All Mye Queen's Men Chronicles of Love, Volume I (All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love)

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All Mye Queen's Men Chronicles of Love, Volume I (All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love) Page 2

by Lee, Brenda Stokes

  "So what about Paul? I thought they were close. He's willing to put their friendship on the line just to screw me?"

  "No, if Paul gets you locked first he'll leave you alone. But right now nothings locked down between you and Paul, so he still has a shot. And believe me he going to take it."

  "There is something about that man that sends my whole body into chaos." Queen admitted.

  "Uh - Duh... I didn't say that he wasn't fine. The man is a Mandingo Warrior. I just said that he is dangerous."

  "Yeah, but Paul is a Zulu King. Don't get me wrong I can clearly see the healthy choice. But damn! I know that Mandingo Warrior is a hell of a ride."

  "Be that as it may. If I were you I'd leave that ride for Fantasy Island or Witch Mountain or some shit. Cause if you screw one of them, the other one won't fuck you with somebody else's dick."

  "You are so crazy." Queen laughed "I know I can't have him. Hell, under normal circumstances I'd loathe him, but it's just something about him."

  "Yeah, just remember what I said. Don't fuck nobody tonight, not even yourself. If you do I'm going to call your mama and tell her that you'll down here whoring and turning tricks."

  "Whatever! My mom knows me better than that bullshit."

  As they continue to wait for the guys two girls approach and stand a few feet away. Jade indicates to Queen to say no more in their presence. Queen gets it as the two talk openly, oblivious to their presence.

  "It has to be against Georgia law for one man to be so damn good looking, talented and rich too! Child that is one tree I'd sure love to climb." Zoey proclaimed as she checked her makeup in a compact mirror.

  "To hell with climbing. I just want to bounce up and down on that big branch of his for about an hour or two." Destiny confessed.

  "Wait a minute, so how do you know how big that man's branch is, girl? You know something about Paul that I don't know? Cause I need some details, so do tell!"

  "Well, I haven't personally had the pleasure of sampling the wood, but the bulge in those jeans speaks for itself. And, have you looked at that man's feet?" Destiny asked Zoey.

  "No, what about them?"

  "Them puppies need their own zip code. I asked him what size shoes he wore. He nodded and said, 'Fourteens' and started grinning from ear to ear. So, if you plan on climbing that tree you'd better be ready to swing on a mighty big limb."

  "I hope you are right, because tonight it is my duty to give him some of this delicious booty." She replied as she meticulously freshened her lipstick.

  Jade whispers to Queen, "I think I just threw up in mouth."

  Queen snickers and whispers, "Can you say skank hoe!"

  Jade snickers, "In four damn languages. English, French, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese. You know I’m a linguist."

  Unaware that they could be heard loud and clear the two continued to talk as if they were home alone.

  "So what are you going to say when he comes out?" Destiny asked as she checks her weave and freshens her makeup as well.

  "I don't know. Paul knows I like him. I'm just going to make myself available to him and hope that he's vulnerable and horny enough to allow me to seduce him." Zoey responded.

  "Well he's finally single. So just put it out there that you're there for him and see what happens."

  "I know. I waited months for him to get rid of that saddle tramp, whoring ass Jaydan."

  "Well good luck with that. Now, as for me I'm going for a sure thing." Destiny declared.

  "Don't even say it. I know exactly who you're talking about."

  "Oh you know that you know exactly who I'm talking about."

  They both chime out in unison, "Teddy Bear Davine!"

  "You know you need to leave that man alone before he gets a restraining order taken out on your ass."

  "What the hell ever! That man did things to me that made my body convulse into multiple orgasms. He put my ass in positions that defy the laws of gravity and physics. And trust me, I know exactly how thick and long and hard that Georgia oak is cause I licked and sucked every inch of it. So if that man comes out of there alone it is going to be on and popping like Jiffy Time Old Fashion Popcorn."

  Zoey laughs, "I know that's right."

  Queen puts her hand over mouth and holds her stomach as if she is getting sick. "Oh my God. I just threw up in my mouth too. I don't know if I can take anymore without vomiting."

