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Shannon, Shae - Always and Forever [Decadent Delights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Shae Shannon

  Decadent Delights 2

  Always and Forever

  An alpha wolf, and an alpha panther—both of which are hot, sexy, brick walls of ooh-la-la wrapped up in "yes please, give me more"—decide to pursue Giselle Shalay, things explode in a supernova of desire and need. She is torn between what her body craves and what her mind protests. She is a free-spirited, independent witch who could never succumb to the role of an obedient, mindless, submissive wife. Aiden Grey refuses to share Giselle, whether Brandon Knight is meant to mate her or not. Brandon tries to show him reason, but any discussions end up in blows. When push comes to shove, he turns to his pack and declares war against the panthers in a fight to win her hand.

  Can they come to terms with what fate has dealt and work together in convincing Giselle that her place is with them, or will egos and misconceived ideas keep destiny from joining their hearts forever?

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 53,933 words


  Decadent Delights 2

  Shae Shannon


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2013 by Shae Shannon

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-029-9

  First E-book Publication: June 2013

  Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  I want to dedicate this to my dearest friend who has been my rock through the whole process, Beverly Price. Without her, this book would have drove me insane. You are my partner in crime. Thank you.

  There are so many authors who have mentored me and were there through each struggle. The great and all mighty Michelle Graham, I just love you to pieces. I hope we get to meet someday, because I truly would love to hang out, because it is sure to be a hoot.

  Lori King, your expertise and guidance carried me through, and continues to do so. You are amazingly talented, and one of my favorite people in the world.

  Tara Rose, you are a true friend, and I know that you will always have my back. When evil lurks in the shadows, I know without a doubt that you will be at my side, ready to kick ass.

  Taylor Berke, Susan Hayes, Laurie Roma, Rebecca Joyce, Diane Leyne, KR Haynes, Jenika Snow, Tymber Dalton, JC Szot, Laura Valentine, Karen Mercury, Honor James, Zoey Marcel, and all of the other Siren authors, you are always there to help, and I appreciate it so very much. Ya’all have become more than just colleagues, and are great friends. Each of you has been so very sweet! Without all of the encouragement you give, I wouldn’t be able to make it. Hugs to you all!

  This final dedication goes out to a very special lady, who is the mother of a dear friend. Colleen, you are amazing, and a true inspiration. Thank you so much for all of your support.


  Decadent Delights 2


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter 1

  Giselle awoke with the strong sense of being watched. As she sat up, it took her a good minute to focus her eyes and make the room quit spinning. A shadow flashed across the window, drawing her attention. She scooted her rear to the edge of the bed while flinging the covers to the far side in an attempt to untangle herself from the restraints she had managed to create during the restless night.

  As she stood, her feet screamed their disapproval at the startling feeling of the cold wood flooring. She bounced to the window, drawing the curtains aside. A beautiful winter day met her gaze. The recent snowfall had left a majestic dusting on the trees and a white wonderland as far as the eye could see. The sun cascaded against it, bestowing bright sparkles that glittered perfectly on everything.

  Her gaze dropped to a proud cardinal perched on a branch that was scraping the window. He cocked his head sideways and began to sing as if giving her a cheerful “good morning.” “Good morning to you, Mr. Redbird.” With a sigh, she let the curtain fall back into place and plopped back on the bed.

  Her mind reeled viciously, trying to remember the dreams that left her feeling drained. They had been tormenting her for weeks, leaving her feeling the strong depths of fatigue. She could never remember the details but instead was left with an intense uneasiness and a hollow feeling in her heart. Something had to happen. Maybe the loneliness was taking a toll on her. Even though she was surrounded by friends and family now that she was living at the mansion, she kept feeling the effects of her lack of intimacy. She had given up dating years ago, concluding that the universe had decided she was meant to be alone. With a grunt, she rose and headed for the adjoining bathroom. Maybe a good hot shower could wake up her still-slumbering mind and muscles. Note to self—make sleeping potion today.

