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Confusing Hearts (Westin Pack Book 4)

Page 3

by Julie Trettel

  “It is quite the honor as always to have you in class. Would you care to assist today?”

  He turned to me and smiled. Two swoon-worthy dimples popped out as he got up and walked to the front of the class.

  “Sure,” he said, grabbing up a marker and scribbling numbers on the white board as fast as the professor could read them off.

  I’m not sure I heard a lot of what was said and I struggled to follow along, doing more staring than taking notes.

  At the end of class, Chase was held up and I found my escape, but not before I heard the teacher ask him—no, beg him, really—to be his TA for the semester. Great, I thought. He’s gorgeous, panty-melting dimples gorgeous, and he’s got to be smart, too. Why couldn’t he be a panther? Life would have been so much easier for us both.

  I headed to my next class, which was now computer graphics. I was really looking forward to it. I didn’t have a lot of artistic ability, but I had taught myself how to manipulate and change my photographs to better enhance them. I knew it was a more advanced class than I was probably prepared for, but I was up for the challenge, excited, and ready.

  The room was lined with computers, two to a table with about a dozen tables in all. Most already had two people sitting at them, and a few with only one, but I chose the single entirely open table instead. I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans as I took my seat.

  Not five minutes later, the tingling sensation returned. Shocked, I couldn’t stop myself from turning to look for the source.

  Chase Westin strolled in. He stopped and looked around until our eyes met. He flashed his dimple-perfect smile my way and headed right for me. My eyes widened, and my heart raced as I looked around for an escape.

  “Hey, it’s you,” he said, his eyes still looking worried and unsure. I got the impression that Chase was not the kind of guy who was used to being unsure of himself. “I didn’t know you were in this class, and I would definitely have noticed.” He ran a hand through thick brown hair and I sensed he was as confused by what was happening between us as I was.

  “There was a dropout last week, so I was able to grab the last spot.” For some reason, I felt guilty, like some stalker invading his space as I said it. I contemplated grabbing my things and fleeing the room.

  Then he smiled at me again. “Well, Friday the dropout abandoned that very seat, so looks like you and I will be partners this semester.”

  “What?” I asked a little too sharply. It was the way he said ‘partners’ with a cocky expression that unnerved me. I couldn’t be his partner, not in the way my body was already craving. I suddenly realized it was going to be a very long semester.

  Chase didn’t mention anything about the bond, though I caught him looking at me in that way that made me feel raw and exposed, like he was searching for answers eluding him. I understood that look.

  I wasn’t sure what Chase was, but I knew he couldn’t be panther. Could what I was feeling not be the bonding call after all? I had all the symptoms I’d been told about, but it didn’t really seem possible. Could we react similar to just desire? Chase Westin was a very handsome man. Could that really be all it was?

  Then I remembered I had felt him before I ever saw him. That threw a kink in my rationale.

  “You going to stare at the screen all day, or work on the lesson?” Chase’s deep voice jogged me from my thoughts. He was grinning when I looked over and my cheeks burned.

  “Um . . .”

  He passed me his notes and my stomach rolled. I was in over my head. None of it made sense. It was like staring at a foreign language.

  “Hey, it’s okay. Don’t worry. I’m only taking this class for fun. Click here,” he said, pointing at an app on the screen. “Do you have a picture on your phone you can use?”

  I shrugged, because I didn’t know what kind of picture was needed. Our hands collided as he reached for my phone. For that brief moment, everything else in the world faded away. We stared at each other, seemingly locked into the same shrinking universe where only Chase and I existed. He blinked and the moment was gone.

  Scrolling through my phone, he laughed and smiled at the pictures he found.

  “Wow, this one is really good. We’ll use it.”

  I glanced down to see a picture of me. I was in the woods, twirling while taking a selfie. My hair was wild and fanning out around me. I had done it for fun, never planning for anyone to see it.

  “Not that one,” I whispered, horrified. “Can’t we use one not featuring me?”

