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Betrayal: Immortal Protectors, Book 1

Page 10

by H. M. McQueen

  The Protector must have remained behind to kill her.

  The male tilted his head to one side and studied her, his eyes roaming over her with boldness.

  His violet eyes traveled down her body before rising again to meet her own. She didn’t care if he was a Protector, he wouldn’t look at her that way if Cyn were there.

  Who was she fooling? Would Cyn even care?

  “I’m Fallon, Lord Fallon Trent. I can see why you enthrall him. And you are correct— Cynden would slam me against a wall right now for looking at you ‘that way’.” His velvety English accent did little to settle her nerves or overcome the fact that when he stood, he was a tower of walking death. “It seems I lost the coin toss, so I am to be your escort to demon-town.”

  A mixture of relief followed by disappointment flowed through her. “Why didn’t Cyn wait for me?”

  Fallon shrugged. “Cynden didn’t mention wanting to take you. Like I said we tossed a coin.”

  His words cut into her. She pushed the hurt away and lifted her face to him. “Let’s go then.”

  Fallon continued looking at her for a few moments as if deciding whether or not he wanted to say something else. Instead, he shrugged and began to check his coat and arranged each one of his daggers. The Lord picked up his sword and motioned for her to walk out before him.

  She hesitated and glanced up at him and narrowed her eyes. “You go first.”

  He gave her a mocking half smile. “I am not going to hurt you. But…I know what you are and if you try anything stupid, have no doubt, I will enjoy killing you.”

  Emma felt as if her legs were going to give out from under her. She ensured her expression was blank and mutely nodded at him. “I need a weapon.” She held her hand out.

  Without hesitation, he handed her a dagger. It surprised her, but she jammed it into her purse before he changed his mind.

  He motioned toward the back door. “Let’s go dance with the devil. Shall we?”

  # # #

  Fallon drove a silver jaguar. It was beautiful and fast. Emma sat frozen as they flew down the road. What was it with these men and speed? She studied his profile. Despite the fact that he concentrated on the road and appeared oblivious to her presence, she knew he tracked her every move.

  Emma clenched the armrest as Fallon took a sharp corner. “Why don’t you just kill me and get it over with?”

  “I wouldn’t mind doing just that. But for one, I think Cynden would probably be cross with me if I slay you without reason. And secondly, Gerard sent you, so you must be the key to accessing the demon’s compound.” Fallon glanced at her and then back at the road. “Besides, since you are going to double-cross us, I will get to kill you anyway.”

  Emma swallowed. Fallon’s powers were exceptionally strong if he could get past Gerard’s spell star.

  Each Protector was so different, Emma thought, as she continued to study the male, out of the corner of her eye.

  This one was even more unique than the group she’d already met. Although he possessed the extraordinarily handsome features, the common denominator with Protectors, he was more refined than the others. An aristocratic air resonated from Fallon that made her wonder about his background. His chestnut hair had been styled with care, not a strand out of place. Graceful and sleek, he reminded her of a male model. His long lashes would definitely be cause for envy. His patrician nose was so perfectly chiseled, any prominent plastic surgeon would fight to take credit for nature’s handiwork. His biceps bulged under the supple leather of his coat as he handled the steering wheel. The masculine yet elegant hands recently manicured.

  How could someone, so obviously meticulous about his appearance be a demon slayer? Pretty boy or not, he definitely had that lethal air about him. Maybe he was gay. Hmm…now that would be a shame.

  “I prefer women. I assure you, I’m not gay.” His smooth voice caused her to snap her head toward to him. His lips were curved in an amused smile.

  Oh God! He heard all my thoughts!

  Warmth crept over her cheeks; she wanted to slap the grin off his face. Instead, she concentrated on blocking her thoughts.

  A few minutes later, Emma reached into her bag. The back of her hand brushed against the hard plastic of a pen shaped remote tracer Gerard had given her. A stark reminder of what she had to do. Once activated, the remote would send a signal to Gerard. The problem was how to trigger the device without Fallon sensing it and killing her on the spot.

