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The Devil's Moon

Page 1

by Peter Guttridge

  Table of Contents

  A Selection of Recent Titles by Peter Guttridge

  Title Page





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Author’s Note

  A Selection of Recent Titles by Peter Guttridge

  The Brighton Mystery Series





  The Nick Madrid Series







  * available from Severn House


  The Fourth Brighton Mystery

  Peter Guttridge

  This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.

  First published in Great Britain and the USA 2013 by


  9–15 High Street, Sutton, Surrey, England, SM1 1DF.

  eBook edition first published in 2013 by Severn House Digital

  an imprint of Severn House Publishers Limited

  Copyright © 2013 by Peter Guttridge.

  The right of Peter Guttridge to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act 1988.

  British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

  Guttridge, Peter.

  The devil’s moon.

  1. Police–England–Brighton–Fiction. 2. Detective and mystery stories.

  I. Title


  ISBN-13: 978-1-78010-430-0 (epub)

  ISBN-13: 978-0-7278-8225-7 (cased)

  ISBN-13: 978-1-84751-485-1 (trade paper)

  Except where actual historical events and characters are being described for the storyline of this novel, all situations in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to living persons is purely coincidental.

  This ebook produced by

  Palimpsest Book Production Limited,

  Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland

  For Terry Dean (1947–2012)

  Musician, writer, artist and friend

  ‘I am Wrath.’

  Christopher Marlowe: Dr Faustus


  The shape at the edge of the rippling water was at first indistinct. Beyond it the sea was unnaturally placid, the waves sluggish. Then, as the first fingers of the sun spread across the morning from the east, the shape took form.

  The keenest runners along the promenade glanced and noted it and continued on their way. The early-morning dog walkers kept half an eye on their unleashed dogs and the other half on the shape taking form with the coming of light. In Brighton, curious structures sprouting up overnight were nothing remarkable. Yet another art installation, though the skateboarders would have a difficult time turning this one into a practice loop.

  Others had more time to reflect, if they were not too drunk to do so. The all-night revellers staggering on to the beach from the clubs under the arches. The just awaking homeless, the ones who preferred sleeping on the steep bank of shifting shingle to huddling on hard concrete in the city’s streets and alleys.

  The dawn revealed a giant, faceless man. Some twenty feet high, legs planted hip-width apart, arms stiff down his sides but at a slight angle away from his body. Those who had seen the cult movie or its unfortunate remake, or who knew something of paganism, knew it was a Wicker Man.

  Individuals and groups were drawn towards the faceless figure. As they approached, the top rim of the sun bobbed on to the horizon and flames sprouted from the Wicker Man’s ankles and gushed over his legs and torso.

  To scattered applause the crackling, roaring flames engulfed the structure. People drew near to warm themselves against the chill of the morning. Those who were pagans at heart looked towards the sun rising beyond it and back at the burning effigy, its head now wreathed in vivid fire, and took significance from it.

  Seagulls, clamouring at the dawn, wheeled towards and then away from the shimmering tower of flame. A pall of black smoke rose from the conflagration and drifted lazily in the brightening sky towards the collapsed ruins of the West Pier.

  The heat grew more intense, the raging of the flames louder. Those nearest moved back a few paces. And so they could not be certain that they heard screams above the racket of the fire and the screech of the gulls.

  Those who were sure took the screams as proof that this was indeed an installation or a performance of some sort. Four clubbers skirted the side of the effigy and looked round the back for the sound system producing the terrible cries. There wasn’t one.

  Two of them later insisted that just before the screams were swallowed in flames they heard an agonized voice shriek out: ‘Why hast thou forsaken me?’


  As the rain pelted down, Sarah Gilchrist splish-splashed along the narrow passage of Meeting House Lane, focused on avoiding a poke in the eye from one of the jumble of umbrellas around her. That meant she was off guard when the large fish fell on her head and almost knocked her down.

  Not that she would normally be on her guard against fish. She stopped and looked down at it, dead in the puddle at her feet. She looked up at the rooftops to find the joker who had dropped it on her. Another fish slapped her in the face and slid away.

  Shielding her head with her hand, she looked around. People were crying out and ducking as a hail of fish of all shapes and sizes rained down on them.

  What the hell? The fish were not being dropped or thrown by anyone. Hundreds, maybe thousands of them were falling out of the sky.

  Gilchrist pushed through to the junction with Union Street, fish pelting her as she went, and ducked into the Bath Arms. The staff and the early-morning drinkers were all at the window, gazing out open-mouthed or filming the surreal sight with their phones. One alert staff member pulled on the pub door and hooked it open.

  The others laughed as he called into the street: ‘Don’t you even know enough to come in out of the fish?’

