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Her Tycoon Protector

Page 15

by Amanda Browning

  Shelby’s lids fluttered down over her eyes as she sought to return each caress. ‘Me neither.’

  Her lips parted and he breached her defences, searching out her tongue with his own, enticing her to join him, which she did gladly. He groaned deep in his throat.

  ‘You’re so damned addictive. I want you so much, it’s driving me crazy.’ The powerful words were enough to ignite their mutual passion, which was never far from the surface.

  Shelby cradled the back of his head with her hand and gave herself up to the infinite pleasure of kissing him. She knew how he felt, for she felt it too. As the kiss deepened, became more and more arousing, her whole body thrummed with need. Kiss followed kiss, each wilder and more passionate than the last, and she moaned, wanting more, needing him to touch her. As if he could read her mind, Gray’s hand once more slid beneath her T-shirt, but this time to caress, not to tease. As he sought out her breast, she arched into his touch, gasping at the shaft of pleasure that swept through her.

  This, she thought, as her hands clung on to him, was what she was born for. To be with him. To experience everything with him. It felt so gloriously, wonderfully right, that she wanted it to go on for ever. Yet, even as she thought it, she could sense Gray drawing back. She knew it wasn’t easy for him to break free of the passion which threatened to overwhelm them, yet he did it, pulling back so that once more he was looking down at her, but this time the coals of desire still burned in his eyes and he was breathing hard.

  ‘You see what I mean?’ he growled. ‘Every time it gets harder and harder to call a halt.’

  ‘But I told you it wasn’t necessary,’ she reminded him.

  With a deep sigh, Gray pushed himself up and away from her, combing faintly trembling hands through his hair. ‘I know, but I have rules, Red, and one of them is not to take advantage of the situation.’ It would help a great deal if she didn’t keep trying to seduce him.

  ‘I’m starting to hate rules.’ She sighed as she too sat up and restored her clothes to a semblance of order. ‘Tell me how we came to get together, instead,’ she compromised, settling herself back beside him.

  ‘Shouldn’t you be remembering that on your own?’

  ‘Probably,’ she agreed with a grimace. ‘But what if I never remember? I want to know, Gray.’ She looked up at him, green eyes large and pleading.

  Caught in their spell, he knew he had to say something, even if it did blow up in his face later. It wouldn’t be the truth, but it could have been, had luck been on his side. And there was always the chance that one small seed could fall on fertile ground. He was taking so many risks, what did one more matter?

  So, making himself comfortable, he drew her close. ‘It was after one of those dinners at your father’s, just after I returned from Japan. We were having one of our customary exchanges of words. You accused me yet again of playing games with you, and my patience finally snapped. I told you how wrong you were, that I’d wanted you for years, and that if you’d ever bothered to ask me my side of the story, things might be different between us.’

  It sounded entirely plausible to Shelby, recalling how convinced she had been of his guilt. She had refused to listen. ‘What did I say to that?’

  ‘You were lost for words to start with. A miracle in itself. After a moment you demanded I explain what I meant,’ he told her, glancing down to see how she was taking it, and saw her bite her lip.

  For her part, Shelby could picture herself with her arms crossed defensively, glaring at him so he shouldn’t see her consternation. When you’d been hurt you wouldn’t easily be won over, even if you longed to be. ‘What did you do then?’

  A nerve ticked in his jaw as he answered. ‘Like I told you the other day, I explained that, whilst Oscar had asked me, I had refused. The reason I sought you out was because I wanted to. I’d waited long enough.’

  That had her sitting up and looking at him. ‘So how come you pushed me away when we were out on the terrace, and said you weren’t attracted to me?’ she challenged him.

  He smiled ruefully, though his gaze was watchful. ‘Exactly what you asked me the last time we had this conversation, and the answer is still the same. I lied.’

  ‘You lied?’ she charged incredulously, and Gray shrugged.

  ‘You had had too much to drink,’ he was swift to point out, and Shelby rolled her eyes helplessly.

  ‘Of course I had. To bolster my courage. I’d never tried to seduce you before!’

  One eyebrow quirked. ‘Really? I didn’t know you’d needed Dutch courage. I always imagined you had the gall to do anything.’

