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Confusing Hearts (Westin Pack Book 4)

Page 18

by Julie Trettel

  I gasped and tears stung my eyes at what she was telling me—and the things she wasn’t telling me.

  “Shhh, it’s okay. It was a long time ago. I still get, um, anxious sometimes. I’m sorry you had to see that. It was just a shock. I’m only telling you this because I think it’s important for you to understand. If they can overlook my past and accept my son as part of the pack, they’ll accept you too, with open arms. That’s just how those Westins are.”

  I cried openly as she voiced my biggest hopes and constant fears. “You, you know I’m not a wolf, right?”

  She smiled. “I know. And if there were any doubts in anyone’s mind that you and Chase belong together, you put it to rest today. I’ve never seen any animal look as fierce as you did protecting that boy out there. He’s lucky to have you.”

  We hugged, sharing a new unspoken bond. Chase had told me his pack would accept me, but I had never allowed myself to even hope for that. It was just too much to ask for, but here this complete stranger was telling me her darkest secrets and sharing this message of hope. Hope that maybe Chase and I really could have a normal, happy life together to share with family and friends.

  The door opened and Liam walked back in. “Sweetheart, how are you feeling?” he asked her. The love and concern in his voice was evident. “They’re gone now. Well, all but one. His name is Jack, and even Jacob swears he’s not like the others.”

  “Was he the one sitting on the steps?” I asked. I didn’t mean to interrupt them, I was just curious.

  “Yes, that’s the one. Do you know him?” Liam asked.

  “Not exactly,” I said honestly. “I’m going to go check on Chase and give you two some privacy, if that’s okay.”

  Liam nodded.

  With my hand still on the doorknob, Liam spoke again. “Thanks for looking after my girl, Jenna.”

  I smiled back at him. “You don’t need to thank me for that, Liam.”

  “Yeah, I do. I really appreciate it.”

  I nodded and started to leave the room.

  “Hey, one more thing . . .”

  I stopped and looked back at where Liam sat on the edge of my bed, caring for his precious mate.

  “Welcome to the family.”

  Tears threatened to fall once again as I smiled in thanks and left, unable to speak past the lump in my throat.

  I headed for the front porch, finding the rest of the cabin still empty. As I walked out, I saw Jack standing there talking to Chase and a few other men. He pulled away from the group and headed right for me. In my peripheral vision I could see Chase start to move in defense, but he backed up in shock as Jack threw his arms around me.

  “What the hell are you doing here, babe? I thought I told you to leave and not come back,” Jack said.

  He was worried about me. No, he was worried about Tessa. I knew in that moment that Jack truly did care for my sister.

  A loud growl from behind him caused goosebumps to break out across my skin.

  “Get away from my mate,” Chase said through gritted teeth. There were a few nearby gasps and people started whispering all around us.

  I gave Jack an apologetic smile.

  “Tessa, what the hell is going on here?” Jack asked.

  “I’m, uh, I’m not Tessa, Jack. I’m Jenna. Tessa’s my twin sister. My identical twin sister,” I clarified.

  “What?” he asked, taking a step back to look at me like I had just sprouted horns.

  Chase was quickly by my side. When I reached out for him, I felt his body start to relax at my touch. It was a heady feeling, knowing I had that much power over him.

  “Chase, I know you’ve been acting weird all semester, but you really took a mate? She’s not even a wolf. Hell, she’s not even canine,” Brett pointed out.

  “So?” Chase responded, like he had just been asked the dumbest thing in the world.

  “Okay, so Chase took a mate. It’s not like we all didn’t suspect it. You can pay up when we’re back at the house,” Damon said.

  “Pay up?” I asked.

  “There’s been a pool going for three weeks on the topic. We all saw the signs, though no one could figure out whom. It really does make sense now,” Neal added.

  “What makes sense about a wolf and a panther?” Brett asked, and then covered himself when arms started flying over to smack him.

  “Jenna’s cool, it’s all good. I can see it,” Damon said.

  “You can?” I asked in wonder.