  To distract Fallon, she took out a stick of gum and put it in her mouth. She almost offered him some, but one look at his stern face and she decided against it. As she replaced the pack of gum back into her bag, her fingers grazed the remote. She knew she needed to push the button.

  But she couldn’t do it.

  Her heart raced. Surely Gerard would sense their presence without the tracer. She looked out the side window and did her best to breathe normal.

  Thankfully, Fallon didn’t give any indication that he sensed her discomfort.

  They caught up with the four motorcycles and followed the riders down the winding country road until arriving at what looked like an abandoned industrial facility.

  Fallon touched a button and the car’s engine became silent. The motorcycles also switched to a stealth mode and glided without sound at a slower pace. They parked behind what looked like a deserted warehouse. The area felt somewhat familiar to her, but Emma didn’t remember the place clearly. She’d been terrified when here last and barely able to see anything in the dark.

  She waited for Fallon’s instructions, not daring to move.

  In silence, she watched the Protector’s movements. Hurt and concern pierced her chest when Cyn and the others dismounted from their bikes and ran around to the side of the warehouse. He didn’t even bother to glance her way.

  It’s better this way. She blinked rapidly at the sting of tears.

  After the Protectors disappeared from sight, they climbed out of the car. Fallon motioned for Emma to follow him, as he ran around the back of the same building.

  When they rounded the corner, she didn’t see the other Protectors. They’d already gone inside.

  Fallon opened a rusty door with measured slowness. Emma gasped when the creak startled some birds that flew out noisily. The Protector gave her an irritated glare.

  In a swift motion, he drew his sword and held it in one hand. Fallon’s warm fingers wrapped around hers and he pulled Emma behind him into the warehouse.

  Inside the building, the stale air barely stirred as they made their way into the dim and silent space. Able to see in the dark, Fallon moved with soundless swiftness through the obscurity.

  A low, electrical hum filled the air. Then total silence fell again. Emma strained to hear or catch a glimpse of the other Protectors to no avail.

  Fallon hesitated and leaned back against the wall. “Let’s wait for the party to start, shall we?” his voice just the faintest whisper in her ear.

  Emma nodded as she continued to listen intently, but the only sounds she heard were water droplets from the pipes that hung from the rafters and the wind outside.

  Fallon must have heard something because he moved onward keeping a slow pace, not stopping until they entered an open area of the building. The badly lit room was gigantic; the only relief from darkness came from a line of minuscule grimy windows across the top of one of the high walls.

  Without warning, demons materialized and attacked. Fallon dropped her hand to strike back at them.

  Emma fell against a wall and stifled a scream.

  His skill astonished her. Fallon fought with blinding speed and elegance. Immediately, two demons were felled, the smoke of their disintegration drifted over the area like thick mist.

  Emma took advantage of Fallon’s distraction and sprinted away from him. She ran down the side of the building. Disoriented, she concentrated on trying to see through the haze and weak lighting.

  Where was Cyn? Gerard had been clear. He would only release Brian
a in exchange for him.

  The sound of more swords clashing guided her to where the other Protectors fought. Emma followed the loud clinks until she spotted him. A silent scream lodged in her throat at the sight before her.

  Cyn and Kieran were back-to-back warring against so many demons, she couldn’t count them all. The brothers were magnificent to watch as they battled. They seemed to read each other’s minds and fought in unison —their movements like a well-choreographed dance. Demons charged and fell back just as fast from the Protectors’ swords cutting them down.

  Strong hands grabbed her from behind. This time Emma shrieked as a demon threw her over his shoulder and took off at a run down a long hallway.

  Cyn would follow her. Emma knew he would.

  Now faced with the reality of the situation, regret clawed at her conscience and she couldn’t follow through. Cyn didn’t deserve to be betrayed, he fought for good. He dedicated his life to fighting against those out to harm innocents.

  She would warn him not to follow alone. With the help of the Protectors, there was a chance she could still save Briana.

  Thor, Fallon, and Rowe joined them and began to battle the demons. Cyn heard Emma’s scream. After killing two demons that attacked him, their efforts clumsy at best, he checked to ensure the Protectors had things well in hand.

