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Anton's Strength

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by R. M. Healy

  Anton’s Strength

  R.M. Healy

  © 2017 R.M Healy. All rights reserved.

  © Cover design R.M. Healy

  Published by R.M. Healy

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or photocopying without the publisher or author's written permission. The exception would be in the case of brief quotations embodied in the critical articles or reviews and pages where the publisher or author specifically grants permission.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real characters, places, or events is purely coincidental.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  Erik’s Crime – The Romano Series 5

  Chapter One

  Anton sipped his gin as he looked out of the window on his cousin’s private jet. The view was spectacular inside and out. The air hostess bent down, deliberately showing off her pert ass in front of him, and he grinned.

  He could get used to this. And soon enough, he would be.

  In less than one week, he would be signing a contract to model for one of the world's most famous luxury brands. He’d been taking acting classes recently too, he was waiting for the proper role, and then he’d break into movies.

  Anything was possible, and he was already recognized often for several of the modeling gigs he'd done and an appearance in a world-famous singer’s video.

  If he got this job and then broke into acting, he would be set for life.

  Over the last few years, he'd been lucky enough to live a lavish lifestyle thanks to his high income. Recently, however, he’d been feeling a lot of pressure from his parents. They expected him to take over the family business within the next few years so they could retire. When he was young, he loved cooking and working with his family.

  Unfortunately, running a restaurant chain wasn't something Anton could see himself doing anymore. He wasn’t skilled enough. His parents had achieved so much, and Anton didn’t want to damage the reputation they’d built. He wished he had learned more about Romano’s restaurants. It had been a dream of his to take over when he was a child.

  Then his looks gave him a new option, modeling. It had enabled him to travel the world, earn vast sums of money, and avoid his feelings. It was easy for him.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he sighed when he saw it was Elsa, the Swedish blonde model he'd been dating for a few weeks.

  As stunning as she was, she was becoming clingy and expected too much from him. He replied to her message, inviting her for dinner tomorrow night.

  She replied within seconds, as he knew she would. He'd treat her to a fantastic meal and let her down gently.

  "Dad, can you sort me a table tomorrow night at Romano’s?" Anton said to his father, who sat across from him.

  "You know we are fully booked weeks in advance. So why should I ask Esther to give you special treatment?"

  Anton knew his father would give in. He always did.

  "Because I came to London with you when I could have been on a shoot in New York earning thousands. Essie won't mind. She loves seeing me."

  "Ha, she cannot stand the sight of you, son. But I will tell her," his father shook his head and picked up his mobile to text his favorite employee.

  Anton scrolled through the next two weeks of his calendar and realized he was busy almost every day. He had a photo shoot booked in two days for an underwear line and the day after another shoot for a famous watch brand.

  A lot of the money he'd earned was in savings. He rented an apartment in the city but rarely stayed there. Anton booked as many jobs out of town as possible, traveling the world and staying in different hotel rooms every night.

  "Sebastian said he would put in a good word at The Model House for you. He used to be the best on their books a few years ago, the highest-paid model they ever had."

  Anton nodded at his father's words. Although it was generous of his older cousin to put a word in with the most prestigious company in modeling, Anton wanted to do this himself without his family name carrying him.

  "Tell him thanks, but no thanks. My manager said I've pretty much got in the bag anyway, I don't need anyone else's help, least of all his," Anton said abruptly.

  "Anton, your arrogance will be your downfall. You should be grateful when your family offers to help you, not rude. You didn't say no to his help when he offered us a ride on his private jet, did you?"

  Anton stared open-mouthed at his father's words. It was unlike his father to snap at him or lose his temper, but it seemed something Anton said had annoyed him.

  "Excuse me?" Anton questioned.

  "You know exactly what I mean, son. You're 26 now, not a child. Your mother and I have been way too lenient with you since we lost Isabelle, but we never raised you to be so selfish and rude."

  It had been 15 years since Anton's little sister died, and his parents rarely mentioned it. Especially not in an argument.

  "I'm just gonna pop to the restroom," Sam said from the seat beside Anton's father.

  Anton liked Sam. He was his cousin Sebastian's brother-in-law but was only 14 years old and very quiet.

  As soon as Sam walked down the aisle and out of earshot, Anton responded to his father.

  "Don't worry. As I said, I have this job in the bag. I will be out of your hair in a couple of weeks."

  "That is not what I want, and you know it. Your mother loves having you at home, as do I, but you need to learn to respect people’s feelings. Most people haven't had the same opportunities you’ve had. But be aware, Anton, your looks will only get you so far in life.”

  "I will more than likely be moving to New York regardless of what happens," Anton smiled as Sam walked back over, awkwardly avoiding looking at either of the other men.

  "You will hate it there, son. I told you, me, and your mother will leave our home to you. We were going to move home to Italy soon. We want you to have the house," his father's voice was almost pleading as he spoke.

