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In the Dark

Page 2

by Alana Sapphire

  “Right to the point. I like that. Well, the answer is simple, Miss Black.” I lean forward, cross my arms on the desk, and stare into her captivating eyes. “I asked you here because I wanted to see you.”


  Oh, Heavens above! Don’t toy with me! Did I hear him right? He wanted to see me? I shake it off. It could be business related, though I don’t see how. I swallow hard and attempt to find out more.


  “This is not business related, Miss Black.” His lips curl up into a smirk.

  Could this man be any sexier? “Sir…I don’t understand.”

  “Let’s just say you left quite an impression on me Friday night. I wanted to ask you if you would accompany me to dinner this evening.”

  Oh, God. Yes! “I don’t think that would be appropriate, sir,” I say instead, wondering how I even managed to form the words.

  “I have spent the entire weekend thinking about the propriety of the situation. Frankly, I don’t care.”

  He spent the weekend thinking about me? “What…what about your policy?” And mine.

  “It’s more of a preference than a policy.”

  I’ve been dreaming about this day for a year. Why am I hesitating?

  “Trust me, Miss Black. Your answer will have no bearing on your job. I am not that petty.”

  “No, that’s not it.”

  “Then, what’s the problem? Are you not attracted to me?”

  Are you fucking kidding me? “No, that’s not it either.” I look away in embarrassment.

  He raises a curious brow. “So you are?”

  Shit. A blush spreads over my entire body. Am I attracted to him? Is water wet?

  “I have a policy of my own about…socializing with people at work, especially my bosses.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  He leans back and steeples his fingers, contemplating my reply. After what seems like eons, he rises from his chair and walks to where I’m sitting. My gaze travels over him as he approaches. His suit fits as if it was molded for his body, and his blue tie is a perfect match to his eyes. He’s a vision. A vision who’s now sitting next to me.

  “I understand that I’m putting you in a difficult situation, but I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t think you’re worth it.”

  “I am?”

  He takes my hand in his and lightly runs his thumb across my knuckles.

  “I think so, yes.”

  Oh, shit! I’m trying to remain calm but having him so close is wreaking havoc on my senses. The way my body is reacting to his touch, I think I might come right here, right now. “I…I’ll have to think about it.”

  “Okay, Kelly. Do you mind if I call you Kelly?”

  “Yes, sir.” I catch myself, realizing my mistake. “I mean, no. I don’t mind.”

  “Good. I hope to hear from you very soon.”

  Bringing my hand up to his lips, he places a soft kiss above my knuckles. I watch him, lips parted, mouth dry. When he stands, so do I. He leads me to the door, my hand still in his.

  “Good day, Kelly.” He releases me and opens the door.

  “Good day, sir.”

  I stumble out of his office and almost run to the elevator. Thankfully, Martha isn’t at her desk, because I’m not in the frame of mind to answer any questions. In the elevator, I think about the conversation I just had, and pinch my arm in disbelief.

  “Ow!” Well, I’m wide awake. I want this more than anything but I can’t rush my decision. I’ve fantasized so many different scenarios of how we would end up together, and now that it’s happening, I have no idea what to do. I have to think about my career. If I get involved with him, any achievement would be perceived as me sleeping my way to the top. I can’t let that happen. I won’t.

  I finish Walter’s presentation, email it to him, and head home. Trying to figure out my next move keeps me up most of the night. I wish I could talk to Rosa but it might be best not to involve anyone else. When my alarm sounds in the morning, I’m still no closer to a solution. The devil on my left shoulder says ‘fuck propriety and get your man!’ The angel on the right says ‘this time, I must agree with him’. With a heavy sigh, I get ready, and head to work.

  As I settle in at my desk, a young man walks in, carrying a bouquet of pink roses.

  “Miss Black?” he asks with a polite smile.

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “Then these are for you, pretty lady.”


  “Yes, ma’am. Just sign here.”

