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Inside, Pt. 3

Page 49

by Kyra Anderson

  “I should not have been so weak…b-because of me…people are dead…changed…h-how could…”

  I rub my hand over her arm, reestablishing touch after our departure from the meeting hall. I remain silent, letting her cry and babble against me, offering comfort and drawing her close slowly, putting pressure on her shoulder that brings her closer to me.

  She cries for seven minutes, releasing tension in her body that had been there for months, apparently, and her entire being weakens in exhaustion. I pull her closer and closer, until she has one hand on my leg, my own hand covering hers while the other strokes her shoulder. I am no longer pulling. I am merely trailing my fingers over her skin, gently pushing the edge of her sleeve upward.

  Becca started to lift her head every now and then to wipe the tears away, which was a sign she was calming.

  I watch her as she finally lifts her head to look at me, our faces close. I hold back every part of me that wants to leap forward and attack her right then. I had to make her come to me…

  I look down at her parted lips before looking at her eyes. She is watching me through red, puffy eyes and I am forced to look at her lips again to avoid reacting to the pathetic expression on her face.

  I lean closer, our breaths mingling in mid-air, and I wait…

  Within moments, she closed the gap between us, kissing me slowly once before pulling her lips away, shaking.

  “I’m sorry…” she breathed.

  “Don’t be…” I assure, my fingers once again trailing over her shoulder.

  “I’ve been so confused ever since entering the Commission…” she whispered. My fingers are gentle, barely touching enough to be registered on her skin. Her eyes close and she swallows hard. “…it’s like…I-I can’t think straight…”

  “I know,” I breathe, my fingers closing around her shoulder and gently insisting she move closer again. “I went through the same thing…”

  This time, I kiss her once…twice…feeling her soft lips on mine. There is a part of me, a hungry part, that wants to force her down and take her, but there is a bigger part of me that is enjoying the tantalizing dance. I am delaying my own gratification.

  Her breath shudders out of her. I am close to winning. As expected, I feel a small amount of resistance starting to bubble up in her. She breaks the kiss and looks at me with a shy, frightened smile.

  “I’m sorry… I…I shouldn’t…”

  “Stop apologizing,” I say, lifting my hand with hers in my grasp and gently running my thumb over the side of her hand. “I am actually very happy that you’re here with me…”

  “You…you are?”

  “I am…” I nod, finally working our hands properly so we can lace our fingers together. Her hand is shaking, but the adrenaline is causing her body to go hot, which makes me realize I am winning. I feel my power over her.

  I tilt my head, knowing that she needed to close the distance this time.

  As scripted, she did.

  Her other hand came to my neck, pulling me closer as her lips worked against mine. Surprisingly, she was inexperienced, clumsy and rushed. Enjoying the slow dance too much and not caught up in the moment like she was, I move my hand to her neck as well, softly moving my thumb over her skin, urging her to calm down and take things slow. My lips move slower, trying to calm her frantic body.

  Funny…I had wanted her to surrender to me, and now I wanted her to slow down.

  I guess it makes sense, making her want me, leaving her wanting more…

  Taking a small chance as she starts to slow down, I push gently, guiding her to lay back on the bed, moving as slowly as I can so I don’t startle her. She continued to kiss me, her hand wrapped around the back of my neck as I settled over her.

  While I had no experience kissing women, I did not think there was anything different about the way her lips moved. The motions were a little more hesitant, but the actions felt no different from a man.

  Until I lower my body to rest on hers, allowing our chests to touch and causing a surprisingly tactile sensation, so intense that she broke the kiss and gasped, her eyes tightening.

  I kiss her cheek, moving down to her neck, intent on keeping her intoxicated while I explore the differences between sex with men and sex with women. This is practice for the future. Maybe I could even succeed with the red-head Veronica, who Dana had failed to seduce, if I had the right kind of practice.

  “Lily, wait…”

  I hesitate, rising to look at her as she licked her red lips and tried to catch her breath.