  Not where he was concerned. Her heart was involved, and that changed everything. ‘Yes, well… For your information, I’m not the hussy you take me for.’

  He smiled faintly. ‘If I thought anything about you, Red, it was that you were the most alluring woman I had ever met. You still are.’

  One look at his face told her he wasn’t joking, and it did her heart a power of good. It wasn’t that she was expecting him to declare he loved her. She was too sensible for that. However, she could begin to hope that this attraction between them would not easily be satisfied. Having accepted they had a relationship, time was what she needed now. Time to make memories. Then, when it was all finally over, she could open up the secret place in her heart and warm herself on the old flames. However, that was ahead of her. She had to concentrate on now.

  ‘So it’s true what they say: third time’s the charm. Here we are, together at last. Who would have thought it? What will become of us, do you think?’

  He smiled, eyes searching hers for something she couldn’t tell if he found or not. ‘Time will tell, sweetheart. Time will most surely tell.’

  Suddenly the future was full of unknown possibilities, and she was glad she hadn’t given in to doubt. ‘Let’s go to bed,’ she suggested, then, seeing the look on his face, laughed huskily. ‘I didn’t mean that. I’m tired.’

  Gray rose at once and helped her to her feet. ‘You go on up whilst I check everything’s secure down here. I’ve put your bags in the main bedroom.’

  ‘Don’t be long,’ she urged him as she headed for the stairs.

  ‘I won’t be,’ he promised.

  Up in the master bedroom, Shelby decided against drawing the curtains as there was hardly likely to be anyone looking in, they were so isolated. Looking at the comfortable bed, she was suddenly aware of just how tired she was. It had been a long day, mostly spent travelling. Much as she would like to have clambered into the bed as she was, she rummaged in her case for her wash bag, a towel and her night things, and took them into the en suite bathroom.

  The shower was blissfully warm and she was tempted to stay under it. Yet she had no idea just how much hot water there was so, after washing, she stepped out and dried herself off, slipping into a blue silk nightie. Towel-drying her hair, she wandered back into the bedroom, and it was only then that she noticed that Gray’s bags were missing. The towel dropped to the floor as she crossed to the fitted wardrobe on the off-chance he had unpacked his things already. It took but a moment to discover that the wardrobe and dressers were empty.

  Then she heard the sound of a door closing and followed the sound to the room opposite. Gray must have come up whilst she was in the shower, for he was in the process of unpacking his clothes in that room. Standing in the doorway watching, her heart sank.

  ‘What’s going on?’ she asked abruptly, causing him to glance round.

  He straightened with a small stack of clothes in his hand. ‘I thought I’d sleep in this room,’ Gray informed her evenly. ‘Just until you’re healed.’

  ‘I am healed,’ Shelby told him tautly. ‘There’s no reason for you to sleep anywhere else—unless you don’t want to sleep with me. Is that what you’re really trying to say?’

  Gray dropped the clothes back into his bag and rubbed a weary hand around his neck. After a moment he sighed and shook his head. ‘No, that isn’t what I’m trying to say at all. She
lby, this whole situation is complicated enough without adding more pressure.’

  A tiny bubble of anger started to expand in her chest. ‘The situation wouldn’t be complicated at all if you started acting naturally. We’re lovers. What could be more natural than us sleeping in the same bed?’

  Gray settled his hands on his hips and stared at her hard, a nerve ticking away in his jaw. ‘I’ve already told you I’m trying to do the right thing.’

  Down by her sides, Shelby’s hands curled into fists. ‘I don’t want the right thing, I want you. Sleeping beside me in our bed! If you’re worried about me pouncing on you, don’t be. I’ve already accepted that we’re going to wait.’

  His chest rose and fell as he drew in a long breath. ‘Did it ever occur to you that I might be worried about me pouncing on you?’

  She folded her arms at that. ‘Don’t be silly. You wouldn’t!’

  Her confidence had his brows lifting. ‘Oh, wouldn’t I?’

  ‘No,’ Shelby declared emphatically. ‘No matter what the provocation, you’d never do anything like that.’

