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All Mye Queen's Men Chronicles of Love, Volume I (All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love)

Page 8

by Lee, Brenda Stokes

  "So, what… he's going to wait nine months to see if the baby has his hazel eyes before he tells me? What the fuck?"

  "I'm sorry. I thought you knew. I mean the way you were talking I assumed you knew."

  "No, I didn't. No wonder she has this little 'I got you.' smirk on her fucking face every time she sees me."

  "Don't say anything to him about it. Let him come to you with it. Frankly, I don't even think she's pregnant."

  "Now I know that I should have stayed my ass in Maryland. This is Drama University and I'm the leading actress."

  Logic joked, "It would have been a hell of a lot easier on both of us. I tried to warn you about sleeping with football players."

  Queen playfully pushed him away. "Yeah you did. Right before you rolled off me and went to sleep." She laughed. "When will I ever learn?"

  "When will any of us ever learn?"

  "What the hell is up with all these girls getting pregnant in college?" Queen asked.

  "You know what the deal is. They're shameless gold diggers in search of an easy ride and a key to Fort Knox. Jaydan knows that Paul is going to be drafted. Just like Asia knew that chances are that I will be."

  "You know that you're going to be drafted. But you took a huge risk coming here, Logic."

  "No, I was taking a bigger risk of losing you by not coming. I can play ball anywhere. Queen I swear to God I am not Asia's baby daddy. I have the paternity papers at home to prove it. I need you to believe that."

  "I believe you. But what can I do with that information now? I knew you weren’t, but I was too hurt by your infidelity to even care. I know that I probably should have given you a chance to explain, but I felt so betrayed. That shit really hurt me, Logic. I lost my man and my best friend all at once."

  "Queen, I know. And you know that I never intended for any of that to happen. I just don't want you to think that I'd turn my back on my responsibilities or deny my child. You know me better than that."

  "Don't worry about it. I know you'd never do that."

  "You’re going to love this shit. Asia’s baby turned out to be white and she was going to try to pin him on my black ass."

  "Oh hell no! The baby was white?" Queen asked stunned.

  "He was whiter than he was black. The paternity report stated that there was a zero percent chance that I was the father of that baby."

  "Sorry to hear that."

  "I'm not! Now I can get back to the things and the people that I love."

  "So, you're here now, are they going to let you play?"

  "Yeah, I think so. Your man and his boy aren't going to be too happy about it, but who gives a shit. I can't imagine why they don't like me." He laughed as he fondly rubbed the small of Queen’s back, before allowing it to casually drop to her ass.

  "I don't have a clue, but you need to stop starting shit." Queen snickered as she pushed his hand away.

  “What? It was an accident. I didn’t do it on purpose.”

  "Yeah, whatever. Look, I'll talk to them. I’m tired of the constant bickering anyway.”

  "No, you won't. Queen they don't have to like me. Hell they're never going to like me, cause I'm here for you. I'm an exceptional ball carrier. My talent and my skills will speak for me. The coach has seen my reel and he's excited to give me a shot."

  "So you're on the team now?"

  "Yeah, I just got to show my shit to get that starting spot. So, you know I'm going to show my Baltimore ass down here in the Dirty- dirty." He laughed.

  "I know you will." Queen agreed. "So, I guess I won't be seeing you at cheerleading practice anymore."

  "Yeah, I know. That was the highlight of my damn day. But I'll catch a sneak peek of that big booty of yours from the practice field every chance I get." He grinned.

  "I see some things never change."

  "Some things absolutely never will change." He winked.


  Paul and Teddy arrived at football practice just in time to catch the news about the new Running Back. The locker room was humming with hearsay, rumors, speculation and good old gossip. As they entered the locker room an eerie hush immediately crept across the crowded room.

  "What's with all the chitter chatter? What are you Chatty Cathys whispering about?" Paul asked as he opened his locker and prepared to gear up.

  "Yeah, what you gossip bees got stirring up in your little sewing circle now?" Teddy laughed.