  * * * *

  Aiden Grey had been tortured every day since Giselle had moved in. Her screams and thrashing every night had called him to comfo
rt her. He would sneak into her room and hold her as her nightmares wreaked their havoc. Come early morning, he would quietly go back to his own room to catch a few hours sleep before starting his security sweep of the property. Thankfully, he had discovered the hidden door that attached their rooms, and thankfully she hadn’t. He had left earlier than normal this morning and had decided to peek through her window to reassure himself that she was okay. The creeper move almost got him caught, and he wasn’t sure he could explain if he was confronted. Thankfully, the cheerful little bird had him covered. Investing in birdseed would definitely be on his agenda.

  Giselle was his true mate, and his wolf scratched to come out anytime she was near. It paced restlessly, growing impatient that they were not yet joined. The man knew he needed to win her heart. Controlling his wolf was becoming an inner war at which some point he knew he would lose. She was so skittish he was afraid his dominating persona would scare her off. She was definitely independent and didn’t take to being told what to do. He had no desire to tame her wild spirit, but that was something he needed to make clear to her. Deep inside of her, he had caught a glimpse of a true submissive. His wolf howled for him to take her and show her that side, but he knew he would have to work slowly and cautiously if he didn’t want to chase her away forever. First, he had to get in the same room longer than five minutes with her, which proved to be a task impossible lately. She seemed to flee if he got within ten feet of her. He wouldn’t have to worry about trying to show her the love and compassion he held if he couldn’t manage to find a way to corner her.

  * * * *

  The mansion was buzzing with activity. Chloe and Amy’s coffee shop, Java Delights, was always slam packed day and night due to the wide range of clientele they accommodated. Unique recipes made specifically around the needs of shifters, vampires, and a few other magical creatures were on the menu, along with scrumptious treats and beverages for humans. With Chloe being in her third trimester with the triplets, Giselle had volunteered to take over managing the day shift to keep her in the bed she was condemned to for the remaining two months. Giselle could hear the other occupants making their way downstairs to grab their morning caffeine fix and decided she better get a move on if she wanted to indulge in her own morning ritual of coffee and conversation with the shifters that resided here as protection and employees for the café.

  She slipped out of her satin nightdress, letting it pool at her feet on the heated tile floor. After adjusting the water temperature in the massive master-suite-worthy shower, she stepped inside and let the power of eight shower heads wash away the aches and stiffness from the repeated restless nights. Her body instantly started to relax as the hot water cascaded over her, caressing every inch of skin. This was definitely incentive to get out of bed each morning. The huge whirlpool tub that stretched along the opposite wall was her motivation to make it through the day. Okay, she may have missed her cottage, but this place did have its perks.

  She reached for her homemade bodywash that she had infused with creamy oils and other natural ingredients. Still in a state of slow motion, she lathered up her skin with the fresh, sweet, lavender-and-spice-scented bubbles. A long sigh released out the remaining tension that had been built up inside of her. She tilted her head back, allowing the spray to soak her long mane. She spent the next ten minutes attentively washing and conditioning the waist-length locks before taking a final rinse and stepping out of the warm heaven.

  Her room was always stocked with fresh plush towels, and she smiled as she grabbed the bright-turquoise bath sheet. A few days after she had moved in, a stack of colorful towels replaced the white and black that had been previously on the shelf. Attached was a hand written note. Turquoise and purple suit u better. Simple, and yet she found it very thoughtful. The strange part was no one seemed to know who was responsible for the gift. It seems that a mystery towel deliverer had left them. The simple adolescent-like note pointed to the young pups Brett and Chase, or one of the other young shifters that believed in heavy flattery to all females that weren’t mated to someone. In the corner of her mind, she had her suspicions that it was from an older wolf, despite the simplicity of the note. It seemed every morning her thoughts wandered to him.

  Aiden Grey was an art masterpiece. He was six feet eleven inches of solid muscle. He radiated power that went beyond the alpha male trait. He dominated any room he stepped into, and people seemed to follow his commands without question. She had a strong pull to him aside from normal attraction that both scared and excited her. His wavy black hair that feathered around his chiseled face made her have to put conscious effort into not running her fingers through it whenever she was within reaching distance. As if that wasn’t enough to drive a woman crazy, he had the most smoldering eyes she had ever seen. Thick black lashes outlined huge almond-shaped emeralds. One look into the depths of the glimmering green pools and you could almost feel the orgasm they promised. She had found herself lost on too many occasions staring into the green depths and was left speechless and babbling like an idiot. He caused her body to react and purr just being in the same room. The only problem was she knew that if she fell prey to his wolf, she would lose her independence. No matter how many times she mulled it over in her head, there was no way she could become a simple, mindless woman who obeyed commands. She was a witch. Her free spirit and soul couldn’t be tamed. So, now she avoided him like a schoolgirl, which was becoming harder and harder every day. Fate sucked. Just one taste of the forbidden. Aaaah. That man is the pure definition of trouble. Oh, but what fun that trouble could entail. If he didn’t want more, I could definitely succumb to that oh so erotic stare. Why do men have to be so damned aggravating? Could I settle for just one night of that man? Her mind reeled with an inner argument while she dried off on the plush, fluffy towel and wrapped her hair up to dry.