  “No, that defeats the term ‘selfie.’ Sorry, it’s the assignment, which you’d know if you were paying attention.” He wasn’t scolding me, and I didn’t even feel judged. He seemed more amused than anything, like he knew he was the source of my frustrations, but not in a self-assured cocky manner either.

  “Okay,” I conceded. “What are we supposed to do?”

  “Fade, add a glow, and pop a color.”

  “That’s it?” I asked him, surprised by how simple the assignment was. I actually did know what he was talking about and my entire body started to relax as I set about doing as he instructed.

  “Wow, I’m impressed. That’s really good.”

  My heart beat harder and my palms sweated at his praise. I wiped them on my jeans subconsciously, and chewed my lower lip, a nervous habit I had given up trying to break.

  “Thanks,” I managed, though my voice sounded a little huskier than usual, causing his pupils to dilate. I was glad to see a real sign that I was affecting him in some way. “I’ve dabbled a little on my own.”

  “You’ve never taken a formal class?” he asked, sounding surprised.

  I shook my head, continuing to trouble my lip, until his eyes lowered, entranced by the sight. I sucked in a breath and forced myself to stop.

  “What other classes are you taking?” he asked, changing the subject.

  “I still haven’t decided on a major, so I’m taking mostly basic classes, too. Okay, so I know what I want to major in, I just don’t think it will be allowed,” I confessed, shocking myself by my admittance. I had never told another soul about my desire to go into photography and maybe expand to a business with graphic design work as well. I didn’t even know if I was good enough.

  “Don’t keep me in suspense, what is it? And why wouldn’t it be allowed?”

  Sadness consumed me. “Daddy would never allow it. It’s a pointless major. No real career path, at least not befitting a princess.” I hadn’t meant to tell him that either. There was just something about Chase that made me spill my guts when he asked. It was a habit I was going to have to find a way to break quickly.

  “So, what is it? No, let me guess… basket weaving? No, too cliché. How about underground Russian music management?”

  “What?” I laughed. “Is that even a thing?”

  He shrugged, but continued. “Nude model? I hear they pay really well, and since I’m taking three art classes this semester, I won’t deny I’m onboard with that one.”

  The heat that had resided in my cheeks spread to my ears and chest quickly. I had to change the subject. “You’re an art major?”

  “Minor. Business major. Kind of a family thing, not my first choice.”

  “Oh, yeah, I know how that feels. Wait, you don’t need calculus for a business degree, do you?”

  He shrugged and flashed his dimples at me. “I’m not really sure I need any of the classes I’m taking this year for a business degree, but what fun would college be if we only studied the mandatory stuff?”

  “Won’t that put you behind for graduation though?” It had been my biggest worry when I had signed up for the graphics design and photography classes on a whim.

  This time I noticed his cheeks blushing and he ran a hand through that thick brown hair of his. I wondered if that was his nervous habit, like me chewing on my bottom lip.

  “I, uh, I only need two classes to graduate in my major.” He looked around like it was some big secret. “But I’m only a junior and don’t
want to graduate early, so I picked up a few minors. This semester I’m focusing on art, specifically graphic design, which is something I enjoy.”

  “Oh, wow, you must be really smart.”

  “Shhh, don’t say that so loud.” He looked around the room like he was making sure no one heard us.

  I laughed at him. “There’s nothing wrong with being smart, Chase. I heard our calc professor practically beg you to be his TA, so it’s not exactly surprising. Why’d you turn him down?”

  “Damn, you heard that? I hope you were the only one. It’s just, it’s not my reputation around here, and I prefer to keep it that way.”

  “So, you’re a closet nerd and don’t want your friends to find out?”

  “Um, basically, yeah. Okay, it’s exactly like that.”

  “Then why are you telling me?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t even know why we’re talking about me when you were about to tell me what you really want to major in, and since I just shared one of my deepest darkest secrets, you’re totally confessing it.”

