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Forever Hers (The Forever Series Book 3)

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by Lisa Evans

  I’ve never felt so loved in my life. And I’ve never allowed myself to fall in love before either. I know it might sound weird, but that’s just been my way of coping throughout my life. I’ve never told anyone that I loved them, and I’ve never allowed myself to be weak in front of anyone. The weird thing is with Dillon though, that I want to be weak in front of him. And that’s something that’s never happened before.

  Shutting my eyes again, I curl up closer to him, and I sense his grip around me getting tighter. Like he’s afraid I’m about to leave or something.

  But I’m not.

  I’m never leaving.

  I’m his.

  Always and forever.

  Next time I open my eyes, the bright morning light is shining through the window. Here we are, still lying tightly together, with my back against his warm, taut chest, and his strong arms wrapped around my naked body. It feels so good when he holds me, that I moan delightedly as I stretch out my arms to wake myself up.

  “Good morning baby,” Dillon immediately says when I start moving. Then he kisses my neck and caresses me some more.

  “Good morning,” I whisper, and turn around to face him. He looks just delightful in the morning, and I can’t believe all this is really happening. Am I actually lying here in the Sheriff’s bed, with his nude body facing me?

  “Sleep good?” he asks.

  “The best.”


  Pressing his mouth against mine, he kisses me deeply. Immediately, my whole body wakes up, and I feel that tingling sensation emerging in the depths of me again. His hands move around my body, stroking me, caressing my breasts, and as they do, I feel like the luckiest woman on earth. How can it be that a man so good as Dillon would want someone like me?

  Pushing him down on his back while we continue to kiss each other hungrily, I position myself on top of him, a move which makes him grunt. As I sit up on top of him, I pull my face away from him while I grab hold of his manhood. And as I slowly sit down on top of him, I look him straight in the eyes.

  “Baby,” he mumbles, while furrowing his brow. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, and places his hands on my hips. Slowly at first, I start riding him with my hands supporting my weight on his chest. And each time he fills me up, I moan loudly.

  “Dillon,” I whisper his name, with my eyes half closed while I continue to ride him.

  I feel his fingers dig into my hips, and he grunts each time he pushes into me. As I sense my climax building up, I toss my head backwards in the pleasure of fucking him, and I wail out his name when he makes me come. At the same time, I feel him coming deep inside of me, and he holds me down on him while he finishes inside of me.

  “I love you baby,” I hear him mumbling where I’m seated on top of him, panting and gasping for breath.

  And to my great surprise, I answer him, “I love you too.”

  After we’ve had breakfast, Dillon takes me back to my place. Before I get out the car, I tell him that I had a great time last night. Because I did. And I want him to know that.

  “You did?” Dillon asks, his eyes glued to my face.

  Biting my lip like a nervous ninny, I say, “Yeah I did. I had a real good time. The best.”

  “Good. Because I did too. See you again sometime?”

  “Sometime soon?”

  “Very soon,” he says, and I think he’s blushing.

  “Well look at you Sheriff,” I tell him and place my hands on his stubbled cheeks. God, he’s sexy when he doesn’t shave in the morning. I’ve never seen him like this. “I never thought I’d see the day when you were blushing.”

  “I’ll tell you, it takes quite a woman to pull that off,” he says, and kisses me. Sticking his tongue deep into my mouth, he groans when I roll my tongue against his. As our kiss ends, I slowly pull away from him, and give him one more quick peck on the lips before I go.

  “I should… I mean, I wanna stay, but…”

  “You go on and go ahead,” he says, patting my thigh.

  “Yeah, I promised mom I’d see her today.”

  “Wouldn’t want to keep the mayor waiting,” he says, tipping his hat. “Call me?”

  “I will,” I say, and open the car door.

  “I love you,” he says, and even though it feels awkward to have someone telling me that, it makes me feel oddly comfortable when it’s him.

  “Love you too,” I say, and get out.

  Walking up to my front door, I turn around and wave at him before finding my keys in my purse. I don’t hear him pull away until I’m inside my place and have closed the door shut behind me.

  Chapter 6


  I AM ON cloud nine and I feel like I could conquer anything today. Kennedy is mine, and though I hadn’t planned on letting her know quite so soon that I love her, it just sort of slipped out of me when she straddled me this morning. I was kind of surprised myself that I said it so soon, but I guess in the heat of the moment all truths must come out.

  Waiting for her to call me, I take the time to head out to the stables. That’s my secret passion. Horses. I would love to own a ranch one day, and breed horses myself. That’s what I’ve been saving up money for during all these years. The plan is to retire early and become a ranch owner full-time. Now, I don’t know if it’ll happen that way or not, now that Kennedy and I are falling in love, but I do hope she’ll be interested in that kind of lifestyle as well. I know I could provide for her so that she’d be able to quit that job at the coffee shop and focus on doing something she really wants to do. Even if it just means finding herself and her passion in life, I don’t mind. She could just waltz around doing nothing all day for all I care.

  Saddling the horse, all I can think about is Kennedy. And how good her hair smelled this morning, and how sexy she was in the morning light, seated on top of me, fucking me like a damn queen.

