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Goat Castle

Page 26

by Karen L. Cox

  Associated Press, 124

  Atlanta Journal Constitution, 104

  Atlantic Monthly, 7

  Audubon, John James, 8

  Austin, H. L., 107

  Bahin, Charlie, 70, 71

  Baker, Duncan, 39, 187n11

  Baker, Mrs. H. L., 139

  Baker-Grand Theatre, 71, 142, 187n11

  Ballistics tests, 93, 95, 100, 137, 140

  Barnum, P. T., 8

  Belgium, Merrill (Ayres) as ambassador to, 21–22, 104–5, 184n10

  Bell, Abigail, 54, 188n4

  Bennett, Bob, 158

  Benoist, E. E., 136

  Bertillon, Alphonse, 82–83

  Better Homes and Gardens, 148

  Black, James, 53, 54, 56–57

  Black, Nellie Smith: arrest of, 5, 90, 93; birth of, 54; boarders in home of, 57, 61, 89; after Burns’s release from prison, 173; in Burns’s trial, 140; family of, 54, 55; interrogation of, 93; marriage of, 54; as material witness, 100; on night of murder, 64; photographs of, 55, 91; time spent in jail, 93, 100, 102, 131; in Wells’s retelling of murder, 150–51; work as laundress, 57

  Black Codes, 58

  Black newspapers, 108

  Blacks: coded language used for, 81; in criminal justice system of South, 2–3, 78, 81, 90, 100, 107; employment opportunities for, 56–57, 172; Great Migration of, 12–13, 53, 60; nicknames and aliases used by, 58, 65, 190n4; population in Mississippi, 58; in Reconstruction era, 58–60; in Union army during Civil War, 11; women (See Black women)

  Blacks, in Natchez, 53–62; in Burns’s trial, 136; community of, 54–56; employment opportunities for, 56–57, 172; after end of slavery, 12–13, 55–56; memory of Merrill murder among, 173; in middle class, 13; population of, 55, 61; residential segregation of, 54–56; sharecropping by, 12, 13; as suspects in Merrill murder, 78, 81, 88; in tourism industry, 7, 148; as witnesses in Merrill murder, 95–96, 100, 136

  Black women: citizenship rights of, 100; double standard for, 99–100, 173, 195n32; employment options for, 57, 172; in Parchman prison, 161; stereotypes of, 151; vs. white women, as ladies, 99–100

  Blue and the Gray, The (magazine), 45

  Blues, 164

  Bluff City Undertaking Company, 57, 189n13

  Bowers, Mary, 162

  Boyd, Willie, 1, 69–71, 78, 191n14

  Boyt, E. C., 87, 185n34

  Brandon, Gerard, 133, 134, 152, 155–56

  Brandon and Brandon (firm), 152

  Brewer, Earl, 128

  Bristow, Gwen, 106, 120–22, 160, 197n9

  Brown, Joseph, 81, 82, 132–33, 199n5

  Brown, Sterling, 14

  Bruce, Blanche, 60

  Bulger, Thomas, 45

  Bullwhip, in Burns’s interrogation, 96, 136, 138, 141

  Burns, Edward, 57, 189n12

  Burns, Emily (“Sister”), 90–91; birth of, 53, 54; boarders in home of, 57, 61; church of, 3, 56, 102, 161, 167, 174; death of, 4, 174, 203n10; in Dockery’s trial, as witness, 157, 158, 164; education of, 56, 57; family of, 53–54, 55, 56–57, 188n4; grave of, 3; home of, 166–67, 173–74, 200n23; life after prison, 4, 166–67, 173–74; marriages of, 57, 174, 189n12; at Parchman prison, 3, 146, 161–66; photographs of, 55, 91; physical appearance of, 57, 133, 161, 199n9; suspension of sentence and release of, 4, 165–66, 173; Williams’s introduction to, 58; Williams’s move into home of, 5, 58, 61–62; Williams’s relationship with, 5, 62; Williams’s threat against, 65, 90, 98, 190n5; work as laundress, 53, 57–58; work as seamstress, 167, 173

