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Zeke's Surprise_ARE

Page 2

by Jennifer Kacey

  “Your body.” He hung his head and tried to stay conscious. “You destroy me when you let me take you like I want to. Like I need to. I keep thinking you’re just some amazing dream.”

  “I’m a real girl. Like Pinocchio, but hopefully way cuter!” Then she laughed. A giggle that sounded like fairies and Christmas magic.

  “Way cuter.” His words slurred together as she pulled him closer and he stopped trying to fight it. Settling on top of her sucked him down into the most blissful post-orgasmic state.

  The world faded to black, and he came awake again with a jolt. “Fuck. How long was I out?” He lifted himself off and collapsed next to her.

  She yawned and stretched, tucking her hands beneath her chin as she rolled to the side to stare at him. “Only a couple minutes. I wasn’t near done with you on top of me.”

  Brushing hair from her brow, he stared at her rosy cheeks and small grin. “I’m too heavy to be on top of you. I’ll squish you.”

  “No you won’t. I’ve told you this before. Your weight is nice on me. Comforting. Like my favorite blanket, but twice as delicious.”

  “None of your blankets weigh a hundred and eighty pounds.”

  “None of my blankets passed out on me because they came so hard they couldn’t stay conscious.” Her grin lifted her lips off her teeth and she giggled again.

  “Is that smugness I hear in your voice?” He couldn’t help but chuckle along with her.

  “Maybe,” she sort of admitted as she kissed his shoulder before getting up from bed. “Wanna shower with me? I’m sleepy and want to go to bed curled up next to you.”

  Forcing himself out of bed, he stepped into the bathroom after her.

  His marks were still on her ass. So. Fucking. Sexy.

  “I’ll wash your back, if you wash mine.”


  Not too long later, clean and dry, they climbed back into bed, this time under the covers.

  “And I don’t want any, Zeke,” Aslan said out of nowhere and followed it up with a yawn.

  He flipped the light off, tucked her into his side and relaxed beneath the covers. Tomorrow was another day and they’d kick its ass together. “Don’t want what?”

  “Ointment.” Her breath whispered across his chest and then she kissed his skin. “I don’t want your marks to fade. Not at all. I want them as long as I can. They make me feel…”

  Zeke rubbed her shoulder and closed his eyes. “Feel?”

  “I was going to say ‘safe’ but I don’t think that’s exactly right. Free. Mmmm. I like that one.” Snuggling into him, she sank against his side. “Night, my husband.”

  Wrecked. Several sentences were all she had to speak and they left him utterly speechless. Humbled even. “Good night, my Aslan.”

  A soft sigh reached his ears and she slipped into sleep. It never took her very long to fall asleep but tonight was even quicker than normal.

  Zeke breathed her in, thinking about the mind-blowing ways he’d taken his wife in the last few hours. Luckiest man ever. He needed that on a placard on his desk or on a T-shirt he could wear.

  His thoughts drifted to the phone call he’d made earlier and the plans he set into motion for what he hoped would be the holiday weekend coming up in a few short weeks.

  A third.

  He was bringing in a third to fuck his wife.

  The fantasy bled into his dreams.

  Good thing his wife was there next to him in the middle of the night.

  He needed her.

  Several times before dawn.

  Chapter Two

  “Hey, would you mind meeting me down in the engine room in about ten minutes?” Zeke tucked the phone between his ear and shoulder as he surveyed the things he had laid out on his office desk. Picking up one of the items, he placed it in the duffle bag he had sitting on the corner.

  “How about fifteen? My numbers aren’t matching in my labor category and I’d really like to get it finished before I walk away. It’s like finding a needle in a hay stack, I swear.”

  Zeke smiled. “Deal.”

  “And what are we doing down there? I don’t really want to get dirty, even if it is Saturday. And even if you told me to wear not-so-great clothes, I still wore my cute new flip-flops with the elephants on them.”

  “You and your flip-flops.”

  “You love them.”

