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Say You Desire Me (Full Moon Book 3)

Page 2

by Stefanie Van Mol

  “Thank you.” Her soft voice caresses my ears.

  “You’re welcome.” I wink at her, satisfied when I see the blush in her cheeks turn red. “I would do anything for a beauty like you.”

  Her gaze goes to my face as she quirks her eyebrows. “Anything?”

  Fuck, her husky voice sends all of my blood straight to my cock. It strains against my fly. My gaze trails over her body and stops at her breasts. “You can be sure of that.”

  We both jump when the door to the lounge swings open and Max enters the room.

  “What are you guys doing?”

  To my surprise, the girl in front of me answers him.

  “John here was helping me with the coffee maker; you know how well I and electrical machines go together.”

  I look confused from her to Max. Is he the lucky guy who got to spend the night with this lovely lady? They talk like they’ve known each other for years, but how come I’ve never seen her before? I didn’t know Max had a girlfriend; if I had one who looked like her, I’d take her everywhere to show her off.

  Max walks over and kisses her on her forehead.

  “I’m sure one day you will get the hang of it, little one.”

  She gives him the brightest smile I’ve ever seen and shoots him an adoring look. “I learned from the best, didn’t I, brother?”

  Wait! Hold the line. Did she just say, brother?

  This hot chick is Max’s little sister? I take her in from head to toe. Last time I saw her, she was wearing all black for her parents’ funeral. At the time, I didn’t notice her. Which makes me regret not paying more attention because it’s obvious now that she deserves it.

  I reach out to shake her hand. “I don’t believe we’ve been introduced; I’m John, guitarist for Full Moon.”

  She takes my hand and squeezes it softly as she shakes it. Her soft laugh is like music to my ears.

  “I know who you are, but clearly you’ve forgotten me. I’m Jolene, Max’s little sister. I’ll be staying with you and the band this summer.”

  And when I see her eyes sparkle with mischief, I know I’m in trouble.




  I could try, but there are no words to describe the sensation running through my body when John stood behind me. Every fiber came to life. His warm breath on my neck, the intensity of his gaze running over my body.

  Those two big doe-brown eyes slowly devouring every inch of my body. His black wavy hair that looked like he hadn’t brushed it this morning, but only combed his fingers through it. The five o’clock shadow on his strong jaw and the dimples that appeared in his cheeks when he laughed at me. The movement of his lips when he spoke to me. One look at him and I knew he was a force to be reckoned with when he’s on a mission of seduction. The way he looked at me made me feel like I am his next prey.

  For the first time in weeks, someone didn’t look at me as if I might fall apart at any second. And I can’t describe how good it felt. It was obvious he didn’t recognize me because he wouldn’t have come so close and given me that look otherwise. Never before have I felt such sexual tension hanging between two people.

  Max barging in was—to say the least—disappointing. The way John looked at me changed the minute Max walked in, and now that he found out I’m Max’s sister, he’ll most likely never look that way at me again.

  “What time is Lionel getting here?”

  “Lionel?” I ask absently.

  “Yeah, your boyfriend, Lionel,” Max replies. “You know, the guy you’re dating?”

  John laughs and stares at me with a sparkle in his eyes. He just realized the effect he had on me, which becomes clear when that stupid dimple reappears in his cheek when he smiles. Some people might think he’s arrogant, but I’d say he’s confident. The way he looks at me, so sure of himself, messes with my head a little. I can’t remember Lionel ever looking at me like that. And Lionel certainly can’t make me feel the way John did with only one glance.

  Max must think I’m crazy. Maybe he’s right. Who forgets the name of their own boyfriend? The guy I’ve been dating for over two years now. I shake my head to refocus on the conversation I’m having with Max.

  “Right.” I check my watch. “He should be here any minute now.”