  Gray closed his eyes and gave his head a swift shake as if to clear it, then he laughed wryly. ‘Thanks for the vote of confidence, but it changes nothing.’

  Shelby narrowed her eyes on him. ‘You’re determined to sleep here?’

  ‘For tonight,’ he confirmed.

  ‘Oh!’ she muttered direly and, spinning on her heel, marched out of the room.

  After a moment or two Gray returned to his unpacking, but he was hardly any further forward when Shelby marched back into the room, a pillow clutched in her hand. Giving him a fiery look, she walked round him, tossed her pillow on to the bare mattress, followed on after it and made herself comfortable on her side with her back to him.

  ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ Gray asked shortly, and she answered without looking at him.

  ‘If Mohammed won’t go to the mountain, the mountain must go to Mohammed!’

  ‘You can’t possibly sleep here like that!’ he argued, and saw her shrug.

  ‘If you can, I can.’

  There followed a moment of fraught silence where all that could be heard was the gnashing of Gray’s teeth.

  ‘There are two other bedrooms in this house,’ he declared finally and at that she did glance over her shoulder at him.

  ‘I’ll follow you wherever you go. I intend to sleep with you, Gray, so you’d better make your mind up to it,’ she advised him, turning back and struggling to find a cosy position.

  Maybe it was a stupid stand to take, but to Shelby it was important. She wanted to be close to him. Needed it, for she didn’t remember any of the closeness that they must have shared. All she wanted was to lie in his arms and go to sleep. That wasn’t too much to ask, was it?

  The next thing she knew, two arms were slipping beneath her, lifting her up. With a cry, she began to struggle.

  ‘Quit that,’ Gray ordered as he strode with his belligerent armful into the master bedroom. He fell short of dumping her unceremoniously on the bed, setting her down gently in view of her recent accident. Immediately he released her, though, Shelby made a bid to scramble off the bed on the other side.

  Gray had to dive across the bed and catch her arm. Shelby stared him out. ‘Stay where you are, damn it!’ he growled angrily.

  Shelby froze, but remained poised for action. ‘I’m not going to sleep here on my own!’ she told him bluntly, which received a snort of dry amusement from Gray.

  ‘You won’t be. You’ve won,’ he told her shortly. Releasing her he strode from the room and, as she blinked rapidly in amazement at her victory, then hastily slipped beneath the covers, she could hear him moving about.

  Seconds later he came back in with her pillow under one arm and holding his bag in the other. He kicked the door shut, dropped the bag on the floor and tossed the pillow in her general direction.

  ‘Don’t say another word,’ he ordered, stabbing a finger towards her. ‘Or, so help me God, I’ll give you the spanking you never got as a child!’

  Shelby clutched the pillow to her chest and watched him. He put away his clothes with the minimum of effort, gathered together what he would need for the night, and disappeared into the bathroom. Her breath escaped on a tiny sigh then. Maybe she had gone a little too far, she thought regretfully. She hadn’t wanted to make him angry. She just wanted to be near him.

  Sighing again, she put the pillow beneath her head and waited. Ten minutes later, dressed only in a pair of shorts, Gray returned, snapping off the bathroom light and then the bedroom light as he went. Shelby caught the merest glimpse of supple tanned male flesh before the room was plunged into darkness and he slipped into the bed beside her. She lay quiet, the gap between them seeming as large as an ocean.

  Suddenly the bed rocked as Gray moved closer. Then a long arm reached out, pulling her into his side.

  ‘Neither of us will get any sleep with you over there and me over here,’ he growled huskily and a wave of relief swept through Shelby, bringing a smile of happiness to her lips.

  Without a word, she curled up against him, resting her head on his shoulder, her hand placed over his heart. Minutes later, she was asleep.

  Sensing it, Gray laid his arm across his eyes and prayed for the same to happen to him. Yet inside he knew that the desired sleep was going to be a long time coming.


  WHEN Shelby awoke next morning she was alone in the bed. Reaching out to run her hand over the place where Gray had slept, she found it cool, proving he had been gone some time. Stretching with that particularly feline type of feminine pleasure, she felt refreshed, full of energy for the day ahead.

