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Brooke, Leah - Raw Desire [Desire, Oklahoma 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 31

by Leah Brooke

  Moaning at the unrelenting pressure, Alison dug her nails into Dillon’s bicep as the muscles in her anus rippled all around the plug. “It’s stretching me. Ryder, damn you, do something. Oh, God. How much more? It’s too big. I think I’m coming.”

  Ryder laughed softly and smacked her bottom, startling her so much that the threat of orgasm eased, leaving her hanging there on the edge.

  “You asshole! I hate you. I’m not telling you anything again. Oh, God, Ryder! Yes! Push it in.”

  Ryder pushed the plug in another inch and wiggled it around. With a surprising move, he thrust a finger into her pussy, withdrawing again before she could react.

  Teasing her folds, he chuckled when she tried to get friction against her clit.

  “Take a deep breath, darlin’. The last of it’s going in.”

  Her slit sizzled from her clit to her bottom, her abdomen tightening each time she clenched.

  “I swear. Oh, God. I swear I’ll, ah, get even. Yes, Ryder. Oh, God. It’s in all the way. Okay. Okay.”

  Panting, she gripped Dillon’s arm tighter, her toes curling as Ryder’s hands settled on her hips.

  To her shocked delight, he bent and kissed the scar on her hip, the gesture so unexpected, she stilled. Moaning as he readjusted his grip, she gasped when he thrust into her.

  Thankful for Dillon’s touch, she cried out, struggling to pull him closer as the waves of sizzling heat exploded from her center and started to wash over her.

  “So full. Oh, God. I’m coming.”

  Ryder cursed, his hands tightening on her hips as he began to thrust fast and deep.

  “Holy hell! I’m not gonna last. Too fucking tight. Milking me too hard. Fuck. That’s a girl, Ally. Keep comin’, darlin’.”

  Alison didn’t have much choice, her body no longer under her control. Every muscle went tight as she came, the sharp tingles racing through her again and again, the pressure inside her almost unbearable.

  She noted, almost as though from a distance, that even now, Ryder kept a hand on her lower back, lessening how much she could move.

  Beside her, Dillon flew into action, ripping the foil packet with his teeth and hastily rolling on a condom. As soon as he finished, he, too, placed a hot hand on her back, massaging firmly and keeping her held down.

  Loving the feel of their hard, hot hands on her, she cursed that their constrictive holds kept her from moving much at all.

  She’d never even imagined this too-full feeling, her bottom clenching tight on the plug, and her pussy tightening on Ryder’s cock, stretching her everywhere all at once.

  The incredible pleasure seemed to last forever, rolling through her in intense waves that slowly began to lessen.

  Ryder sank deep, his cock pulsing inside her, the groan coming from him so deep and long it set off another wave inside her. The hands he held her steady with tightened on her bottom, his fingers digging into her.

  With no warning, he withdrew, slipping out of her with a speed that startled her, dropping onto the bed next to her with a groan and curling against her.

  Her inner muscles still rippled when Dillon’s hands closed over her waist and he surged into her and stilled. Struggling for air and grateful for Ryder’s caresses, she couldn’t stop clenching on Dillon’s cock, her body slumping as the waves slowly subsided.

  She couldn’t seem to stop rippling around the plug and Dillon’s cock, but knew herself well enough to know she would never be able to come again.

  “Dillon, I can’t. I can’t come again.”

  Dillon gripped the base of the plug and began shifting it inside her, while his other hand came around to rest on her mound, his fingers dancing with expert precision over her clit.

  “Wanna bet?”

  Alison sucked in a breath at the jolt to her system, the movement in her bottom and the light friction over her already engorged clit making her buck beneath him.

  Unable to stop, she worked herself on his cock and his fingers while he kept the plug shifting inside her.

  Dillon’s quick strokes, strokes that dug mercilessly at that spot inside her, soon had her clenching on him again, her body so lethargic she couldn’t even move.

  Amazingly, she soon found herself climbing all over again.