  These past few weeks, since my parents’ death, Lionel and I haven’t seen much of each other. I know we have been together for two years now, but what began as a fairy tale, has slowly turned into disillusion. When we first started dating, he did everything for me. I always had his attention, he was sweet, thoughtful. But after a while, things slowly started to change. He wouldn’t show up when we agreed to meet and always had a lame excuse. Don’t get me wrong, despite my young age, I’m realistic. I know relationships change over time. I understand people get used to having their partner around and begin to take them for granted, but these last few months, Lionel hasn’t been there to give me the support I needed. If it wasn’t his studies, it was some party at his best friend’s house, a family emergency he couldn’t get out of, or something else. The longer we’re together, the more I feel like I always come last, and that saddens me. Am I asking too much if I want to be, just this once, his number one priority? Nobody should have to go through such an emotional roller coaster like the death of one’s parents alone. Maybe I need to give him a bit more time. We’ll get through it together, I’m sure.

  Tonight, I’m going to surprise Lionel. I have big plans for us and hopefully, that will change his mind about the state I’m in. He might have avoided me these past weeks, but tonight, he most definitely will not. I am going all-out to seduce him and show him I’m not as fragile as everyone thinks.

  When I look up at John, I see he’s still looking at me. The same warmth as before washes over me. How can someone I barely know have such an effect on me? But when he notices me staring at him, he looks away and focuses on Max.

  “Have they found Maxim?” John asks Max.

  “Yes, Sticks found him. He’s taking Camille, Maxim, and Vincent home and will be back for rehearsal.”

  “Okay, well I’m going back to the hotel. I’m meeting Lionel there. But I’ll be back to attend the rehearsal.”

  “Of course, sis. Shall I drop you off?”

  “No need. I can walk to the hotel all by myself just fine.”

  On my way to the door, I have to walk past John. His eyes follow every step I take in his direction. When I pass him, his arm brushes mine. He smiles at me and says, “See you later, Jolene.”

  The way he pronounces my name makes my whole body shiver. If there were ever any doubt in my mind, now I’m sure, I have to get out of here, as fast as possible. The knowing smirk on his face says it all, so I give him a small nod and flee that room before I do something stupid.

  WHEN I GET TO MY HOTEL room, I prepare myself for Lionel’s arrival. He has no idea what I have in store for him, but I have everything planned so that nothing can possibly go wrong. First, I take a shower and scrub every inch of my skin until it’s smooth and soft. I get rid of every body hair that should not be there with my new razor and finish by rubbing my skin with a super-sweet vanilla body lotion.

  On the bed is the red lace lingerie set I bought to surprise Lionel. I trail my fingertips over the soft fabric of the lace. If this doesn’t turn him on, I don’t know what will. I put on the set and admire myself in the bathroom mirror. I love how the red lace looks against my skin. I finish getting ready putting on the green dress and white sandals I picked out beforehand. I’m good to go, so all I have to do now is wait for Lionel to call me and say he arrived.

  Looking at my watch I see that I still have some time to spare. Exhausted, I lie down on the bed for a minute. All the emotions of the last few weeks are starting to weigh me down. Everything changed. I look around the hotel room and its bland decor. It doesn’t feel like home, and that makes me wonder how Max and the rest of the band do this practically all year long. On my bedside table is a picture from la
st Christmas. It’s the last picture of us together as a family. I’m not sure whose smile is biggest. Both Mom and Dad look so happy. Max took an early plane home, so we could spend the holidays together as a family. We were always so close, and now it’s only me and Max.

  Thank God, we get along great. He’s the best brother a girl could wish for. Something tells me we’re going to need each other’s support, even more, to get through this.

  The other picture is one of me and Lionel. I take the picture frame and run my finger over it. I can’t wait for him to arrive. He has no idea how horny I am. It’s been so long since we’ve had sex; I think I’m about to explode. I put the picture back in its place and go to the bathroom for one last check in the mirror. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I’m sure tonight is going to be a night I’ll never forget. I’m ready to leave this sad period behind me and move on.