  Burns, Emily, in Merrill murder: as accessory to murder, 100, 132, 133, 143, 158; arraignment of, 133; arrest of, 2–3, 5, 90, 93, 97; attorney for, lack of, 93, 131; charges against, 97, 100, 131; confession of, 5, 96–102, 135, 144; fingerprints of, 98, 102; grand jury indictment of, 132–33; innocence of, 5, 145–46, 165–66; interrogation of, 93, 95–98; in jail awaiting grand jury, 102, 131; press coverage of, 104, 107–8; in reenactment of crime, 101–2, 137, 142; role of, 64–68, 145–46; treatment in jail, 96, 99–100, 136, 138, 141–42; as victim, 173

  Burns, Emily, trial of, 133–46; attorneys appointed for, 133, 157; ballistics in, 137, 140; Burns’s confession in, 135, 144; Burns’s testimony in, 141–42, 144; conviction in, 144–45; death penalty in, 134, 144–45; fingerprints in, 140–41; insanity defense in, 137, 138–40, 143; jury in, 5, 134, 142–45; as only trial for Merrill murder, 2–3, 133; planned robbery of Merrill in, 143; records of, 199n3; reenactment of crime in, 137, 142; sentencing in, 3–4, 144–45, 200n43; spectators at, 134, 137; speed of, 5, 133, 142, 144, 145; start of, 134; suspension of sentence after, 4, 165–66, 173; testimony of witnesses in, 134–41, 158

  Burr, Aaron, 8

  Callon, Sim, The Goat Castle Murder, 14–15

  Capital punishment. See Death penalty

  Car(s): of Merrill, 30, 87, 185n34; tourism by, 7

  Catholic Church, 13

  Catton, Bruce, 104, 105

  Census, U.S., 12

  Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, 39, 111, 186n8

  Chancellor, James: breakdown of, 84; in Burns’s trial, 140–41; career of, 80, 192n12; in murder investigation, 80, 81, 83–84, 94, 97, 100, 102

  Charleston Daily Mail, 104

  Chew, J. C., 41–42

  Chicago: Merrill murder investigation in, 92–95, 137; Williams’s life in, 5, 53, 60–61, 94, 194n19

  Chickens, at Glenwood, 31, 48

  Christ Church (Alexandria, Va.), 36–37, 112

  Citizenship, black, 58, 60, 100

  Civil rights, 100, 131, 174

  Civil War: black soldiers in, 11; Dockery family affected by, 40–42; Merrill family affected by, 17–20; Natchez in, 11–12, 18–20, 25–26; Port Gibson in, 37–38, 40; Vicksburg in, 17–18, 37, 40, 42

  Clark, W. E., 137

  Clothes: of Dana, 75, 78, 109, 128, 129, 159; of Dockery, 158–59; of Merrill, 29, 105; of Williams, 68, 98, 135, 138, 139

  Cohn, David, 7

  Community memory, of Merrill murder, 3, 173

  Comstock School for Girls, 41, 113

  Concordia Parish, La.: Merrill family plantations in, 19, 22, 31, 66, 95; slave population in, 12

  Confederate army: defeat of, 12; Dockery (Thomas) in, 40–43; at Port Gibson, 37; at Vicksburg, 17–18

  Confederate guerrillas, 20, 25

  Congress, U.S.: on African slave trade, 10; on Reconstruction, 60

  Connor, Mike, 165

  Contraband, slave, 20

  Corban, Robert: arraignment of Burns by, 133; arraignment of Dana and Dockery by, 155; in Burns’s sentencing, 145; in Burns’s trial, 134, 137, 144; in civil lawsuit against Roberts, 156; in Dockery’s trial, 157, 159–60; in Geiger’s trial, 157; instructions to grand jury by, 132

  Corn Products Refining Company, 61

  Cotton industry: Merrill family in, 19–20; in Natchez economy, 8, 9, 12; slaves in, 9, 53–54; Surget family in, 17

