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Texas Daddy

Page 9

by Jolene Navarro

  Did the woman really expect her to reply? Sitting behind him, she pulled the collar of his button-up shirt below the shoulder and stayed focused on the wound. Gently pulling the old crisscross bandages off so she wouldn’t cause more damage.

  She hit the tender spot and Adrian flinched. He didn’t move again, but he started talking. “Nikki was a medic in the navy and then worked with extreme adventures at the Grand Canyon. I’m sure for her this was no big deal.”

  “Are you sure you don’t need me to get anything?” The woman’s voice was like a fly that wouldn’t go away. “Let me at least get you some water.”

  With everything finally back in place, Nikki stood. “That should hold it together for now. With you being so active, you might want to get stitches. If you don’t want to go in, I could do it for you.”

  “Thanks, Nikki.”

  She took off the gloves and washed her hands. “You need a new shirt.” She turned and gave them a nod. “I’m going to get one of George’s famous steaks.”

  As she went down the stairs, Gwyn’s voice could still be heard. “She doesn’t talk much, does she? I don’t remember her being such an odd cookie in high school.” Not wanting to hear Adrian’s reply, she double-timed on the stairs. The food did smell good, even if the company was more than she could bear.

  There had to be a corner she could hide out in while she waited for her sisters. This was not her type of thing anymore. Somewhere along the way, she had become an odd cookie.

  “There you are.” Danica stood by the stairs. “I was about to come up and find out what was taking so long.” She glanced behind Nikki. “Where’s Adrian and Gwyn?”

  “Apparently he needs help picking out a clean shirt.” Okay, Nikki girl, that sounds like you care. She shook her head and smiled at her sister. “Those steaks smell so good. I’m starving.” Giving Adrian space in her brain had to stop. If Gwyn was interested in him, then more power to her.

  Loading down a plate, she talked to several people and seemed to answer the same question one hundred times. Seeking out a quiet dark corner, she ended up outside on the edge of the patio. Settling into the rocking chair, she enjoyed the peace and quiet as she savored the grilled steak and vegetables.

  It was so clear, the constellations were easy to spot. Footsteps interrupted her thoughts. Nikki’s shoulder slumped a bit. It sounded like one of her sisters. They were probably worried because she was out here by herself. They didn’t understand she liked it.

  “Hey, why are you out here alone?” Danica sat down without being invited. “I have extra brownies and cookies.”

  “Thanks.” Nikki had a feeling that would not be the end of it.

  “You should be inside. Gwyn’s decided that Adrian is all hers.”

  “I should care because?”

  “We’ve all seen how y’all react to each other.”

  “I’m not staying. Adrian is the kind of guy that needs a long-term relationship.” No point in denying the attraction, but she’d learned the hard way that only took you down the wrong road. “I don’t have the time or the energy to play games.”

  “You could stay. Everything you want can be found in Clear Water, and your family is here. We’ve missed you. Plus—” she lowered her voice as if someone might overhear “—we think Gwyn is all wrong for Adrian.”

  With a snort, Nikki gave her sister the look, but it didn’t work the way it did back in the day. Danica just sighed. “She didn’t even seem to notice him until the pole-bending accident.”

  Why couldn’t her sister let it go? “Women are attracted to men who they see as protectors. It’s basic human biology. Of course she is going to pursue him. Any woman would find a man that saved her son attractive. It goes back to our hunting and gathering days.”

  “What about love? Do you believe we have someone God made for us? A perfect someone that will balance us and love us completely?”

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure love is a myth. Trust and respect are the best you can hope for, and I’m not sure I have much faith in those anymore.” She looked at her sister. There was a light air of sadness that settled around Danica. “What about the girls’ father? Did you love him?”

  Danica gave her the saddest smile before she leaned her head back and gazed at the night sky. Silence lingered. Nikki regretted the question. It was easier to avoid personal wounds and scars.

  “With every fiber of my being.” Rough with emotion, Danica’s voice was low. The moonlight reflected off the moisture that had gathered in her eyes. “I brought him home from college, and our father didn’t like him. He even told Daddy that he wanted to marry me. I was so happy.” She sighed. “Of course, Daddy forbade it. He said I was too young and Reid was just a street kid. Couldn’t be trusted.”

  She crossed her arms and sighed. “At the time, I thought he was just know, a dad. Turned out he was right. Reid was a runner, not a protector. He took off and never came back. I completely trusted him. For the longest time, I thought he would find his way back to me and have an explanation I could forgive. It took me a couple years of convincing my heart that I gave everything to a man who didn’t deserve any part of me.” Danica reached over and grabbed her hand. “At least you’re too smart to let a man take off with your heart. I’ve always admired how strong and independent you are. You’re not afraid of anything.”

  Nikki squeezed her sister’s hand. The pressure in her chest threatened to shatter her into a million pieces. She needed to tell them the truth, but the words were tangled in the logjam in her throat. Her sister that she abandoned was calling her strong.

  “There you are!” Jackie stood in the opened door, the light behind her creating a silhouette. “We need to reclaim our title. Come on. The Bible brain game is about to start.”