  “Go.” His brother mouthed at him.

  It was the second phase of their plan. Follow Emma’s trail that hopefully would lead to Roderick. Cyn ran after the demon that carried her over his shoulder. It was obvious from the slow pace that it was making sure he could follow them. Cyn forced himself to stay a short distance behind.

  Emma bounced on the high-level’s shoulder. Her hair fell forward blocking his view of her face. She pounded on the demons back with her fists and demanded for him to put her down.

  She brushed her hair aside. Spotting him, she motioned with both hands for him to stop.

  Had she changed her mind? Too late.

  “Don’t…” her words were muted by the creaking sounds of the wind ramming the sides of the building’s metal walls.

  The demon turned a corner and Cyn lost sight of them. He slowed and held his sword out in front of him ready for battle.

  The unmistakable evil emanating in the air ensured that Cyn sensed the demons before he saw them. He turned the corner, and beheaded one with swiftness. Then he flung out daggers and killed two more. As fast as the demons evaporated, others took their place.

  They were all low-levels and some hesitated after they realized he was a Protector. Apparently, they were not fully informed. Their wariness gave him a chance to kill a couple more.

  Communicating with the Protectors through his earpiece, he was aware they continued to fight, and followed the plan and stayed away from where he was.

  Just as Cyn felled the last low-level, six warrior-demons surrounded him. It astonished him to see so many in one place.

  High-levels, like the Protectors, did not usually congregate.

  What could be so important that they would risk themselves like this?

  He turned in a circle slashing his sword through the air to keep them at bay. When they rushed him, he fought with all his might. Relief in killing one became frustration at being attacked by another.

  Cyn hissed in pain when a demon managed to cut into his right upper arm. He swung around and killed the one responsible. But with so many high-levels, he was not strong enough or fast enough to take them all. A hard blow dropped him to his knees.

  Cyn dropped to his side after another solid hit, yet managed to throw a dagger at his closest foe.

  He missed.

  The vulnerable position made it hard to defend himself from the onslaught of blows. When his sword was kicked out of his hand, several demons overcame him and wrenched his arms behind his back. Heat seared the nape of his neck and darkness fell.

  When the fog inside his skull began to clear, Cyn knew he was in deep shit. He swallowed in an attempt to moisten his parched throat. He didn’t have to attempt to move to know he was strapped into a chair, his wrists bound behind the backrest. Based on the throbbing in his shoulders, he’d been there at least a couple of hours. He scanned the space without lifting his head.

  Heavy blood-red drapery covered the windows and tapestries with renaissance scenes hung from the walls. A gold-gilded carved desk and ornate chairs completed the obvious attempt at medieval decor. The computer that rested on the desktop looked totally out of place.

  A sense of desire weaved around him. A female, most definitely a succubus, stood by a window leering at him with open lust. The sex demon guarded him, an interesting choice given that succubi were notoriously untrustworthy. He blocked her onslaught of pheromones.

  Cyn began to assess his injuries. A couple of broken ribs and a deep cut to his sword arm were already healing. He flinched as he rotated his dislocated left shoulder back into place.

  The succubus neared. Cyn ignored her and prepared himself to face Gerard, sensing the demon’s presence before he entered the room.

  With his back ramrod straight, Gerard swept in with long strides. He stood behind his garish desk like a king at his throne. Several high-level demons filed in behind him.

  Cyn rolled his eyes and waited for the demon to speak. Gerard’s jet black hair fell past his shoulders. The strands that framed his pale face, made it look even more so. The demon wore black from head to toe. His clothes were well made and fashionable. The modern choice of clothing was a stark contrast with his taste in decor.

  Gerard’s eyes were so dark that it was impossible to see his irises. When he glared at him, cold chills crawled down Cyn’s spine. Pure evil emanated from the demon.

  The Master-demon gave him a bored look. “Well, I have to admit that I’m disappointed by you Protector. I expected more of a challenge from someone with your reputation. Trapping you was too easy.” His lips curved into a smile. “Maybe your brother will put up more of a challenge.” Cyn didn’t respond. He hoped Kieran would get away.

