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Douluo Dalu: Volume 32: Seagod’s Trials

Page 2

by Tang Jia San Shao

  While they were talking, Fatty kept enjoying the situation on his side. He discovered that, as time went on, Bai Chenxiang’s lips gradually stopped trembling, the chill also turned warm, and even softer. He wanted to directly pull her tightly into his embrace and wantonly shower her with affection. But at this moment, Fatty’s mind was unprecedentedly clear. Vaguely, he already understood what was going on. Therefore, he still didn’t move, only only letting Bai Chenxiang’s lips cover his. This kiss seemed even more like lips touching.

  Time swiftly passed, and just as the others were preparing to give up on them and keep accepting the Seagod’s light, Fatty raised his hands, grabbing Bai Chenxiang’s shoulders and gradually pushing her off.

  Bai Chenxiang’s face was already deep red with embarrassment. When Ma Hongjun grabbed her shoulders, her heart was beating frantically, but she never imagined that this Fatty not only wouldn’t move one step further, but on the contrary push her away. Could it be her kiss was so unattractive? This was my first kiss!

  Fatty swept aside the somewhat messy hair on Bai Chenxiang’s forehead,

  “Good. Your trial is already completed. The yellow dot on your forehead is gone.”

  Just as Fatty’s words fell, a yellow halo abruptly surged out from within Bai Chenxiang. Within the radiance, a strange triangular symbol drifted out from her back, again slowly branding her back. Bai Chenxiang clearly felt the surrounding seawater seem to become friendly, everything here becoming so comfortable.

  The yellow light kept going for the time of half a stick of incense before gradually fading. Bai Chenxiang, under everyone’s amazed attention, mumbled:

  “My spirit power rose one rank.”

  Hearing this, everyone couldn’t keep their eyes from brightening. Yellow trial completion could raise one rank of spirit power, then how immense would the benefits of the even higher black and peak level trials be?

  However, before they could ponder further, they saw Ma Hongjun quickly take a few steps forward, falling to his knees before the Seahorse Sacred Pillar. As everyone watched dumbstruck, he dong dong dong knocked his head against the ground three times.

  “Lord Seagod, hereafter I am your believer! Too grateful!”

  Tang San and the others understood by now. Ning Rongrong pulled over Bai Chenxiang,

  “Xiangxiang, don’t tell me your trial was to kiss this Fatty?”

  Bai Chenxiang nodded red faced,

  “Had to kiss for one stick of incense.”

  Oscar burst into giggles, bumping Ning Rongrong,

  “Darling, I wonder if your trials have something similar. Someone with a yellow level trial had to kiss for the time of one stick of incense, then wouldn’t your peak level trial be……”

  Seeing the lewd light in Oscar’s eyes, Ning Rongrong’s face instantly also reddened, forcefully pinching the soft meat at his waist,

  “Keep dreaming. This lord Seagod really seems like a joker!”

  By now Fatty had already crawled up, rushing over to Bai Chenxiang, his face filled with grief. When Bai Chenxiang saw him she was first bashful, but when thinking of Fatty’s still quite considerate appearance before, she still didn’t have any major conflict with him. Looking at his expression, she couldn’t help asking:

  “What is it?”

  Fatty said sadly:

  “Xiangxiang, you stole my kiss, so hereafter I am yours. You have to take responsibility!”


  Bai Chenxiang then understood, this damned Fatty was actually just as bad as ever. Let alone her, the other Shrek Seven Devils all saw it.

  Dai Mubai, Tang San, Oscar, practically simultaneously kicked Fatty’s butt,



  Fatty made an exaggerated bitter wail and, with a putong sound, fell into the sea within the sea. Fortunately the place this fellow landed was close to the shore, and with a few flops, crawled up drenched through, snapping:

  “Jealous, all nakedly jealous.”

  However, as he saw Bai Chenxiang and everyone’s unimpressed expressions, he quickly shut his mouth, rushing over next to Seahorse Douluo, with an ingratiating smile:

  “Senior, please let the lord Seagod bestow me with a trial. Hereafter I am the lord Seagod’s faithful believer.”

