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Douluo Dalu: Volume 32: Seagod’s Trials

Page 4

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Tang San scratched his head, as calmly as usual, seeing the rest of the group look at him with envy, “The first test, Traversal, twice of the Seagod’s light, the instructions are to head to the Forbidden core of the Seagod Island and climb to the three hundred and thirty third steps. Then you will be deemed to have passed the test. You can quit midway and the time limit is one year.”

  Ma Hong Jun asked stunned: “Isn't it supposed to be double? Why is yours actually triple the number of steps?”

  Tang San bitterly smiled as he replied: “How would I know. However, this is not the time to discuss this. Since all our tests are about the same, we can make some simple guesses. From the name and contents, we can guess that the first test should be having us pass through some special defensive formation of the Seagod Island’s forbidden core. It should probably be something similar to the light we saw the Seahorse Douluo used to block the skies today. And this Seagod’s light from the Seagod Island’s Forbidden Core should be something surpassing even that. If we want to pass it, we probably would have to endure some great pressure.”

  The group all nodded their heads, while Ning Rongrong bitterly said, “I actually thought that my test was the same as yours, but it is actually different as well, what I need to traverse of the Seagod’s Light is actually up till the hundred and thirty sixth step. This should be the difference between the top tier and black tier test.:

  Oscar held Ning Rongrong’s arms and said: “No problem, it’s only until the hundred and thirty sixth step anyway, I will accompany you all the way.”

  Just as they were speaking, Tang San’s eyes suddenly flashed, “I suddenly thought of a problem. If the Seagod’s Light is used to prevent invaders from entering, and would give us pressure when we step onto the steps. Then would this pressure help stimulate our potentials? If it does, then this first test of ours would be a good thing for all of us.”

  The Shrek Seven Devils are all smart people, as they exchanged glances, they instantly understood Tang San’s meaning, Oscar said: “After we’ve rested, we can go take a look. As it seems, one year might be too short. But from the Seahorse Douluo’s expression, it might not be simple as it seems to pass this test. So it is better that we make use of all the time we have to clear it.”

  Tang San nodded his head, his gaze turned towards the Bai Chenxiang whose face was still red sitting in the corner, saying: “Xiangxiang, you have to come and advance together with us.”

  Bai Chenxiang was thinking about her problems as she suddenly heard Tang San call her name, slightly startled she quickly replied with “Okay.”

  Just as the group was talking, a purple robed Oceanic Spirit Master came to the third floor and told the group that lunch was ready and invited them to have their meals.

  The place where they ate was the first floor, while the Seahorse Douluo had already left leaving the instructions to Tang San’s group that if there was anything they needed they could just directly request it from these purple robed Oceanic Spirit Masters.

  Lunch was extremely sumptuous, and was much better than the food back at the Purple Pearl Pirate Group. With lobsters spanning two feet long, and king crabs with a diameter a foot long, in addition to various shellfish, fish and some vegetables forming their staple.

  The food at the Purple Pearl Pirate Group was very normal, today they only had a simple breakfast before they painstakingly traveled to Seagod Island. Without holding back they all ate in big mouthfuls, only Tang San could still be considered fairly civilised, as he still had to take care of Xiao Wu.

  Xiao Wu ate some of the greens before Tang San brought some of the lobster and crab meat to her mouth which she slowly ate. These seafood were all extremely fresh and delicious yet nutritious at the same time.

  Tang San was the last to finish eating, seeing everyone’s satisfied expressions, he smilingly said: “It would seem that the treatment here is not bad! Should we go and check out the Seagod’s Light tomorrow or should we just go this afternoon?”

  Dai Mubai said: “Let's go in the afternoon, what Oscar said earlier was right. We came here to train ourselves, we should not waste time. Since we just ate, after a two hour rest our body conditions should be more or less optimised, then we can go and have a look.”

  The group all nodded their agreement, and went back to their individual rooms. Since they were leaving in just two hours time, Tang San did not hand Xiao Wu to Ning Rongrong and just brought her back to his room.

