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Betrayal: Immortal Protectors, Book 1

Page 18

by H. M. McQueen

  “Bye, nice to see you,” Wendy replied meeting his eyes longer than necessary. When she turned back to face her, Emma bit the inside of her cheeks to keep from giggling.

  Behind Wendy, Kieran gave them both a perplexed look. Emma stared at him wide-eyed and wondered if he was trying to read Wendy’s thoughts.

  As soon as he left, closing the door behind him, Wendy sighed, falling dramatically across the bed “Oh my God, he is sooo hot. I want to grab him and shove my tongue down his throat.”

  Emma’s eyebrows rose, but she let Wendy talk.

  “I almost blew it. I was so shocked to see him I couldn’t think straight,” Wendy continued excited. “It’s him, the Protector that rescued me from that horrible demon attack. He took me home and stayed with me until I assured him I felt fine. He was so sweet. When he leaned in close to my face, I thought for a minute he was going to kiss me. But sadly he didn’t. Instead, he said,” Wendy made her voice deep. “‘You will forget the demon attack, you will forget me and all that transpired tonight’.”

  Although Emma had heard the story many times she still asked, “So what did you do then?”

  “I said okay. He seemed satisfied with that, got up and left.” Wendy sighed. “I should have kissed him. Have you ever seen such gorgeous green eyes? I haven’t been able to get him out of my mind since that night. Just now, I wanted to tell him to stay, but I didn’t want to give away that I remembered him.” She sighed again and took Emma’s hand. “It’s like love at first sight.”

  Wendy’s words saddened her. Emma shook her head and picked up her empty glass. “Keep your distance from him Wendy. It’s easy to fall in love with them. They are magnificent men. But they can’t commit, and you’ll end up broken hearted like me.”

  Wendy became serious and reached out to touch Emma’s cheek. “I’m sorry honey. I know you’re hurting.”

  Emma nodded her eyes misting. “Let’s move away Wendy. I need to leave Atlanta.”

  Pressing her lips together in thought, Wendy looked like a little girl, sitting cross-legged on the bed. “Savannah, I’ve always wanted to live there. Yeah, let’s move to Savannah!”

  “Are you serious, you’ll go with me?” Emma asked already feeling better.

  “Why not? I don’t have any family here and my brother lives near Savannah.”

  # # #

  A day later, Emma sat up in her hospital bed and ran a comb through her wet hair.

  Thanks to her demon blood, her recovery was faster than normal. Her speedy recuperation perplexed her doctor who reluctantly agreed to discharge her. She was just waiting for Wendy to pick her up.

  The door cracked opened and Blue peered in. Emma brightened and lifted her arms out to him. He gave her a timid look, but came over and hugged her. Behind him, Rachel entered the room.

  Emma smiled, welcoming Rachel and motioned for her to sit.

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” Blue told her when she held his face between her hands.

  “How are you Blue? Were you hurt at all?” When he shook his head, she kissed him on both cheeks.

  Blue blushed brightly at the attention from her. “I’m good. We were worried about you though. Dad and I came to see you a couple of times, but you were out of it.”

  Cyn came to see her!

  He held out a small box. “I got this for you.” When she took it, he added, “With my own money.” He leaned toward her peering closely as she opened it.

  It was a crystal angel on a delicate gold chain. Emma stared at it, blinking back tears. “This is so beautiful Blue.” She unclasped it and reached around her neck to put it on.

  “Thank you.” She smiled at him and wiped away the moisture in her eyes. “I will treasure it always.”

  Blue’s face beamed. “You’re more angel to me than demon,” he told her with a crooked smile. Her throat constricted and Emma could only nod in reply.

  “Aunt Rachel, I’m going to grab a soda. I’ll be right outside okay?”

  When Rachel agreed, he gave Emma another hug before he walked out of the room. “See you later.”

  Rachel waited for Blue to leave before she spoke. “I am so grateful for what you did Emma. You saved his life and he knows it.” Rachel’s eyes became misty and she sniffed. “Well aren’t we just a pair of soppy women today?”

