protégé.” She blinked her understanding. “But since then I have come to care for you a great deal.” I reached my hand across the table again. She placed hers in mine. I smiled. “I don’t think I’d be happy without you. I want to be with you all of the time. That’s why I want to ask you if you’ll do me the honor of being my wife?” I produced the small velvet box and placed it in front of her.

  She sat motionless, a statue of Venus. Not a flinch, or a breath. Not even a blink. I squeezed her hand. “Rebecca? Rebecca? Does that mean no?”

  Finally, she let out a long rush of breath. A tear slid down her face. I stopped it mid-cheek.

  “Oh Alex, I would love to marry you. My answer is yes. Yes!”

  I stood up and pulled her out of her seat. I hugged her tightly to my chest.

  “Alex. Alex! You’re squishing me.”

  I let go. “I’m sorry. I’m just so happy. Thank you. I promise to spend my life making you happy, too.”

  Rebecca’s smile faded. I felt mine melt away.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Nothing, I… I… I’m just so happy. It’s not real. I’ve waited so long to find someone I could love. Someone who would love me back and it would be real, not obligatory or perverted.”

  “It is real.” I picked up the velvet box and knelt on the floor in front of her, in the middle of the crowded restaurant. I opened the lid of the box and presented her with the ring. “If you don’t like it, we can exchange it for something you do like. I wasn’t sure what to get. I’ve never considered anything this big before and I’ve never purchased an engagement ring.”

  Another tear slid down her cheek. I wasn’t fast enough to catch this one. By the time I stood she had the ring on her finger and several more tears streaked her face. “I love it. It’s beautiful!” She held her hand out, fingers splayed, wiggling them in order for the stone to capture the light.

  I hugged her again. “You’re so beautiful.” I kissed her. “I’m so happy.”

  The Maître d' came over with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. He poured us each a glass as we retook our seats. We started to eat our entrees, Rebecca stealing glances at her new jewelry. I noticed she didn’t drink any of her champagne.

  “I’m sorry. I should have told him not to pour the champagne because you aren’t feeling well. We could have saved it for when you’re more yourself.”

  Rebecca laughed. But it wasn’t a chuckle or a small laugh. It was hearty belly laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “How fast do you want to get married?” she asked.

  My eyebrows furled. “What do you mean? I’m ready to marry you tomorrow.”

  “Well, good because I won’t be able to drink that champagne for a good long while.”

  My head cocked.

  “Alex, I’m pregnant.”

  “What?! I thought you said you couldn’t get pregnant.”

  “I said there was a very small percentage that it could happen. That it probably wouldn’t.”

  “But how? When?”

  “I suspect it happened the night of the Waldorf-Astoria event. I’m four weeks along.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. “When I went to the doctor, he went through a checklist of questions. One of them was when I had my period last. Because I’m so irregular, being that I only have one fallopian tube, I wasn’t sure. He told me he was going to run a blood test, just to be certain. It came back positive. I was in shock when he called with the news.”

  I sat back in my chair. Rebecca’s smile faded. More tears fell. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. I understand if you don’t want to marry me now. Things have been moving so quickly. You may not want this. I just want you to know that I’m going to keep the baby. I don’t know if I’ll ever conceive again, not with my complications. It’s like this baby is a gift, a miracle. Things are finally going right in my life. This is right, too.” She became defensive. “You don’t have to partake in any of it. I won’t ask you for anything. I won’t even tell the baby who you are, if you don’t want me to.” She took the engagement ring off and placed it back in the box. She held it out to me.

  I took a moment to allow her news to sink in. Me, a father? It was just a few moments ago that I was eager to become a husband. Now this. Even more tears fell from Rebecca’s eyes. I stood up. Her gaze followed me. The tears streamed down faster and she couldn’t catch her breath. I walked to her side of the table and knelt again. I took the ring from the box and put it on her finger. “Rebecca, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life making you, and our baby happy. I hope you will do me the honor of being my wife.”

  She threw her arms around my neck and didn’t let go. Tears soaked my shirt.


  My parents arrived at eleven o’clock. I picked them up at LaGuardia Airport and brought them back to my apartment, where Rebecca was waiting. Of course they loved her. Mrs. Richards met us at a restaurant in the Village, where we told everyone that not only was I being promoted, but that Rebecca and I were we getting married, and we were going to be parents. They were thrilled, particularly my mother.

  Construction began on the new offices and we moved five months after Rebecca bought Margot Tremont’s agency. Everyone was happy with his or her office space and no one was let go. Production increased by ten percent in the first six months, and not only was Stratford Literary and Media the biggest and most successful agency in the nation, we were known internationally as a force to be reckoned with.

  Rebecca had a beautiful office with a fabulous view of the New York City skyline. I was even okay with having a separate office next to hers. We made good use of the door that separated us when the employees thought we were each in our own space.

  Rebecca and I had a lovely wedding. The whole event was arranged by Preston Price. One of his celebrity friends offered their mansion, where the paparazzi and media personnel covered the event and it was labeled the wedding of the biggest literary agent in the country.

  Donovan Richards closed his doors. He, Lindsey and Katie were never heard from again.

  And the merger of Rebecca Stratford and Alex Ryan expanded, too. Rebecca gave birth to a beautiful baby daughter, who has the same large, brown eyes as her mother. I’m the happiest man in the world, married to the former Book Bitch of New York.


  When you love what you do it never seems like work. I am so appreciative to everyone in my life, particularly my understanding husband, my two incredible sons, and my mother, who support everything I do.

  My friends have been more than people who listen and help me with my writing; they are my extended family. Thank you Jan, Jill, Gina, May, Blake, Maryanne, Olivia, Sara, Connor, Kenny, Howie, Leidra, and Cheryl. Thank you for all of your support and good advices. A special thank you to the members of my focus group – Melissa L, Joanne A., and Melissa B. A de
ep sense of gratitude to my beta readers: Kayla R., Becky J., Rachel S., Sue G., Terry, and D. Matthews. I appreciate all of the positive feedback and confirmations. I thank everyone who read Neighbors and Empty Nest and liked it enough to keep reading.

  Lastly, I owe everything to Jennifer and Jessica at Limitless Publications, who enjoyed my stories enough to share with all of you. I can never thank them enough for taking a chance on me.

  About the Author

  Ashleigh Royce grew up an only child in Queens, New York. Being alone a lot of the time afforded her many opportunities to create made-up worlds and stories for her to explore. Those fictitious adventures encouraged her to write down her stories and share them with her friends, who loved hearing about the latest details.

  Soon, it was time to share her imaginary tales with people outside of her friend circle. And one place in particular she sent one of her creations to, was Limitless Publications, where they fully enjoyed the read. Ashleigh is working hard on the next story, that is, between being a wife to a great guy; a mom to two fabulous kids; an editor for a local magazine; a writer’s workshop moderator; a PTA president, and a full-time paralegal.








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