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Chasin' Eight: Rough Riders, Book 12

Page 32

by Lorelei James

  “You’re a riot. What else?”

  “The PBR is picking up your transportation expenses. You’re in New York now?”


  “I can’t get you to Wichita directly—”

  “Book me into Omaha. I left my truck there. I’ll drive to Wichita.”

  “Done. What day you wanna leave?”

  “Today. As soon as possible.”

  Ava stared at him with shock.

  “The event isn’t for another couple days.”

  “I’m aware of that. But there are other things I need to take care of first.”

  Elroy sighed. “Fine. Contact me when you get to Kansas. And I don’t gotta remind you no press unless you’re escorted by a PBR media liaison.”

  “I get it. I’ll keep in touch.”

  “Good.” Elroy hung up.

  Chase returned to the bedroom and picked up his bag.

  “You’re leaving? Just like that?”


  “No discussion. No yelling, no hashing it out?”

  “What is there to hash out? You knew I’d be gone the second the PBR called me back. Getting my bull ridin’ mojo back was the only reason we were even traveling together.” Chase held out his bag. “This is my life, Ava. Not this.” He gestured to the fancy digs surrounding them.

  “You told me there were more important things in life than being a bull rider.”

  Chase looked her in the eye and said, “I lied.”

  Although it pained him, he shouldered his equipment bag and walked out.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Ava had been mindlessly staring out the window, crying and wallowing in self-recrimination, when her phone buzzed. Hoping it’d be Chase, she answered without checking the caller ID. “Hello.”

  “Ava Cooper?”

  “Yes. Who is this?”

  “I’m calling on behalf of Nina Beal, senior VP of Montieth Associates. Nina is requesting an in-person meeting with you regarding a possible audition for a new sitcom slated to start production next week.”

  Why were they calling her directly? “This request was approved through my agency?”

  “Marnie Driscoll was contacted and gave us this number.”

  This was Marnie’s way of giving Ava full responsibility for declining the audition. “What is the in-place date for the meeting?”

  “Thursday. One o’clock. At the Burbank office.”

  Looked like she’d be home sooner than she’d planned. “That will work.”

  “Good. We look forward to seeing you then, Miss Cooper.”

  A casting call. For a new sitcom. She could throw herself into familiar work for the next year and put this summer behind her. Chase had been right about one thing, they both needed to get back to their real lives. And for her, that mean a major overhaul of the way she’d been living. She intended to make changes across the board and start with a clean slate. In both her professional and personal life.

  She blew her nose and hoped she didn’t sound as if she’d spent the last two hours bawling when she dialed her parent’s home number.

  “And to what do I owe the pleasure of a phone call from my beautiful daughter?”

  “Heya, Dad. I just wanted to talk. I know it seems like the only time I call you is when I want something.”

  “Do you want something?”

  “No. Well, maybe. I want to ask you a question.”


  “Does it bug you that I don’t take an interest in Dumond Racing? That every time you’ve asked me in the past decade to come to a race or hang out at an event I’ve said no?”

  Silence. Then, “I know you’re busy.”

  “That’s not an answer. Be honest.”

  “Okay, as long as you asked, yeah, it does bug the crap out of me. It’s almost like you’re embarrassed that your dad is a former grease monkey.”

  “I’m not embarrassed. God, I’m embarrassed for myself for being so oblivious to anyone’s feelings but my own. You raised me better than that.”

  “No kidding.” He paused again. “Ava, what is this really about?”

  His voice was so soft and gentle, more tears fell. “I’ve had a lot of time to think over the past couple months. I’ve watched my…friend come to terms with family issues and I saw a lot of myself in him. I realized I haven’t been a good daughter, or a good sister, or even a halfway decent supporter of Dumond Racing. I’m so mired in my own stupid, petty problems that I’ve let important things slide. Important people.” She sniffled. “You are important to me Dad, and I love you. And I’m sorry for acting like such a brat. But I can change. I want to change.” She took a deep breath. “Can you forgive me?”