  "Come on let's get the hell away from here. The air around here is suddenly turning a bit skank."

  "You mean stank," Queen corrected.

  "No I mean skank like I said. Just bring your slow ass on. Damn! I'm supposed to be the country one," Jade teases.

  Just as they prepare to move Paul and Teddy emerge from the tunnel of the locker room. A broad smile appears on both their faces as they see Jade and Queen. As they come closer the two skanks get excited because they think that the guys are coming to talk to them.

  "Oh my God they're coming over here." Zoey mumbled. "How's my makeup?"

  "Girl you look good. Thank you Jesus, Teddy is alone and judging by that big bulge in his pants he's happy to see me." Destiny replied as she attempted to smooth her over worn weave.

  Jade looked at Queen and said, "Mye Queen, you are about to become Public Enemy Number One on every campus in Georgia."

  "What? What are you talking about?"

  As Paul and Teddy blow pass Zoey and Destiny with no more than a polite hi, the two girls’ jaws drop open in shock. And to add salt to their festering wounds Paul grabs Queen in a bear hug, spins her around and kisses her in the mouth.

  "Now that has to be the prettiest thing that I've ever seen."

  "What?" Queen asked.

  "Your smile." Paul responded as he kissed her full in the mouth again. And this time Queen kissed him back.

  As corny as that line was, Queen knew that he meant every word. Queen's built in bullshit detector can usually smell bullshit a Georgia mile away. But this time to her surprise the air was actually sweet and shit free. She instantly knew that Paul was a rare find who might prove to be something really special.

  "Wait for it... wait for it... okay now." Jade teased.

  "Oh hell no he didn't." Zoey pouted. Who the hell is that? I can't believe this shit.

  "Tough break girl. Keep your head up. I'll be right back. I've still got a chance." Destiny replied as she called out to Teddy.

  "Hey Teddy Bear."

  "Don't Teddy Bear me."

  "What's wrong?"

  "Destiny, don't come over here with no bullshit."

  "What bullshit? I just wanted to see if you wanted to hangout tonight and have a little fun."

  "If my memory serves me correctly the last time we had fun I ended up with a case of crabs. And I'm not talking about the steamed kind. So take your Crabby Patty and leave me alone." Teddy loudly declared.

  Embarrassed, Destiny couldn't think of anything to say except, "Forget you then. Don't call me the next time you want your dick sucked."

  "Destiny, I will suck my own dick before I let you suck my dick again." Teddy retaliated. "Now, go on and leave me alone. I'm not playing with you.”

  Paul snickered. "Bear! Don't talk to that girl like that."

  "Whatever. She gave me the damn crabs and she thinks I'm going to go back for seconds. Fuck that!"

  Queen and Jade burst into laughter as Destiny stomped away, humiliated.

  "Teddy you know that you shouldn't have embarrassed her like that. She likes you. Be nice." Jade snickered.

  "Be nice my ass! She's lucky I even speak to her after she..."

  "Will you please stop saying that? It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it." Paul protested.

  "Exactly! Now you know why I'm so pissed. Imagine those little bastards crawling all over your balls."

  "Oh my God Bear!" Queen laughed. "We get it. Let's just go."

  "Did you bring your clothes? You can shower and change at my house." Paul asked Queen.

  "You have a house?"

p; "Yeah, a townhouse... It's nothing too fancy. Why?"

  "I guess it's a far cry from my dorm room."

  "You stay in the dorm? Oh hell no! We got to get you out of there as soon as possible." He announced.

  "There wasn't any room at my apartment, so she didn't have a lot of options," Jade chimed in. "She had to stay somewhere."

  "Yeah well we'll deal with that later. Tonight we're going to celebrate."

  "You can stay with us." Teddy offered.

  "Us as in who?" Queen asked.

  "Me and Paul. We have an extra bedroom. You can have your own bathroom and everything."

  "Oh hell to the naw - naw -naw!" Queen responded.

  "Think about it. You don't have to decide right now. We'll talk about it later," Paul interjected.

  "Yeah, a few years from now, maybe. I am not moving in with you two!" Queen replied even though no one paid any attention to what she had to say.