  She wondered where Gray was. Though she listened hard, she could hear no sounds coming from downstairs. Throwing back the covers, she rose and padded over to the window. For a moment or two the spectacular view claimed all her attention, but then she caught some movement out of the corner of her eye and glanced down.

  Gray was steadily jogging up the road towards the house. When he reached the car he stopped, and Shelby was impressed by the fact that he was hardly puffing at all. Right now he was wearing a khaki coloured vest, black shorts and running shoes. He looked handsome and rugged and set her senses tingling in no time at all.

  Opening the window, she leant out. ‘Good morning,’ she called brightly, and he turned, looking up at her with hands on hips. ‘Isn’t it an absolutely glorious day? Why didn’t you wake me?’

  ‘You looked too peaceful,’ Gray answered. ‘Besides, I didn’t think you were into jogging.’

  She laughed. ‘I’m not, but I would have enjoyed watching you. Did you know you’ve got really sexy legs?’

  He grinned back at her. ‘Come down here and tell me again,’ he ordered, and she gave him a wary look.

  ‘I don’t know if I should. You look a bit dangerous!’

  ‘All the more reason to come, then,’ Gray returned, flashing that roguish smile of his and sending tingles down her spine.

  ‘Well, seeing as you put it like that…’ Shelby said, laughing, and left the window to go in search of her clothes.

  Less than ten minutes later, having washed and dressed in shorts, top and trainers, she tripped down the stairs and went in search of him. She found him eventually, leaning against the fence that marked the boundary of the garden, talking on his mobile phone. He beckoned her over and, as she drew closer, she could hear his side of the conversation.

  ‘It was who we thought, then? Which station? Let’s hope they throw away the key… My pleasure, Oscar, and I hereby notify you I’m taking a long leave of absence.’

  Shelby’s ears perked up at that. ‘Hey, are you talking to Dad?’ she asked, and Gray nodded, holding out his hand for her to come closer.

  ‘Yes, that’s Shelby you can hear. She finally decided to get up. I think she wants to talk to you. Hold on.’ He handed over his phone, then slipped his arms around her.

  ‘Hi, Dad,’ she greeted her
father cheerfully, resting her weight against Gray.

  ‘Hello, darling. You sound more chipper today. Feeling better?’

  ‘Much. It’s probably got something to do with the company,’ she added, winking at Gray, who quirked an eyebrow back at her.

  Oscar Greer laughed. ‘Of course it has. I remember how it felt to be with the right person. Nothing to compare with it. You take care now, and enjoy yourself. Oh, and tell Gray something for me. Faint heart never won anything.’

  Shelby frowned, more than a little confused by that. ‘OK, I will. Bye, Dad, See you soon.’ Closing the phone down, she handed it back to Gray, who slipped it into the pocket of his shorts. ‘Dad said to tell you faint heart never won anything. Do you understand that?’

  ‘It’s a private joke,’ he responded inscrutably.

  ‘Yes, but what does it mean?’ she insisted.

  ‘I’ll tell you one day,’ he told her unhelpfully. ‘Now, what were you saying about my legs?’

  Her smile broadened into a grin. ‘I like a man with long legs. They’re very sexy.’

  He grinned back at her, and there was a rakish gleam in his eye. ‘Mmm. I was just thinking the same thing about you. I’ve been imagining you wrapping them around me when I make love to you,’ Gray added huskily, and a powerful wave of heat started in the pit of her stomach and swept through her entire body.

  Shelby made a growling sound. ‘I love it when you say things like that. Tell me more.’

  ‘Do you really feel better today?’ he asked instead, and the prosaic question made her tut.

  ‘Much. Why?’

  Gray lowered his head towards hers. ‘Because I’m badly in need of sustenance. I’ve been starving for your kisses for far too long.’

  The tone and texture of his words caused Shelby to shiver in anticipation. ‘Then you’d better not waste time talking,’ she invited, and he needed no further encouragement.

  Gray took her lips with a depth of need that blew her mind. Of the kisses she could remember, nothing compared to this. It might have been shocking if she hadn’t felt an equal hunger. He sought and she gave, revelling in the release of his pent up passion. She had wanted him to kiss her like this, and it gave her the freedom to kiss him back without reservation.


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