  Danica laughed and stood. She pulled Nikki up. “The last four years we’ve won the Bible trivia challenge. You were always spot-on with your Bible verse competitions. Your room is still full of all the ribbons.”

  Their mother had been so proud of her memorization ability. Nikki had taken it to heart after her mother died, and wouldn’t let anyone beat her.

  Danica walked toward Jackie, pulling Nikki along. “Remember how she would beat everyone? Even the older kids. Those couples don’t know what is about to hit them. The Bergmann sisters are reunited!”

  Nikki had to chuckle. “I’m not sure that’s the Christian attitude your pastor would want.”

  The twins both turned to her with the same look. “Who are you, and where’s our sister?”

  They had grown into beautiful women while she was running, but for a moment she saw the mischievous girls they were when the world was perfect.

  She wanted to hug them close and never let go, but their world did fall apart and time didn’t care about broken hearts or dreams. It just kept marching. With a deep sigh, she moved into the restored barn and headed for the group that gathered on the sofas around the fireplace.

  It looked as if the teams were ready to go. Five couples sat on one side while the singles gathered on the opposite side of the large coffee table, the game board between them. Katy stood with her arms crossed. “But you got Pastor John when he was single. Why can’t we get him now that he’s married?”

  Everyone started talking. George stood up. “Because you had Coach Calhoune and his wife. They both went to seminary school before becoming teachers, so it was even.”

  “I’ll be the facilitator. Someone needs to be in charge of you guys or it’s going to get ugly.” Pastor John winked at her. “Nikki, we haven’t met yet. I’m Pastor John Levi.” He walked across the open space and held his hand out. “Are you as competitive as your sisters? If so, the couples might be in trouble again this year.”

  Danica pulled Nikki by the sofa. “I say bring it on! We have the undefeated Bible verse champ with us now. Sit down so we can
get this thing started.”

  Her sister waved to the empty spot next to Adrian. Everyone seemed to be smiling at her, so she made sure not to publicly glare at Danica. But her sister was going to get an earful later. This matchmaking had to stop.

  Adrian scooted over a little to give her more room. On the other side of him sat Gwyn. She gave Nikki a friendly smile.

  Sitting as close to the edge as she could, Nikki kept her spine stiff. Adrian leaned into her space. “Relax.” His breath tickled her ear. “No one will hold it against you if we lose for the first time in four years.” He had the nerve to wink at her before he settled back between her and Gwyn.

  She knew he had almost kissed her the other day. Now he was acting as if they were best friends. Relax? She’d show him how relaxed she was when it came to winning.

  As the questions went back and forth, the laughter got louder. At one point, Nikki sat back and watched her sisters steal from the married couples with a question about the kings of the Old Testament. Her chest tightened.

  It had been too long, so long that she forgot how much she loved being in a group like this. When had she become so isolated and alone?

  Pastor John added a point to the single parents’ team. “Okay, married couples, you have to get this point to stay in the game. Garrett and Anjelica, what happened at the sixth hour of the crucifixion?” He set the timer.

  Garrett looked at his wife. “I have no idea. It would be in Matthew or Luke, right?”

  As the timer went off, Anjelica yelled, “Earthquake!”

  “Sorry.” Pastor John turned to Nikki. “You have a chance to steal the point and, with a two-point lead, win the game.” He asked the question again and hit the timer.

  Everyone was looking at her. She sat up and gave her audience a slow smile. “At noon or the sixth hour, depending on the version you read, darkness covered the land.”

  The singles started cheering, but Pastor John lifted his hand. “And a verse.”

  She closed her eyes and pressed her fingertips to her forehead. She knew this. “Matthew...Matthew...”

  Adrian’s shoulder bumped hers as he leaned into her. “Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33 and Luke 23—”

  “Now you’re just showing off.” Katy Buchannan cut him short as she crossed her arms and gave them an exaggerated pout. Everyone laughed, including Adrian.

  He held his hand up for a high five. She couldn’t stop the smile. It was good to be part of the fun and not just watching it. As a guide, she had got used to watching groups around the campfire laugh and talk all night. She had become accustomed to being on the outside of the circle. Being in the middle felt good.

  Vickie put an arm around Katy. “You know, I’m thinking as well as Nikki and Adrian work together, we could have them on our team by next year.”

  Heat climbed Nikki’s neck. Why was everyone trying to put them together to the point of talking marriage? Standing, she looked to the exit. The local state trooper Garrett stood also. He held his hand out to Anjelica and pulled her to his side. “We need to head home. It’s past our bedtime.”

  His new wife patted his chest and laughed. “He’s having a harder time with both of us being away from Rio and Pilar than the kids are having being away from us.”

  Katy and Rhody stood. “Time for us to save the babysitter from our four darling monsters.”

  Nikki looked at Danica. She hated depending on someone else to get anywhere. Her sister did not look as if she had plans to leave with the couples getting their kids.

  Adrian joined her in front of the fireplace. “How are you feeling? You’ve been on your leg without crutches. Is it hurting?”

  “Why would you say that?” She straightened, just in case the pain climbing her spine could be seen in her stance.

