Jagged Hearts
Page 8
She didn’t know if he realized Lance was the only other man she’d been with. Sex wasn’t just physical with her. It was emotional. She’d never been able to separate the two, which made her admit something to herself. She was falling in love with Bare. Now that the blinders of grief had been lifted, she saw the man and wanted all he offered and more. She didn’t plan to let him leave her bed until he realized he was hers now, and she wasn’t giving him up.
Their gazes locked and held. Breaths caught as she waited to see what he’d do next.
The moment was shattered by a knock at the door.
A throat cleared, and Gilly spoke. “Thought you should know Jamison called and wanted to speak to you.”
“I’ll call him back later,” Bare yelled.
“Two hours ago,” Gilly continued. “That was when he called. I believe he’s on his way here at this point.”
“Shit,” Bare muttered.
“I’d hurry if I were you,” Gilly continued, clearing his throat again. “You, too, Paisley.”
She felt her cheeks flame. Then she bit her lip in an attempt to hold in her laughter at the look on Bare’s face. He wasn’t happy about being interrupted.
“It would serve him right if we’re fucking when he gets here,” he said, gaze skimming over her.
“You might not have a problem with my dad bursting in while you’re naked, but I do,” she said and went to move off the bed.
Bare caught her hand and tugged her back until she was flush against him.
“We’re not done,” he said. “I want you in my bed again tonight.”
“I want that, too.”
“Paisley.” He shook his head, saying nothing but her name before leaning in to kiss her softly.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she promised, seeing the uncertainty in his eyes. “Except the shower across the hall in my room. I suggest you make use of the one in here.”
He rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip. “I’m not going to forget you told me I can do what I want to you.”
“I certainly hope not,” she said and left the bed.
She felt his eyes on her ass as she bent to grab her clothes off the floor. Her panties had been a casualty of Bare’s ardor, and she had no idea where they’d ended up. She used the gown to quickly wipe over her face and chest before tugging on the robe and fastening the belt. Satisfied she’d done the best she could for now, she headed toward the door. Bare hadn’t moved an inch.
“Paisley,” he called as she reached for the knob.
“Yes.” She glanced back at him, meeting his stare.
“Then next time you shake that ass at me, I’m going to bend you over and fuck it.”
She swallowed and felt her nipples go hard with carnal anticipation.
“I’ll remember that,” she said and turned back around. She was almost tempted to give her ass a shake as she walked out but didn’t doubt he would haul her back to bed and do exactly as he’d said. The thought of such a forbidden act shouldn’t have her strung so tight with desire, but it did.
She pulled the door shut behind her and scurried across the hall to the room she’d been given, rushing straight to the shower and thanking God Gilly hadn’t been standing there watching. If her dad was on his way, she wanted to be fresh and ready to greet him when he arrived.
She stopped and shook her head. Something must be important for her dad to drive all the way out here instead of talking to her or Bare on the phone. Had her mom done something else? She should have thought of this immediately, but she’d been wrapped up in Bare and sex instead. She found herself taking a page from his book.
“The things you do to me,” she whispered aloud and grinned as she hurried to get a shower and get dressed.
* * * *
When she finally emerged, she heard the loud voices echoing down the hallway. Bare and her father were facing off in the living room, while Gilly, Jagger and Seth sat and watched.
“What on earth is going on here?” she demanded, immediately heading toward Bare and taking the hand he held out to her.
“I see,” her father said, gaze sweeping over them before he backed off. He glared at Bare. “Hurt her, and you’re a dead man,” he warned.
“Dad,” she admonished. “I’m an adult.”
“And you’re still my little girl,” he stated.
She tugged her hand free of Bare’s and moved to her dad, hugging him close to her. “I love you, Dad.”
“I love you, too, Princess.”
“I know you worry about me, and I know I’m partially to blame for that,” she said then shook her head when he opened his mouth, no doubt to argue. “I am. I shut down, without once thinking about the people around me. I’m sorry for that, Dad. You saved my life when you came to get me. I want you to know that.”
Her dad pursed his lips and swallowed, and she had the feeling he was fighting to hold emotion in. He blinked several times then he looked up and away from her for a moment. When he glanced back down, he dropped a kiss on top of her head and stepped back from her.
“I’ll always be here for you,” he promised. “Especially, in times like this.” His face turn to granite.
“I take it my mother has arrived,” Paisley said and didn’t need his nod when his face said it all. There was no love lost between her parents. Her mother was one of the most selfish people Paisley had ever known, no matter what cost others paid for it. And she and her father had both paid for Vivian’s selfish nature.
“Her, along with an entourage of twelve. She’s mad as hell that your home isn’t available to them, even drove out and demanded admittance with a film crew in tow.”
“She doesn’t understand the meaning of no,” Paisley agreed.
“I guess she arrived after your appearance with Bare was flashed all over the news. Paisley Ames with mystery man,” her dad quoted with a shake of his head.
“Ah, she’s here to do damage control,” Paisley said and felt Bare step up behind her. His hand cupped her hip, and she slid back into him, taking the support he offered. “Turn the TV on, please?” she asked Gilly.