  "Is that room furnished?" Jade asked.

  "It's furnished but we'll have to redecorate it for her. "She's going to love it." Paul responded.

  "I am not moving in with you." Queen repeated.

  "Queen, don't look a gift horse in the mouth? They have an extra room and you need a place to stay. Besides, you're a grown ass woman. Do you really want to deal with a dorm full of bitches that don't like you and a one o’clock house curfew?"

  "Uhhh, you're not going to make that curfew tonight," Paul replied.

  "What? Why?" Queen asked confused.

  "Welcome to the house roomy," Teddy laughed.

  "What am I stuck in an episode of the damn Twilight Zone? What the hell? I am not moving in with you two niggas!"

  Teddy laughed even harder.


  Paul's not so fancy Townhouse was anything but modest. The fairly new three story home was huge. It had two master bedroom suites, and another suite with a private bath and entrance on the lower level. Paul and Teddy occupied the two upstairs suites and offered Queen the suite on the lower level.

  "Let me show you to your room." Paul joked as he lead Queen down a short flight of stairs.

  It was no surprise that the room was absolutely gorgeous. Though decorated with a masculine flavor the room was quite charming. As she looked around and ventured into the large private bath she knew that other than her two roommates this place was perfect.

  "So what do you think?" Paul asked.

  "You have a beautiful home." Queen replied.

  "Okay, but do you like the room?

  Queen turned and looked at Paul and asked, "Do you like me?"


  "Do you like me? Are you interested in going out with me?"

  "Of course I am. I thought we'd already established that point when I asked you out." Paul answered confused.

  "Then I don't think that it's a good idea that I stay here."


  "Because it's not going to work. I think this will do more to separate us than to bring us closer. Right now, you don't really know me and I don't really know you. Besides do you really want to ruin a perfect bachelor apartment by housing your girlfriend in the basement?"

  "So, you're my girlfriend?" Paul said as he moved closer violating Queen's personal space.

  "No, but sooner or later, probably." Queen said as she stood her ground, anticipating a kiss.

  "Oh yeah? What about now?" Paul said as he sampled Queen's lips with a gentle, seductive kiss.

  "Now might be okay." Queen mumbled as she sought another kiss from Paul's soft lips. "Just one question."

  Paul sucks her bottom lip in his mouth before responding. "What do you want to know?" He asks as he tilts her chin so that he could look into her eyes.

  Queen instantly gets lost in his hazel eyes. Words wouldn't come. Suddenly the question didn't matter because the answer would not change the fact that she wanted him.

  "So what did you want to ask me?"

  "It's not important and I'm not sure if I really want to know the answer."

  "No, ask me."

  Queen sighs, "Okay, so where's your Red Sonja?"

  "My what?" Paul laughed.

  "You know what I'm talking about. Where's your girlfriend?"

  Paul smiled, "Red Sonja's not really Teddy's girl. They're more like friends with special benefits. As you've probably guessed he's got a few or those. But to answer your question I'm single right now."

  "What about friends?"

  "No, my friends are just that, friends."

  "I just don't want any crazy ass drama. I got a heavy workload and I really wanted to just by-pass the boyfriend thing."

  "So, how's that working for you?"

  "It was working fine until you came along," Queen laughed. "But seriously, I'd like to keep this light. I'd love to hangout and have a good time. But, in the end I'm going to Medical School and you're going to the NFL, so... I don't know where this can go."

  "We can roll slow for a while, but I got to ask just one thing of you."

  "What's that?"

  "I'm a football player. I play enough games. I just need you to be straight with me. I don't want to play games. Whether it's for six months or six years I need you to be full on for me and only me. Can you do that for me?"

  "I'm willing to go all in, but, I swear if you get me out there and hurt me... Look, Medical School's important to me. Please don't fuck over me and fuck that up for me."

  "Okay, it's obvious that we've both been clowned by people who were less than sincere. But somehow we're both here, single and intrigued by each other. Let's just go with it and have a good time. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. Okay?"

  Queen sighs, "Alright, so where are we going?"

  "Actually it's a surprise. So, get dressed. We're going to be late. You're going to love this."


