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Why Me…: The Last Words Series Book 1

Page 7

by WL Knightly

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem,” said Thad. “I hope that we can help you out. This is horrific. Her family must be freaking out, especially if it’s all over the internet.”

  “I saw three songs and one parody video pop up yesterday. People are doing quick takes of them acting it out. If it keeps it up, this thing will be everywhere.”

  “Yeah. If you can give us some time, we can learn more. I don’t think it’s been tampered with. I’m sure there could be things on it that you can’t see, so we’ll grab that for you.”

  “I’d appreciate it.”

  Thad gave him a hopeless look. “I hope you figure out who did this to her.”

  “That’s the point,” he said.

  Clutch crossed his arms in front of him and gave Ethan a sideward look. “Can I ask why you didn’t just bring this to the FBI lab? I’m sure they could have told you the same thing.”

  He was sure they could as well. “They’re so bogged down. I thought I should bring it right to the professionals. Besides, they can only do so much. And if I had done that, I would have never gotten a chance to visit your office.”

  “Well, we hope you like it. We’re very proud of it.”

  “As you should be. I’ll be in touch.”

  “We’ll call you when we get the results.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it. I’ll leave you to it and just show myself out.”

  Ethan left the room and went back down to the first floor, where he spotted Sarah practically sprinting through the front doors. She had a bothered look and red cheeks. Her hair was windblown.

  When she spotted him approaching, she let out a breath. “I missed it, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, but it’s okay. It wasn’t anything big. I just wanted to make sure that we got a professional to look at the clip and make sure it wasn’t tampered with. They’re also going to extract what they can from audio and enhance the video a bit.

  “That’s great.”

  He waited for her to offer an excuse, but she didn’t.

  “So, that’s good news,” she continued. “I’m sorry I missed it.”

  “Hey, it’s not like you’re working for me or punching a clock, for that matter.” It was bothersome, but he didn’t have a right to complain. Besides, everyone deserved a second chance.

  As they walked out, he opened the door for her, and she paused to look over her shoulder as she hit the sidewalk. “I just thought you’d at least ask me where I’ve been.”

  “It’s not really my business.”

  “It sort of is. I talked to my executive editor. I’m not sure if you have heard, but this is about to break on the news at noon. He told me he wants a story by the end of the week.”

  “Did you tell him that we had a deal?”

  “He said he didn’t make a deal, and that’s all that matters. And since he’s in charge, I can either give him what he wants by the end of the week, or I can find another job. He didn’t seem to care that I had a leg up on the competitors. He said they’d all be doing their own investigations if I can’t deliver.”

  Ethan shook his head, knowing she was going to write what she wanted anyway. He knew there were some things he couldn’t control. “Well, at least you’re honest. But I’d keep in mind this is a homicide case.”

  He hit the unlock button on his key and unlocked the car doors.

  “So, where to now?” she asked, stopping on the sidewalk as if she had no clue if she was supposed to stay or go.

  Ethan tried to play down his amusement. “Get in, and I’ll show you.”

  “Can’t you just tell me?”

  “Yeah, but it’s more fun this way, and I want to see if you trust me.”

  Sarah rolled her eyes and smiled as she got into the car. “Is this a test?”

  Ethan started the car and drove away from the curb. “Call it what you want. I’m just doing my job.”

  Chapter 10


  Even though she had spent the morning facing Pat Pandori, her executive editor who determined if she was going to have a job at all, Sarah was glad that Ethan hadn’t been upset with her too.

  When she had told the man about her deal with Ethan, she thought he was going to bite her head off.

  “You still won’t tell me where you’re taking me? Can you at least tell me why we’re going there?”

  “If I tell you that, I may as well tell you everything. You see how it works?”

  “What’s that?”

  “I control what you know. I don’t have to go about it by spilling my guts. You’ll find out when we get there.”

  “Ah, this is your way of telling me I need to put my editor in place, huh? I guess you’re going to pay my bills when he kicks my sorry butt to the curb?”

  “If he does, so be it. Do you really want to be a contributing writer for the rest of your life? Don’t you ever feel that you’re on the wrong side of things?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe.” He made it sound like a bad thing, and it was actually a pretty decent gig for someone who hadn’t been doing it too long.

  “You said it yourself when you told me you wanted to help. You’ve got cop blood, remember? I’m personally interested in your detecting skills. You might just make a good agent one day.”

  “Me in the FBI? Now that’s something to write about.”

  “Funny. So, you’ve been here before. Why don’t you tell me if I’m on the right track to Roald Collier’s place?”

  “Roald Collier’s place? As in his home?” She hadn’t realized he was just going to show up. From what she knew, he wasn’t the kind of man who liked surprises.

  “I hear that’s where he does all of his business. Unless I’m mistaken and there’s a better way to reach him?”

  “No, this should do it. Turn right up here at the sign. He’s all the way up the hill.” She wasn’t happy that he hadn’t told her where they were going beforehand so she could have been better prepared.

  As he drove to the street and made the turn, she could already see the gates ahead. The last time she was there, she had overheard something that had changed her life forever.