  Gilchrist laughed too, though her neck and her head ached. Ludicrous as it sounded, those fis
h hurt. They were heavy and hit with force. The hail of them was doing real damage. People were being beaten to the ground. Some people just slipped and slithered as the lane filled up with fish. There was panic in the confined space.

  The fish were all shapes and sizes, all colours. They were already dead as they dropped from the sky. All except for these long, writhing creatures with heads the size of watermelons and fearsome-looking jaws.

  Conger eels.

  Gilchrist watched, horrified, as a shower of them plummeted on to the crowded lane, jaws snapping, tails thrashing. They crashed through umbrellas and bore people to the ground beneath their weight. There was terrified screaming.

  One eel, about four feet long, dropped like lead on to the shoulders of a teenage girl and sent her reeling into the window of the jeweller just across from the pub. The glass shattered and girl and eel both fell into the window display.

  A jangling alarm blared out as jewellery fell into the street. Girl and eel sprawled, half in, half out of the window. Gilchrist could see jagged shards of glass sticking up from the base of the window frame but hoped the girl’s thick waterproof was protecting her.

  Gilchrist watched, stupefied, as people ignored the fish falling on their heads to grab at the jewellery in the window and on the lane. She was astonished when the girl who had fallen into the window reared up, screaming, but with fistfuls of jewellery in her hands. She stumbled away, clutching her loot, blood streaming down her face.

  The jewellery shop manager came to the shop doorway to remonstrate with those people scrabbling for his silver watches and brooches and necklaces. He tried to snatch the jewellery back. Someone pushed him in the chest and he fell into the shop.

  Gilchrist barged out of the pub and over to the shop, her boots slithering on the fish and the slick of water in the lane. ‘Police officer!’ she called. ‘Make way.’

  ‘Go fuck yourself,’ a fat man snarled. As she looked towards him he shouldered her away. She lost her footing and fell towards the broken window. She reached out a hand to stop her fall. It landed on the slick skin of the eel. She grabbed the door frame with her other hand and steadied herself.

  As Gilchrist did so, the eel whipped its head round and sank its teeth into her hand. She snatched her arm back and stood looking in horror at the eel dangling from the web of her skin between thumb and first finger. She shook her arm feebly to dislodge the eel but all it did was lash its tail. Blood dripped off Gilchrist’s hand. The pain was intense.

  Gilchrist shrieked. The alarm shrieked. Fish fell from the sky. Looters jostled each other for a share of the jewellery shop spoils.

  Gilchrist prised at the jaws one-handed. She was surprised the eel, out of water, showed no sign of expiring. It was strong and every time it writhed it dragged at her flesh. She had a sudden thought that an eel might be like those dogs whose jaws remain clamped shut even after death.

  Gilchrist looked at the jagged glass sticking out of the window frame. She swept her hand towards it, dragging the heavy fish with her. She tried to impale it on the broken shard. The eel, as if sensing what she was trying to do, released her hand. It thrashed its tail and slithered to the ground.

  Gilchrist fell back against the doorjamb. The hubbub continued around her. Holding her throbbing hand, she let her head fall back and looked up at the roiling sky. At least it had stopped raining fish.

  ‘You’re listening to Simon Says on Southern Shores Radio, in case you thought you’d died and gone to heaven. Well, talk about being slapped in the face with a wet fish. The people of Brighton were stunned earlier this morning when fish rained down on them from a clear sky. But it’s no laughing matter. So far, three people have died and at least forty people have been treated at Sussex County Hospital for cuts and bruises and shock as the fish – some weighing up to twenty-five pounds – plummeted down on the centre of town. One man had his skull crushed by a conger eel weighing seventy-five pounds; another of the dead was hit by a bass and a third was killed by a falling pollack . . .’

  Kate Simpson looked into the studio. Simon was corpsing. He’d spun on his chair away from his microphone and was trying to control his giggles. Inevitably that meant there was going to be a big explosion when he failed to do so. She flicked a switch and spoke into the microphone on her producer’s desk.

  ‘Hi everyone, apologies for the sudden silence here at Southern Shores Radio but Simon is having a coughing fit. As he said, the lethal fish fell from a clear sky and included pollack, bream, cod, mackerel, bass, ling, thornback rays, tope and smoothhound.’ She stopped for a moment then gasped, ‘Excuse me . . .’

  She’d forgotten that giggles, like yawns, are catching.

  Sarah Gilchrist, listening to Southern Shores Radio in the waiting room in A&E, laughed at the silence that followed. It was clearly a Jim Naughtie moment. Watts had heard Naughtie’s famous fit of the giggles when the Today programme presenter had made a classic spoonerism in his introduction to Jeremy Hunt, Culture Secretary, in the days before the politician became Minister for Murdoch and it didn’t seem quite such a spoonerism.