  Gerard waved his hand around the room and motioned to the demons. “You see Protectors are not the only ones who work together.”

  Cyn sneered. “Your kind only comes together when it benefits each of you.” Cyn looked around the room with disgust. “Then again, trying to kill us would benefit your demented asses.” He growled when a demon came from behind him and bit into his neck. As the anger pulsed through him, Cyn’s fangs snapped down. He twisted out of the demon’s grip and bit down on to his neck, tearing out the demon’s artery. The foul creature stumbled back and collapsed.

  Gerard sneered and motioned to a couple of low-levels. “Take that idiot out of my sight. Do what you want with him.” The others dragged the dying demon out of the room. Cyn noted they were only too happy to comply.

  The high-levels walked out of the room behind them. Cyn had no doubt additional demons were on the hunt for Kieran.

  Now just four bulky ones, who were obviously Gerard’s personal guards, remained in the room.

  When Emma walked into the room, Cyn’s stomach pitched. She glanced at him, her face devoid of any emotion, and went straight to Gerard. The Master stared at Cyn and yanked her closer by her hair. Her face pinched in a pained grimace but she didn’t cry out.

  Gerard studied Emma with amusement when she tried to tug her hair out of his hand.

  Cyn could only stare, transfixed, when Gerard drew Emma to him and took her mouth with his.

  When Emma wrapped her arms around Gerard’s neck, bile rose. Cyn wanted to turn away, but refused to do so.

  It was a good lesson. This was the way of women that faked interest in someone like him, treacherous every one of them.

  Gerard turned Emma around so she could face Cyn. Although a bit pale, she smiled at him with empty eyes.

  “I hope you enjoyed her while you could. She’s a good fuck, isn’t she? Of course, you understand that I don’t plan to share her with you after today.”

  Cyn’s eyes met he
r emotionless ones. Without looking away from her, he answered Gerard, “I’ve had better.” He saw her flinch, the movement barely perceptible.

  His words affected her. Good.

  “Unless you plan to fuck her in front of me, can we move on to why I’m here?”

  Gerard’s lips curved and he raised an eyebrow. “You’re not a good liar Protector. You feel something for her. Emma, show our hero your little toy.”

  Emma took a pen out of her pocket and held it up. “It’s a tracking device — it was deactivated so you wouldn’t find it.”

  Cyn refused to react. Instead, he just stared at her until she looked away. He addressed Gerard. “So we have established the bitch lied to get me here. Please, enough with the damn drama. What the hell do you want demon?”

  “I planned to kill you. I still might, but first I am going to force Julian to agree to exchange you and the Spartan, Roderick, for our Supreme Ruler. Of course, now I will have another Protector as well. Bringing your brother with you is an added bonus, more bargaining chips against the Roman.” Gerard sat behind his desk as a demon came and took Emma out of the room. Neither Cyn nor she looked at each other. He wondered why she hadn’t told Gerard about the other Protectors, but then figured she didn’t think it necessary.

  Cyn looked up at the ceiling with a bored expression. “Thames will never be freed. And you know the Protector’s code does not allow for bargaining of any kind.”

  Gerard growled. “Oh he’ll deal for your release. The Roman knows that without you three, crimes against humans in the area will escalate out of control.”

  “You can try. Go ahead waste your time.”

  The succubus, who had up until now, remained quiet, stepped closer and leered at Cyn, “Thames will be freed. Have no doubt, we will succeed.”

  Her voice was a siren’s call. Cyn steeled against it.

  Cyn recoiled from the sex demon when she approached. Gerard watched and laughed when she took Cyn’s face in her hands. He turned his head away when she tried to kiss him. The succubus kissed his jaw slowly and licked him. Her tongue laved his skin from the corner of his mouth to his ear. She turned his face to her and smiled, the tips of her fangs rested on her bottom lip. “I could make you forget her and any other woman you’ve ever had Protector.” She slid her hand to his crotch and squeezed. “Not quite awake and already a good size. Too bad, I would love to play with it.” Cyn grimaced but was proud at his lack of response to her ministrations.


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