  “Yeah. He’s been sniffing around you for the last few months. You’re a great gaming partner, and a nerd, like Westin needs that in his life. I just can’t believe you’ve kept it quiet. Why?” Damon asked, and others seemed to acknowledge their interest in that answer, too.

  “Look, we have to keep it quiet for now. Her family isn’t going to deal well with having a wolf join the family,” Chase said trying to keep things light.

  “My father will disown me and forbid me from seeing or talking to my sisters. I knew the consequences and still chose Chase despite it all. He’s worth it,” I said grinning at my mate to a chorus of obnoxious “awws” from his fraternity brothers. “But if you guys could please just keep this to yourselves a little longer, I’d really like to get through this semester with my sisters.”

  It was the sad truth of the situation. They all nodded.

  “I’m invoking D.O.G. code on this,” Damon said. “Chase Westin taking a mate or even seeing Jenna Lockhardt is Delta Omega Gamma classified effective immediately. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, sir,” they all said in unison, followed by a chanting of “Delta Omega Gamma” over and over as they jumped around, hooting and hollering. Chase grabbed me by my waist and jerked me to him. My eyes were wide when his mouth captured mine to the roar of cheers around us. He pulled back and grinned before looking to the sky and howling. His brothers echoed him.

  “Okay, okay, now that that’s settled, we need to decide what to do about Jack,” Kyle said seriously.

  “Take him inside and I’ll be there in a minute,” Chase told Kyle before turning back to his fraternity brothers.

  A group of men passed by, as they escorted Jack inside. The man Chase had said was Jacob Winthrop followed, and I shivered. I wondered where the other tiger shifters were, but I didn’t dare ask.

  Chase walked down off the porch and I followed him. He wrapped one arm around me and pulled me close to his side.

  “I really don’t know what to say. Thank you. You guys have gone above and beyond our brotherhood today and I appreciate it more than words can say.” He looked down at me and smiled warmly. “We both do.”

  “I have a question,” Chad asked, raising his hand to the snickers of the others. “Where are we?”

  “Yeah, I’ve never heard of this place before,” Neal added.

  I couldn’t help but smile, genuinely smile. We were home. Despite everything that happened today, it was still our home, and I had no doubt in my mind that Chase would do everything in his power to ensure that nothing like this ever happened again.

  “If everything wasn’t still up in the air with my brothers here and all, I’d invite you in. This is our home. Jenna and I bought it last week, as well as the thirty wooded acres surrounding the house. You guys are welcome to come out for a run anytime,” he told them.

  “And we’ll be happy to host a game night soon for any of you who enjoy getting your butt kicked by a girl,” I added.

  Smack talk ensued, but in the end, they each in turn hugged me and assured me that a challenge was coming soon. It felt good to talk and joke with the guys. They were important to Chase, and the time I had spent over at the doghouse had been good. They were fun, easygoing, and accepting even before they saw me as Chase’s mate and not just his friend. In some ways I felt more accepted by Chase’s friends than I ever had with my own actual blood.

  Chase tossed his keys to Matt as we said goodbye to the others. “I’ll swing by with Anita tomorrow afternoon and drop it back off. Call if you need
anything in the meantime.”

  “Thanks, Matt,” Chase said. We headed back inside, hand in hand.

  The living area was set up much like a courtroom with Jack sitting on one of my kitchen chairs in the center while being grilled by the others. I quickly noticed Maddie and Liam were not present and could only assume they were still in the bedroom. Patrick was talking. I hadn’t noticed him amidst the others before. His Irish accent gave him away even before my eyes found him.

  “Jack, why are we to believe you’ve changed? That you’re any different from your brothers?” Patrick asked.

  “Look, I’ve kept my nose clean since the escape. I have a job working at the college. I haven’t caused any trouble. Jacob, you know me. Tell them, I’m not like my brothers. Tessa’s sister can confirm it, too.” Looking at me he added, “Sorry, I don’t remember your name.”

  “Jenna,” I said.

  “Right, Jenna can tell you.”