  The shift of the plug in her bottom felt so much like Dillon’s cock, it was as if he fucked her with two cocks at once.

  Barely able to catch her breath, she heard Ryder curse from beside her.

  “Hell, babe. Don’t hurt yourself.”

  “Fuck you. I want to come.”

  Her voice sounded thready and weak to her own ears. The breathless whimper in her tone made her curse sound even more pitiful.

  Ryder laughed, reaching a hand under her, and closed his fingers over a nipple.

  “Do you now? Well, we’re just going to see what we can do about that.”

  Dillon’s smooth, quick thrusts, the quick strokes of his fingers over her clit, the pressure of the plug being manipulated in her ass, and Ryder’s attention to her nipple all combined and sent her over in a blaze of heat.

  Screaming, she stiffened, the waves of pleasure so sharp they bordered on pain as they swelled, battering her already weakened system.

  The crest left her breathless, the huge wave that held her in its grip seemingly endless. She thought she screamed again, but couldn’t be sure, fisting her hands in the bedding as the surge continued, trying her best to hold on to something solid.

  Finally she became aware that Dillon had stopped moving, holding himself deep inside her.

  All three of them breathed harshly, Ryder’s soft words mingling with her moans of completion.

  She didn’t know what he said and couldn’t focus enough to pay attention. She found herself slipping, some part of her consciousness aware of Dillon withdrawing. A moan slipped out when she felt the plug being removed, the hard rubber stretching her bottom hole again as it slipped out of her, making her puckered opening sting.

  As it pulled free, she moaned and sank into the soft bedding, hearing the rustle of movement all around her but unable to open her eyes.

  Some time must have passed—she didn’t know how long and didn’t care—before a warm, soft cloth wiped her clean. She kicked out a leg in protest, grumbling when her legs were held and Dillon chuckled softly.

  She didn’t even open her eyes as she was lifted and placed on the soft sheets and the blankets were pulled over her.

  Groaning at the low conversation that kept disturbing her when she wanted to sleep, she rolled to her side, burying her face into the pillow.

  The next thing she knew, it was morning.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Half sitting, with one foot on the floor and the other on the rung of the stool, Ryder dragged the rag from his pocket to wipe at a smear of grease on his arm. Giving the task far more attention than it deserved, he glanced toward the office doorway, listening for any sound from Ally, something he did with increasing regularity.

  He’d gotten so used to her being around already that he knew that when she left, she would leave a big hole in his life, an emptiness that he’d never really noticed before.

  Hearing a noise, he looked up to see Duncan and Erin walk through the garage door.

  With a wave in their direction, Erin headed straight into the office to greet Ally.

  Hiding a smile at the surprise in Ally’s voice to be getting a visitor, and grateful for a distraction, Ryder stood. “Duncan and Erin are here.”

  Dillon looked up from where pieces of the engine of Ally’s truck covered the workbench, turning to greet Duncan, who paused to slide a hand over his wife’s ass before joining them.

  The mock look of outrage on Erin’s face didn’t fool anyone at all and only appeared to amuse Duncan, who said something low, making his hard-nosed wife blush a fiery red.

  Laughing, Duncan came toward them.

  “Hey.” Looking around at the piles of parts all over the place, he lifted a brow.

  “What t
he hell are you doing, building a car from scratch?”

  Ryder tucked the rag in his pocket and offered his hand. “Hey, Dunc. We’re working on Ally’s truck which is about the same thing. What are you doing here? Something wrong with one of the cars?”

  Duncan gestured toward the office where the two women laughed at something.

  “No. Erin wanted to stop in to see Alison. She’s been worried about her. Hope and Charity have been trying to get over here, but they’ve had their hands full with the club, and evidently Alison’s cell phone isn’t working.”

  Ryder shrugged. “I threw it against the wall and broke it. She has a new one now with a new number.”

  Duncan grinned. “You and that temper.” His smile fell, and he looked back over his shoulder, keeping his voice low. “Is everything okay now?”