  My cell phone vibrates in my purse, so I run to get it out of the side pocket.

  Lionel: I’m at the front desk of the hotel, waiting for you.

  Me: I’m on my way.

  This is the moment of truth. After one final glance in the mirror, I’m ready to go and get him. Let’s hope he appreciates all the effort I put into my outfit. I ride the elevator to the ground level. As I watch the numbers count down to one, my nerves go up. My hands are sweaty, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. It feels as if we’re going on a first date. The ping of the elevator snaps me out of it. The doors slide open, and my eyes are immediately drawn to Lionel.

  He’s standing by the front desk, eyes glued to his phone, his black suitcase next to him. He doesn’t even notice me. I can’t help but feel disappointed. In my head, I made up this perfect image of him waiting for me as the elevator doors opened and me running toward him to jump into his arms. He would kiss me and spin me around. You know, like a scene in those romantic movies.

  How ridiculous of me to think that would ever happen.

  I exit the elevator and walk toward Lionel. The closer I get, the more I hope he’ll look up. Maybe I’ll see the sparkle in his eyes when he sees me, just like when we first met. But he doesn’t look up. I’m standing right in front of him, and he still hasn’t glanced away from his cell phone.

  “Hi, honey,” I say cheerfully.

  He keeps tapping away on his cell phone and doesn’t look up until he’s finished his text or whatever it is he’s doing.

  “Hi,” he says with a sigh.

  The disappointment I felt before gets worse with every second. Is that all he has to say to me after weeks of being absent? For once I should stand up for myself. These past two years I’ve always put his needs before mine. Now that I need him more than ever, I feel like he should be trying harder than this.

  “Aren’t you happy to see me?”

  Lionel looks at me all confused.

  “Of course, I’m happy to see you, I’m just tired.”

  He reaches over and grabs me by the waist to pull me in for a hug. It feels... awkward. These past weeks he’s always had some excuse as to why he wouldn’t kiss me or meet up with me. I get this ugly feeling that something’s going on that he’s not telling me. I’m desperate to find out what it is he’s keeping from me, and I will find out. But first, we need to get out of here. Go somewhere more private.

  “We can bring your bag to the room first and then we can grab something to eat.”

  Lionel gives me a weak smile before he agrees. “That sounds good.”

  When I look over his shoulder, I can see John at the other end of the lobby, watching me and Lionel. Our eyes meet, and he doesn’t look away. I can feel a thrill running through me. How come John’s stare can make me feel so much more than the hug Lionel just gave me?

  I think it’s time to get out of here. I’m sure once Lionel and I are alone, everything will turn out to be fine. I just have to stick to my plan. Then all this awkward silence will be over.

  “Shall we?”

  “Yes, follow me. Our room is on the third floor.”



  What a loser!

  I was on my way out to have a smoke when I caught sight of her. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I mean, what kind of man wouldn’t notice her? Well, that loser she calls her boyfriend. That’s who! He didn’t even look at her because he was too busy with his cell phone. That alone tells me enough about him.

  Even as she was walking toward him, he didn’t notice her. And you could tell by the look on her face she was devastated. Everyone could see that. I don’t know what she sees in that loser. It might be the first time I’ve laid eyes on him, but one look is enough to know that he doesn’t deserve her. He should have at least looked at her and smiled. Realized what a lucky bastard he is to get this beautiful woman’s attention. She clearly took the time to dress up for him. And he didn’t even notice.

  A guy like him should be over the moon to score a girlfriend like her. I mean, just look at him, you can see that Jolene is totally out of his league, but somehow, he gets to be with her, and he doesn’t even appreciate it. Why would she waste her precious time on him? If your cell phone is more important than your girlfriend, clearly there’s a screw loose.