  “I-I don’t think this is a good idea…”

  Deciding against words, I sit back on her hips and begin pulling the blazer over my shoulders, tossing it to the side. Her eyes are watching me intensely and I immediately understand Dana’s sense of power. I smile and reach down, grabbing her hands and raising them to my chest, placing her hands at the button for my blue blouse.

  She hesitated, and then slowly worked the first button open.

  I raise off her hips when I feel her try to move, allowing her to sit up and continue her work as I place my hands on her shoulders, keeping our lips apart while she took control of unbuttoning my shirt.

  Of course, I was in control of the situation completely. I was pulling her strings, feeding off her fear, confusion, and need of companionship.

  She pulled the tails of my shirt out of the waistband of my skirt and slid the fabric from my shoulders. I shiver from the smooth feeling of her hands and the fabric moving down my arms as she moved forward toward my blue bra with black lace, pressing her face between my breasts for a brief kiss. I take control, pushing her insistently down on the bed.

  She blinked, surprised, but not opposed.

  My hands move from her shoulders, over her breasts, gently squeezing them and opening my mouth to swallow the moan that bubbled out of her. My right hand moves to the side of her dress, immediately locating the zipper I had spotted earlier, allowing my finger to trail along the skin as the side of the dress was opened.

  Becca shivered. The fear was back. There was apprehension in her features. Needing her to remain calm for only a little while longer, I kiss her, deftly moving my hands to pull the shoulder strap over her head, breaking our kiss for only an instant.

  When I pull away, my hands are at either side of her body, sliding the dress down, over her bust, down the smooth curve of her waist, and over her full hips. I lick my lips as I stare at her rounded hips, understanding immediately what Dana meant about a woman’s body.

  Quickly sliding the fabric off her and allowing it to drop to the floor, I move back to her mouth, sliding my chest along her skin, letting her feel the contours of the bra’s lace, smiling to myself as I think of how quickly this was going to change without her knowledge.

  I occupy her mind with our kiss, pushing my tongue into her mouth and tasting the spearmint toothpaste she had used a few hours before, probably just before the Commission meeting. She does have a slight chemical taste from lip gloss, but I choose to ignore it, focused intently on grabbing her hair with one hand while the other uses two fingers to stroke up the side of her thigh, over the lace of her panties, and up her side to her breast, which I palm through her simple bra.

  I can tell that her brain has completely shut off. She is completely in my domain now, but she has only just surrendered. I need to keep her there and get all her barriers down, so that she won’t fight me.

  I press my breasts to hers, rubbing them over her as she moans into my mouth. I can almost taste the adrenaline and pleasure coursing through her.

  It would appear that she is a virgin.

  Or at least a virgin to being with a woman. Surprising and yet not surprising, considering her tastes.

  I try to recall all the places Dana has found on me that make my hair stand on end and my blood sing in bliss, pressing the pads of my fingers into the side of her breast as I gently squeeze. She has really nice tits, now that I’m actually playing with them. They’re soft, warm and cause t
hose cute little sounds in the back of her throat that empower me further.

  I reach around her back with one hand, hooking under her, unclasping the bra, pulling away from her mouth to remove the lingerie. She is self-conscious and looks away from me quickly as I toss the bra to the side, somewhere far away.

  Both of my hands cup her breasts, moving them in circles, squeezing gently. She moaned, her eyes sliding shut and she bit her lip, trying to stop the sounds coming out of her. I smile at how easily she has succumbed, how much she is enjoying my ministrations. I turn my nails to her skin, gently pushing them down her breasts, scraping over her nipples, which makes her back arch high off the bed. Her nipples are far more sensitive than mine, which makes me want to explore them, fascinated with the reactions.

  With one hand on the right breast, I pull the left breast up, squeezing it to form a peak before closing my mouth around the nipple. One of Becca’s hands flies down to her side, gripping the bed spread, while her other hand moves to my hair, running her fingers through the strands and holding me to her chest.