  Anton looked up at his father, the man who looked like a much older version of himself. The death of a child made his father look older than he should have, even at 50. His once black hair was now gray, and his dark skin was worn and haggard.

  But his honest brown eyes had never changed. Anton could read his father like a book and could tell now his father was worried. Anton felt horribly guilty at that moment.

  His parent's bought the four-bedroom farmhouse when they found out they were having a baby 26 years ago. They'd raised Anton and Isabelle there, and it had been such a happy home until Isabelle's death.

  They had decided to bury Isabelle in her favorite place on the farm, and that's where she'd rested ever since.

  Anton hadn't visited that part of the farm since the day his little sister had died. His parents went to the grave every day they were home on the farm, tending to the flower garden they’d built around it.

  "We will see what happens," Anton replied to his father and looked out of the window, unable to look into the man's eyes. Thankfully, the hostess brought over his gin at that moment.

  Anton didn't like to think about his sister and the fate of the farm. He heard his father’s sigh and ignored him. Anton didn’t want to think of the past. He h
ad to focus on the future.

  "I don't know why his father lets him get away with it. He's such a spoilt jackass. Regardless if he's the best looking man ever to walk the earth."

  Esther couldn't help but agree with her assistant manager Stacey. Anton Romano was a useless idiot who used his good looks to get whatever he wanted in life, and when that didn't work, he used his parents or his wealth.

  Esther knew better than to gossip about the family's son at work, though.

  "It doesn't matter, he will be here soon, and we will just have to accommodate him," Esther said matter of fact. She didn't want to set aside the VIP table for him either, but it wasn't her restaurant, and Mr. Romano, her boss, had messaged yesterday to request it.

  The owners, Mr & Mrs. Romano, had always been kind to her, and she'd loved working for them since she was 16. 11 years later, Esther was worried about what would happen to the business she'd worked so hard to help expand.

  Mr. Romano had high hopes that his son would take over the restaurant chain. Unfortunately, Esther had yet to see Anton Romano attend a single meeting with his parents.

  The only time she'd seen him give a damn about the business in recent years was when he'd decided to bring his current playmate for dinner at the restaurant.

  Stacey nodded and left Esther alone. Esther hated being in the tiny windowless office, and she wasn’t used to it.

  If it were up to her, she’d have continued working around the country. But, as it were, her elderly parents were struggling to manage things alone. So Esther asked the Romanos if she could stay based in the city for one year while she helped her family out.

  Esther was an ambitious young woman and knew she was fantastic at her job. She'd managed to help the Romano restaurant chain expand massively in just her five years as their regional manager, and she had been paid exceptionally well for it. She had planned to help them grow globally. Unfortunately, she had to return home for her family, and those plans were now on hold.

  Only 11 more months of this, Esther mumbled to herself as she completed the staff rota for the following month. Then, despite the office door being open, one of the waiters knocked it to get her attention.

  "Esther, the boss is here, and he's asked you to come to his table," the boy's croaky voice showed how nervous he was. Which meant it wasn't her boss but her boss's son.

  "Ok," she said without moving. What the hell that jerk wanted, she had no idea. She slipped her heels back on under the desk and pushed the chair back.

  Leaving her blazer behind, she made sure her name badge was pinned just above her left breast on her red shirt as she walked down the narrow corridor that led to the dining area.

  As it was every night, the restaurant was packed, and all of the staff were performing excellently. She followed the wooden stairs that led to the area reserved for VIP customers, which overlooked the rest of the restaurant.

  One table was elevated and further away from the rest to enable a sense of privacy from the other diners. It was next to a window that covered views of the city docks. Esther had already counted five proposals at that table alone in the last month.

  It was also the third time Anton Romano had come here to dump one of his girlfriends.

  Esther had been fortunate enough to avoid seeing him for the first two times. She'd heard the gossip from the staff about the famous beautiful tall Arabian model swearing and throwing a glass of wine in his face. And the second, a petite curvy British actress was seen running out of the restaurant in tears to the waiting photographers.

  As much as Esther wanted to complain, his antics had raised the profile of the restaurant. With groups of young women booking a table, hoping that they'd be able to get a snap of Anton with one of his other equally famous dates.

  That didn't mean she wished to see him.

  This time, his date was a stunning pale blonde who looked vaguely familiar to Esther. Was she one of the models who'd walked in the famous underwear show last week?

  "Ah, Essie, you look delectable tonight. Those legs are enough to make any man go wild," Anton said as she approached his table. No one else called her Essie.

  He leaned back against the glass wall window, drinking what Esther assumed was the most expensive gin in the restaurant. For all his charm and his dark Italian looks, Esther couldn't find him attractive. Not that she needed to, she knew he was teasing her, for what purpose, she wasn't sure.