  He picked up something else and then sat it back down. “How do you figure that?”

  He listened to her click away on her computer. She never slowed down as she ticked off reasons. “They don’t take up a lot of room, I have them in every color of the rainbow—which delights me—, I can add little pretty extras to some of them with the holes in the strap—”

  “Don’t you mean I can add them?”

  “Semantics. I don’t have enough haunch or hands to get them in there.”

  “Which means I add them.”

  More clicking, along with her laugh. “Okay, you get full credit for prettifying my flip-flops. So see? You love them!”

  “They aren’t very good foot protection on a job site, though.”

  She stopped typing. “Are the engines already installed?”


  The typing started again. “See. Then the flip-flops are just fine. How could you have ever doubted the awesomeness that is the flip-flops?”

  Zeke rolled his eyes and put something else in his bag. “Beats me, my silly wife. Fifteen minutes, not a moment later.”



  “I hear you, I hear you. The longer you keep me on the phone, the higher the probability I won’t get this done in time. And you still didn’t tell me what we are meeting down there for anyways. It’s the weekend and nobody else is here from that crew until Monday because they were ahead of schedule. Amazingly so. As in, first ever.”

  He paused for a second, looking at his desk and what he’d already put in the bag. The thought of actually telling her crossed his mind, but he wanted it to be a surprise. All of it. It had taken him nearly two weeks of prep and planning to make today possible and he wanted to blow her mind. “I’m going over some of the checklists.” Not a lie. “Wanted your input on one of the ones I’ve been staring at for a while. Think I found the problem.” Again, not a lie. “Figured today was a good day, since we won’t be distracted by fourteen other things, especially with the crew gone for the next couple days. Ahead of schedule.”

  Took him the full two weeks to get his sub-contractor in gear and ahead of schedule to clear that section of the deck for this weekend.

  Thankfully, it hadn’t taken him much convincing to get Aslan in the car to go to work for a few hours. She could always find something to finish.

  He had things to do, too.

  They just didn’t happen to be work related.

  His wife’s happy voice in his ear brought him back to the here and now. “Ahead of schedule, fuck,” she laughed. “I love it when you talk dirty to me.”

  “I’m sure I can do better than that in the engine room.” Totally not a lie.

  “Yes!” she yelled, as if she were coming. Then a long sigh filtered through the phone connection, along with her click clacking on her keyboard. “Now I’m going to have to mop off my office chair. Hmm…” She paused again. “Maybe not. A matching pair with my desk from a couple weeks ago and now my chair has a certain appeal to it, don’t you think?”


  Stifling his growl wasn’t something he was prepared to do.

  Another sigh reached him, but this one was real. “I love it when you growl, Zeke. It’s so…delicious.”

  “I’m going to do a bit more than growl if you’re not downstairs in fifteen minutes.”

  “Eeek. Okay, okay, I’m hurrying. Love you. Bye!”

  She was gone before he could utter another word.

  Tucking his phone into his pocket, he smiled down at his desk. He qui
ckly packed the rest of the items into his bag and zipped it up. Slinging it over his shoulder, he glanced at his watch as he unlocked his door and headed down the hall. His partner in crime should be meeting him on the loading dock in four minutes. Just enough time to get down to the dock before they arrived.

  His dick filled beneath his fly as he thought about his blindfolded wife, naked, with her wrists tied to a hook hanging down from the ceiling. Waiting, wanting, and having no idea when someone else started touching her.

  Sixteen minutes from when he hung up with Aslan, she walked into the engine room.

  “Zeke? Are you here?”

  Fuck. What her voice did to him. He’d heard it for years. Always hit him square in the chest when she spoke. And a bit lower. “Over here on your left.” He tucked a short length of rope in his back pocket and grabbed a clipboard with his checklist on it just as she walked around the last engine to where he stood.

  “There you are. It’s so weird down here with nobody else around. More than a little spooky, don’t you think?”