  I sign the handheld device and he hands me the flowers. He nods and is gone before I can even give him a tip. I bury my nose in the flowers and remove the attached card.

  Meet me at the Blue Marlin.

  Tonight. 9 pm


  R? Rick? Oh, my God! I thought he would have given me more time. My heart leaps at the prospect of seeing him outside of the office. I have to go. I can’t not go. I mean, I should at least hear him out, right? No matter what happens, I can’t turn down a date with Rick McAllister.

  I’m already planning my outfit when Walter waddles in. The only word I can find to describe him is ‘rotund’. He’s short, almost bald, and wears thick, tortoise shell glasses. I can’t even tell what color his eyes are. He’s a sweetheart, though, and only a few weeks from retirement so that makes him even more easy-going. I hope his replacement won’t be an ogre.

  “Good morning, Kelly!” he greets me with a jovial grin.

  I flash him a bright smile. “Good morning, Walter.”

  “Well now, roses?” His eyes widen as he notices the bouquet on my desk. “Who’s the lucky man?”

  “There’s no name on the card.” What? It’s true.

  “A secret admirer! Although I’m sure you have a lot of those. Why, if I was thirty years younger I’d snatch you up myself!” He chuckles and I can’t help but smile. If only he knew the deserted wasteland that is my love life.

  “And what exactly are you snatching, Walter?”

  We both turn to see Rick waltzing toward us, and I jump to my feet nervously. He strolls in with that confident air of his and takes my breath away. His grey, pinstriped suit fits immaculately, as usual, outlining his amazing body. Holy fuck, he’s gorgeous!

  “McAllister, what brings you all the way down here?” Walter smiles and extends his hand to Rick.

  He takes it with a smile. “Oh, nothing really. Just passing through.” Then, he glances over at me with a curt nod. “Miss Black.”

  I want nothing more than to throw myself at his feet in worship, but I restrain myself. Barely. Instead, I stand rooted to the spot.

  “Good morning, sir. May I get you gentlemen some coffee?”

  “No, thanks. I’m not staying,” Rick answers.

  “In that case, see you around, Rick,” Walter says as he walks to his office. “You can bring mine right on in when you’re ready, darlin’.”

  “Yes, Walter.”

  Closing his door, he leaves me alone with Rick. His smile fades and he regards me with furrowed brows.

  “Does he make a habit of flirting with you?”

  That caught me off guard. Could he be jealous? “Walter? He’s harmless.”

  “Yes, well…” he quickly regains his composure. “I just came by to see if you received my gift.”

  “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”

  He nods in satisfaction and turns to leave. At the door, he faces me once more with a smirk. “One more thing. Don’t keep me waiting, Kelly.” He turns, walking off with his hands in his pockets.

  Don’t keep him waiting. I know he’s not just talking about our date tonight. He wants an answer, and soon.


  I slip into my dress and scrutinize my reflection in the mirror. The fitted, scoop neck, mini dress with cap sleeves fits like a glove. It was an impulse purchase but now I’m glad I bought it. Every woman needs a few little, black dresses, don’t they? The shoulders are adorned with tarnished gold sequi
ns, which is one of the main reasons it ended up in my closet. The sales girl at Guess had raved about how they match my eyes. I keep my makeup to a minimum as I usually do, because my eyes already draw enough attention to my face. Letting my hair down, I watch it cascade down my back, and to my waist. I finish the outfit with gold stud earrings, a gold bracelet, and black stilettos. After a bit of my favorite perfume, I grab my clutch and coat, and then I’m out the door.

  I can barely contain my excitement as I drive to the restaurant. How many girls get to go on a date with their dream man? Not that I expect anything to come of it, but still. I have a date with Rick McAllister! I do my little happy dance in my seat.

  When I pull into the parking lot, excitement turns to anxiety. The clock on the dashboard says it’s eight-fifty. Good. I’m not late. I check my reflection in the visor mirror one last time, take several calming breaths, and exit the car. Before I can reach the entrance, a man calls out to me.