  "Word is that coach is about to shake up things and make some major changes in the starting lineup." Dorian spoke up.

  "Oh yeah? What kind of changes?" Teddy interrupted as he stripped down.

  "The coaching staff is saying that we have a new player on the team." Dorian answered.

  "What new player? Tryouts have been over for weeks. What the hell’s going on? Nobody said anything to me about any of this." Paul asked a little confused.

  "Well apparently this guy is a transfer student who has a very impressive record and video reel which supersedes all that tryout bullshit. Coach is suppose to make an official announcement any second now." Dorian explained.

  "So who is this nigga? Where did he come from? And why in the hell am I just hearing about this shit? I'm still the captain of the team. How did I get completely left out of the loop?"

  Dorian sighed. "Shit just went down. He just showed up and asked for a shot earlier this week. I just caught the tail end of a conversation between the coaching staff. All I know is that this nigga is suppose to be real hot shit wherever he's from."

  "I really don't give a shit. I know he's not getting my fuckin spot." Teddy replied.

  "I know damn well he's not getting mine." Paul added.

  "Yeah, well you two don't have anything to worry about. I on the other hand may have a little problem. I hear that he is a Running Back just like me."

  "Apparently not, if he is an impressive Running Back with a video reel that can get him a walk on pass on to this team. He ain't a damn thing like you." Teddy laughed. "That nigga's bad. And personally, I don't give a fuck who he is if he helps us win the championship."

  "Whatever nigga! You know that I injured my knee.” Dorian grumbled. “Anyway, I guess we're getting ready to find out exactly what's up." Dorian continued as they watched the coaching staff enter the locker room.

  "Listen up everybody, we realize that a lot of rumors have started circulating about a lot of things so we're going to squash all of them right now. But first we want you guys to take a look at some footage. Gather around."

  The assistant coach rolls an audio video stand into the center of the locker room and cues up Logic's highlight reel. The reel is a spectacular display of just a fraction of Logic's most remarkable plays. Play after play it became painfully obvious to Paul and Teddy exactly who their new teammate would be.

  "Suck my dick! It's this cock sucker. Now I have to deal with his ass here too? Oh fuck this!" Paul grumbled beneath his breath.

  "Ladies and gentlemen I'd like to introduce you to Logic Hart your new teammate and our newest secret weapon. Logic come in and meet the team."

  Logic enters the inner circle of the locker room. Many of the team members instantly welcome him. Teddy and Paul hang back stunned by the whole ordeal. Logic spots them and slowly makes his way over to greet them.

  "Gentlemen, how's it going?" He asks as he extends his hand in friendship.

  "So, you can't get my girl so now you're going to infiltrate my team?" Paul asked annoyed.

  "Actually, Queen's my girl and..."

  "She wasn't last night when she was sucking my dick." Paul quickly interrupted.

  "Yeah… And as I was saying, I'm a football player. A damn good one I may add. This has nothing to do with you or with Queen. I joined the team to play football. Nothing more and nothing less." Logic continued, unmoved by Paul's comment.

  Teddy remains silent as he keeps watch for the coaches.

  "Let me make one thing clear. You are wasting your fucking time here. The closest you'll ever get to Queen agai
n is the smell of her pussy on my breath." Paul declared as he blows his breath in Logic's face. "So give it up and get on with your pathetic, meager little existence."

  Logic remained calm and unfazed. "That would be quite discouraging if that in fact were the case. Look, I'll see you gentlemen on the field." Logic smiles as he turns and walks away.

  On the practice field a lot of the same hostility, animosity and plain old playa hating continued. Paul basically refused to acknowledge Logic's presence on the football field. Despite the coaches countless, specific instructions to give Logic the ball Paul refused to run any play that involved Logic even touching the ball. Finally the head coach had seen and had enough.

  "Crown and Hart, both of you get over here," Coach Stevens yelled.

  Paul and Logic leave the field and head over to the coach.

  "Yeah Coach?" Paul innocently asks as he takes off his helmet.

  "What the fuck is going on between you two?"

  "Nothing Coach," Paul responded.