  “Of course. And I will let you make it up to me in two weeks when you attend the Dumond Racing Team trials at Breakwater Speedway. I’ll warn ya. Lots of media. Oh, and your brother is in charge.”

  “I can handle it. I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Good. Although, in all fairness, I’ve gotta point out that you ignore your mother’s business just as much as you do mine.”

  Ava laughed. “Well, she’s next on the apology chain.”

  “I’m right here, sweetie, so there’s no need to go through this twice.”

  “Am I on conference call?”

  “Of course. I’m tired of hearing about your life third or fourth hand,” her mother chastised.

  “Yeah, so why don’t you tell us firsthand how in the devil you hooked up with a bull rider?” her father prompted.

  She tried to keep things light lest she start bawling again. “I take offense to your term ‘hook up’ Dad.”

  “You know what I meant. Start talking.”

  “I met Chase McKay in Wyoming through Ginger Paulson. I traveled with him on the rodeo circuit for a few weeks and he came to New York with me.”

  “Bull riding is a damn dangerous job.”

  You don’t know the half of it.

  “What’s he like?” her mother asked. “Because I’m sure the pictures in the papers don’t do him justice. He looks buff. Mysterious.”

  “Oh, for the love of God, Eileen, really? This is the direction you’re taking this conversation?” he demanded.

  “If your father is offended by the graphic details you want to share with your mama about that hot cowboy’s attributes, we’ll kick him off the line.”

  Her dad snorted. “As glad as I am you called, Daughter, this is where I hang up.” Click.

  Her mother snickered. “Too easy. Now. Spill your guts because this Chase guy. He’s the one, isn’t he? That’s the reason you’re keeping him to yourself.”

  Just like that, Ava broke down. She wished she could crawl through the phone line onto her mother’s lap. “I never thought I’d find someone like him. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had and he drives me crazy. He’s bossy and so sweet that I melt whenever he touches me even when I want to scream at him. I’m so in love with him it’s scary. And funny. And pathetic. And what the hell am I gonna do?”

  “Does he feel the same way?”

  “He says he did, until… I don’t know how to explain because it still doesn’t feel wrong to me. I think he’s overreacting, but he’s pissed off. And he just left.”

  “Tell me what happened.” After she finished, her mother said, “Hmm,” not in a good way.

  “What?” Ava blew her nose. “Am I a spoiled brat who doesn’t think of anyone but myself?”

  “Sometimes. But as human beings, we’re all like that. I understand why he’s upset. You took something very personal and intend to turn it into something public without consulting him. So he’s questioning your motives, and he probably fears you’ve been acting with him this entire time.”

  Ava felt like she could throw up because Chase had said that very thing. “I wasn’t. I love him. I told him I love him. And he took off anyway.”

  “Isn’t that callback from the PBR what he’d been waiting for?”

  “Yes, but—”<
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  “This is his career, Ava. You, of all people, should understand that. If the situation were reversed? If your agent had called during the fight? What would you have done? Taken off, the same thing Chase did.”

  “Don’t be so sure about that.”

  Silence. “Really? Well, that’s new. Tell me about it.”

  Ava talked about what she’d seen and experienced over the last few weeks and how it’d changed her, not only personally but career-wise. It felt good to bounce ideas off her mom, because she defined savvy businesswoman.

  “I’m proud of you, Ava. I’ve always been proud of you even when I didn’t understand your love of show business. But I’m happy to hear you’ve figured out you’re more than an actress and want to try other things within the industry. I’d be happier yet if you asked to come to work for me.”

  Ava laughed and sniffled. “No way. We’d kill each other.”

  “Probably. Anyway, I’m also happy that you found your other half.” Her mom got quiet for a second. “My life would be hollow without your father in it. Having a successful career is great, but being in a loving relationship is even better. So back to the Chase issue…”

  “What should I do?”