  I roll the small nub in my mouth, sucking before pushing my tongue back around the sensitive center. She is so responsive, so incredibly turned on, that when I shift to the right breast, my leg falling between hers and pressing against the junction of her legs, her reaction is almost violent.

  She lets out a choked cry and her back arches off the bed, forcing my head upward and I break away from her breast, smiling as she tries to catch her breath.

  Her hips are rocking, rubbing her panties along the edge of my skirt, desperate for friction. I let her writhe, allowing her to lose herself while I reach for the skinny belt on the skirt.

  I extract her hand from my hair as she grinds against my thigh, kissing her palm to soothe her before looping the thin belt around her wrist, grabbing her other hand bringing them both above her head, wrapping them together. When I pull the two ends tight, she gasps and her eyes snap open, her hips still moving in wonton circles, possessed.

  There’s a stronger fear now. She knows she’s vulnerable, and now that her hands are tied above her head, she’s more vulnerable.

  We stare at one another for several long moments. Her movements slowly begin to cease, and I know she can feel the change in my energy.

  Wanting to throw her more off-balance, I return to my treatment of her breasts, causing her to start moving against me again, trying to ease the feelings inside her. She knows she should run, I can tell with the way her muscles quiver. Her brain and her instincts were telling her to leave, knowing things were about to get dangerous, but her body was begging to stay for the attention it had never known.

  I move to her sternum, kissing and lapping at the spot between her breasts before sliding my tongue down the center of her abdomen, moving my arms to rest behind her bent legs, hooking around her thighs and hips as I drop to kneel next to the bed, pulling her hips a little and settling my face between her thighs.

  I stare at the wet spot on her panties and smile, seeing the reaction I was able to draw from her. However, she is tense, looking down at me, frightened at what I would do next.

  I lean forward and gently kiss her panties, pressing my tongue to the already wet fabric and ripping a startled shout out of her as her head falls back onto the bed, thrashing back and forth.

  I hook my fingers in the waistband and pull the last scrap of fabric from her, dropping it to the floor.

  She moves her arms down immediately in an attempt to cover herself, but I grab her wrists, moving back up her body and pinning them above her head. She’s frightened again. I’m dominating her and she is not entirely sure she can trust me. I smile and shake my head slowly, before reaching back with my other hand and pulling my tight skirt up to rest on my hips, exposing the matching panties and stockings I am wearing. I have really come to love stockings.

  Pushing my hips forward, I come into contact with her and she gasps, her hands going up to grab at anything, so I have to push them back down to the bed. I rub myself against her. I am turned on myself, but I am not the same type of slave to my passions as I was before. Where I would lose my mind and reasoning when I was turned on. Now, I was always turned on, and just had to find the right way to sate myself.

  I smiled, watching her writhe and shake as I thrust against her, rubbing both our sensitive bodies together in a slow, agonizing rhythm.

  A few more thrusts later and my pet lets out a frustrated sob.

  “Do you want more?”

  She cannot say anything, her eyes tightly closed, but she lets out a whimper in answer.

  “Feel everything…” I whisper, pushing a little harder in my thrusting.

  She gasped and choked back a moan.

  I stop moving and her eyes flutter open. I smile, reaching down to finger the wet lips, parting them. She looks at me nervously, her expression curious and unwilling to stop, but frightened to continue.

  I push my middle finger into the tight warmth. She gasps and cringes a little, confused by the pressure.

  “So tight…” I breathe. I crook the finger forward, searching for a particular spot…

  She wails in confusion.

  There it is.

  I crook my finger over and over again, feeling the sensation building in her. Her body is producing so much lubricant that it’s easy for my finger to move. I pull it out only long enough to insert another finger into her with the first. She gasps again and her body moves awkwardly, unsure how to react.