  “I couldn’t just stand there and let him die,” Emma replied, fingering the crystal angel that hung between her breasts.

  “You love Cyn, don’t you?” Rachel asked her, her eyes sympathetic.

  Emma nodded. "I love him with all my heart. And Blue too," she added. “But I know that it would never work out. There are too many obstacles to overcome.” She sighed before continuing, “Like I told Kieran, I’ve decided to move. I think it would be easier for us both.”

  Rachel nodded. “I understand Emma. Protectors take an oath when they are initiated; one part of it is not to marry unless their leader arranges it or they meet their life-mate on their own, which is highly unlikely. A wife or a child is considered a weakness — a vulnerability for them. Julian was furious when he found out that Rod and I were married.”

  “How did it happen?” Emma asked her

  Rachel got a faraway look on her face as she spoke. “I was attacked by a demon and Rod rescued me. I was dying by the time he got me to his house. He should have let me die. Later, he told me that he just physically couldn’t let me go. He gave me some of his blood. He studied medicine and got his MD while working as a Protector. He practices medicine now that he is retired. Anyway, he gave me a transfusion with his own blood. When a Protector does that, they lose some of their strength and share their immortality. The transfusion made me immortal.”

  Rachel sighed. “I didn’t know about that at first. I fell in love with him almost immediately during the two weeks it took for me to be well enough to leave.”

  “What did you do when you found out?”

  Rachel held her hand over her heart reminiscing, “I was furious. I wasn’t sure how I felt. I was worried about losing my soul and how a prolonged life would affect my life. I refused to see him for two months. Then I found out I was pregnant. Rod demanded I marry him and wouldn’t take no for an answer. After the two months of missing him so much it physically hurt, I knew I loved him too much to live without him. I couldn’t fathom life apart from him. So we decided to get married. Afterwards, we went to Italy to face Julian.” Rachel laughed softly before continuing. “I thought Julian was going to demolish his fancy Italian villa around us. His anger actually made the ground shake.”

  "But when he learned I was pregnant, he calmed down. He told us it has rarely happened. Protectors are sterile unless they are with their life-mate. Julian said maybe it was meant to be, but he insisted that Rod retire from the Protectors as punishment. So for the most part now, he works as a doctor and steps in to help the Protectors when they need him.”

  Emma was enthralled. “What about Brock? Is he immortal?”

  A shadow passed over Rachel’s face and Emma wished she hadn’t asked.

  “We don’t know. If there is something I fear the most, it’s to see my son age and die while I remain the same.” Her brow furrowed and she pushed her long hair back behind her shoulder.

  “Julian is convinced that Brock will be a Protector. So I need to hang on to that belief. Otherwise I’ll go crazy.”

  Rachel smiled at Emma and reached over to squeeze her hand. “If you love Cyn, then fight for him Emma. He’s been a real grump these past few days. He loves you too, you know?”

  “Maybe, but he doesn’t trust me.”

  “Perhaps not before, but you were willing to give your life for Blue. I’m sure he feels differently now.”

  After Rachel and Blue left, Emma’s thoughts tumbled around her head. She wondered if she and Cyn were meant to be. Was their love strong enough to stand up against Julian? Was it possible that she was Cyn’s life-mate?

  Her betrayal would be a constant hindrance. She didn’t hold out much hope
for a happy ending like Rachel and Roderick.

  As planned, she would move to Savannah.

  And try to forget Cyn.


  Two Weeks Later.

  “Well at least in the spring when we move to Savannah, the weather will be warmer and we can go to the beach. It will be a fresh start in a brand new bank branch,” Wendy told Emma while they ate hamburgers and fries, in a downtown diner. “Besides, it gives you plenty of time to sell your townhouse too.”

  Emma finished her sandwich and eyed Wendy’s. Wendy narrowed her eyes and moved the plate back. “Don’t even think about it sister. I’m starving.”

  Emma rolled her shoulders in an attempt to get rid of the tension. “I hoped to leave as soon as possible so I don’t run into Cyn.”