  Logic remained silent.

  "What about you Hart? What's going on with you two?"

  "Nothing Coach."

  "Nothing my ass! If nothing is going on then why are you two girls acting like you on your damn periods. I don't know what's going on and I really don't care. Although I can bet it has something to do with pussy. Whatever it is you better bury it and you better bury it quick and deep. Cause I'm sick of you wasting my damn time. This is football and we're a damn team. Like it or not. So when I call a damn play that involves you giving Hart the fuckin ball. Then I expect you to give Hart the fuckin ball. I don't have time for this bullshit. Run the fuckin plays that I call an stop improvising. I don't want to see if Davine can catch a pass. I know he can. I want to see if Hart can run the fuckin ball. So, give Hart the fuckin ball so I can see what the fuck he can do with it! Do you understand?"

  "Yes sir." Paul answered.

  "I don't want to have this conversation again. You two girls are not going to raise my damn blood pressure this season. I'll put all you bitches on pussy lock down before that happens. Your dicks will be so dry you're shoot sparks when you piss. So fuck with me if you want to. Now shake hands, suck dicks or do whatever you two need to do to kiss and make up. And get out there and play football and cut out all the fuckin bullshit."

  Logic extends his hand to Paul who reluctantly shakes it. "Let's just play ball. Queen is going to inevitably choose who she wants to be with and I’m cool with that. But for now let's go for this Championship and some NFL cheddar. I've seen your reel, I’ve seen Teddy’s reel and I know you've seen mine. So let's just make some shit happen that in the long run will benefit all of us, including Queen."

  "Alright, no more bullshit. Let's just play ball." Paul agreed with a firm handshake.

  The rest of the practice was just short of a coach's dream. The combination of Paul as quarterback, Teddy as receiver and Logic as running back was a lineup made in football heaven. The coaching staff was elated and instinctively knew that they had found the missing ingredient to national exposure and a certain championship bid.

  Paul and Teddy instantly recognized that Logic joining their team was a gift from the football gods. They all agreed that it was in their best interests to leave their personal disdain for each other off the football field where it belonged. Logic was exactly what the team needed to transform it from a great football team into a spectacular football squad, literally overnight.


  It goes without saying that the ride home from practice that night was a little tense. Queen wanted to confront Paul about Jaydan's questionable pregnancy, but she really didn't want to deal with it. Besides, Paul's jaws were so tight she thought his teeth were going to crack. She was certain that she could hear his teeth grinding.

  She had a feeling that Logic joining the team was the main source of his irritation. But, she decided that it would be prudent not to bring it up. She didn't have to because Paul couldn't hold it anymore.

  "Why didn't you tell me that Logic was an All American?"

  "It didn't seem appropriate or pertinent at the time."

  "So, the fact that this nigga just up and leaves a football team and scholarship money to follow you here somehow seems irrelevant to you?"

  "I didn't say that. You asked me, why I didn’t tell you that he was an All American ranked player. That had no bearing on why he was in Atlanta. Is this why you are upset?"

  "I'm upset because none of this bullshit makes any sense. Why would he do that unless you two didn't have something real going on?"

  "I never said that it wasn't real. I said that it was over. Of course we had something special. We were in love."

  "And so, now you're not?" Paul asked sarcastically.

  "That's not even fair. But to answer your question Logic is, but I'm not sure I am... at least not anymore."

  "So, what does that mean?"

  "I love him, but I'm not sure that I’m in love with him anymore. He fucked over me and I'm trying to move on. And now.." Queen hesitates.

  "Go ahead and finish. And now what?"

  "And now I think I'm feeling somebody else."

  Paul's jaw relaxed and his voice softened. "Oh yeah, anybody I know?"

  Queen smiled, "I'm not sure if I really know him. So, I doubt if you know him."

  "Why you say that?"

  "I don't know. Why are you so pissed about Logic? I'm tired of arguing with you over Logic."