  “Actually, I can’t. I’m sorry. Tessa’s mentioned you a little, but not much. We don’t exactly share things like that.” His eyes were pleading me for help and something in their vulnerability made me want to reach out and help him. “I can tell you all, he warned me to get away from here today. He tried to help.”

  “And, when it came down to a fight, he walked away and refused to join his brothers against us,” Chase added.

  “He’s never been a problem. Being the youngest, he was prone to following his brothers, but given an option he always chose opposite them. Without their influence I’m confident he won’t be a problem,” Jacob told the group.

  Liam walked in and right up to Jack. “I need to know if you raped my mate. I know you were there. I need to know if you participated in it.”

  I shivered at the menace in his voice. There was no doubt in my mind that Liam Westin could kill Jack with his bare hands. I had never seen anyone so pissed.

  “I’m sorry, man, I don’t know who your mate is,” Jack said, his voice quivering with nerves.

  “I am,” Maddie said as she walked into the room. She didn’t need to continue, because the second Jack saw her face, he turned white as a ghost and cowered. “I’m Madilyn Collier. You and your brothers brutally raped me and left me to die in a dumpster eight-and-a-half years ago. We met at a concert. You all lured me upstairs to a private box seat room and drugged me. I couldn’t move, but I was aware of it all. All—Of—It,” she said. There was a deadly silence throughout the room.

  Jack started to cry. I’m not sure Maddie was prepared for that as she took a step back and leaned into Liam for support. All eyes were on Jack.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m so very sorry. If I could take it all back, I would. What we did to you was unspeakable. I was only fifteen years old at the time. I may have looked older, that’s normal for a tiger, but I was just a kid. I had to prove myself to my brothers. They terrorized me about it. Said they had the perfect girl for me to lose my virginity to. I didn’t know what they had planned. They got me just as drunk before it happened. I didn’t want to do it, but they made me.

  When it was over, I ran to the corner and threw up. What they did to you afterwards has left me with nightmares. I’ve never even been with another woman since. Not even Tessa, and she’s the only girlfriend I’ve ever had, and I can’t even bring myself to really kiss her,” he confessed.

  It was heartbreaking to hear his story and realize he had been almost as much a victim of his brothers, as Maddie had been.

  Maddie stared at him. “Why didn’t you stop them?”

  “I couldn’t. I wasn’t strong enough to stand up to all of them. You can’t possibly understand,” he told her.

  Maddie started crying and Liam wrapped his arms around his mate. The tension was evident in his shoulders.

  “I believe him,” Maddie finally said. “I don’t think he’s a threat to society without his brothers. I do have one request before you let him go,” she told the group before turning back to Jack. “I need a vial of your blood.”

  “What?” he asked surprised. “Why?”

  “It doesn’t matter why,” she said. “A vial of your blood for your freedom today.”

  He looked around at the others to see if she was serious. They all nodded in agreement. He held out his arm, accepting her terms without further question. Jacob picked up his bag and dug out the necessary medical supplies. After he drew a small vial of blood, he slapped a Band-Aid on his arm, and told him he was free to go.

  “I feel like this is some sort of trap,” Jack said.

  “It’s not,” Liam told him. “My mate has given you your life back. It’s more than you did for her eight years ago. It’s more than you deserve as far as I’m concerned, but I will support her decision and will not track you. I do warn you, though—continue living a clean life and do not make me regret this. You will not be given another chance should our paths ever cross again negatively.”

  Chase pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me when my entire body shuddered.

  I spoke up as he moved to leave. “Do me a favor, Jack. Don’t tell Tessa what happened today. I need to tell her in my own way.”

  Jack looked back and forth between me and Chase as if realizing what I was saying, and he nodded. Jacob and another man I hadn’t been introduced to said their goodbyes and left behind Jack.

  “Is he safe with them following him?” I asked when the door closed behind them.

  “They won’t follow him,” Kyle spoke. “They will address the other four, though.”

  “I hate the thought of sending even them back there,” Maddie said, suddenly looking and sounding exhausted.