  I looked at him, wondering how much truth had just spilled out. Had he just shared an intimate secret with me? I made a mental note to do a little research on exactly what Chase Westin’s reputation consisted of.

  “Photography, maybe even graphic design.” My heart lightened at the admittance. Then I thought of something he had said. “Wait, you’re taking calculus for fun?”

  He looked sheepish and shrugged, like a little kid just caught doing something wrong.

  “And your friends never notice? Business major does not equal calculus.”

  The tips of his ears were bright red as he lowered his voice and cupped my ear to whisper closely, sending shock waves through my body.

  “I tell everyone a different major. No one knows for sure what I’m majoring in or what I’m studying.” He pulled back and stared at me with that troubling look again. “Except you. And I don’t know why I told you, so let’s forget it ever happened.”

  Chase was still watching me with his puzzled look when the professor strolled by.

  “Mr. Westin, I assume you’re finding this partner much more sufficient than the last?”

  Without even breaking eye contact he responded. “Definitely.”

  “And I assume that you and Ms. Lockhardt actually managed to finish the assignment today?” the professor asked.

  Chase turned his laptop around to face the teacher, then reached over and did the same to mine.

  He nodded his approval at Chase’s but stopped and considered mine first. “Ms. Lockhardt, did you do this yourself?”

  “Um, yes, sir. Chase picked the picture; the rest of the assignment was all me.” I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans and fought not to bite my lip.

  “Very impressive. Very impressive indeed. I’m confident the two of you will make a fine pair this semester. You just may have met your match, Mr. Westin.”

  “Perhaps I have, sir.” Chase beamed with pride, and I realized that pride was for me.

  As we packed up and headed out, I couldn’t help but inquire as to what Professor Stone had meant. Chase looked down at his watch and grumbled.

  “What’s your next class?”

  “Oh, I have photography in ten minutes. I guess I should go.”

  Chase beamed, seeming less stressed. “Great, I’ll walk you. And to answer your question, it’s my third class with Stone. I don’t always play well with others, or at least my standards tend to be higher than the rest of the class. He doesn’t go easy on me, but he likes team projects. He’s a penguin shifter, you know. Group work is kind of his thing. I didn’t mean to run the girl off last week, she was just, well, subpar. I can’t say I’m sorry for it. I think my new partner will be a far better match.”

  I blushed as he held open the door for me, and then he followed me into my classroom.

  “Oh, um, you don’t have to . . .”

  He laughed. “Actually I do. It’s my next class, too.”

  “Oh,” I said, trying to filter the shock.


  Chapter 5

  I loved the look of surprise on her face. She was so damn beautiful. Everything screamed this is your mate, but it didn’t make any sense. I knew she was a panther, a damn cat. That couldn’t even be possible. Plus, I had seen her just that weekend dancing and there had been no recognition, yet my wolf had practically leapt out of me the moment I saw her eyes for the first time. Her gorgeous, unique, violet eyes. I could have stared into them forever and been perfectly content.

  How did the girl have that effect on me? I had never been smitten by a female before. Sure, I had hooked up with plenty. Okay, more than I’d like to confess. But this was so different than that. Plus, she was really easy to talk to. I had already told her things I’d never told anyone, and I didn’t even know why. It was like she had me under some spell or something.

  That must have been it. I was bewitched. She’d cast some sort of feline spell on me to cause such confusion and give signs of the mating bond. I thought it would be best to steer clear of her. Nothing good could come from me even dating a damn cat, and yet, I knew, I just knew, there was no way I could stay away from her. Tessa Lockhardt had stolen my heart and I didn’t even know how.

  I had a few good friends taking photography this year, so to give myself some space, I left her side and went to say hello to my friends. From the corner of my eye I saw her panic, but more than that I could have sworn I actually felt her nerves. She was chewing on that damn lip again. God, it was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen and desire to replace her teeth with mine spiked again. It had been so hard trying to concentrate in class when she had done that.