  "Queen, everywhere I turn there he is. And don't even think that I don't know that he's in almost all of your classes. So, when I saw his reel today I realized that this guy is really in love with you. It just got me thinking that maybe I'm under estimating your feelings for him."

  "Baby, I can't control how Logic feels. I can only account for my feelings and right now I'm seriously feeling you. But..."

  "But what?"

  "I have to ask you something and I half ass want to know, but I don't want to get blindsided by this bullshit later."

  "What do you want to know?"

  "I heard a rumor that Jaydan is pregnant and that you're the father. Is it true?"

  "Honestly, I don't know. I mean part of it might be true."

  "Which part?"

  "Jaydan told me that she was pregnant a little over a week ago. But the reason we broke up was because she was creeping on me. I'm not sure if I'm the baby's father. She swears that I am, but I don't know for sure. And I won't be able to find out until after the baby is born."

  "Are you even sure that there is a baby."

  "What do you mean? Jaydan did a home pregnancy test that showed that she was pregnant. She showed me the stick. So yeah she's pregnant."

  "Yeah, but did you see her pee on the stick?"

  "Hell no, that's nasty."

  "Nasty or not you got to do it. A lot of women pretend to be pregnant when they are about to lose their man. She could get any pregnant woman to pee on the stick for her. You have to get her to take the test in front of you."

  "Jaydan's not going for that."

  "Then she's probably not really pregnant. If she's really pregnant she'll have no problem with proving it to you."

  "So what should I do?"

  "Stop at the drug store and buy five or six different brands of pregnancy tests. Call her up and tell her that you are home alone and invite her over. When she shows up give her the pregnancy tests. If she refuses to take the test then chances are she's lying about the whole thing and you're off the hook."

  "Sounds like a plan. Look, Queen I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

  "Yeah, why did you decide to keep that a secret from me of all people?"

  "Hell, I was scared." Paul laughed.

  "Scared of what?"

  "I heard how you got rid of Logic's ass because of baby mama drama."

  "That was different. Logic and I were dating when Asia became pregnant. This happened before we even met. I wouldn't hold it against you."

  "Maybe so, but I wasn't willing to take
that chance. Especially not with that nigga hanging around just waiting for me to fumble the pussy."

  "Hey, it's not my idea of a good time watching Jaydan scrounging around looking for a crack to get back into your heart. Every time I turn around she's in your face or on your phone."

  "Baby or no baby, trust me that will never happen. I'm done with her bullshit. The only reason we're communicating is because of this baby."

  "What about the baby? What's going on with the baby? Is something wrong?"

  "Don't say anything to anybody, but she's not sure that she wants to keep it."

  "What? What did you have to say about that?"

  "I told her that I wasn't going to let her abort my baby. Queen I can't do it. Even if it's a small possibility that the baby can be mine I'm not going to allow her to get an abortion."

  "Jaydan is such a damn liar. She's not pregnant. If she was considering an abortion, why would she tell you about the pregnancy? You wouldn't know a damn thing about it. She knows how you feel about abortion and she's just playing you like an out of tune piano. You have to get her to take the pregnancy test asap."

  "Alright. Well, let's stop and get the pregnancy kits and I'll call her ass tonight."


  As she rang the doorbell at Paul's townhouse Jaydan smoothed her weave and adjusted her cleavage. She had waited for this call for over two months. She knew that it was just a matter of time before Paul forgave her and took her back. So what if she gave Tyson a blow job in the team locker room before the game? How could she know that it would evolve into a routine afternoon delight?

  What else could she do? Tyson had just broke up with his girl and his mind was in a bad place. He was wounded, discouraged and bewildered. The boy was damn near crying. He needed to get his head back on the game. Somebody had to get his mind off of her. She had to take one for the team. Hell Paul should have thanked her. They won that game.

  "All that bullshit is behind us now. I'm going to get my man back. I'm going to lock him down with a couple of kids and I'm going to enjoy spending that NFL money. Most of all I'm going to get rid of that she bitch Mye Queen. I hope she hasn't packed. I'm going to take pleasure throwing her shit in the street," Jaydan thought as Paul came to the door.


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