  “Give him time. Don’t call him, don’t text him, don’t IM him, don’t email him.”

  “Mom. I don’t think playing games will work.”

  “Oh, this isn’t a game. This is a way to show him what a big hole his life will have without you in it. You’ve been joined at the hip for almost two months. Let him miss you, sweetie. Let yourself know what it’s like to really miss him.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  “And if that doesn’t work? Go with plan B.”

  Her mother, businesswoman extraordinaire, always had a backup plan. “And what is that?”

  “Track him down, tie him up and force him to listen to reason. It helps if you’re naked. And holding beer.”

  “Ah, Mom. I don’t think that will work.”

  “It sure did with your dad. Good luck, sweetie, keep in touch.”

  Ava packed her bag and booked a commercial flight to LA.

  “Why am I so nervous?” Ava asked Hannah, two days later.

  “I’ll tell you what I think after the audition.” Hannah straightened Ava’s miniskirt for the third time.

  “That’s not helping my nerves.” She tried not to think that Chase would know exactly what to say to her to calm her down. The door to the conference room opened and a long-legged blond strolled out. “We’re ready for you, Miss Cooper.”

  Ava squeezed Hannah’s hand and followed Corporate Casting Barbie into the conference room. Well, at least this production company didn’t have the clichéd casting couch. Ava chose the chair directly in the middle, across from the desk of the three executives who were too busy on their phones to acknowledge her.

  Finally another blonde met Ava’s gaze and smiled coolly. “I’m Nina Beal. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Cooper. I was a huge fan of Miller’s Ridge. Pity it got cancelled.”

  “Thank you.”

  The man sporting a Groucho Marx mustache peered at her over the top of his glasses. “We’ve cast the two stars of this show. We’re casting secondary characters. The part you’re being considered for is Mamie’s best friend, Sally.”

  “Sally is the opposite of our quirky, fun-loving, serial dating, always-finding-man-trouble main character, Mamie,” the other man, who looked like Woody Allen’s younger, nerdier brother, inserted.

  So Sally was the stick-in-the-mud sidekick. How fun. “What ages are these characters?”

  “Just out of college.” The woman studied Ava openly. “She could pass as twenty-two. If we darkened her hair more.”

  “Definitely put a pair of eyeglasses on her.”

  The Groucho guy said, “What about brown contacts?”

  “Excellent. I’d also suggest taping her chest to downplay the size of it.”

  Ava clenched her teeth, but couldn’t maintain a fake smile.

  They talked among themselves. Argued. Gestured to her as if she was part of the furniture.

  That attitude didn’t used to bother her. But it did now. As an actress, she’d seen herself as a piece of clay. Ready to adapt to the director’s vision. Put the right words in her mouth and she could be anyone. Any time. Any place.

  But today the clay comparison didn’t work. Today she felt like a mannequin.

  It became very quiet and all eyes zoomed to her. She cleared her throat. “Excuse me?”

  “We’re very pleased you agreed to meet with us. Given the issues you’ve faced the last couple months, it’s understandable you’re looking to lose yourself in a new role.”

  That comment sent up her red flags.

  “Pity your agent couldn’t be here or we could get the details ironed out right now because shooting starts next week.”

  This was all kinds of wrong. Enough. She was done.

  Ava stood. “Thank you for your time and my agent will be in touch.” She didn’t stop walking until she was through the conference door and standing on the sidewalk.

  Hannah snagged her elbow and tugged her around the corner. “Well? Did they offer?”

  “Yes, but I don’t want it.” She looked Hannah square in the eyes. “In fact, I don’t want to be an actress at all anymore. There are so many other things I’d rather do with my life.”

  “Ava, when did this happen?”

  “It’s been building for a while. Don’t tell me the see-all, know-all Hannah missed it?”

  Instant skepticism tightened Hannah’s face. “How much of this change has to do with the cowboy?”