  Cotton Kingdom, 1, 12, 19

  Cousins, marriage of, 24

  Crime stories, popularity of, 4, 103–4

  Criminal justice system, of Jim Crow South, blacks in, 2–3, 78, 81, 90, 100, 107

  “Crimson Crime at Glenburney Manor, The” (Wells), 14, 150–51

  Curtis, Zula, 61, 89–90, 136, 158

  Cutrer, Richard, 85–86, 95

  Dana, Charles, Jr. (brother of Dick), 35, 37, 38–39

  Dana, Charles Anderson, 35

  Dana, Charles Backus (father of Dick), 35–38, 36, 48, 112, 118, 122

  Dana, Dick (Richard Henry Clay), 35–51; birth of, 38; black community’s interactions with, 172; in boardinghouses, 39, 46, 112; childhood of, 5, 38–39; civil lawsuit against Roberts, 147, 151–56; clothes of, 75, 78, 109, 128, 129, 159; death of, 170; diary of, 47, 187n12; Dockery on marriage to, 171; Dockery’s introduction to, 39; education of, 39, 111, 186n8; family of, 35–39, 112; feud with Merrill, 4, 30–34; grave of, 3, 170; guardianship of, 3, 31, 48, 112, 186n37; home of (See Glenwood); income of, lack of, 47; injury to fingers of, 39, 80, 112, 187n10; mental health pr
oblems of, 30–31, 47–51, 109, 186n37; music career of, 39, 112, 125–28, 187n11; nicknames for, 65, 154–55, 190n4; photographs of, 110, 126, 148; physical appearance of, 50, 109, 159, 190n10; public performances by, 125–29, 154–55; radio broadcast by (proposed), 127–28, 195n33; in tourism at Glenwood, 124–29; after trial, life of, 169–71; Williams’s introduction to, 62, 63, 89, 190n1

  Dana, Dick, in Merrill murder, 75–86; as accessory to murder, 155–56; alibi of, 79–80; arraignment of, 155; arrest of, 2, 4–5, 75, 154, 155; attorneys of, 84, 85, 155–56; Burns’s confession on, 97–98, 100–102, 135; charges against, 4, 81, 97, 101; claims of innocence by, 81–82; clothes of, 75, 78; as early suspect, 4–5, 75, 78–80; fingerprints of, 4, 81–82, 84, 90, 100, 102, 141; grand jury on, 132–33, 156; indictment of, 132–33, 147, 155–56, 199n5; jailhouse photos of, 6, 109–10, 110; local sympathy for, 84–86, 115; press coverage of, 2, 5–6, 81–82, 104, 108–12, 159; questioning of, 69, 75, 79–80, 82, 84, 191n13; release from jail, 86, 93, 97, 99, 115, 132, 156–57; Roberts on guilt of, 82, 97, 129, 147, 154; role of, 63–69, 146; trial of, 156–57, 160; in Wells’s retelling of murder, 151

  Dana, Elvira Close, 37–39, 186n8

  Dana, Richard Henry, 35

  Darrow, Clarence, 84

  Death penalty: in Burns’s trial, 134, 144–45; in Dockery’s trial, 159–60; by hanging, in Mississippi, 134, 199n10

  Delta Times-Democrat, 171

  Dickson, Archibald: as custodian of Glenwood, 118–19; and Dana and Dockery’s release from jail, 86; at Forman’s boardinghouse, 39, 46; and reenactment of crime, 101; on visitors to Glenwood, 118–20, 124

  Doane, George, 21

  Doane Academy, 184n9

  Dockery, Ann, 40

  Dockery, Frederika Toelle, 41–42

  Dockery, John, 39–40

  Dockery, Laura West (mother of Octavia), 40–41, 42, 45–46, 113

  Dockery, Nydia (sister of Octavia). See Forman, Nydia Dockery

  Dockery, Octavia, 39–51; birth of, 39, 41, 43; black community’s interactions with, 172–73; as boarder on Pine Street, 47, 188n38; on Burns’s conviction, 147; childhood of, 41–43, 113; civil lawsuit against Roberts, 147, 151–56, 160; clothes of, 158–59; Dana’s introduction to, 39; death of, 171; after death of sister, 47–48, 114; education of, 41, 113; family of, 39–43, 113; feud with Merrill, 4, 30–34, 51; Geiger’s lawsuit against, 102; grave of, 3, 173; as guardian of Dana, 3, 48, 112; home of (See Glenwood); income earned by, 47, 50–51; living with Formans, 39, 43, 46–47; on marriage to Dana, 171; Merrill’s lawsuits against, 32–34, 51; as “Mistress of Goat Castle,” 3, 109, 173; nicknames for, 65, 154–55, 190n4; photographs of, 44, 110, 148, 152; physical appearance of, 43; public performances by, 128–29, 154–55; Reed’s courtship of, 44–45, 187n29; on theft at Glenwood, 119; in tourism at Glenwood, 119, 124–29; after trial, life of, 169–71, 173–74; wealth of family of, 40; Williams’s introduction to, 62, 63, 89, 172, 190n1; writing career of, 44–46, 114