  I can’t explain what happened when our gazes met. She looked up over his shoulder and it was like we were the only two people in the lobby. The heat in her eyes when she looked at me? Yeah, that made my dick stand up and pay attention. How can this woman have me in such a state when I barely know her? But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t look away. The tension weighed on us the longer we looked at each other.

  Thank God Jolene is the one that looked away because I don’t know if I could have. She looks at her boyfriend and gives him her brightest smile. All I can do now is watch her leave, trotting off toward the elevator with that douche following her. Fuck, I need to stop thinking about her. She’s my best friend’s little sister, and she has a boyfriend. If that doesn’t have problem written all over it, then nothing does.

  I’M STANDING ON THE patio at the back of the hotel, away from prying eyes. If I want to enjoy my cigarette, then I have to hide like this. There’s always at least one fan who wants an autograph. Don’t get me wrong, of course, I’m honored that Full Moon made it this far and that the fans want an autograph, but when I smoke, I want to be left alone for a few minutes.

  At the first pull of the cigarette, I inhale deeply and feel a lot of the tension disappear. Ever since seeing Jolene this morning, I’ve been tense. Fuck, I still can’t believe what’s happening to me. I met Jolene once before the funeral, years ago when we started the band. Back then, she was a teenager who wore big glasses and braces on her teeth. At the funeral for her parents, she was wearing a black veil which hid most of her face, so this morning at the coffee maker, I didn’t recognize her at all.

  Thank God Max walked in when he did, and I found out she was his sister. Max would rip my balls off if he knew what I was imagining doing to his little sister. That would be a disaster.

  With my mind preoccupied on images of Jolene bending toward the coffee maker, I didn’t even notice Tim approaching me. He’s here for the same reason I am, to enjoy his cigarette. He takes a pack out of his back pocket and lights up.

  “Ready for the concert tomorrow?”

  “Sure, but I’m looking forward to having a few days of rest. My sisters keep nagging me that they don’t see me enough.”

  Tim gives me a pained look. “Must be nice having a family who’s happy to see you.”

  “Yours still giving you shit about everything?”

  He lifts his shoulders like he doesn’t care. “They just need some time adapting to the situation, it will pass eventually.”

  A few months ago, Tim broke up with his girlfriend. His parents were shocked. Even the band was shocked. They seemed like the perfect couple. Apparently, there were a lot of things going on that we didn’t know about. He decided to end the relationship, but his parents were not very happy about it. His ex-girlfriend happens to be
the daughter of Tim’s father’s business partner. The latter decided not to do business together anymore, which pissed off Tim’s dad. I know Tim always acts like he doesn’t care, but it’s obvious he hates the situation.

  “You can always come with me if you don’t want to stay here alone.”

  “Thanks, man. I really appreciate that, but I don’t mind being alone for a while. Besides, most of our fans are here, so I won’t be alone for too long if you know what I mean.”

  He suggestively lifts his eyebrows up and down, which makes us both laugh. Ever since he broke up with Vanessa, he spends a lot of time with the fans. Every night he has a different girl in his bed. He and Vanessa had been together since he was in high school, so she was his first and only girlfriend. Ever. Seems to me he’s making up for lost time. Can you blame him? He’s just trying to forget his shit by seeking some distraction. Don’t we all want that? Everyone goes about his shit his own way.

  Tim looks at his watch. “It’s almost time for the rehearsal, we better leave if we want to be on time.”

  “I gotta run to my room before that and grab another pack. This was my last cigarette, and I don’t want to rehearse without any smokes.”

  “No, we wouldn’t want that,” says Tim with a hint of a smile in his voice. “I’ll see you there.”

  Tim leaves for the rehearsal at the concert hall, and I run to the elevator at the reception. I can only hope I can stay focused on the concert this evening.



  As soon as we enter the room, I try to kiss Lionel. All the pent-up passion I’m feeling comes out in this kiss. It feels like ages since we were last together, and I intend to make up for every lost second of it. Briefly, he returns my kisses, but then he pulls his head back.


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