  Supporting Xiao Wu to sit on the sofa, Tang San’s brows furrowed, in front of his companions he had not said this, but he was actually extremely worried for Xiao Wu’s condition. Xiao Wu’s Top Tier Single Test was to accompany him as he completed all his tests. This also meant that her test was linked to his own. If he had to face an enemy, he could still fight but he could still protect Xiao Wu while doing so. However, for this test of traversing the Seagod’s Light, how would he help her? Xiao Wu’s body was being unable to withstand the pressure and running into trouble was something he did not wish to have to face.

  Holding Xiao Wu and letting her comfortably lean in his embrace, he kissed her smooth forehead as his gaze gradually turned determined. He would definitely not allow Xiao Wu to run into any danger, ‘let me bear everything this time’.

  Two hours later.

  The Shrek Seven Devils once more entered the Third Level, and at the same time brought over one of the purple robed Oceanic Spirit Masters.

  “These distinguished guests wish to enter the Forbidden Grounds?” Hearing the group’s intention to head to the Seagod Island’s Forbidden Core, this over fifty year old purple robed Oceanic Spirit Master was extremely shocked.

  Tang San said: “It is actually like this, we have accepted the Seagod’s tests and the first one is to traverse the Seagod’s Light. As such we have no choice but to trouble you and bring us to the Seagod Island’s Forbidden Core.”

  Only now did the purple robed Oceanic Spirit Master understand, hurriedly he said: “All right then, then let me bring these distinguished guests ahead. May I ask if you all have any other needs?”

  Tang San shook his head signifying that there were none.

  Under this purple robed Oceanic Spirit Master’s lead, the group headed out of Seahorse City, directly out of the city area.

  As they walked, Dai Mubai asked Tang San with some bewilderment: “Little San, is this not too easy? The place we want to go to is the forbidden grounds, why would this purple robed Oceanic Spirit Master simply bring us there without asking any more questions?”

  Tang San replied: “Easy? The simplicity now would just show how difficult our test is going to be. If I am not wrong, this purple robed Oceanic Spirit Master being so willing to bring us to the forbidden grounds could be due to several things. Firstly, it is perhaps due to the marks on our foreheads. If I am not wrong the Seagod’s tests all take into account the strength and potential of the one taking it, for us outsiders it should also be the same. Whatsmore the high level tests we have been given even surprised the Seagod Douluo. As such, they perhaps not have much doubts about us. In reality we are also not intending to bring harm to the Seagod Island anyway. Secondly, since we are heading to the forbidden grounds to perform the first test, this should imply that the Seagod Island’s Forbidden Core’s defences should be extremely shocking which should include this Seagod’s Light we have to withstand.

  * * *

  [1] Ou Ya - (欧亚)

  Chapter 220: Seagod’s Light

  Tang San’s blue eyes glinted,

  “Mubai, I don’t know whether you’ve noticed, but when this purple clothed sea spirit master heard about our first trial, his eyes revealed a somewhat pitying light. You can imagine the dreadfulness of that Seagod’s Light.

  Dai Mubai smiled in spite of himself:

  “Little San, amazing as always. How about this, afterwards you bring your Tang Sect to the Star Luo Empire. You can have any minister post you want, what do you think?”

  Tang San smiled:
  “You want to lure me in? Aren’t you afraid the Heaven Dou Empire will fight you? Shifting the Tang Sect over to your Star Luo Empire isn’t any easy matter.”

  Before he left, in emperor Xue Ye gifting him the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud, as well as Xue Bing’s manner, one could faintly see the emperor’s meaning of support. No matter from which point of view, it was impossible for Tang San to leave the Heaven Dou Empire for Star Luo. He could not only consider himself, but also the reactions of the whole Tang Sect and the Heaven Dou Empire.

  Dai Mubai sighed, saying:

  “It seems I can only lament that Shrek Academy wasn’t established in our Star Luo Empire.”

  Away from Seahorse City, the purple clothed sea spirit master said to everyone:

  “The way from Seahorse City isn’t a short distance. All honored guests, should we move a bit quicker?”

  Tang San asked:

  “How far is it from here?”