  That’s what she is to me, my queen.

  And I’m her king.

  Heading out on the horse, I feel freer than usual. The morning air feels good in my lungs, and I think about what a beautiful life we could have together, Kennedy and I, if she’d only want it. I know she says she’s in love with me too, but there’s something in her eyes which tells me she’s scared. Even though her mouth says the right words, it’s like she’s not really feeling it. I wonder if it’s something to do with her past and her running away when she was a kid. It’s got to have been tough and it’s bound to have made quite the impression on her. I know we’ve only talked about it slightly over the years, but I can tell that it’s left scars. And although her and her mom do seem to get along better now, I know that she’s still hurting inside.

  Picking up speed, I feel the horse’s muscles moving underneath me. Wondering if Kennedy’s ever been on a horse’s back, I figure I’ll take her out here sometime soon. With my eyes locked on the horizon, I tell the horse what a good girl she is as we up the speed some more. And I think about Kennedy and all the things I want to do with her, and show her, things I hope she’ll like.

  After I get back home, I take a long shower to wash the horse smell off me. Thinking about Kennedy again, I yearn to see her, and I can’t wait to hear the sound of her voice on the other end of the phone when she calls me.

  Once I’m clean again, I get dressed and fix me some lunch. Heating up some leftovers from the day before, I plan the coming dates with Kennedy. I guess I’ll take her out riding as soon as I can, to show her my passion, and maybe we can catch a movie some other night. It’ll be nice, to just hang out, and cuddle up next to each other. And of course, I’ll have to make her my famous lasagna sometime. Cooking for my woman has always been a dream of mine, and I can’t wait to show Kennedy that I’ve got skills outside the bedroom as well.

  As I plate up my food and get ready to sit down by the kitchen table, I hear the phone ring. I figure it’s too early to be Kennedy calling already, so it’s bound to be a business call. Even though I’m off duty today, I’ve got to pick up since
I’m the Sheriff.

  “Sheriff Grover,” I answer the phone.

  “Sheriff? It’s me Andy,” my deputy says. His voice is agitated and I can tell he’s worked up about something.

  “Good morning Andy. What’s the matter?”

  “I – there’s a – a – ”

  “Breathe son,” I tell him. “Take a couple of deep breaths and tell me what’s going on.” Since nothing hardly ever happens here in Sweetwater, I figure there’s got to be something going on since Andy’s sounding so nervous. I hear him breathing in and out a couple of times before he speaks again.


  “Yes, Andy?”

  “I was driving down the road leading out of town and there was a car wreck.”

  “A car wreck?”

  “Yes. I called dispatch and they’re sending an ambulance, but I thought I’d call you out here as well.”

  “Why is that son?”

  “Because I think the car belongs to mayor Lawless, sir.”

  The moment he utters the words, my heart skips a beat. Kennedy. What if she’s in the car?

  “I’ll be right there Andy,” I tell him and hang up.

  With my pulse racing, I get in the car and start heading towards the location. And as I do, I beg God to keep Kennedy and the mayor safe.

  Within seven minutes (that’s a new record for me) I reach the road where Andy says the car wreck is, and I can see the blinking blue and red lights from the responders to the scene. While I park my vehicle on the side of the road, I feel like everything is moving in slow-motion. I’ve never been so frightened to approach a scene, and as I reach mayor Lawless’ car, I say a silent prayer to God once more. Please let them both be safe.

  “Sheriff, sir,” I hear Andy’s voice saying next to me. My eyes are glued to the car which has been flipped upside down on the side of the road.

  “Hello Andy,” I say, and reluctantly pull my eyes away from the car wreck. “Tell me, was the mayor inside the vehicle?”

  “Yes she was.” He looks about as petrified as he sounded on the phone.

  “Uh-huh, and was she breathing when you found her?”

  “She was out of it, but yes, she was breathing even though there was a lot of blood coming from her head, sir.”

  “I see. And were there any other passengers in the vehicle?”

  For a moment, it feels like time is standing still while I await Andy’s answer. Please let Kennedy be safe, I whisper silently to myself.

  “No, sir.”

  Andy’s words lift a weight off my shoulders.

  “The mayor was alone in the vehicle?”

  “Yes she was, sir. And they’re getting her to the hospital as we speak.”

  “Good. Has anyone contacted her next of kin?”

  “Not yet, sir.”

  “Good. I’ll take care of that, Andy,” I tell him and head back to my car. Wondering how the hell I’m supposed to break the news to Kennedy, I turn the engine on and head back into town.

  Since there’s no beating around the bush about this, I decide to tell her first thing when she opens the door.

  “Dillon?” she blurts out, looking surprised.

  “Hi Kennedy,” I say, and sigh.

  “Hey, what’s the matter? You look dead serious.”

  “Look,” I say and place my hands on her shoulders. “I hate to do this to you, but your mother’s been in a car accident.”


  Her face turns a shade paler than before, and her eyes darken.

  “Yes. Andy found her in the car and she was breathing when they took her to the hospital where she’s being treated right now.”

  “She’s okay?”