  “Miss Black?”

  I stop dead in my tracks and slowly turn toward the voice. The strange man approaches me carefully, with a questioning look on his face.

  “Yes?” I answer nervously, looking around. Thankfully, the parking lot is busy.

  He smiles. “I’m Charles. Mr. M asked me to escort you inside, ma’am.”

  “Mr. M?” I’m pretty certain that stands for ‘McAllister’, but I have to be sure.

  “Mr. McAllister. He’s waiting for you inside.”

  He offers me his arm, and I glance around again before slipping my hand around the crook of his elbow.

  “Thank you, Charles.”

  I study him out of the corner of my eye. He’s probably mid-forties, tall, skinny, and bald. That’s all I can make out, but he throws me a kind smile, and I begin to relax.

  “You’ll be entering through a private entrance, so don’t be alarmed.”

  He leads me to the side of the building and knocks on a metal door. It swings open, and the man on the other side allows us to enter. We then walk through a dark corridor until we’re standing in front of another door labeled ‘Private’. Charles knocks, opens it, and ushers me inside. In the corner of the room, there’s a solitary booth. Rick, sexy as ever, is seated in that booth, watching me. It seems he came straight from the office because he’s still in his suit from earlier. He’d removed his jacket and tie, and the top buttons of his shirt are undone. Taking a deep breath, I walk toward him.


  I let out a sigh of relief. She came. I wasn’t sure she would, but she’s here. Sliding out of the booth, I meet her in the middle of the room.

  “Thank you, Charles.” The man bows and retreats, closing the door behind him. I turn my attention back to the beautiful woman next to me. “Hello, Kelly.”

  “Hello, sir...I mean, Rick,” she answers timidly.

  “May I take your coat?”

  Stepping behind her, I help her out of the garment. As it slides off her body, I take in her delicious curves. Damn! What I wouldn’t give to have her under me right now. When she turns around, my eyes slide up to her face, and I think I may just have a heart attack.

  “You are gorgeous, Miss Black.”

  She blushes and looks away in embarrassment. “Thank you.”

  “Shall we?” I motion to the booth.

  When we’re both seated, I fill our glasses with my favorite champagne – Krug Clos d’Ambonnay. I notice she’s staring at the wall like she did before.

  “Kelly, look at me.” She slowly turns her head in my direction, and her teeth are worrying her bottom lip. “There’s no need to be nervous. Stop chewing your lip.”


  “Why are you apologizing?”

  “I must seem like some naïve schoolgirl.”

  “It’s a little refreshing,” I admit with a smile. “The women I usually encounter can be too abrasive for my tastes.”

  She gives me a weak smile, and then takes a sip of her champagne.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I already ordered.”

  “No, not at all.” She shakes her head.

  “I’ve been asking myself why, how I’ve never seen you before.”

  She shrugs. “It’s a big company.”

  “I suppose. Still, an entire year…” I shake my head in disbelief. She was right under my nose this entire time and I had no idea.

  “You’re a busy man.”

  “Well I need to slow down then. I’ve been missing one hell of a scenery,” I reply, doing nothing to mask my approval as I stare at her.

  She blushes again and drops her gaze. My eyes travel over her body, and I lose the fight in resisting her. Her lips are begging to be kissed. Moving closer, I stroke her cheek with the backs of my fingers.



  Don’t hyperventilate! As Rick moves closer, I get a whiff of his scent. It’s spicy and woodsy and heavenly and…it’s driving me crazy! His hand on my cheek is creating total chaos with my body and mind. I can see his lips moving but I don’t hear a word he’s saying. Focus!


  “Yes?” I blink up at him.

  “Would you object if I kissed you?”

  Holy Mary, mother of God! His voice is making love to my ears. This is what I’ve been dreaming about. If I do it, there’s no turning back. I can’t speak so I nod instead.

  “You would?” He smirks, knowing that’s not what I meant.