  All it had taken was one trip to the ladies’ room, which was set up with a small sitting area outside of a three-stall restroom. Roald Collier liked to entertain as much as he liked to be entertained, so he had made sure his home had accommodations for all of his guests.

  When she had kissed Thomas on the cheek and excused herself, she hadn’t realized it would be the last time she looked at him with a happy heart.

  As she closed the door of the stall, she heard the voices of two women who had just come into the bathroom behind her.

  “I can’t believe he brought her here,” said a woman she didn’t recognize through the crack in the door.

  She was walking with Starr’s friend, Lana, who stepped up beside her and looked in the mirror to check her beautiful face. “Me either. Starr said he actually proposed. But I’ve slept with him three times since then. The poor, stupid girl.”

  “Do you think he’s really going to go through with it?”

  “I don’t know. Starr said it’s likely, and if he was smart, he would stay with her. At least for a while. But he’s her brother, and she’s going to take his side. Besides, she said the girl’s father is dead, her mother is sick, and about to die, so there’s bound to be some money in it somewhere. She just wanted him to be happy.”

  “I bet you could make him really happy,” said the other woman.

  Lana giggled. “Oh, sweetheart, I already have. Multiple times. And that dumb little mouse he’s with doesn’t have a clue. If I have anything to do with it, she never will. Because I don’t have any intention of letting him go.”

  Sarah felt her face burning and waited in the stall until they left. When she came out, she tried to splash some cool water on her neck and keep from throwing up, but her anger did enough to overtake any other emotion from getting out of control.

  All she wanted to do was leav
e and never see Thomas again. She remembered the way he looked when she walked out of that bathroom and how his face had changed when he realized something was wrong. But all of his concern was for naught.

  “What’s wrong?” he’d asked, sounding frustrated. “Don’t tell me you’re ready to go. It’s still early. We’ll leave after the cake.”

  “I’m leaving now.” She had said, glancing across the room to where the two women were getting a drink at the bar. Lana Foster turned and looked directly at Thomas and smiled before taking a sip from her glass.

  Thomas played dumb about the whole thing, but she knew it was true.

  As he tried to stop her, she ran out of the house to call a cab. He didn’t even try to go after her.

  “I’d like to see Roald Collier,” said Ethan, his words bringing her head around as she glanced to the front entrance. It still looked the same. She had paced the entire driveway waiting on her ride, and once she had left, she never thought she’d be back.

  “Is he expecting you?” asked the man at the gate.

  “No, I’m Agent Charles, FBI. I’m sure he will have a moment. That’s all I need.” He seemed quite confident that he could throw his credentials around and get in wherever he wanted, but she had a feeling that Roald Collier wasn’t going to be that easy to see.

  But a moment later, the gate opened, and as they pulled up to the house, a man in a black suit walked to the door. He was built with bulging muscles and a small bald head that made him look like a swollen tick.

  He opened the door and let them through. Sarah made sure to keep close, not liking the vibe she was getting.

  The house was a lot more intimidating when it wasn’t decorated for a party, and now it only looked like an empty canvas waiting for a splash of color. “Have you ever seen a room this white before?” she mumbled.

  There was a commotion up the hall and idle chatter. Ethan put his finger to his lips as if he wanted to listen.

  “Did you call them?” asked an angry man. “I told you we needed a bit more time.”

  “No, I didn’t call them,” said a strong female voice. “He showed up here on his own.”

  “Take care of it,” the man said.

  Heavy footsteps started away from them as clicking heels came closer.

  Ethan pointed at a painting, and the two began talking as if interested in the pale textured floral. It was mostly white as well with a soft glowing sky, but somehow it still looked as if every flower was blowing in the breeze.

  “May I help you?” said the female voice they’d heard echoing down the hall. “Agent?”

  Sarah looked away from the painting to find Lana Foster standing in the hallway, looking like a blonde goddess. She was pretty enough to be one of the entertainers she worked with but had more brains than to let anyone manage her the way she managed them. As their house mother, so to speak, she had climbed her way up from the bottom to be the head bitch in charge of the entire household. And all without gracing the cover of one single magazine or tabloid.

  “Agent Charles,” said Ethan, to clarify.

  Lana was too taken by Sarah’s presence to pay him much mind. “Don’t I know you?” she asked Sarah.

  “Oh, this is Sarah Green,” said Ethan. “I guess you could call her my assistant.”

  “Oh. Well, Sarah, it’s very nice to meet you.”

  Sarah wasn’t going to let her get away with that. “We have met, actually. You slept with my fiancée, Thomas Asher.” She said it matter-of-factly enough to let Lana know it didn’t bother her anymore.

  “Well, isn’t this awkward?” she said, giving Ethan a red-faced glance.

  “Not at all,” said Sarah. “You did me a huge favor.” She held out her hand and kept her chin high.

  Lana reluctantly shook her hand, and Sarah smirked that she had made the woman uncomfortable.

  “Well, Agent Charles, I’m sure you didn’t come all the way out here because I slept with her fiancée.”

  “It was years ago,” said Sarah, waving it off as if it were nothing.

  “Actually, I was with him just last night.” Lana winked at Ethan. “So, you’ll forgive me if this is a bit awkward.”