  The purple clothed sea spirit master said:

  “The forbidden grounds is within the ring shaped sea at the center of Seagod Island. From here it’s about two hundred li.”

  Hearing what he said, everyone had an understanding of the area of the Seagod Island. This immense island unexpectedly had a diameter of four hundred li. It clearly showed its size.

  “Then we’ll hurry up, we’ll trouble you to lead the way.”

  Even though two hundred li wasn’t too far, it might still take at least a day. Only travelling at full speed could they reach it in a short time.

  When the purple clothed sea spirit master asked, he had turned to Tang San, clearly because of that golden trident mark on Tang San’s forehead. With Tang San’s agreement, this spirit master immediately released his spirit. White, yellow, purple, purple, purple, black, black, an astonishing seven spirit rings appeared. He was unexpetedly a Spirit Sage level power.

  After he released his spirit, his whole body was covered with fine scales, his whole body glinting. Since he didn’t make it clear, everyone didn’t know what spirit this was. After gesturing to everyone, this purple clothed spirit master abruptly accelerated, the way he moved extremely peculiar. His legs practically didn’t leave the ground, but the pace of his steps was extremely high, and he shot forward like an arrow.

  Nobody dared be neglectful, also releasing their own spirits. Bai Chenxiang spread her wings, chasing after that purple clothed Spirit Sage in practically just a flash. The others weren’t slow either, simultaneously releasing their spirits and accelerating, dashing forward.

  For a short time after the purple clothed sea spirit master sped up, he feared everyone wouldn’t be able to keep up, after all, even though Seahorse Douluo had told them these people were respected guests, they were still too young. But after he turned to look, he couldn’t help drawing a cool breath. No longer holding back, and accelerating with full force. Leaving the deepest expression in his mind was naturally Tang San, with a golden trident brand on his forehead, and enveloped by a bright red spirit ring.

  Very soon, the Shrek Seven Devils came to experience some of the difference between sea spirit masters and land spirit masters. Generally, after spirit masters reached the Spirit Sage level, they would undergo a qualitative leap. This bit was the same for both sea spirit masters and land spirit masters. Consequently, as a Spirit Sage, this purple clothed sea spirit master definitely had much stronger spirit power than they did. However, as he accelerated at full force, let alone agility attack type Zhu Zhuqing and pure speed type Bai Chenxiang, even the others could very easily keep up. The strength sea spirit masters could display on dry land really couldn’t compare to land spirit masters. Only the ocean was their true stage.

  As a result of such circumstances, everyone basically followed this purple clothed sea spirit master at full speed. To ordinary people, two hundred li might take two days on foot, and a full day even on horse. But to high level spirit masters travelling at full speed, it was just the work of a couple of hours[1]. They’d rested a couple of hours after lunch, and since it was now winter so it got dark early, consequently, as the sun set in the west and the horizon was lit by red clouds, the Shrek Seven Devils arrived at their destination.

  Passing through another dense grove, as the purple clothed sea spirit master halted, the Shrek Seven Devils were already stupefied by the scene before them.

  The gleaming reflection of the setting sun off clear and crystalline waves caused countless specks of light, and encircled by that ring shaped sea was a small island. The terrain on the island was very high, up to five hundred meters or so. Most astonishing was that the little island was enveloped by a layer of faint golden light. Even though it wasn’t intense, the Shrek Seven Devils still saw that it absolutely wasn’t the light of the setting sun, but rather the luster of that little island itself.

  At the peak of the little island was a building as if sculpted from white jade, square, domed, from where they stood they could only make out that the outside was one giant white rock pillar after another. And the quality of all of it was sparkling and translucent, filled with a divine radiance.

  “This is the forbidden ground?”

  Dai Mubai muttered.

  The purple clothed sea spirit master’s eyes were filled with piety,

  “Yes, this is the forbidden ground of our Seagod Island, the revered lord Seagod’s Hall, it’s the only building at the peak of the Seagod’s Peak. It’s also the true Seagod’s Island, also known as the island within the island. Please look, in front of you is a flight of steps on the island. That is the place you must pass your trial. Altogether one thousand one steps. Only Seagod Island protectors who have passed the lord Seagod’s purple level trial or higher are entitled to enter the Seagod’s Hall to worship. Otherwise, they will be obstructed by the Seagod’s Light. If everyone wants to attempt to pass the trial, go right ahead. I will wait for you here. But please by no means cause a racket, so as not to disturb the lord Seagod.”