  “Some.” Ava folded her arms. “But only because he showed me parts of myself that I wasn’t aware of.”

  “Such as?”

  “I can’t explain it. I feel more like…me, the real me when I’m around him. Everything was better. Freer. I’ve been waiting my whole life to feel that way. And I know he felt the same.” His words, whispered the last night they were together, when he thought she was asleep, haunted her. I love you, Ava Rose. Goddamn, what am I gonna do about you?

  “Are you ready to tell me what happened in New York?”

  “Chase borrowed my computer and saw the mock-up film I’d started with the footage I’d shot at the rodeos of him and Ryan.”

  “Is it over between you two?”

  “I hope not. There’s too much…there. Know what I mean?”

  Hannah shook her head.

  But the too much portion of her comment sent Ava’s thoughts spinning. “That’s it. I have enough footage to make two documentaries. So I could make one without Chase’s image, or approval, not that I want to do that. But if I had something to show him, I could convince him this is a worthwhile documentary.”

  “And if he still says no?”

  Ava looked Hannah in the eye. “Then I go to plan B.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Meanwhile…outside Sundance…

  Gavin Daniels turned down the air conditioning in the rental car. The outside temperature, according to the Lexus XLV, hovered around one hundred degrees. Hot for anyone, except a Phoenix native used to seeing the mercury hit one hundred fifteen degrees regularly in the summer months. He appreciated the heat in Wyoming owed nothing to humidity. Hot and dry he could handle. Hot and wet made him want to peel his soggy skin from his bones.

  This trip had been a long time coming. If he was the morose type, he might say all his life. His mother—God rest her soul—had encouraged him to take the journey. As much as he loathed the idea of deathbed promises, that’s exactly what he’d done in the days before she’d slipped away forever.

  The aftermath of her death was a blur. Grief claimed his attention for several months. After that, he’d dealt with the consequences of neglecting his business while he grieved. Then he’d been waylaid by his daughter’s rubber ball tendency—bouncing to whichever parent offered respite from the other parent. Add in his ex-wife’s histrionics…that
was just another reminder of why Ellen was his ex. Didn’t take more than a simple glance at the calendar to know the last eighteen months had been the shittiest time of his life.

  When the dust settled, he was faced with the one-year anniversary of his mother’s passing. With that shock came the guilt he hadn’t accomplished the one final thing she’d requested.

  Gavin booked a flight into Rapid City. He’d secured a couple nights at a bed and breakfast between Sundance and Moorcroft. Which was quite a feat, according to the information he’d gathered online, because it was the height of tourist season in the Black Hills around Devil’s Tower, a stopping point on the road to Yellowstone. He’d lost track of the number of motor homes and out-of-state license plates he’d passed on I-90.

  The female voice on the GPS announced, “Turn left in point one mile. You have reached your destination.”

  No going back now. Unless once he saw the turnoff he just kept driving right on past it. As the mailbox entered his line of sight, he realized he was unprepared for any outcome in this situation, be it total exuberance, flat-out denial or complete apathy.

  That’s when Gavin admitted to nerves, to trepidation, to betrayal, to an underlying sense of…wrongness. Add in paranoia and he might as well be thinking about the hours leading up to his disastrous marriage. That made him smile briefly, but he sobered when he recognized the sad truth that hope hadn’t surfaced in his emotional turmoil.

  When he pulled up to the well-kept ranch house, a couple sat on a porch swing in the shade. Enjoying a normal afternoon. Blissfully unaware.

  His heart pounded. Sweat broke out on his brow, yet a clammy feeling slithered down his spine.

  The couple stood and started down the steps. Probably wondering what business he had in the middle of nowhere. Probably thinking he was lost.

  Gavin ditched his sunglasses and opened the car door. He jammed his hands in the front pockets of his khaki pants, because he didn’t know what else to do with them.

  The man and woman were equally wary, stopping five feet from him. Waiting.


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