Gilly picked up a remote and powered it on. There was no need to switch the channel. Her mother’s face filled the screen, talking about how worried she was for her poor, fragile daughter who was so easily manipulated by her father and the men who kept company with him. Paisley snorted. Her mother was only worried about how it would impact her.
“Where’s she at?” Paisley asked.
“She’s rented a house in town. Held a press conference as soon as she was sent from your house, stating she was worried for your mental and emotional health.”
“Jesus!” Bare exclaimed. “She doesn’t miss a beat, does she?”
“No,” Paisley agreed, shaking her head.
“What are you thinking?” her dad asked.
“I think she’s right,” Paisley said.
“What?” Bare practically roared behind her.
“Not about my mental or emotional health,” she assured him, turning to wrap her arm around him and cuddle into his side before continuing. “I think it’s time I spoke with the press and put a rest to all this. My mother has manipulated things for far too long while I’ve sat back and done nothing.” She met her dad’s stare. “Call Tuck. Have him arrange a press conference for four o’clock today in front of Knight’s Watch. That should give plenty of time. Have him say you’re ready to make a public statement.”
“Me?” Her dad questioned, narrowing his eyes at her. She knew he would if she asked him to, but that wasn’t her plan.
“I’ll be making the statement, but I’d like to keep mother out of the loop until it happens if we can.”
“Done,” her dad said and pulled out his phone. He turned and walked away as he called.
She turned to Bare. “I need you to call Marco for me. I don’t have his number, but I need him to grab some stuff from the house for me and meet us at Knight’s Watch.”
“Are you sure about this?”
Bare asked her. “No one would blame you if you wanted to stay here.”
“I’m done hiding,” she said softly. “It’s past time I stand up to her and claim my own life. I need to do this. I need to put the past completely to rest and let the world know I’ve moved on.”
“I like the sound of that,” he said.
“I’d like you to be there,” she said, biting her bottom lip as his gaze searched her face.
“Baby, there’s no place else I’d be.”
She stepped into his open arms and let his warmth settle around her. Today, she’d publicly say goodbye to her past and the man she’d loved, showing the world she was more than a survivor. She was a woman who’d been given a second chance with a man who’d taken her jagged heart and healed it one tear at a time until she was ready to love again. Today, she was reclaiming her life and stating her plans for the future, plans she’d just decided on in the last twenty-four hours. And God help anyone who tried to stand in her way.
Chapter Nine
Bare prowled around Jamison’s office. There was no way he’d relax until Paisley was within eyesight again. Probably, not even then. He had a bad feeling about this press conference. He wanted to whisk her away again, hide her from the rest of the world.
The phone rang, the shrill sound echoing through the room. Everyone turned to look at it. No one made a move to answer. Most likely, it was Vivian Ames again with demands to know just what Jamison thought he was doing. She was good and angry over the announcement he was breaking his silence and speaking to the press. She’d be livid when she discovered it was Paisley breaking her silence instead.
Jamison had answered it the first time. They’d all heard Vivian’s shrill voice before he’d hung up.
“You know she’ll show up and try to cause a scene to divert attention to her,” Tuck stated.
Jamison nodded. “She will.”
“How much longer will Paisley be?” Bare asked. The conference was set to start in another hour, and Paisley had been off getting ready since they’d arrived at Knight’s.
“She’s not just putting on clothes,” Tuck said, while Jamison continued to ignore Bare. “She’s putting on the persona she left behind.”
“It’s just a press conference,” Bare muttered.
Jamison sighed. “It’s more than that. So much more than that.”
Bare knew he was right. This was a huge deal. It was a step in Paisley taking back her life, living again. Bare worried it was too much too fast. She’d gone from deep grief and denial to sex with him and a press conference. He couldn’t shake the fear that it would all come crashing down around them, and he’d lose her again. He didn’t have another long wait in him, not after the taste she’d given him.
“She’ll be okay,” Tuck said.
“You don’t know that,” Bare argued.
“She’s strong,” Jamison said. “She always has been. She forgot that. Hell, I think I did, as well.” He glanced at Bare, holding his gaze. “I’m not sure what’s going on between you two, but whatever it is, I hope it continues.” He shook his head and turned to walk over to the windows, though he didn’t so much as open the blinds to look out. “When I left her here to try to change Vivian’s mind about coming, about throwing Paisley to the wolves we’ve held at bay for five fucking years, I was terrified. I knew I’d lose her completely. Thought for sure this would send her so far inside herself I’d lose any chance of getting my daughter back—ever. But the Paisley I saw yesterday… God, Bare. She took my breath away. I wanted to kill you for driving that bike in here and skidding to a stop. Then I wanted to hug you when she laughed. She laughed, and her smile lit the whole room. I’d sell my soul to see that every day for the rest of my life.” He turned back to Bare. “So whatever it is between you two, don’t fuck it up.”
“I’m in love with her,” Bare admitted.
“I know,” Jamison said.
“Hell, we’ve all known that,” Gilly interrupted. “Maybe now, you won’t always be moping around when I see you.”