  Dockery, Octavia, in Merrill murder, 75–86; as accessory to murder, 155–56; alibi of, 158; arraignment of, 155; arrest of, 2, 4–5, 75, 154, 155; attorneys of, 84, 85, 155–56; Burns’s confession on, 97–98, 100–102, 135; charges against, 4, 81, 97, 101; claims of innocence by, 81, 153; as early suspect, 4–5, 75, 78–80; fingerprints of, 4, 81–82, 84, 100; grand jury on, 132–33, 156; indictment of, 132–33, 147, 155–56, 158, 199n5; jailhouse photos of, 6, 109–10, 110; local sympathy for, 84–86, 115; press coverage of, 2, 5–6, 85, 104, 108–15, 159, 197n29; questioning of, 82; on reenactment of crime, 101; release from jail, 86, 93, 97, 99, 115, 132, 156–57; Roberts on guilt of, 82, 97, 129, 147, 154; role of, 63–69, 146; trial of, 156–60, 164; in Wells’s retelling of murder, 151; on Williams’s role in murder, 101

  Dockery, Thomas Pleasant (father of Octavia), 39–43, 113, 187n24

  Dogs: owned by Merrill, 65, 66, 69; in search for gun, 87; in search for Merrill’s body, 74, 75–77, 136

  Domestic work, by black women, 57, 172

  Dumas, A. W., 139–40

  East, Charles, 14, 194n13, 199nn2, 5

  Elmore, Sarah, 140, 200n27

  Elms Court: architectural style of, 17; changes in ownership of, 29; McKittrick family at, 106, 120, 124; as Merrill’s home, 11, 13, 28; spelling of name, 183n10; tourists at, 124; as wedding gift to Merrill’s parents, 17

  Engle, C. F., 156

  Europe: Merrill family in, 21–22; tourists from Natchez in, 9

  “Fall of the House of Usher” (Poe), 118, 198n9

  Farris, Laurin, 138, 191n16

  Faulkner, William, 4, 150, 169, 197n9, 201n3

  Ferguson, Odell: arrest of, 78; as early suspect in murder, 77, 78; on first encounter with Dana, 35; interrogation of, 78, 82, 102; on night of murder, 77, 99

  Ferries, across Mississippi River, 7

  Fields, Clifford, 140–41

  Fingerprints, 80–84; of Burns, 98, 102; in Burns’s trial, 140–41; of Dana, 4, 81–82, 84, 90, 100, 102, 141; of Dockery, 4, 81–82, 84, 100; and grand jury, 100; of Minor, 95; O’Neill on, 83–84, 95, 97; third set of, 82, 87, 92, 94; of Williams, 92, 94

  Fire, at Rhythm Club, 166

  Fiveash, W. D., 88, 91

  Floyd, Alonzo, 77, 78, 95

  Ford, Henry, 7

  Forks of the Road (slave market), 10, 11, 13, 54, 56

  Forman, Nydia Dockery: childhood of, 41–42, 113; Dana in boardinghouse of, 39, 46, 114; death of, 47–48; Dockery living with, 39, 43, 46–47, 113; at Glenwood, 46–47, 114, 197n33; marriage of, 42–43

  Forman, Richard: Dana in boardinghouse of, 39, 46, 112; death of, 47–48, 114; Dockery living with, 39, 43, 46–47, 113; at Glenwood, 46–47, 114, 197n33; marriage of, 42–43

  Forman, Sadie, 39, 47, 188n36

  Fort Rosalie, 8

  Foster, Stephen, 128

  France, Merrill family in, 22

  Franklin, Isaac, 10

  Franklin and Armfield, 10

  Freedmen’s Bureau, 60

  Friedman, Sophie, 85, 129

  Garner, Amelia, 61, 91, 94, 194n13

  Gayoso de Lemos, Manuel, 8

  Geiger, John: arrest of, 78; on black suspects, 78, 81; departure from Skunk’s Nest, 50–51, 65, 75, 78, 102; injury to hand of, 90; interrogation of, 78, 82; lawsuit against Dockery, 102; overcoat of, 50–51, 65–66, 75, 78, 79; on trial for desertion of children, 157

  Geisenberger, Abraham, 32, 34, 134

  Geisenberger, Wilfred A., 133–45; appointment as Burns’s attorney, 133; career of, 134; cross-examination of Stone by, 135–36; defense presented by, 137, 138–42, 143, 145; instructions to jury by, 143–44; pleas for mercy by, 145, 200n43