  Gilchrist could imagine first Simon then her flatmate, Kate Simpson, suffering in the same way. She looked down at her crudely self-bandaged hand and grinned. There was something inherently funny about being killed by a fish falling out of the sky.

  This weather. The River Ouse, which ran through Lewes, had broken its banks and the meadows outside the town were lakes. Cliffe village, at the bottom end of town, was in danger of being flooded again as it had been in the nineties. All around Brighton there were posters from the Water Authority advising that despite the rain there was still a drought. ‘Please be careful with our water’ the posters said. Most had been defaced by the same graffiti in various styles: ‘We will if you will.’

  Marble and tiled floors in shopping centres and restaurants were so slippery they had turned into ice rinks. There were large puddles and small lakes on every road and street. Most sensible women had abandoned fashion raincoats and boots for rainwear that was actually waterproof, giving them all a certain bulky uniformity.

  Of course, in Brighton, that still left a lot of not-so-sensible women – and men – getting soaked through on a daily basis.

  Gilchrist had never had much vanity when it came to clothes – not much point in the days she was a uniformed copper weighed down with clobber – and she was tall enough never to need high-heeled boots and shoes except when she really wanted to intimidate.

  The man sitting next to her gave her the slightest of nudges. ‘Bloody biblical, that’s what it is,’ he said. ‘It’ll be frogs next.’

  The man on the far side of him leaned forward to address them both. ‘Long as it’s not cats and dogs,’ he said. ‘If it rains the Rottweilers and bull terriers from the Milldean estate we’ve no bloody chance.’

  Gilchrist smiled awkwardly. Milldean held only bad memories for her.

  The man next to her nodded at her hand. ‘Looks nasty, that hand. What did it?’

  Gilchrist couldn’t really be bothered but she didn’t want to be rude. ‘A conger eel bit me.’

  ‘Nasty things them eels,’ the other man said. ‘They’re quite the predator. Ugly looking things too. Expect you’ll need a tetanus jab.’

  She frowned. ‘Not sure how tetanus from fish would work – it’s usually linked to farms, isn’t it?’

  ‘You never heard of fish farms?’ the man said, and Gilchrist couldn’t work out from his expression whether he was being funny or not.

  She looked at the gash on the side of the head of the man beside her. ‘What clobbered you?’ she asked.

  He shrugged. ‘Damned if I know. The only time I usually see a fish it’s got batter on it.’

  Gilchrist’s mobile rang. ‘Excuse me,’ she said and stepped away.

  ‘The chief constable wants to see you,’ said the voice on the other end of the line. ‘Tomorrow. Nine a.m. prompt.’


  Ex-Chief Constable Bob Watts wandered aiml
essly from room to gloomy room of his late father’s Barnes Bridge house. His father, Donald Watts, aka bestselling thriller writer Victor Tempest, aka thorough bastard.

  The house had a sour, old person’s smell but it also smelled still of his father’s bay rum aftershave. Watts looked in his father’s wardrobe where the suits and jackets and shirts and trousers were all hung in neat rows. He examined at random cufflinks in surprising numbers in a leather box that also contained dress shirt studs, tiepins and even a worn brass ring. He wondered if it was his wedding ring. His father was of the generation that tended not to wear a wedding band.

  Although he had loved his mother more, he didn’t remember feeling this depth of emotion when she had died many years earlier. Given the tangled relationship he had with his father, this surprised him.

  He walked over to the bookshelves and ran his fingers over the spines of the books. He had been working his way through his father’s library, sorting out which books to sell and which to keep. His own small library of books was in store until he figured out where he wanted to live.

  He glanced to his left out of the long window at the heavy rain and watched for a moment the brown tide of the Thames washing over the towpath. It had been raining solidly for a month.

  He could live here, he knew, if he bought out his brother and sister. But he was a Brighton boy at heart and a river was no substitute for the sea, even if that river was the Thames.

  Many of the books on the shelves were signed first editions with personal dedications to his father. Margot Bennett was most effusive in her inscription in her 1958 crime novel, Someone from the Past. Watts thought he could probably guess why.

  His father had been a womanizer, no getting around that. His mother had been stalwart for the sake of the children although she must have felt so wretched at her husband’s infidelities.

  A recurring, puzzling memory was of a beautiful, enigmatic woman coming to their house once when the family was in the back garden. Watts, a teenager at the time, had been sent to let her in. He remembered vividly how sensual she’d seemed. How, back out in the garden, he saw her at the window and how she slowly faded as she withdrew into the room. How his mother looked up from her book and saw the woman at the window then looked fixedly back at her book again.


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