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Forever Hers (The Forever Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Lisa Evans

  “I love you baby,” I murmur. “I love you so much.”

  I really do.

  I do and I always will.

  Because I’m hers.

  I’m forever hers.





  Sitting by the kitchen table, I peek out the window. It’s cold out, but at least the sun is shining. I’m glad, because today is special.

  It’s been six months since I moved in with Dillon, and Christmas is coming up soon. But today we’re not even going to mention the word Christmas or talk about anything related to the topic. That’s what Dillon’s promised me. Because today is supposed to be all about me, since it’s my birthday.

  Before I met Dillon, I never did use to look forward to my birthday very much, but now, I don’t mind. In fact, I’m kind of excited to be getting the chance to celebrate it with him for the first time. Mom’s coming over with some gifts and a cake later today, but tonight is going to be all about Dillon and me. I don’t know what he’s got planned or even if he’s bought a birthday gift for me or not, but none of that matters. All that matters is that I get the chance to spend the day with him.

  There’s just one thing that’s bugging me, and it’s something I haven’t really talked to him about yet. Not that I don’t want to, but because I’m kind of worried about his reaction. But I promised myself I’d bring it up with him today, because I can’t carry this load on my own much longer.

  The day goes by real fast. After mom drops by to sing me happy birthday and showers me with gifts, I feel a bit overwhelmed. She’s bought me a ton of things: make-up, gift certificates at all kinds of places, an espresso machine, and a crystal vase. Not that I know where I’m going to put all these things she got me, but I still thank her. At least she’s trying. Even if it means my whole living room is now filled with pastel pink and gold wrapping paper.

  “Thanks mom,” I say, hugging her after walking her to the door. “This was real nice, and the cake was delicious.”

  “I’m glad you liked it,” she says. “You always did love your chocolate.”

  “I haven’t changed much, I guess,” I say, and wonder if it would be alright for me to grab another piece of it after she’s left.

  “Give Dillon my best,” she says, and gives me one more hug. Dillon had to work a couple of hours today, and couldn’t be here to share this moment with mom. Although I know it’s good for me and mom to hang out by ourselves, I kind of miss him. I always want him around, no matter if we’ve just spent ten days together without being apart for a single moment.

  “I will,” I tell her, and watch her walk out the door. But before she leaves, she suddenly remembers something.

  “Let me just,” she says, while digging through her purse. “Ah, here,” she finally says, and pulls out a piece of paper. “Here you go.”

  “What’s this?”

  “It’s Lucy’s number. I mentioned to one of my colleagues down at town hall that you were looking for her, and she went and did her thing and magically came up with this. I think she lives in Montana now.”

  “Wow, thanks mom,” I say, feeling surprised and bewildered. “I’ll call her first thing tomorrow.”

  “You do that. Bye”

  “Bye mom,” I say and shut the door. I’m so glad she pulled a couple of strings to find out Lucy’s contact information, because I’ve been missing her. We used to be so close when we were young that it seems kind of sad that we wouldn’t stay in touch as adults.

  Pinning Lucy’s phone number on the fridge, I smile to myself. Then I open the fridge and help myself to some more of that cake. I’ve been hungrier than usual lately, and I think I deserve some extra cake on my birthday.

  The evening goes by so fast that I almost forget mentioning Lucy’s number to Dillon. There’s that other thing I need to speak to him about, and it’s kind of driving me nuts trying to figure out the right moment to let the cat out of the bag.

  After he’s given me my birthday gift which is that he’s signed me up for an art class (I’m glad he didn’t go on a splurge like mom did), we hang out on the living room couch talking. Lying on my back, Dillon is right next to me, lying on his side, playing with his fingertips on my chest.

  This is so nice. This is what life is supposed to be, I think to myself, and feel so grateful for everything that’s happened this past year.

  “Hey baby, where’d you go?” Dillon asks.


  “I was asking you if you’ve had a good birthday, but you were some place else. Where’d you go?”

  “Oh,” I blush, and bite my lip.

  “Come on, don’t look like that, tell me what’s on your mind, baby…”

  “It’s just…” I whisper, and hesitate. Should I do this now?

  “What? What’s going on? Is something the matter? Did something happen with your mom?”

  “No,” I say, and shut my eyes for a moment. Opening them, I look him straight in the eye and just say it. “I think… I mean, I don’t know for sure but… I… I might be pregnant.”

  “What? That’s great!” Dillon looks like he just won the lottery or something.

  “You think?” I ask, still unsure of the situation.

  “Yes, it’s great. Don’t you think so?” he says, and puts his hand on my belly.

  “Well, I guess it’s great. I mean, I do want to have babies with you Dillon. But I’m not sure yet if I really am pregnant or not. I mean, I kind of bought a pregnancy test the other day, but I wanted to do it with you. Not behind your back.”

  “Aww, baby,” he says, and gives me a kiss. “You make me so happy, baby. What do you say we go ahead and take that test right now?”

  “You want to?”


  It’s the longest couple of minutes I’ve ever lived through. And when it’s about time to see the results, I’m too chicken to look at it first.

  “You do it,” I tell him, and point towards the bathroom.