  Seahorse Douluo looked at Fatty’s vulgar expression, and inwardly thought, ‘the lord Seagod doesn’t want you!’ But according to the procedures, he still once again condensed his spirit power, starting to commune with the Seahorse Sacred Pillar.

  As blue light shone on Ma Hongjun, this Fatty looked impatiently at the changes in the Seahorse Sacred Pillar in front of him. The magic lines appeared, and the light around Fatty changed very quickly, in just a few eyeblinks it had already changed to the black category. Seeing that black color climbing up, Fatty couldn’t help praying, ‘higher, a bit higher.’

  Only, finally he was still fated to disappointed receive a black hexagram brand on his forehead. The same as Dai Mubai and Oscar, he also had black level six tests. Ultimately he didn’t reach the degree of Ning Rongrong’s peak level seven trials.

  By now, among the eight, only Tang San and Xiao Wu still hadn’t received the the tests bestowed by the Seagod’s light. Tang San handed Xiao Wu to Ning Rongrong’s care, while he walked alone up to the Seahorse Divine Pillar, bowing slightly to Seahorse Douluo,

  “Senior, please.”

  Among the eight, the one that interested Seahorse Douluo the most was also Tang San. Even now he didn’t know what level Tang San’s strength was. He didn’t talk either, immediately urging his spirit power and starting the day’s seventh Seagod’s light.

  Blue illumination quietly immersed Tang San’s body, but strangely, after this blue light shrouded him it didn’t start quickly changing color like it did for the others, still remaining blue. But the light grew stronger and stronger.

  It was the first time Seahorse Douluo had ever seen anything like it, and he didn’t understand why the blue light didn’t start changing either, even the weakest spirit master would still at least receive a white level trial, and the youngster in front of him clearly wasn’t lacking strength.

  Just as everyone were quietly astounded at the Seagod’s light failing to change color, the blue light over Tang San transformed. It didn’t change color, but rather changed in number. The originally one beam of blue light suddenly split into two, the other light shifting sideways, just falling on Xiao Wu whose arm was being held by Ning Rongrong.

  The blue light trembled slightly, shaking off Ning Rongrong, then brought Xiao Wu back to stand next to Tang San.

  Such a bizarre scene immediately made Dai Mubai, Oscar and the others’ hearts leap up. Xiao Wu had already lost her soul, how could she pass a trial? Even the simplest white level trial would be extremely difficult for her to complete. Furthermore, why did the Seagod’s light suddenly split, and pull Xiao Wu over to accept a trial with Tang San?

  Just at this moment, the blue light around Tang San still didn’t change, but the light around Xiao Wu began to quickly transform.

  Blue turned to white, then again quickly changed to yellow, and further to purple without pause.

  Right now, Tang San’s complexion had also changed. He wanted to throw off the blue light around him, but discovered that he couldn’t even move a finger. Even though he didn’t feel any pressure, illuminated by that blue light he still couldn’t do anything. He could only watch the vacant Xiao Wu stand next to him in the constantly changing light beam.

  When black appeared, the Shrek Seven Devils’ complexions had all grown unsightly. None of them feared any difficult trials, but Xiao Wu was the exception. She had already lost her own soul! How could she accept the Seagod’s trial? Moreover, if a black level trial couldn’t be completed, it would only end in death.

  The black magic lines on the Seahorse Sacred Pillar kept climbing. Dai Mubai and the other’s couldn’t help it, and thought to charge forward, but with a wave of Seahorse Doul
uo’s right hand, an azure barrier of light blocked their path forward. That wasn’t just Seahorse Douluo’s own strength, but also drew support from the Seagod’s power contained within the Seahorse Sacred Pillar. Let alone Dai Mubai and the others having far from enough strength, even if it was a Title Douluo here, they still wouldn’t easily be able to break down this barrier.

  The black magic lines still kept climbing. Tang San’s anxiety was like his five organs burning, hut he was still unable to keep that black light from spreading.