  An hour later they were in the lounge of an extremely busy bar and grill. The beautiful hostess greeted them right away.

  "Hi Paul. I reserved your table, right this way. So, who's your friend?"

  "Lonnie, this is my girl, Queen. Queen this is Lonnie, a good friend of mine. She graduated from FDC last year. Her dad owns the place."

  "Hey Queen. It's good to meet you."

  "It's a pleasure to meet you too. Queen acknowledged.

  Lonnie seated them at a romantic, candle lit table in the front of the restaurant. A huge stage was in front of them suitable for live entertainment.

  "Here's a couple of menus, your waitress is Lisa, and she'll be with you shortly." Lonnie politely informs them. "By the way, Paul are you coming up tonight. I can bring you a menu."

  "Um, that's okay. I already know what I want. I'll be over in a couple of minutes to talk to you." Paul fumbled and stuttered over his words as if he had something to hide.

  "Good! What about you Queen?"

  "Uh, no. She's okay, Lonnie. This is her first time here."

  "So we have a virgin in the house. That's fantastic. This should be interesting." Lonnie smiled.

  "What were you two talking about? I was totally lost." Queen asked puzzled.

  "Trust me, you don’t want to know. It'll ruin your surprise. I'll explain later."

  "Alright. Just remember, whatever you do try not to embarrass me."

  "I promise I won't. Here comes Lisa. What are you going to have?"

  "I don't know. What's good here? You're the one with your own romantic table. What do you suggest?" Queen teased.

  "See, I can tell that you're just gonna bust my balls about this until I tell you what's up. But I am not going to tell you." Paul responded as he continued to cruise the menu. "Actually, everything's good."

  "Hi, Paul. How are you doing tonight? Are you ready to order or do you guys need a few more minutes."

  "Hi Lisa, I'm good. Could you just give us a few more seconds."

  "No problem. Can I get you something from the bar while you decide?"

  "Queen, do you want anything from the bar?"

  "I'll take a virgin Pi
na Colada."

  "Just give me a sweet tea, Lisa."

  "Okay, I'll be right back." Lisa winks at Paul as she finished scribbling on her pad.

  "Do you drink?" Paul asked.

  "Not really. An occasional mix drink. I hate beer. What about you?"

  "An occasional beer, mostly when I’m watching football." He hesitates and then asks, "How old are you?"

  "I'm twenty one. How old are you?"

  "I just turned twenty two."

  Lisa returns moments later with their drinks to find them making small talk. "Paul, I hate to interrupt, but Lonnie needs you in the lounge."

  "I totally forgot about that. Queen, I'll be right back."

  As Queen watches Paul maneuver through the maze of tables she spots Teddy coming towards her. She greets him with mixed feelings. "Hey Teddy Bear. What are you doing here?"

  "Mye Queen you look sensational."

  "Thank you."

  "So, how's it going?"

  "What, the date?"


  "It's going good. Why?"

  "Look we need to talk?

  "About what?" Queen said as she nonchalantly sipped her Pina Colada.

  "Paul is my frat brother, but he’s like a blood brother to me. He's been through a lot of shit with the females on this campus. So, I'm going to just put it out there. If you are a party chick that's looking for a hard dick to keep you happy until you graduate then roll with me. Don't fuck over him. He's a good guy, looking for a good woman."

  "Is that what you think I am?" Queen asked more puzzled than offended.

  "No, but I can see that there's a spot in there somewhere for me. You can't deny that the chemistry between us is toxic."

  "I find you entertaining at best, but I'm not looking for a hard dick to get me through the rough spots. I have a vibrator that can take care of that. And to be honest with you, a guy just like you is the reason I transferred here in my senior year."

  "Sorry to hear that. I'm not saying this to offend you. You know that right?"

  "I know. You're just protecting your boy. And the truth of the matter is that I do have a soft spot for you. Unfortunately, the soft spot that I have for you is between my legs. But, I have enough sense to know that it'll be fun while it lasts but it'll hurt like hell in the long run. So, I'm going to pass on your primitive yet flattering cave man offer to fuck me."


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