  She was almost right on the nobody else around part. Save for one other person, hidden on the other side of the room, waiting for Aslan to show up. “I know. Quiet. Definitely not how it normally is.”

  “Not even close.” She stepped up to him and got up on her tip-toes for a kiss.

  Leaning down, he sipped at her lips and pulled her close to lick inside her mouth. His need for her, for this, to share this was getting the better of him and he wasn’t going to be able to keep his hands off her for much longer.

  “Mmm. What was that greeting for?”

  Zeke had to steady her when she leaned back onto her flat feet. “I missed you.”

  Her smile as she blinked up at him, was like a gut punch. That she wanted him like she did, loved him, needed him? It was so incredibly huge he had a hard time processing it sometimes. This was most definitely one of those times.

  “It’s not like it’s the first time we’ve had to work on a weekend, but remind me to come to work more often on a Saturday.” Zeke trapped the rumble in his chest, knowing how much more he had in store for her. With a shake of his head to clear it, he raised the clipboard and gave it a bit of a shake, too. “Shall we proceed to the checklist?”

  “Lead the way, Captain Zeke.” She saluted and everything.

  Taking her hand, he led the way down the catwalk they were still on and then down a flight of stairs to the bottom level. “Captain Zeke, huh? I think I like that.”

  “Knew you would. Hey, is that some rope in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”

  At the bottom of the landing, Zeke opened his mouth to reply when a clang sounded in the room, bouncing off the metal surfaces all around. Loudly.

  “What was that?” Aslan asked as she gripped his hand tighter and turned back to look up the stairs.

  Our third, closing and locking the main door, assuring us our complete privacy.

  “One of the turbines cycling, more than likely. Nothing to worry about.”

  Her hand relaxed and she faced him again. “Sounds like an Olympic sport of some kind.”

  Zeke smiled and pulled her around another corner to go through their checklist while his buddy got into place upstairs. Stopping in front of a panel, he opened the access door where several things were already lit up. “This is what I wanted to talk to you about…”

  A little while later, they climbed the same set of stairs, heading back to where they started.

  “I’m glad you figured out what was going on with that panel. An electrical short like that wouldn’t have passed inspection and it could have been weeks before someone else tracked it down with everything else we have going on to complete the ship on time.”

  “Agreed.” He’d found the short days before, and since two people had to sign off on any issues like that, he’d just kept it to himself. Until today.

  Work and no play. Whoever said that definitely didn’t have a wife as hot as his.

  “Thanks for stopping what you were doing to come help.”

  “Anytime, you know that. You are my favorite shareholder, you know.”

  He pulled her to a stop exactly where he needed her, and turned her around. “I’m the only other shareholder.”

  “Oh, yeah. You’re right. My confusion.”

  “Maybe you need a bit of a reminder then.”

  “Mmm. Maybe I do. But I have a question first.” She seemed a little nervous and his heart kicked hard in his chest.


  She wrinkled her nose. “What was the rope in your pocket for? I kept expecting you to use it for something and then…nothing. You sure didn’t need it for that panel.” Her disappointment was clear and his cock throbbed.

  “No. I didn’t need it for that.” He slid his clipboard onto one of the metal shelves beside him and pulled the rope free from his pocket. Running it along her jawline got her attention like a bolt of lightning.

  “Wait.” She grabbed his wrist and lowered his hand to stare at the rope. “That’s Shibari rope. That’s for…”

  “Kinky purposes, my wife?” He lifted her hands and put the inside of her wrists together so they touched. “Why, yes it is.” Took him less than a minute to restrain her hands with a double column tie.

  “Fuucckkk,” she whispered. “Zeke?”

  He tugged her closer and grabbed a handful of her hair. She sucked in a shallow breath and her fingers clutched at his shirt. “Yes, Aslan?”

  Glancing up at him, her gaze locked with his. “A fantasy?”

  He nodded.

  A tiny nibble on her bottom lip, turned into something sharper when he gripped her hair tighter.