  Very soon, those black magic lines had already climbed to the same black level six tests position as Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun and Oscar had. The Shrek Seven Devils, besides Tang San and Xiao Wu who couldn’t move, the others subconsciously clenched their fists.

  However, their shock still hadn’t ended. The black light suddenly leapt up, again becoming that beautiful crystalline red. A line of red light also soared, piercing the sky.

  That light the color of blood instantly rose up, making the quiet blue sky flash with bloody light.

  Peak level seven tests, another peak level seven tests. Not only the Shrek Seven Devils were stunned, Seahorse Douluo was also gaping widely by now. How many years had it been since the appearance of the peak level seven tests? Today two appeared in one go. What was most difficult for him to understand was that this white-clothed, vacant faced young lady hadn’t said a thing since coming here. Her aura wasn’t weak, but her mind was so weak it was close to nonexistent. Judging by the expressions of the others, there was definitely something wrong with this girl. A person like this could also receive the peak level seven tests?

  However, scenes that were even more shocking to Seahorse Douluo followed. WIth a flash of red light, a red light screen appeared in front of Xiao Wu. Unlike Ning Rongrong who had seven, just a single screen appeared in front of her. One red. Light shone, and disappeared into Xiao Wu through her forehead, turning into a red dot and adding some luster to her complexion that could already outshine flowers.

  Peak level one test? Seahorse Douluo stared stupidly at Xiao Wu. In his memory, peak level trials appeared very rarely to begin with, but never had there been just one trial. Moreover, even as the main examiner, he still couldn’t clearly see what Xiao Wu’s one trial was about. These eight foreign land spirit masters seemed to be synonomous with “overturning”.

  The red light disappeared into Xiao Wu’s forehead, but the light beam didn’t vanish, only the red light on the Seahorse Sacred Pillar gradually faded. At this moment, the radiance around Tang San also began to change.

  If the light could be said to change gradually when the others received the Seagod’s light, then, the light enveloping Tang San changed by leaps and bounds.

  Blue, white, yellow, purple, these four colors flashed past as one, extremely fast, even so much that it gave people a kind of dazzling feeling. Even purple and black changed in just a split second. The next moment, the black magic lines climbed with astonishing speed, so fast that surpassed everyone else who had taken the trial.

  “Heavens, don’t tell me it’s another peak level trial?”

  Seahorse Douluo was discovering that his heart couldn’t take this kind of provocation. As the protector of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, let alone him, none of the seven great sacred pillars had ever faced a scene like this.

  However, the shock didn’t lessen because of Seahorse Douluo’s changing mood, but on the contrary rose to an unprecedented peak.

  Those black magic lines smoothly passed the two thirds point on the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, the black color turning blood red, blood colored magic lines abruptly appearing, and moreover, this time the blood colored lines not only leapt up from that point, but rather instantly shot to the peak, directly to the tip of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar.

  A humming sound like a whimper of the sea echoed from the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, and immediately afterward, an enormous blood red beam of light, ten times that triggered by Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong before, shot to the sky.

  The sea within the sea churned. At this moment, giant waves up to hundred meters tall abruptly rose from the entire sea within the sea, rising perpendicular to the surface. Amidst the giant waves, intense blue light erupted.

  The changes still hadn’t finished, the entire Seagod Island seemed to shudder along with the red pillar of light shooting up, and the Shrek Seven Devils immediately saw six equally enormous blood colored pillars of light shoot to the ski. The six beams of light converged to one point in the sky, and the next moment, the blood color faded, and from the point where they met, a dazzling golden beam of light fell from the sky.

  Everyone and everything entered a state of absolute stillness in this moment, only that splendorous light fell, like the focus of the sea and heaven.

  Chapter 219: Nine Tests of the Seagod, Mark of the Trident

  Prior to this Tang San had also seen golden Spirit Power before, most clearly from the Six Winged-Seraphim Spirit of Qian Ren Xue. However, the feeling this golden light gave was completely different. This light was filled with a grand and majestic benevolence. In the moment that it appeared, the whole Seagod Island, regardless of whether it was the Shrek Seven Devils, the forest, the hills or the seas, everything had been completely bathed in this golden light. Even the Oceanic Spirit Masters, the members of the Shrek Seven Devils and even Bai Chenxiang, all of them were covered by this special gold light.