  “Hey, looks like we got a new classmate today, and she is hot,” Damon, one of my fraternity brothers, said. I fought back the urge to rip his throat out. Violent need to protect the girl had me seeing red.

  “That’s Lockhardt. She’s on the volleyball team, and she is absolutely amazing!” Kaitlyn, another friend of mine, gushed. I had heard rumors of the new volleyball star, but I was having trouble reconciling it to the girl I had just spent the last two classes trying to get to know. “Hey, Lockhardt, come join us. We have room for one more, and I could definitely use some more estrogen up in this group.”

  “Yes, please,” Damon said, as I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. He was my friend. He was my brother. I shouldn’t have to remind myself of such things, but at that moment, it was necessary.

  “Hey,” she said almost shyly.

  “Hey,” Kaitlyn said. “I’m Kaitlyn. This is Damon, Chase, and Neal.”

  Neal, another one of my frat brothers and overall super cool dude, high fived her. “Hey, awesome spike on Windsor last weekend. You have a killer serve, too. Can’t wait to see how this season plays out. You guys are on fire!”

  “Oh, uh, I. You see, that was . . .”

  Tessa was cut off in mid-conversation by our teacher. He issued an outdoor assignment, and I was thankful there was no more talk of volleyball. For some reason it seemed to make her nervous and I didn’t like it.

  We weren’t supposed to talk on the assignment. We could only take pictures and communicate by sharing them with others. It was a fun assignment that gave us all some good laughs.

  I peered over Tessa’s shoulder as she scrolled through her pictures. She was really good. Better than me, if I was being honest. She had such a good eye and unique way of capturing just the right angles.

  I heard her quick intake of breath at my nearness. I watched as her eyelids fluttered shut and she sucked in her lower lip. God, I wanted to kiss her so bad it hurt.

  “Okay, class is dismissed, but remember, I want a portfolio of your pictures from today’s assignment uploaded before Wednesday’s class. I will be picking a few select ones to showcase in our next lesson,” Professor Jordan announced.

  If I had known I would get to spend all morning with this incredible woman, I would have arranged to have lunch with her, too. I could k
ick my own ass for agreeing to meet up with Matt at One Eyed Jacks.

  One Eyed Jacks was a popular eating hole just off campus. A lot of students rarely went into town, even though many shifters lived in the surrounding area. Jacks was owned by a wallaby shifter from Australia. It was mostly a bar, but they served good wings, too, and Matt was addicted to them.

  Saying goodbye to Tessa was hard, a lot harder than it should have been. It wasn’t until after she had walked away that it dawned on me too late, that I should have got her phone number. I couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing her for an entire day. I briefly wondered if maybe we had more classes together after she had rearranged her schedule, but the odds of that were slim. My Tuesday/Thursday schedule consisted of Russian lit and ballroom dancing. I had quite the eclectic schedule.

  I walked into Jacks and waved when I spotted Matt.

  “Hey, just the two of us?” I asked him, looking around and expecting to see more of our brothers.

  “Yeah, the pansies all bailed. Thanks for coming.”

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Nah, nothing, just settling back into a new semester. Contemplating what I’m going to do in life when this place is over. The usual.”

  “Still haven’t committed to a major?”

  “Nope, though my options are quite limited at this point if I want to graduate on time.”

  “Sounds like someone’s been talking with the counselors.”

  “Yeah.” He sighed. “I need a good party to drink away real life.”

  “Dude, that’s not the answer and you know it.”

  Matt grinned back at me. “Yeah, but come on, it’s a hell of lot more fun! Hey, this weekend, let’s hang with the Theta girls. I’m over the panthers.”

  Something in his expression made me think there was more to it.

  “You sure?” I challenged. “Those kittens are starting to grow on me.”

  “Oh please, you couldn’t even name two of them.”

  “Anita and Tessa. There’s also Ayanna, but she really doesn’t like me.”


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