  “Back where?” Chase asked.

  “You don’t want to know,” Kyle assured him, imploring Chase not to question things further, so Chase shut his mouth, and didn’t ask any more questions.


  Chapter 21

  Looking around the room, I noticed only my family remained. Having all those strangers off my land helped me finally begin to relax. I turned and hugged Jenna.

  “How you holding up?” I asked.

  “I’m fine,” she told me. I looked her over as she squirmed under my scrutiny and a light blush stained her cheeks. Satisfied she was okay, I nodded.

  “You’ve met everyone, right?” I asked

  “Yeah. Hi,” she said awkwardly.

  “I’m genuinely sorry we had to meet under such circumstances. We’ve all been looking forward to your visit over spring break. But regardless, it’s nice to finally put a face with the name. I’m not sure how much you know about pack life and hierarchy, but I am Alpha of Westin Pack.”

  The other men groaned and rolled their eyes.

  “No one here cares right now, Kyle,” Liam teased.

  “What? I’m just trying to officially welcome her to the pack,” Kyle defended.

  “There’s time for that later,” Patrick said. “Now, where are you hiding the beer?”

  Chase laughed. “Dude, we just bought the place last week. You’re lucky we have food.”

  “Ah, so you’ve at least been to the messages. Tell me you have some crisps around this place. I’m starving.”

  “Crisps?” Jenna asked. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about. What are the messages?”

  My brothers and I laughed. “Sometimes he sounds like he’s speaking a foreign language. He’s asking if we went to the store and bought some chips.”

  “Crisps, not chips,” Patrick clarified.

  “Chips, dumbass,” I told him. “He’ll argue chips are fries, not chips. Crisps are chips. It can be confusing at first, but you’ll catch on and learn to ignore him after a while,” I assured Jenna.

  She laughed. I led her over to the couch and we sat down. Liam and Maddie sat at the other end while Kyle and Patrick took the adjacent chairs.

  I wished Elise and Kelsey could have been there, and even Lily. I missed my family when I was away at school, but I got so tied up in my own life that I didn’t always remember
that, until I was face-to-face with any of them.

  Jenna rose and headed for the kitchen. She fumbled around the cabinets and then came back grinning. From behind her back she pulled out a bag of chips and tossed it over to Patrick.

  Grinning, she asked, “Crisps, right?”

  “Ah, a lady after my own heart,” Patrick said. “She’s a keeper, Chase.”

  “That’s the plan,” I assured him.

  We ended up ordering pizza as we talked, laughed, and caught up. Maddie and Jenna seemed to hit it off quickly. I was grateful for it and thanked Liam for bringing her even though she hadn’t given him a choice.

  I was still curious as to why humans were brought in to help, but I didn’t dare ask. I didn’t know everything that Maddie had been through, but I knew it was bad. Hearing her confessions to Jack had rattled me, and I couldn’t stop thinking of Jenna and what I’d have done if they’d have tried that with her. I don’t think I would have had the restraint Liam had. I’d have wanted blood. Hell, I wanted blood for Maddie. I knew I’d see nothing but red if that had been my mate.

  It was getting late. I watched Jenna stifle a yawn.

  “You guys came by helicopter, right? Are you planning on spending the night? It’s kind of late to head back home now,” Jenna said, thoughtfully.

  “I don’t think we even thought that far ahead. The helicopter already headed back with the others. We’ll pick up a rental and drive back tomorrow. Do you guys have room for us to crash? We can get a hotel if you want to be alone,” Kyle said. I appreciated his understanding, as Jenna and I were newly bonded, after all.

  “We have plenty of room.” She got up and walked over to the laundry room, returning with an armful of freshly laundered sheets and towels. “Let me just change the sheets and make up the beds. There’re four bedrooms upstairs. This place is crazy big, much more than we need, but we like the peace and quiet out here. Well, it was peaceful and quiet our first week here, at least before today,” Jenna said, exasperated after the day’s events. My brothers all laughed.


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