“Fuck you,” Bare said, but a grin tugged his lips.
Gilly smiled. “Not that kind of family.”
“So, Gilly,” Tuck said. “Now that we have you here, how about a tour?”
“I’m not coming to work for Knight’s,” Gilly said. “I have the bar.”
“You have your hands in more than that,” Jamison countered. “Imagine what you could accomplish if you had all of this behind you, as well.”
“You offering to work for me, Jamison?” Gilly asked.
Jamison laughed. “Not even on a bet, but we can come to some arrangement. I can filter some vetted guys your way when you need the extra hands.”
Bare glanced back and forth between the two of them, waiting to see what Gilly would say.
“We can talk after the conference,” Gilly finally said.
Jamison just nodded. Then all conversation ceased as the door opened and Paisley stepped in. She was gorgeous, looking as if she’d just stepped off the cover of a magazine. This was the Paisley who’d grown up in LA, the one who knew her way around a camera. This was the actress, Paisley Ames, the one the entertainment world loved. He wanted to grab her, hug her close, but he was afraid to muss her up. Paisley had no such fears. She walked right up to him, and when she leaned into his side, his arm wrapped her against him. She held her face up, and he dropped a kiss on her lips.
“You ready for this?” he asked.
“No,” she answered and gave a shaky laugh. “But it’s time. Will you go with me?”
“Was already planning on it,” he told her.
“Any idea what you’re going to say?” Jamison asked.
“Yes,” Paisley said. “First off, I’ll introduce myself as Paisley Knight not Paisley Ames. This will be just the beginning. Once I go out there, the door I tried to shut will swing back open with a bang. They know where I am now. I won’t hide.” She held up her hand when Jamison appeared ready to interrupt. “I won’t. If the person who attacked me all those years ago decides to come back now and finish the job, I trust you to deal with it and keep me safe.” She squeezed Bare’s arm. “I trust all of you. Besides, I won’t be going back to my house right now. Marco can stay there if he likes.”
“You can’t camp out at Gilly’s,” Jamison said.
“You’re welcome any time, for as long as you want,” Gilly countered, and Bare knew his cousin meant it.
Paisley shook her head. “I know there’s an apartment open in your building, Dad. I’d like to go there.”
“You could stay with me,” Bare offered, unable to hold back the offer, despite the other people in the room.
Jamison cleared his throat, and Gilly laughed.
“I’m sure I will occasionally,” Paisley said, shutting them both up. “But I need a place of my own, as well. Dad’s building is conveniently located and will make me feel safe when I’m not with you.”
“For the record, I can guarantee your safety, as well as allowing for whatever level of privacy you want or need,” Gilly offered.
“I’m sure Rusty will be happy to let you keep Remy for a while,” Tuck stated. “I know the dog makes you feel safe.”
“I know Rusty would, and thank you, Gilly. I’ve got to start standing on my own though. I appreciate all of you so much, but there are things I really need to take care of by myself.” Her gaze met Bare’s, and he knew she was asking him to understand.
Bare’s heart clenched at her words and the slight catch in her voice when she said them. He squeezed her into his side. As much as he wanted to demand she keep her ass with him, period, he did understand.
“Your mother won’t forgive you for doing this without her,” Jamison said.
Bare glanced down just in time to see Paisley’s face turn to stone, an expression she’d definitely learned from her father.
“I’ve made my choice on this. She’ll have to make hers. I’m done letting her cash in on the worst event in my life. I’m doing what I
should have done a long time ago. I’m putting an end to this.”
Bare cupped her chin and lifted her face to his. He didn’t know what to tell her, had no words of comfort to offer. Vivian Ames was a cold-hearted bitch and chances were she’d resent the hell out of anything Paisley said or did without clearing it through her.
“I’ll be okay,” Paisley said and leaned up to kiss him softly on the lips.
“Can we have a minute?” he said, eyes not leaving her face.
“Conference is in thirty,” Jamison said. “Not a lot of time.”
Bare gritted his teeth.
“Give us a minute, please, Dad,” Paisley said. “Besides it would look better if you head down and give the press someone to focus on. Maybe, see if mother is already down there stirring stuff up. I’ll be there at precisely four. I won’t walk out until then. I have a statement prepared. I won’t be taking questions today. I’ll want the door open as soon as I finish so I can duck right back in.”
“Why are you having this outdoors again?” Gilly asked.
“My mother has spent the last five years telling the world I’m afraid. I’m going to show them that’s no longer true.”
Gilly nodded and headed out with Tuck. Jamison came over and gave Paisley one more hug before shooting Bare a look and walking out.
Paisley turned to him. “What’s on your mind?”
He blew out a breath. “I’m worried about you.”
“I know,” she said. “But I’m going to be okay.”
“I’m not talking about the conference, or at least, not specifically about the conference.”
“I don’t understand,” she said. “You’re not regretting last night, are you?”
“You know better than that,” he admonished, reaching for her. “I’m worried things are changing too fast for you.”
She shook her head. “Five years is not too fast, Bare.”