  I swallow, trying to find my voice. “I mean no…I wouldn’t object.”

  “I can’t do it if you’re chewing your lip.”

  I didn’t even realize I was doing it, but I let it slip from between my teeth. As he leans in, I close my eyes. The butterflies in my stomach flutter away. Dear, God, please don’t let my heart give out. It’s also possible I will spontaneously combust and kill us both. Fuck.

  The moment his lips touch mine, I turn to liquid against him. I bury my fingers in his hair and moan. The hand on my cheek slips around my neck and massages my nape, while his other hand slides up my thigh. Slowly, his lips move over mine, kissing each in turn. He lingers on my bottom lip, gently sucking, and nipping it with his teeth. When he moves to my top lip, I suck on his bottom one. He squeezes my thigh and deepens the kiss, his tongue seeking entry. I gladly allow it in. A shiver darts up my spine as our tongues touch. The butterflies in in my stomach promptly turn into eagles, spreading their majestic wings. I lean into him, and at the same time, pull him closer. My fingers swim through his hair as I taste him. It’s a taste I know I could never get enough of.

  Fuck! Where’s a bed when you need one? I’ve always known it would be like this if we came together – explosive, earth shattering passion. There is no way this isn’t meant to be.


  I never engage in public displays of affection, but what the hell? She already has me breaking one of my rules, why not another? Then again, there’s no one else around so technically, we aren’t in public. I couldn’t help myself. As my tongue delves into her sweet mouth, I don’t regret my decision. The little whimpering sounds she makes only fuel my desire. Everything about her seduces me, even her scent. Whatever it is, I would buy a million bottles so I can smell it on her. Her thigh is firm yet supple beneath my fingers, and I wish they were wrapped around me right now. The thought drives my movements, and I ravage her lips with a hunger I haven’t felt in a long time. Leaving her lips, I move to her neck. Her head falls back with a moan, serving up her delectable skin.


  When she whispers my name, something inside me burns to life. My hands move of their own accord, sliding over her curves toward her breast. Before they reach their destination, I remember where we are. I don’t want to, but I know I have to pull back. I break the kiss and look down at her through desire-laden eyes. Hers slowly flutter open, and the golden pools greet me.

  “Your eyes are magnificent,” I tell her.

  “So are yours. They’re like…the deepest part of the ocean.”
br />   “I must say, I’ve never heard that comparison before.”

  I put some distance between us to avoid ravishing her in the back room of The Blue Marlin. A knock on the door interrupts us, and a waiter enters with our appetizer.

  “Oysters?” She raises brow when he sets it on the table.

  “Oysters Rockefeller. They’re my favorite. I always have it when I come here.”

  “I’ve never had them.”

  I watch in amusement as she gingerly picks one up and tries it. Damn, she even eats sexy.

  “It’s delicious!” she raves with wide eyes.

  “I’m glad you like it. We will be coming here regularly.”

  Her smile fades, and she folds her napkin, placing it on the table.


  “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “I haven’t made a decision yet.”

  “But I thought…how much time do you need?”

  “What do you need, Rick?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What are you looking for?”

  He sighs and leans back on the leather seat. “We’re both adults here. Do I need to spell it out for you?”

  “If it’s just a quick roll in the sheets…” my heart won’t stand it. “I’m not that kind of girl.”

  “I see.”

  “I don’t think you do. If I get involved with you, I’ll either be seen as a gold digger or a slut trying to sleep my way up the corporate ladder.”

  “And you care that much what people think?”

  “When it potentially affects my career? Yes.”

  He smiles, attempting to lighten the mood. “I think we’re both getting a little ahead of ourselves here. For now, we’re just having dinner. You don’t have a problem with that do you?”

  “I think we just did a lot more than that.”

  “Don’t make this difficult. It really isn’t,” he says, sighing in annoyance.

  “Very well, Mr. McAllister. I’ll make this very easy for you.” I stand, pick up my coat and clutch, and head for the door.


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