  Gibbons, James, 24

  Gibson, Charles Dana, 35

  Glenburnie (Merrill’s home): cash kept at, 63, 66; Dana and Dockery’s fingerprints in, 4, 81–82; Dockery’s hogs at, 31–34; location of, 29; Merrill’s purchase of, 29; Minor’s inheritance of, 95; Minor’s move into, 106; Minor’s nightly visits to, 1, 29, 34, 63; photograph of, 64; size of, 31, 66

  Glenwood (“Goat Castle”), 118–29; admission charged for, 124–27, 148, 150; blood found inside, 79; changes in ownership of, 50; Dana and Dockery as squatters in, 5–6, 48, 50, 157; Dana and Dockery’s move into, 30–31, 47–51, 114, 197n33; Dana family’s purchase of, 38; Dana’s childhood in, 5, 38–39; Dickson as custodian of, 118–20; dilapidated condition of, 6, 48, 84, 118, 120; Dockery as mistress of, 3, 109, 173; Dockery’s five-year lease on, 49–51; Formans living in, 46–47, 114, 197n33; goats at (See Goats, at Glenwood); hogs at, 31–34, 51, 63, 67, 73; location of, 30; Minor’s purchase of, 30–31, 47, 49; nicknames for, 2, 6, 65, 154–55, 190n4; photographs of, 49, 121, 123; press coverage of, 104, 120–22; property tax payments on, 5, 30–31, 47, 49, 170; razing of, 171; residents of (See Dana, Dick; Dockery, Octavia); size of, 38; theft at, 118–19, 153; tourists at, 84–85, 118–20, 124–29, 148–50, 149; after trials, life at, 169–71; Zerkowsky mortgage on, 157, 169–71

  Gloucester, 29

; Goat Castle. See Glenwood

  “Goat Castle murder,” 2, 6

  Goat Castle Murder, The (Callon and Smith), 14–15

  Goat Castle Murder, The (Llewelyn), 15

  Goats, at Glenwood: Dockery’s acquisition of, 31; on Glenburnie property, 31, 51, 63, 67, 69, 75, 79, 82; inside house, 6, 48, 114, 120, 125, 148; after murder trials, 169, 170; photographs of, 148; press coverage of, 6, 104, 120–22, 125, 148; tourists and, 125

  Goldberger, Louis, 85

  Goldberger, Mollie, 85

  Gone with the Wind (Mitchell), 13

  Goodman, Walter, III, 25

  Goodman, Walter, Jr., 20, 24–25, 184n7

  Goodman, Walter, Sr., 184n7

  Goodman and Merrill (firm), 20, 184n7

  Grand jury: Burns and Black in jail awaiting, 102, 131; evidence presented to, 100, 132; first meeting of, 132–33; indictments by, 132–33, 156; judge’s instructions to, 132; preparation for meeting of, 102

  Grant, Julia, 21–22

  Grant, Ulysses S.: in Civil War, 17–18, 19–20, 37–38, 42; death of, 42, 187n24; European tour by, 21–22

  Great Depression: Burns in, 58; Parchman prison in, 162–63; popularity of true crime stories in, 4, 103–4; tourism during, 7; unemployment in, 61, 62; Williams in, 5, 61

  Great Migration, 12–13, 53, 60

  Greek Revival architecture, 2, 17

  Green, Birdia, 173

  Grist, Nellie, 107, 170

  Guns, in Merrill murder: ballistics tests on, 93, 95, 137, 140; in Burns’s trial, 137, 140; number of shots fired, 190n9; owned by Merrill, 67, 68, 87; owned by Williams, 66–67, 68, 88, 93, 100, 137

  Habas, Jeanette, 171

  Habeas corpus, 85–86, 93, 97, 100, 132

  Hacher, M. C., 1, 69–70, 191n14

  Hanging, capital punishment by, 134, 199n10

  Harbor View (Newport), 20

  “Held by the Enemy” (Dockery), 45

  Henry Street settlement, 23–24

  Henslee, Robert, 87–88, 108, 138

  Hinds County jail: Burns in, 97, 100; Newell in, 97, 100

  Hogs, at Glenwood, 31–34, 51, 63, 67, 73

  Holy Family Catholic Church, 13, 56, 173

  Hoover, Herbert, 104

  House, William, 97

  Housing, segregation in, 54–56

  How the Other Half Lives (Riis), 23


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