  “You look as if you want to escape, but don’t have a way out.” He moved closer and offered her his arm. “How about I escort you to Danica’s car and then tell her you’re ready and already waiting? It might hurry her up and give you an opportunity to rest out of sight. I also have a question.” He started walking, and she followed...again.

  Chapter Seven

  As they stepped out of the light from the security lamps and deeper into the dark, Nikki leaned heavier into Adrian’s support. It was nice to not have to hide her weakness.

  “You said you had a question?”

  He glanced at the starry sky as if trying to find something he lost. “I thought we made a good team tonight.”

  It had been a long time since she felt like she belonged anywhere, let alone on a team. Adrian was one of the true good guys. With his profile to her, she could study his features. Still good-looking, the years added maturity and depth. She didn’t really understand why he was still single.

  He put his hands in the front pockets of his worn-just-right jeans. With a quick turn of his head, he looked at her before going back to the sky. “Anyway, I was wondering if you liked live music.” He looked down. “Mia is going to her first sleepover since the accident, and George has some sort of plans out of town.” He took a deep breath. “So would you want to go to Kerrville with me? A friend from the bull-riding days is playing at a restaurant, and I thought going there would be better than sitting alone and worrying about Mia, but I don’t want to go alone.”

  She waited for him to finish. After a moment of silence, it seemed he was done talking. “Are you asking me on a date?”

  “No! Yes. Which would be better?” He shook his head. “Since I’m asking you to go to dinner with me, and there’s music, it’d be like a date. But if you don’t want to call it a date, we could invite your sisters.”

  She couldn’t hold back a laugh. This might be why he wasn’t married yet. She found it irresistible. “That might be the worst line I’ve ever heard.”

  A lopsided grin reminded her of the boy she knew back in school.

  “Sorry. That was pretty lame.” He turned to her, searching her face. His dark eyes so intense, she had to look away. Heat crawled up her neck.

  “I’m a bit rusty, and dating anyone in town has been a hassle. Whenever I did try to go out, everyone started asking about a date for the wedding.”

  She raised one eyebrow. Had he not heard the suggestions of them getting married before the next mixed social? “We haven’t even been on a date, and they’re already planning the colors for our wedding.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I heard the hints about us making a good couple, but those don’t count because you’ll be leaving and everyone knows that.”

  “This only reminds me of why I left. The small-town attitude that everyone has a right to know your business and give unsolicited advice is a beat down. How have you done it for so long?”

  He shrugged. “They’re not that bad.”

  At her look of disbelief, he laughed.

  “Really, they’ve been there when I needed them. Being a single teen dad was not easy, but they made it possible. They really do have our best interest at heart. I’ve learned to ignore it for the most part. You have to take the good with the bad, you know.”

  “You’re a better person than me.”

  He reached behind her to open the back door. “Let’s get you off your leg and settled into the car. And forget about my question. I’d like to—”

  “Adrian!” Gwyn hurried over to them. “My car won’t start. I’m not sure what it is, but I might need a jump. Could you help me?”

  He glanced over his shoulder. Danica and Jackie were right behind Gwyn.

  Jackie turned to Gwyn. “Nikki’s great with cars. Maybe she could help you.”

  “Nikki needs to get off her feet.” He shot her sisters a warning glare. “I know she won’t admit it. But she is still recovering from major reconstructive surgery.” Adrian turned to her and assisted her into the car. She buried the instinctive res
ponse to deny his claim and his help. Over the years, going to the rescue was her job, even before the navy, when her sisters were little and without a mother.

  Settling into the back seat, she gave him a smile. He leaned in and, for a moment, she thought he was going to kiss her. The clean leather smell of his skin made her okay with that. She closed her eyes. The solid click of her seat belt pulled her out of that stupid fantasy. He was helping her, making sure she was safe. Just like he did with everyone else, including Gwyn.

  The doors opened and the twins got in the front seats. “Thanks, Adrian.”

  “Sure—anytime. Y’all be safe.” With a wave, he turned to fix Gwyn’s problems.

  Danica put the SUV in Reverse. “I can’t believe Gwyn did that. We hung back to give you time alone with Adrian and she had to find a way to interrupt.”

  Jackie twisted in her seat to look at Nikki. “Did he ask you out?”

  Thrusting her head back against the headrest, Nikki looked at some kind of juice stain on the roof. “Why would you even go there?”

  Steering onto the road, Danica clicked her tongue. “You were getting along so well, and everyone saw what a great team you made. At times you actually finished—”

  “Each other’s sentences.” The twins erupted into laughter. It was hard to stay mad when laughter filled the space. Man, she had missed them, even if they did want to meddle in her life.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if she left her lights on just so she could ask Adrian for help.”

  “Who would even think of doing that?” Nikki couldn’t imagine someone being that needy. “Playing the little helpless woman sounds stupid to me.”

  “Hey, don’t knock it.” Danica made eye contact in the rearview mirror. “It’s a safe way to talk to a guy you’re interested in without being too forward.”

  Jackie nearly jumped out of her seat belt. “Danica Elizabeth Bergmann! You did that when and with who? Did it work? Do I know him?”


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