  After pulling on her long, purple-and-black velvet skirt, she reached for her bra. The pink lace struggled to keep her large bust from exploding out of the cups while she slid her arms into the long, ruffled-sleeved corset-style top. Also made of rich velvet, it had petite purple flowers running the length of the lacing and around the neckline. It took a steady hand and patience to lace the ribbon up the front of the blouse, but once it was tied in a pretty bow, her curvaceous figure looked amazing. Her bust was pushed up, giving her the perfect cleavage that left every man that had the privilege of the sight drooling. A quick brush of her hair and her makeup on, she was ready to confront the day.

  When she reached the kitchen, the normal day crew greeted her. It seemed they all shared a huge helping of cheerfulness, which slowly seeped into her. Brett stood in the corner, attempting to juggle oranges to impress Lisa, a wolf shifter that worked the tables at the café. She stared at him, obviously unimpressed. Chase began to laugh and clown on him, provoking the pups to scuffle around the kitchen. As it progressed, Giselle rolled her eyes and walked in the direction to break up the mutts. Before she could grip a flying arm, a thunderous roar vibrated through the air, bringing both men to the ground in a surrendering position. Giselle turned around, only to find herself pressed against none other than Aiden.

  “Good morning, Giselle. I apologize for the pups roughhousing in the kitchen. Someday they will outgrow it, if I don’t beat it out of them first. I had hoped that when they turned twenty-three their adolescent ways would diminish some. They have become a lot more mature, but when a girl is around, they go back to being five years old.”

  “Oh, they are just boys being boys. I had it under control.”

  “I don’t doubt your capabilities of tightening their leashes, I just figured I would save you the trouble. Might I add, you look absolutely mouthwatering this morning? Is that…lavender I smell?”

  “Oh, um, thank you, and yes, it is…You look well yourself, Aiden.” It took all of the willpower she possessed to keep her hands from seeking out the tantalizing work of art that was pressed oh so tightly against her breasts. Willing her heart rate to slow, she back stepped t
o gain space between their chests. Unfortunately, he anticipated her attempt to flee and advanced toward her, backing her against the counter. She tried to concentrate on the annoyance she should be expressing at the invasive maneuver, but the feel of his hard, muscled body pressed against her sent electric shocks radiating throughout every vein in her body. They all seemed to travel back to her heart, defibrillating it with a shock she felt deep in her soul. Her mind reeled into a hypnotized state as her body began to respond to the heat radiating off of him. She started to wonder what his hands would feel like as they slid down her skin, caressing and massaging. Visions of those large strong hands sweeping over her flesh, warming every inch of her as he leaned in to gently brush his lips against hers in a delicate demand, floated through her thoughts, drawing her further into the Camelot she seemed to be creating for herself.

  Aiden could sense her composure melting and could see the cupidity gleaming in her eyes. He took the opportunity given and brought his mouth down to her ear. He whispered ever so slightly, “Why do you fight me, Giselle? I know you are attracted to me, but you fight it. I could give you more than you have ever dreamed of. I want all of you, my delicate little witch. Let me show you pleasure you so deserve.” He brushed his lips along her earlobe, trailing the lightest of kisses along her ear. Slowly he pulled back, hoping for even the slightest invitation to taste her sweet mouth. She was wide eyed, her lips slightly parted as short, fast pants escaped. Aiden took his hand and glided it up her arm, easing it to rest on her shoulder. He slowly moved in, hoping his brazen move wouldn’t gain him a black eye. As he reached mere inches from her lips without any protest, a loud bang came from the other side of the room. Lisa had obviously had enough of the boys’ advances and had apparently thrown a cup at Chase.


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