  “You’re dripping wet…” I grin, watching my fingers move in and out of her. She moans again, though she looks uncomfortable. “Do you want more?”

  She shakes her head quickly, knowing that pain would come if I inserted a third finger. I look at the tight cavity my fingers are moving in and out of and sigh. “You know, you’re going to have to know at some point…”

  I add another finger, forcing it in, even though I meet resistance from her body. She lets out a cry and her face contorts in pain.

  “It only really hurts the first time…” I assure. “Well…that’s not entirely true,” I admit. “But you’re so wet down here, you’d be ready to take a man…”

  Her eyes fly open and that is my cue.

  I remove my fingers and stand, grabbing my clothes. For those few stunned moments that Becca remains on the bed confused, I stride to the door and open it. As soon as it was open, she began to scramble, trying to untie the knot I had purposely made lower than her fingers could reach.

  “Quincy?” I ask sweetly, turning to the guard who jumped to attention outside the door. “Can you do something for me?”

  He glances at me and then peers around the door jamb.

  “She’s all yours,” I smile, stepping aside and letting him in the room. “I prepared her for you. She said she doesn’t like men, so I figured I would give her a helping hand in getting ready.”

  “Lily, what the fuck?!” Becca wailed, clamoring off the bed and attempting to find a way out as she tried to untangle her hands.

  “It’s Miss Sandover to you,” I correct coldly, watching Quincy advance. “Trust me, you’ll feel better once you get it over with. After all, it’s all the same in the end whether it’s a cock or a pussy you get off with, right?”

  I close the door behind me after hearing a scream. I smile and walk down the hall, swinging the blouse and blazer over my shoulder, walking to the first room and tossing my blouse on the bed. I cannot hear anything from the other room, which makes me intensely curious about what is going on in the room I just left.

  I fix my hair, combing through the messy parts with my fingers before swinging the blazer over my shoulders and closing the three buttons, leaving a little peek of the blue lingerie underneath. I smile, fixing my skirt and necklace.

  I pass through the halls toward my destination, finally turning and knocking on a door.

  “Come in.”

  I open the door and smile at the man who is sitting, startled, at the desk.

  “Miss Sandover�

  “Sean,” I grin. “Don’t worry, I’m not here for you. Actually, I am hoping that you can take Miss Davis home. She’ll be ready in about five minutes in my old room.”

  “Your old…” He stopped, his eyes going wide. “Lily, what did you do?”

  “Don’t worry so much,” I wink. “You’ll know soon enough…”

  I walk out of the office, moving across the hall to another door, not even bothering to knock. Dana is sitting at his desk, expecting me, tapping his finger on the arm of his chair.

  “I must applaud you, Little Lily,” he grinned wickedly. “That was superbly executed.”

  “I learned from the best,” I say, walking to him as I unbuttoned the blazer, flashing the bra to him.

  “Is that her punishment?” Dana pressed. I grin and lean against the side of his desk.

  “Yes,” I nod. “I don’t remember what happened. I just know that I was furious with her about something at some point in time. It’s not important anymore. But she knows what she did…and she’s going to think that’s what that was about, and she will turn that over and over in her head…”

  “Bravo…” Dana breathed proudly.

  “Now, I want a reward.”

  “Come and get it.”

  I did. I crawled into his lap and enjoyed the rough play we had taken part in so many times. There was nothing like enjoying one another as equals, feeling the clashing power in both of us. Even as I tried to choke him, he did not flinch away, responding by biting my neck hard enough to draw blood, and thus heightening our pleasure.

  When I finish refastening the final snap over my stockings, Dana is motioning for me to follow him.

  “I have another reward for you for playing Miss Davis so perfectly,” he said, crooking his finger in a similar motion to earlier.

  I giggle and hop off the desk, buttoning my blazer again.

  “You certainly are spoiling me,” I say, following him out of the office and toward the back of the Commission. “Did Bryant Morris give you all kinds of goodies when you became Dana?”


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