  “You sure you don’t want to check it yourself?” he asks, while heading into the bathroom.

  “No, you do it.”

  “Okay, baby,” he says, and picks up the instructions again. “Let me see…”

  I’m too nervous to look, so I close my eyes while waiting for him to say something.

  “Happy birthday momma,” he says. “We’re having a baby.”

  We both scream and laugh, hugging each other and kissing one another. I am so happy right now that I don’t even know what to say or think.

  All I can do is hug him and kiss him, and when I do I feel so blissfully happy that I don’t even know if I deserve it.

  Lifting me up into his arms, Dillon carries me into the bedroom. Putting me down on the bed, he undresses us both, and then lays down on top of me.

  “You’ve made me the happiest guy alive,” he says, before thrusting into me.

  “I love you Dillon,” I whimper, and wrap my arms around his neck while he fucks me. I am so happy, and I am so in love. Having my husband moving in and out of me, I wrap my legs around his waist, and moan as loud as I can. This is the best feeling there is in the world. Him and me, united together and moving as one.

  “You feel so good baby,” he groans, thrusting deeper and deeper into me with each moment. His taut, strong body pinning me down, he makes me feel so loved, and when I close my eyes and focus on the feeling of having his wonderful cock pushing deep into me, I come.

  “Oh Dillon I’m coming,” I holler. “I’m coming so hard…” I whimper, and wail as the orgasm shoots through my body.

  “Kennedy, baby,” he whispers. “Come for me baby, come for me…”

  And then I feel him coming as well. Grunting and groaning on top of me, he stops moving and collapses on me. Whispering my name in the aftermath of our lovemaking, he tells me he loves me, over and over again. And all I can think about is how this is the best birthday ever. One of many to come.



  Some nine years down the road since our first date, and I love her just as much as I did back then. Maybe even more now, considering all that we’ve been through. With the kids over at their grandmas for the week (something we do every once in a while to give Kennedy room and space to paint as she pleases), my wife and I are able to do as we please around the house. And if there’s one thing we do when we’re home alone, it’s fuck.

  Standing outside in the middle of the day, I’ve got my wife with her back turned against me, pinned up against the wall of the stable we just finished building, and she’s got her jeans and panties resting around her ankles. Her breasts are hanging out of her cleavage, and I’m pumping myself into her lusciously snug wetness. And I’m glad I gave the stable boys the week off as well, because I’ve seen the way they look at my wife. But nobody is ever going to get their hands or their eyes on her body except me. She is mine. Forever.

  “Fuck me, Dillon,” she says, over and over again, and I continue to pump my steel hard erection into her. “I love you baby, I love you so much…” Panting and moaning, she’s got her hands against the wall, while I slam myself into her hard and fast.

  “You feel so good baby,” I murmur, and reach around her to grab hold of her breasts. Pinching each of her nipples, I force her to orgasm. As she erupts, I feel her tightness clasping around my cock. And it pushes me over the edge too. “Oh god, baby,” I moan, and stop thrusting. Unleashing my orgasm deep inside of her, I come so hard I can hardly stand up. “You feel so damn good baby,” I croak, and kiss her on the neck.

  After we’ve dressed ourselves again, and get ready to head back inside, I remember why I brought her out here in the first place. It wasn’t to seduce her, even though that’s what happened. But my intentions were completely different.

  “Baby,” I say, and reach into my pocket. Getting down on my knee, I hold up the ring I went and bought for her last week. Although she’s already got her wedding band, I never got her an engagement ring. And I figured it was about time she got one. Looking into her eyes, I see them glowing with surprise.

  “What’s this?” she asks, lifting her hands to her face.

  “Baby, I know we’re coming up on ten years now, but I was wondering if you would do me the honor of renewing our vows.”

  “What? Yes, of course,” she blurts out, and gives me her hand.

  “Oh baby,” I say, and put the ring on her finger. “You’ve made me so happy. I love you, Kennedy.”

  “I love you too, Sheriff. I love you to death,” she says, and pulls me up. Kissing me, she wraps her arms around me, and I hold her tightly.

  About a year later, on our tenth wedding anniversary, Kennedy and I renew our vows in front of all of our friends and family. We decided to do the big wedding thing for this one, especially since Kennedy never even got to wear a dress at our first one. She looks so pretty today, as beautiful as ever.

  As I watch her walking down the aisle, wearing a perfect princess dress with a veil and all, I feel so proud of her. She’s accomplished so much over the years. Not only has she been adamantly supportive of me and my pursuit of becoming a ranch owner, but she’s born me four children. She’s a great mother, the best one there ever was. I know she’s had some insecurities about doing the wrong thing, but I’ve been there watching her along the way, and she’s doing just fine.

  More than that, Kennedy’s not only a perfect mother and spouse, she’s such an excellent artist as well. She’s done real well over the years, and she’s even pretty successful at it. I’m so proud of her, my lovely artist of a wife. And I am so thankful that she wanted us to renew our vows on this day. Ten years after we eloped here to Las Vegas. But today, we’re doing it all over again, the proper way.

  Damn. I love her so much.