  “Most definitely a fantasy, little girl.”

  “But what if someone comes in here?”

  He smiled. It was all teeth. “Nothing I can’t handle, my wife.”

  The smile on her face made him feel a million feet tall.

  “What about my clothes? You tied my wrists already. I can’t take anything off.”

  “Not to worry.” He kissed her mouth and released the hold he had on her hair. Walking a few steps back, he dragged out his duffle bag from where he’d hidden it. “I came prepared.” Setting the bag at her feet, he unzipped it but kept it closed as he stood.

  Aslan stared at him and then down at the bag. “What do you have in there?” she whispered as she leaned to the side to try to see better.

  “Nunya business.”

  “Not even a little hint?” she asked, as he unbuttoned her shorts and pushed them over her hips, along with her panties.

  “Why would I want to ruin the surprise? Step out.” He steadied her as she followed his instructions. Folding her clothes, he watched her toes curl and uncurl in her flip-flops. “Nervous?”

  “A bit.”

  He placed her clothes beside the bag and reached inside the duffle to grab something.

  “A knife?” The word reached him across the short distance and he could hear the slight bit of fear in her voice.

  Fuck if his monster didn’t almost come because of it. “Yes. You did point out that I already tied your wrists. We can’t have that impeding our fun now can we?” Turning her around so her back was to him, he started at the top of her shirt in the back and cut downward.

  A shiver shimmied along her backbone as he cut through the hem at the edge of her shirt. He made quick work of the material along her shoulders and the rag of fabric fell at her feet.

  “Cold?” He wanted to know as he cut the straps on her bra.

  A moan reverberated through her as he sliced through the last strap around her ribs.

  “No.” He tugged it off and her breasts tumbled free.

  He reached around her body with his free hand, palming first one of her tits and then the other. Large, firm, sensitive, delicious. She had the best rack he’d ever seen in real life or porn or anything. Perfect. They were perfect. Their weight and warmth. Just fuck
ing perfect.

  Grabbing her wrists, he put her hands on the rail in front of her and bent her over. Exposing her pussy to him, he stepped to the side and palmed her ass. “I can smell you. Are you already wet for me?” His fingers slid through her juicy slit and he stared at the shadows of the bruises still on her ass from her last fantasy.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Soaked.” Zeke’s monster roared to the forefront.

  He yanked his hand up and brought it down on the flesh of her ass on one cheek. Aslan inhaled, and then he smacked the other one even harder.

  Her shriek on the second one made his dick jump. Palming her now warm ass, he slid his hand between her thighs again.

  “Why did you hit me?” she asked. Didn’t sound at all like she was displeased with him being rough with her.

  “Simply because I wanted to see my handprint on your skin. You can see the outline of each of my fingers now. Here, here, here.” He traced the lines, making her gasp. “Oh. Are you sensitive now?” He raked his fingernails over the marks and pulled her to stand and face him.

  Her entire body shook, processing…everything.

  “Very much so.”

  “Good.” He took her chin between his thumb and the knuckle of his first finger, and raised her face so he could stare into her eyes. Dipping his head low, he kissed her. Not harsh, not rough, or mean or aggressively. Soft even. He simply kissed her because he couldn’t go another second without her taste on his lips. A few seconds later, he raised his head.

  “Now what?” she whispered.

  He pointed to the side and her head followed the motion. “Over there. Kneel on the X on the floor and wait for me. And take off your flip-flops. Don’t want anything to happen to them, of course.”

  She slipped out of her shoes with another nibble to her bottom lip and started moving. A few feet away, she shook her head. “There really is an X on the ground. Fuck, you turn me on.”

  Zeke’s cock jerked at her admission. “And Aslan?”

  She stopped and looked at him over her shoulder.

  That look, that stance, that moment in time, would stay with him for as long as he lived. The curves of her body called to him as the lights above highlighted her naked profile. Wrists tied in front of her. Hair cascading down her back. Stunning.


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