  Dillon tossed a part he’d been cleaning aside. “We just have to wait for the trial. Alison’s jumpy and doesn’t want to talk about it. We want her to come back here afterward, but she won’t fucking commit to anything.”

  After explaining about the charges Ally might be facing, Ryder reached into the small refrigerator and snagged a couple of beers.

  Duncan accepted one, twisted off the cap, and tossed it into the nearby trash can.

  “So have the two of you decided to keep her?”

  Dillon shrugged. “I want her, but I don’t think Ryder knows for sure yet.”


  Ryder took a sip of his beer to ease his dry throat before answering, not exactly comfortable with all this talk of feelings, but too frustrated to keep everything inside.

  “I didn’t think it would be so fucking complicated. You guys have all had it pretty easy.”

  Duncan burst out laughing.

  “Where the hell have you been? None of us had it easy.” He looked back over his shoulder toward where his wife stood, the love in his eyes obvious. Turning back, he grinned.

  “Who the hell ever said it was gonna be easy?”

  Ryder shrugged, feeling a little foolish. “I just didn’t expect to be tied up in knots like this. I understand what you mean now, when you guys talk about counting on the others to be there for her, too.”

  Thinking about the way she’d called out for Dillon when she’d been injured still had the power to hurt him, but he’d been relieved that Dillon had been there to help her.

  Dillon, of course, couldn’t let it go.

  “I’ve been the one to massage Alison’s back when her muscles tighten up, so when she got hurt and Reese tried to help her, she begged him not to move her and wanted me.”

  Duncan nodded in understanding. “And it hurt. That happens sometimes with Erin, but when we first met her, it’s one of the things we had to discuss with her to convince her how relationships like ours work. We all have to play to our strengths.”

  Intrigued, Ryder glanced toward the office to make sure the women couldn’t hear them.

  “And this happens to you, too?”

  Duncan shrugged. “Sure. When she has a problem, she usually goes to Jared first. Jared likes to take charge anyway, and if she comes to Reese or me, he gets involved anyway. When she wants to just talk, she goes to Reese. She says that Jared tries too hard to fix her problems, and she doesn’t want advice, she just wants to talk it out. When she wants to argue, or she’s in a mood she can’t shake, she comes to me.”

  Dillon blinked. “She comes to you to fight?”

  Duncan grinned, proof that it didn’t bother him at all. “Jared won’t argue with her. He puts his foot down and that’s the end of it. Reese tries to reason with her and sometimes she’s mad as hell and is looking for a way to vent it. So, she comes to me. Hell, you know me. I’ll argue about anything.”

  Chuckling, he looked over his shoulder. “It always ends good. There’s nothing like a good argument to bring out the passion in a woman.”

  Sobering, he took another sip of beer, his expression thoughtful.

  “But that woman knows that each of us love her and there’s nothing we wouldn’t do, separately or collectively, to make her happy. She loves us. Each of us. It’s not always easy for her, but she makes time for each of us. We do things together, and we each spend time alone with her. It’s important, and something you’re going to have to do yourselves if you want this to work.”

  He took a step closer to Ryder, keeping his voice low. “Don’t make the mistake of thinking she doesn’t need you or want you because she called out for Dillon. Find your strength with her and use it to get closer. We’ve all said, many times, that relationships like ours can’t survive with jealousy. If you want a relationship with her, you’re going to have to work on it. Separate from Dillon. Make time for her.”

  Dillon nodded. “Good advice.” He glanced at Ryder. “I’ll make myself scarce whenever you want, and you can spend some time with her.”

  Duncan finished his beer and tossed the bottle into the large can. “Another reason Erin wanted to talk to Alison is to make sure she knew that the attorney she told you about is really good and that she has nothing to worry about.”

  He grinned, his eyes dancing. “Erin didn’t think she’d believe you.”

  Insulted, Ryder snarled. “Why the hell not?”

  Duncan shrugged. “She said she wouldn’t have believed us. Women. Who the hell can ever figure them out?”