  However, this golden light had one spot it did not reach, which was the spot under the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, where the slightly dazed Tang San stood.

  Such a magnificent sight, was nothing less than a marvel of nature, could it be, that in this world there truly were gods? This was the question Tang San was contemplating in his heart.

  That golden light beam gave him a very strange feeling, as if something in this body had been moved, following closely after, nine golden light screens appeared in the air in-front of him. The first one had the brightest shine whereas the other eight were slightly darker. Without allowing Tang San much time to think, these screens of light flew like golden shooting stars into his forehead directly.

  Immediately, a huge amount of information poured directly into his head, these information were all blurred together of which only one portion could be clearly deciphered. Tang San understood, this had to be also why Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai had sat down to ponder earlier.

  Instantly, in his mind which had been filled by that vast golden light, Tang San could feel a special kind of sobering energy fluctuations all throughout his body. It was as if he was immersed in some sort of cool liquid which gave him an immeasurable sense of comfort. Subconsciously, Tang San could feel that due to this golden light some subtle changes have occurred in his body. What exactly it was he could not tell, but that feeling was extremely mystical, as if his optimising his bodily functions, an unspeakable comfort.

  Unconsciously he let out a mouthful of foul air. Appearing to be the foulness in his body after being purified by the golden light.

  As the golden light slowly faded, starting from the skies and then the seas, it began to diminish from all directions. Where Tang San’s body was the final end point of the golden light. And the point where all the golden light converged was precisely his forehead. There, what remained was not a faint star mark, but rather the mark of a golden trident. The faint trident brought to Tang San a feeling of majesty and class. Although he was just standing there, the trident made him give off the feeling of overseeing all.

  Slowly opening his eyes, Tang San realised that his originally clear blue eyes had become even clearer, lifting his hand, he subconsciously touched his forehead. Towards the completely dazed and statue-like Seahorse Douluo, Tang San asked: “Senior, if the red coloured one is the highest level test, then what kind of test is this golden one? And I think it seems that I need to actually pass nine tests in order to complete it.”

  The Seahorse Douluo forcefully shook his head. Carefully he looked at Tang San, what he saw was the still shimmering golden mar
k of the trident. That’s right, this was really not a dream.

  “That too I don’t know.” These five words seemed to have been spoken by the Seahorse Douluo with great difficulty.

  Tang San looked at Seahorse Douluo with bewilderment, saying: “Then what about her? Why would the situation occur where she actually has a top tier single test?” Taking over Xiao Wu, as the golden light around him vanished, the red light around Xiao Wu had also disappeared, leaving only that small round dot.

  Seahorse Douluo stared deeply at Tang San. “Why a top tier single test appeared, I also do not know. But I can tell you what this test of hers is. And although it is only one test, it definitely has the difficulty befitting a top tier test. And that is because her test is to stay by your side, as you complete your nine tests.”

  After listening to the words of the Seahorse Douluo, Tang San gaze didn't waver, he did not think that the Seagod’s test would actually have such a development, but the Seahorse Douluo’s words were unable to help him relax much either. As long as he was able to help Xiao Wu, he could be at ease. At least it was still better than having Xiao Wu to face her test alone.

  “What a pretty trident. Third brother, you have become more handsome.” Ning Rongrong could not help but praise.

  As Tang San could not see his own appearance. “Trident? Are you saying that the mark that appeared on my forehead is different from you all?”

  Ning Rongrong nodded, saying: “It’s different. On your forehead is a golden trident, and its very pretty. It looks rather high class actually.”

  Tang San was somewhat speechless, yet with some hope in his heart he once more asked the Seahorse Douluo, “Senior, can you please try once more to recall what that golden light from before represented? Am I going to have to face nine top tier tests?”

  Just as the Seahorse Douluo was about to speak, an extremely carefree voice came from the distance, this voice seemed to come from the divine realms itself, beautiful and divine yet also filled with benevolence.


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