  She reached over and grabbed a fry from Wendy’s plate and gobbled it down. “Man, I have been so hungry lately. It’s probably all the stress. I’m so worried about Briana. She hasn’t contacted me at all.”

  Wendy slid her plate further away from Emma. “Well I’m not going to avoid Kieran. I’d really love to see him again. I would settle for a one-night stand. Oh just to see him naked once.” Wendy closed her eyes and pretended to swoon. When she opened her eyes, she caught Emma snatching more of her fries and gave up. She pushed the plate to the middle of the table, but picked up her sandwich. “You’re such a pig.”

  “You know Wendy, Kieran is kind of intimidating. I don’t think the man has an emotional bone in his entire body,” Emma told her.

  “I’d love to find everything out about his entire body,” Wendy giggled, then her eyes widened.

  “Oh-oh,” Wendy said under her breath. “Um, Emma, I think you’re going to have a little itty bitty problem avoiding Cyn.” She took a bite of her sandwich.


  Wendy pointed toward the door and mumbled with her mouth full. “He just walked in.”

  Emma felt his presence before seeing him. Her skin prickled and a shiver ran down her spine. When Wendy waved toward the front of the restaurant, Emma wanted to kick her friend under the table.

  He came to their table and smiled at her. “Hello Emma.” He smirked at Wendy. “Hey.”

  “Hey Cyn,” Wendy chirped.

  Upon seeing Cyn, Emma could only stare transfixed. Every time she saw him, he was even more handsome. His hair was shorter, not quite to his shirt collar; it accentuated his strong jaw line. Her eyes traveled over him noting the light blue pullover sweatshirt and jeans he wore.

  He surprised her by sliding into the seat next to her.

  Wendy placed her elbows on the tabletop and put her chin in her hands. She beamed at Cyn with a wide smile on her lips. “How you been?”

  “You two have met?” Emma asked, confused.

  “Yeah, he was at the hospital for two days straight while you were out of it. Didn’t I tell you?”

  “No Wendy, you didn’t,” Emma replied, annoyed.

  When Cyn shifted, his arm brushed against hers. A tingle of awareness made her tense. She was sure her heart pounded audibly. When their thighs grazed, she almost jumped out of her skin. She tried to slide away without him noticing.

  She cleared her throat and brushed her hair behind her ear to be able to glance at him out of the corner of her eye. He looked around the café, his pose relaxed.

  Wendy slid out of the booth and made a show out of getting her oversized purse on her shoulder. “Well I better go. You two have a lot to talk about, especially with the new development.” She winked at Emma. “I’ll catch you tomorrow and pay my part of the bill.”

  Emma glared at Wendy willing her not to leave.

  But her friend ignored her look, reached across Cyn and gave her shoulder a quick squeeze. After a sly smile at Cyn, she gave him a peck on the cheek. “I know you’ll do the right thing.”

  Cyn turned and gave Emma a puzzled look, his eyes full of questions. Emma didn’t dare look directly at him, but she saw it.

  She took deep breaths and tried to get her nerves under control.

  Mae walked up and burst into a loud laugh. “Well I never thought I’d see the day. Finally, you got you a lady friend.” She pinched Cyn’s cheek. Emma pressed her lips together to stifle a smile when he blushed.

  “Both of ya’ll come in here so often, I’m surprised I haven’t seen you together before.” Mae put down a glass of sweet tea in front of Cyn and gave Emma a stern look, while she pointed at Cyn. “This is a good man. He’s a little too pretty for a man, but he is a decent guy. He’ll do good by you.”

  “Mae, thanks for the sales pitch, but can you get me some food please,” Cyn said, but not before Emma saw the muscles in his jaw twitch.

  Emma smiled at the interaction between the two. It was good to know that Cyn had other people in his life that cared for him. She wished they could be friends, if nothing else. But it would be impossible for them to try to remain just friends.

  Cyn drank his tea and sat in silence next to Emma. He considered how nice it would be to have someone to eat with and share his day-to-day occurrences with. He pictured them going for walks together and taking an actual family vacation. He could get used to something like that. He inhaled her scent and held back the urge to draw her closer.

  “How have you been?” he asked, breaking the silence.