  Dropping back onto the stool, Ryder stared toward the office, where he could hear low feminine conversation, and fought the urge to barge in there.

  “If we don’t figure ours out soon, I’m afraid we’re going to lose her.”

  * * * *

  After dinner of soup and sandwiches, Alison attempted to put everything away, laughing as she stepped around yet another of Ryder’s teasing attempts to catch her.

  He moved fast, grabbing her around the waist, and leaned back against the counter, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

  “What do you want to do tonight? I have a few suggestions if you don’t have any specific plans.”

  It sounded so much like a normal conversation a couple might have at the end of the day, making her smile and easing some of the tightness she’d felt in her stomach ever since Erin’s visit this afternoon.

  Her giggle was cut short, becoming a moan when his hands slid under the hem of her sweater and closed over her breasts. Leaning back against him, she ran her hands down to the sides of his thighs, pressing her breasts out and into his hands.

  “Don’t try to get on my good side. I’m still mad at you for teasing me last night.” Glancing up at him over her shoulder, she smiled. “I don’t know about you, but I’m going to the market. I want to thank Isabel for helping me and we really need some groceries.”

  When Erin came by today, she gave her an envelope with the money Hope and Charity had sent, her refund for the seminar weekend that had been cut short.

  Alison didn’t care for the fact that she’d had to depend on Dillon and Ryder for each bite of food that went into her mouth and wanted to buy some food and hopefully even be able to make a few meals for them before she left.

  From his chair at the table, Dillon sipped his coffee, sharing a long look with Ryder before turning back to her.

  “We eat at the diner most of the time. It’s easier for us, and we give the diner our business. Edna cleans the apartment for us, too, and for the same reasons.”

  Alison stiffened in Ryder’s arms. “Oh. Okay. I didn’t mean to—”

  Dillon waved a hand, shaking his head. “Don’t be offended. We watch out for each other here, and we don’t want to cook.”

  Ryder lowered his hands to her waist and hugged her, kissing her shoulder, his easy affection a far cry from the sinful tease that had driven her crazy the night before.

  “Do you cook, Ally?”

  She shrugged, wishing she’d never brought the subject up. “Not much. Danny always said I was a horrible cook.”

  Dillon set his mug down and sat back in his chair. “I wouldn’t put too much store
in anything he said.”

  The hard gleam disappeared, and his eyes danced with amusement. “I’ll eat anything you want to cook for me. I’m sure you want to get some girl food, though, don’t you?”

  Alison blinked. “Girl food?”

  Straightening, Ryder ran a hand over her bottom. “Yeah, I’ve heard about that. I’ve always wondered what the hell it is. Come on, Ally. We’ll go to the market, and you can show me.”

  Alison found herself hustled out of the house and down to Ryder’s truck.

  Looking back toward the apartment as they pulled away, she frowned. “What about Dillon?”

  Ryder glanced over at her as he turned the corner. “Dillon has a few things to do. What’s the matter, scared to spend time alone with me?”

  Alison shrugged and stared out the front window.

  “I’m just surprised you’d be willing to take me to the market. You don’t seem the type.”

  He turned, frowning. “The type? I don’t seem the type to buy food?”

  Feeling stupid, she shrugged again. “You don’t seem the type to do, I don’t know, normal things. I picture you in bar fights and at the club having your way with naked women.”

  “Having my way with them?”

  Ignoring that, Alison continued. “You want to fuck me, which is fine because that’s what we agreed on, but the rest of the time you don’t seem to like me very much.”

  She held up a hand when he would have spoken. “I know. You like me when we’re naked, and that’s all I should expect from you. That’s all I do expect from you. You like to tease and play in the bedroom and fight everywhere else. I know you really don’t like me, and that’s fine. I just don’t like it when you try to pretend otherwise. I know what I walked into with you, and I have no regrets, but doing something like this with you just feels strange to me.”

  Ryder pulled up to the front of the market, slammed the car in park, and turned to her, his eyes shooting sparks.


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