  As Sarah’s expression faded, she took the verbal punch to her gut and continued to smile while boring a hole through the woman.

  Ethan cleared his throat and patted Sarah on the back as if to say, “down girl,” before getting to the point of their arrival.

  “Actually, we’re here to ask you about one of your girls. Cassie Ryan.”

  “You know, she’s been out with some friends, and she hasn’t checked in, but I’m sure she’s just blowing off some steam again.”

  “Again?” said Sarah. “Does she usually go days without checking in when she’s blowing off steam?”

  Lana turned her attention to Ethan. “Is there a reason you’re asking about her?”

  “Yes,” said Ethan. “She’s been murdered.”

  Lana gasped. “Murdered? Are you sure?”

  “Yes, and I have proof. Of course, we’re waiting on the video to be authenticated officially, but I have every confidence it will be.”

  “Wait, did you say video? Someone shot her murder?”

  “Yes. It seems so.”

  “It has to be a hoax,” she said.

  “It doesn’t seem to be. So, you can see why I’d really like to speak to Mr. Collier, if you don’t mind.”

  Lana looked a bit distracted, as expected, but she suddenly cleared her throat and carried on as if she had a job to do. “He’s not taking any visitors at the moment. I’m sure I could have him call you. Do you have a copy of this video? I’m sure he’d like to see it.”

  “I’m sure he wouldn’t,” mumbled Sarah.

  “I beg your pardon?” said Lana, giving Sarah a hard look.

  Sarah sighed. “It shows Cassie being shot in the face.”

  “How do you know about it?” Lana sneered.

  “I’m the one who reported the video, which is now circulating the internet.”

  “Circulating?” She didn’t like the sound of that. “I beg your pardon, but I’m on the internet daily, and I’d know if something like that was going around about one of the girls.”

  “Would you? I mean, no offense, but Cassie’s numbers weren’t the greatest.”

  “It was posted on YouVerse.”

  Her face fell. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to see proof of this, especially before I take it to Mr. Collier.”

  Ethan nodded. “I was afraid you were going to say that. I take no pleasure in you have to see this.”

  Lana rolled her eyes and snatched the phone from his hands to look at the video. When she hit play, she put her hand to her mouth. “It’s her.” As the gunshot sounded, Lana barely flinched, but her eyes widened with shock. “Oh my god.”

  “I take it that’s not something you’ve filmed for a promotion?”

  “Never. Oh my. Who would do that? Cassie was harmless.” Lana’s eyes filled with tears. “This is just awful. The other girls will be devastated.”

  “I guess you can see why he needs to speak with your boss as soon as possible,” Sarah added.

  Lana narrowed her eyes. “Him, I can understand wanting to see Roald, but I have to ask what you’re doing here. Since when does the FBI hang out with a wannabe journalist?”

  Sarah was going to let that comment go but only because she had just found out about Cassie and Sarah knew how tough that must be.

  “Sarah’s involvement doesn’t change the fact that I have to speak to him. We have to find her.”

  “You mean you haven’t found her body?”

  “No. I’m checking with all of the Jane Does, and so far, nothing has turned up. We’re hoping to use the video to figure out where she might be. But I’d like to ask him if he knows anyone who would do this.”

  “No one would want to hurt Cassie.”

  “Someone did.” Sarah had studied the girl’s social media the night before. “From the content
on her page, she seemed like a bit of a daredevil. Did she have any trouble fitting in around here with the other girls? You of all people should know how catty some women can be.”

  “We have a few moments around here, but it’s nothing to kill anyone over. Roald makes sure that they behave like young ladies in his home, and that means getting along with everyone else who lives here.”

  “Did Cassie live here?”

  Lana shook her head. “She’s got an apartment across town. Maybe you could start there?”

  “I’m sure once you fill Roald in, he’ll understand this is a critical situation.”

  “I’m sure. But you see, he’s not in at the moment, and I’m not sure when he’ll be back around. But I could give you a call later and let you know when he’d like to meet and where.”

  Sarah didn’t think Ethan was going to let that happen, especially when they had just heard someone down the hall, which was probably Roald Collier by the way he ordered her around.

  But Ethan wasn’t the type to do what she expected. “Okay, that would be great. But just so you know, I’ll need to speak with you again, as well as anyone else in the house who would have had contact with Cassie. And if you hear anything, please let us know.”

  Lana’s expression was sour as she nodded. “I’ll let them all know now if you’ll excuse me. This is a sad day for us.”

  “Oh,” said Sarah, speaking up. “I just thought you’d want to know that the news at noon will have a piece on it today.”

  Lana’s eyes narrowed. “If you have anything to do with it, I’m sure it will.” She turned her attention back to Ethan and made her apologies. “Forgive me if I don’t show you out.” She turned and walked away, and the meathead guard who let them into the house came up and cleared his throat.

  Ethan gestured for Sarah to lead the way, and once they were finally in the car, she let out a sound of frustration.

  “I’m the one who should be doing that,” he said. “Next time, try not to let your past cloud what’s going on.”

  “I just thought we should address the elephant in the room.”


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