  She shrugged. “Good.”

  The short one word answer did little to convince him.

  When Mae placed his usual Rueben and fries in front of him, he liked the fact that Emma didn’t hesitate to take one of his fries. He picked up his sandwich and offered her a bite. She took one and met his eyes momentarily, before she looked away.

  “It’s really good. Thanks,” she told him, her voice shook just enough to tell him she was nervous. He hated how distant she felt from him.

  “I can’t do it Emma —I’m having a rough time. I can’t stop thinking about you.” Cyn watched her take another fry from his plate.

  The honesty in her reply surprised him. “Me either, that’s why I’m moving. Once I’m gone, you will have an easier time concentrating on Blue and your work. Rachel told me you’ve been a grump lately.”

  Cyn took her hand. “That’s not what I want. Look at me. I can’t stay away from you. I want you with me always.”

  This time when her eyes met his, the depths of her beautiful honey-brown eyes warmed him.

  Damn, he was in deep.

  Emma stared at him seeming to be at a loss for words. She merely raised her hand and brushed her fingers down his cheek. She then snuggled into his side.

  He continued eating and felt satisfied when he heard her sigh and relax. Tenderness filled him as he looked down at Emma’s slight body molded next to him. It felt right. Cyn leaned over and kissed the top of her hair.

  Emma finally spoke. “But Cyn, you can’t break your oath — Protectors can’t marry.”

  Mae returned to fill his glass and gave them a bright smile. He waited until she walked away before speaking.

  “We can marry, but our wife has to be chosen for us or she has to be our life-mate. Most of us are not willing to enter into an arranged marriage. As a result, very few Protectors marry.”

  “How do you know if someone is your life-mate?” Emma asked.

  Cyn shrugged. “Julian says it’s very rare, usually someone we will feel a strong connection to right away, and I’m not sure what else. I’ve never cared enough to ask.”

  Emma tensed and moved away from him. “Good thing I’m moving because I’d be tempted to kill the woman you end up with.” She drank from her beer while her free hand played with the angel hanging between her breasts.

  Cyn laughed. “You’re who I want to end up with.” he told her and kissed her parted lips when she looked up at him with a stunned expression.

  Emma responded by laying her head on his arm. He wanted her to remain there forever, didn’t want to think about a future or any kind of life without both her and Blue in it.

  While he ate, the
y discussed how Blue was doing. After they could prolong it no longer, they exited the diner and Cyn walked Emma to her car.

  Not able to wait any longer, he pulled her to him and kissed her. His hunger for her would not be denied.

  He loved the feel of her lips and the familiar softness of her body against his. He could not allow her to go.

  She wasn’t moving anywhere.

  Emma ran her hands over his shoulders up behind his head, and kissed him back with intensity. That sealed it, being apart from her was not an option. He couldn’t bear it.

  “Come home with me,” Cyn whispered in her ear.

  Emma moved back, and put space between them. “There is nothing else in the world I want more than to be with you, but it will only make it harder, later when we are forced to separate. I can’t Cyn.”

  “Emma I mean it, I want you with me.” Cyn looked into her eyes and realized he was being an idiot. He was really screwing things up.

  He took her hand, led her to his truck, and leaned against it with her in his arms. The wind blew Emma’s hair across her face. He brushed it aside and kissed her again. This time he kept it chaste.

  “With Argos’ death, I am finally able to legally adopt Blue. He is taking my last name and has decided to change his first name too. In two weeks, he will be Malcolm Fraser. He chose my brother’s name.”

  “Oh Cyn, that is great.” Emma hugged him and sniffed, a tear spilling down her cheek. “I am so happy for you and Blue. Er, Malcolm.”

  “Blue is his nickname, we’ll still call him that.” Cyn reassured her. “There’s something else that’s just as important and I hope changes your mind about leaving.” He looked into her eyes and held her face between his hands.

  “Emma, I love you. Will you marry me?”

  “I, I…. we can’t do that!” Emma gasped as she threw her arms around his neck, happy beyond belief at his declaration.

  Tell him you love him. Her heart demanded.


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