  "Mr. Romano, can I help you with something?" Her voice was polite, and she stood with her hands in front of her waist, trying to play the perfect host, despite the fact she despised him.

  When he flashed his straight white teeth at her and sighed, Esther began to worry. She'd only seen him a handful of times over the last few years, and thankfully she'd managed to avoid any real conversation between them.

  He'd hit on her once when she was just a waitress at 17, and he was 16. That time she'd slapped him around the face and showed him her engagement ring.

  This time she didn't have her ring to protect her from his advances.

  "I heard about your recent divorce, and I want to extend my apologies to you."

  The smile on his face said otherwise, and if anything, he looked thrilled with the news. But Esther didn't acknowledge it, instead turning to his date.

  "Can I get you anything before I leave?" Esther asked.

  The blonde looked confused as to why the man she'd come for dinner with was complimenting the woman he'd called to his table. Frankly, so was Esther.

  "Your number?" Anton commented arrogantly. Esther couldn't bite her tongue any longer.

  "Perhaps you should pay more attention to your date. Bringing a woman here and treating her as if she doesn’t exist is disgusting. Now, if you will excuse me, I must get back to work, something I understand must be a foreign concept to you, Anton. Goodbye."

  With that, she turned on her heel and began to walk away. When she turned around to see Anton’s reaction, she was even more annoyed to see him staring at her ass.

  Some men would never learn, and he was one of those men. Esther knew she wouldn't lose her job for speaking to him like that. Mr. and Mrs. Romano already treated her like she was family as opposed to an employee.

  Her biggest concern was if that fool ever became the company owner. If that day came, it would be the day that she quit.

  As she walked away, Anton couldn't help but admire her firm pert ass in the black high waisted skirt she wore.

  He laughed out loud as she looked over her shoulder and shot daggers at him with her dark eyes.

  Esther Lee was a uniquely beautiful woman. Her father was Korean, and her mother, American. Her near-black eyes and hair were a stark contrast to her pale freckly skin. Anton always thought she looked too perfect to be real, with an unobtainable level of beauty unmatched by any woman.

  His father had told him years ago about how Esther had been scouted several times for modeling. Anton never found out why she'd said no.

  Regardless of his young crush on her, he got over it when he realized she was out of bounds as another man’s future wife.

  His father had revealed last night that Esther had recently divorced her husband of eight years.

  "Anton! Are you listening to me?" Elsa asked, tapping her manicured nails on the table.

  "No, what?" Elsa was beautiful, but Anton had grown born of their short-lived relationship. He didn't mean to be such a jerk; it came naturally to him.

  "Why bring me here when you have a crush on her?" Elsa questioned, surprisingly calm.

  "Do you want the truth? Or would you like me to lie?"

  "I am not an idiot, Anton. Say it," Elsa casually drank her drink and leaned back into the chair, her piercing blue eyes watching him as she waited.

  "I came here to tell you I didn't want to take things any further. However, my father revealed that his employee, who you just met, has recently divorced. I couldn't resist calling her over to see if that was true."

  If Elsa wanted the truth, then he was
more than happy to give it.

  "I see. She is out of your league. You know that, right?" Elsa said, grinning. Not upset by his rejection.

  She was also correct. Esther was out of his league and always had been. That didn't stop him from wanting her.

  "I know. But it is nice to fantasize."

  "Well, how about we order this food since you've brought me here to dump me," Elsa joked as she picked up the menu. Anton was surprised at the woman's reaction but pleased.

  "I suppose I do owe you that much."

  After the meal and dessert, Elsa picked up her small gold bag and looked at Anton as she stood up.

  "If you do like her, I suggest you change your ways," Elsa smiled and walked away from the table, leaving Anton sitting there alone.

  He looked out at the docks and finished his drink. He would miss this city.

  Maybe if things were different, Anton would pursue Esther. He knew she deserved someone more reliable, and he had plans to move to New York within the month. It was a shame, but he doubted she'd even look twice at him anyway.

  Throwing down a few hundred dollar bills, he sighed and put his suit jacket back on. He didn't have to pay, but he wanted to prove a point to Esther. What that point was, he didn't know.

  He called a taxi on his way out of the crowded restaurant and was relieved when he stepped outside and inhaled the salty air. He really would miss this place when he moved.

  Sitting on the bench, he looked out at the docks.

  He remembered when he was younger. He wanted to be just like his father, a chef. But he wasn't a child anymore, and the dreams he'd had when he was a twelve-year-old boy were irrelevant now.

  After a short while of thinking, the taxi horn sounded behind him, and he knew it was time to go.

  Chapter Two

  Esther unlocked the door to her already warm apartment and switched on the lights.

  Although Esther missed the old suburban home that she shared with her ex-husband, she loved the modern apartment she’d moved into. She walked down the narrow corridor and into the compact modern kitchen, putting down the bag of food she'd brought back from the restaurant on the sleek stainless steel counter.


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