  Everyone looked in the direction he indicated. Sure enough, a flight of stairs spread downwards from just in front of the Seagod’s Hall, shining under the light of the sunset. The white stone steps reflected the light, and looked just like jade the whole way up the Seagod mountain.

  Looking face to face, the Shrek Seven Devils were just about to set out when that purple clothed sea spirit master hastily said as if recalling something:

  “Honored guests, when you begin your trial, if you can’t do it then don’t force it. As long as you retreat down the mountain, you naturally won’t be harmed. The Seagod’s Light might be the only one of your future trials that is without danger, so there’s no need to be too restrained.”

  Tang San nodded with a smile:

  “Many thanks for your directions. Only, there’s no need to wait for us here. We don’t know how long it will take to pass this trial. We’ve brought rations.”

  The purple clothed sea spirit master hesitated a moment, but still said:

  “Doesn’t matter. Everyone don’t mind me. Actually, to be able to be tried by the lord Seagod’s light is a good thing. Only black level trials will have this opportunity. Without the lord Seagod’s permission, us sea spirit masters who have already passed the trials can’t enter the range of the forbidden grounds.”

  Hearing him say this, Tang San’s heart moved slightly, no longer saying anything else, he called out to his comrades, and held Xiao Wu’s slender waist, taking the lead to leap up, going straight for that ring shaped sea.

  The sea ring was about two hundred meters wide, and the waves weren’t large. Rather than calling it a sea, it was more accurately a ring shaped lake. Of course, the water was still sea water, it was unknown how it entered the island.

  This time it wasn’t Seahorse Douluo’s trial for them, so everyone had a much easier time reaching the Seagod mountain. Those who could fly flew, those who couldn’t only needed to rely on Oscar’s flying mushroom sausage to reach the other bank.

  As everyone flew over the ring sea, they sud
denly discovered that within its range, apart from Bai Chenxiang, everyone began to emit faint light.

  Among them, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun emitted black light, while Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu now had a red luster. And Tang San’s body had a faint golden light. The light was exactly the same as what their trials had finally stabilized on.

  When such a light appeared on their bodies, the purple clothed Sea Spirit Master on the shore suddenly changed expression, calling out,

  “Not good.”

  However, he was still too late. As the Shrek Seven Devils and Bai Chenxiang entered the range of the ring sea, suddenly, everyone simultaneously felt an indescribable pressure abruptly rush out from the ring sea below them. Immediately afterward, an enormous shadow broke the surface, directly targeting Bai Chenxiang.

  That was a fish, about five meters long, teeth like long pikes in the front of its mouth, practically a third of the length of its body. After it suddenly leaped up from the water, its whole body glinted with black light, once again accelerating, charging at Bai Chenxiang like a black bolt of lightning.

  Tang San and the others had never expected an attack like this, and Bai Chenxiang also flew furthest ahead, there wasn’t enough time to help her.

  Fortunately Bai Chenxiang had followed the Shrek Seven Devils in this time, and had grown a lot no matter whether in knowledge or practical experience. Suddenly having a bad feeling, she abruptly swayed once in midair, forming a sharp corner, dodging the black lightning bolt attack by a narrow margin.

  The Shrek Seven Devils had naturally also heard the purple clothed sea spirit master’s shout from the shore. At this time, they revealed their ability to react.

  Tang San temporarily handed over Xiao Wu to Ning Rongrong’s care, and the next instant, he relied on teleportation to reach Bai Chenxiang. A Blue Silver Emperor flew out, wrapping around her waist, tying her up behind him. At the same time, a Spiderweb Restraint flew out, enveloping that sea spirit beast in midair. The others also swiftly followed. Dai Muba, Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing formed a triangular defensive formation around Oscar, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu.


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