  “I don’t know baby,” I tell her, and it breaks my heart to watch her eyes fill up with tears. Wrapping my arms around her, I hold her close against my chest in an attempt to comfort her. Stroking her hair, I ask her if she wants to go to the hospital right away. “I’ll take you there.”

  “Yes, of course,” she says, still apparently startled. “Thank you, Dillon,” she says, pulling away from me. “Thank you for telling me in person instead of calling me on the phone.”

  “Of course baby. Now grab your purse and let’s go.”

  Taking her hand, I lead her out of there.

  Lifting her hand up to my face, I give it a gentle kiss before helping her into the car.

  After spending a couple of hours in the hospital, we finally head away from there. Kennedy’s mother is doing fine, all she got was a concussion and a bad cut on her head, but the doctors said they wanted to keep her for a couple of nights to make sure she’s alright. I couldn’t believe the look on Kennedy’s face when they told us about it. She looked so fragile, and I’m glad I was able to be there for her during this shocking event.

  As we leave the hospital, Kennedy begs me to take her to my place instead of hers. “Anything you want, baby,” I tell her, and open the car door for her.

  “Are you sure it’s alright with you?” she asks, sounding all weak and fragile again. “Because I wouldn’t want to put you out or anything.

  “No problem whatsoever. Don’t you worry about me.” And it’s true. Because I want to take care of her. It’s what I was born to do.

  Holding her hand throughout the ride back home, I pull it up to my face every now and then to give it a kiss. I need her to feel safe during this difficult time, because although I know the doctors said her mother would be fine, it’s still no laughing matter to have your mother be in an accident.

  The moment we get inside the house, Kennedy turns around to hug me. “Thank you Dillon,” she whispers, tears running down her cheeks. “Thank you so much for being there for me.”

  “Of course, baby. I’m here for you, always. I’ll always be here for you.” All I want to do is kiss those tears away and make her feel better again.

  “No, I mean it Dillon. I love that you took all day to be with me there in the emergency room.”

  “I wouldn’t have had it any other way,” I tell her and hug her. Holding her tightly against my chest, I whisper that I love her, and kiss her hair.

  Because I do love her. And she needs to know that she’s loved.

  When we wake up next morning, Kennedy seems to be in a much better mood. She toys around with her fingertips on my chest, running them around in circles on my skin.

  “Good morning, baby,” I whisper, and kiss her on the forehead.

  “Good morning handsome,” she says, and moves in to kiss me. She’s so beautiful in the morning that I could weep. Leaning in close to me, she kisses my lips and slides her sweet, delicate tongue into my mouth. My body reacts instantly, and I feel my stiffness growing in size.

  “Aww, Kennedy,” I murmur as I sense her fingers moving down the front of my body. When she wraps her hand around me, I groan, and I wonder if waking up next to her will always be like this. I hope so. Because I’ll never stop wanting her. I know I’ll always love her just the same.

  Rolling on top of her, I split her thighs while kissing her. I love her to death and I can’t wait to be inside of her again. I’ve been aching to fuck her every waking moment since last time. My body is craving it.

  “Dillon…” she moans while I dip myself into her delicious wetness. “Fuck me…” she whimpers with her eyes hooded.

  Moving myself in and out of her, I push deeper and deeper into her with each thrust. The delectable sensation of having her tight warmth squeezing my cock is beyond anything in this world. Digging my hands into her hips, I move faster and faster in and out. And each time I push all of my girth into her snug wetness, I make her moan.

  “Aww Kennedy,” I murmur as we fuck. “You feel so good… So good baby…”

  “I love you Dillon,” she whines, digging her long red fingernails into the skin on my back. I feel her tense up when she does, and as she howls loudly into the ceiling, I know that I’ve made her come. It’s the best sound there is. And hearing it, makes me come as well.

sp; Lodged deep inside of her, I come hard with great force. Kissing her as I do, I tell her I love her between the kisses, before I collapse on top of her adorable body.

  Chapter 7


  I LOVE DILLON, I really do. He’s my man and there’s nothing that’s ever going to change that. I just know it. I can feel it in my gut.

  It’s been a week since my mom got out of the hospital, and she’s doing fine. The doctor said she’s doing better than expected and that she’ll be able to go back to work like usual within the next couple of weeks. I’m glad. Because if there was one thing that I realized when the accident happened, it was that I do love her. And I am capable of loving other people. I think it’s all thanks to Dillon. If he and I hadn’t fallen in love just before it happened, I’m not so sure I would have been able to handle it quite as well.

  It’s almost six o’clock and I can’t wait to get off work. Dillon’s picking me up and he says he’s got a surprise for me. I wonder what it is, but I know a surprise is supposed to be a surprise, so I haven’t pushed him for any details.

  Soon as the clock strikes six, I get the hell out of here. And as I hit the curb, I see my knight in shining armor standing next to his car waiting for me.

  “Hey Sheriff,” I holler at him while I lock the door to the coffee shop.

  “Hey beautiful,” he says right back at me and tips his hat. He is such a perfect gentleman, and even though it’s been weeks since our first date, I’m still struggling to believe this ain’t all just a dream.


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