  And I always will.

  Later that night, we consummate our love for each other once again. Lying here on the bed, in the very same penthouse suite we stayed in the first time we got married here in Las Vegas, I look into Kennedy’s eyes and tell her how much I love her.

  “Thank you, baby, for doing this with me.”

  “Aww Dillon,” she says, looking all teary-eyed. “I love you so much. I wouldn’t have had it any other way.”

  Before we make love, there’s just one more thing I need to tell her. I’ve got a surprise wedding gift for her, even though we said we weren’t supposed to get any. I hope she won’t mind.

  “Look, baby,” I say, crawling out of bed. “I wanted to give you something.”

  “What? I thought we said we weren’t supposed to give each other anything.”

  “Well, this is a bit special, so I couldn’t help it. I had to give this to you,” I tell her and reach for my wallet on the table.

  “What’s going on?” Kennedy asks, and looks at me with suspicion in her eyes.

  “Here,” I say, and pull out my driver’s license.

  “What’s all this about, Sheriff?” she mumbles and gawks at me.

  “Read it,” I tell her and point to the license.

  “What? It just says Dillon Law– Lawless? Dillon Lawless?”

  “That’s my name.”

  “I can’t believe it, you changed your name?” she blurts out and laughs aloud.

  “Sure did. From now on, you can call me Sheriff Lawless.”

  “Thank you darling,” she says, and wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. Her white bra brushes against my bare chest, and I cannot wait to take it off her.

  “My pleasure. Plus, I do think Dillon Lawless sounds much better, doesn’t it?”

  “It does, darling. Oh, honey, I love you. I love you so much.”

  Kennedy hands me my license, and I toss it on the floor. Kissing her, I roll on top of her. Pulling down the straps of her bra on her shoulders, I then pull out each of her breasts from the cups. Kissing them and sucking on her nipples, I take my time tasting her wonderful, ample breasts.

  “You have the most amazing breasts, baby,” I tell her, and move farther down her body. Trailing the skin between her breasts, and further down to her belly button with my tongue, I hook my fingers into her white lace panties, and pull them off her. Then I dip my tongue into her lovely wetness, and feel my cock tingling with arousal as Kennedy presses her thighs against my cheeks.

  Digging her hands into my hair, she moans and writhes, wiggling her hips to the sides while I lick her delicious sweetness. And when I sense she’s about to orgasm, I quickly focus on her swollen button, and roll my tongue around it in circles.

  “Oh my God, Dillon…” she whimpers, thrusting against my face. “DILLON,” she hollers as she comes on me. I feel her nub pulsating in my mouth, and it is driving me insane with desire.

  This is it.

  I have got to have her.

  Right now.

  Not wasting a single moment, I swiftly slide my cock deep inside of her. Thrusting hard and fast into her, I make love to her like my life depended on it. She holds on to my body, her tiny hands clinging to my shoulders while I push my erection in and out of her. Deeper and deeper each time I penetrate her.

  “You feel so damn good baby,” I murmur, digging my fingers into her ample hips.

  “I love you Dillon… Fuck me… Fuck me…” she moans, and when I feel her coming for the second time, it’s more than I can handle.

  “I’m coming baby, I’m coming so hard, baby…” I groan, and explode deep inside of her.

  Collapsing on top of her, I lie here holding her while we catch our breaths after the intensity of our love-making.

  I love my wife so much. And I am forever thankful for all she’s given me.

  I’m forever hers.

  Excerpt from ”Forever Yours”

  Alicia is fresh out of college when she returns to her home town Summerville. Although she’s ready to start her new life and focus on her career, there’s something holding her back. She never did tell Clark how she felt about him. But maybe it’s time for that now.

  Clark is the grouchy old bachelor who runs the local diner, and he’s got a reputation about being the grumpiest guy in town. That may be true, but not when it comes to Alicia. She melted his heart the moment she walked into his diner when she was still in high school, but now that she’s all grown — he’s not about to keep his hands to himself any longer.

  Chapter 1


  WHEN THE PLANE hits the tarmac I feel void of all emotion. It’s been so long since I’ve been here, and I don’t really know what to expect once I get off the plane. My whole world has changed so much since I left, and I bet this place has as well.

  I bet his life has changed too.

  Not knowing if this was a good idea or not, I figure I’ve got no one else but myself to blame for agreeing to spend a couple of weeks at my parents’ place before moving in with my best friend Janelle. Everything had seemed like such a good idea back in February when I agreed to moving back to the place where I was born, but now – I’m not so sure anymore.

  Of course I love the idea of living with Janelle, she is still my closest and dearest friend, and we’ve kept in touch all the while I was away at college. But four years. That’s a lot of water under the bridge, and I can’t expect things to have stayed the same as they’ve always been.

  Least of all him.

  And I’m pretty sure I’ve changed too. I have. Living on my own hundreds of miles away from this place has definitely caused me to grow as a woman, and I can’t be sure that I’ll be able to care for everybody like I used to. Who knows? Maybe I’ll figure I’m no longer in love with him either. Maybe too much time has passed. Maybe the spark’s gone, and gone for good.


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