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Anton's Strength

Page 6

by R. M. Healy

  Many people wanted to host weddings, parties, and other events there. However, the venue just wasn't big enough.

  Esther's idea was to change all that, and she'd had the plans designed and even approved. She just needed Anthony's approval before she could set the plan into motion.

  It took her a further hour to go through the application forms and separate who she thought were potential candidates. By the time she had finished, Anthony had called to say he would be there soon and to have the chef prepare him some food.

  Judging by the vast amount he'd ordered, she guessed he would be bringing Rosa with him, which was unusual.

  A lot of the dishes used were created by Rosa, and Esther knew that when they initially opened Romano's that Rosa used to cook most of the recipes herself, and Anthony managed everything else.

  When Esther started, Rosa hadn't worked there for a few years, but all of the staff remembered what a brilliant cook she was and how much she loved her job. The team never said why she stopped working there other than something terrible had happened.

  Esther wasn't the type to be nosey, so she never asked any questions, but she had always been curious.

  "As requested," Stacey said as she brought the food into the office.

  "Thanks, how is it?"

  "Full again. Had to turn away a lot of people. This expansion can't come quick enough!"

  "Just leave the trolly. I will sort it out before he gets here," Esther said as she got out of her seat to put two more chairs by the large desk.

  Stacey left as Esther put the food where Anthony usually sat and got her paperwork ready. It seemed he was running late, and Esther thought it strange since he was typically punctual.

  Loud footsteps of two people could be heard on the wooden floor outside of the office, and Esther knew he'd finally arrived. When Anthony walked in, she smiled brightly. That was until she saw the figure behind him wearing a black jacket with a hood that hid their face.

  She couldn't help her smile slipping from her face when she saw that it was Anton.

  "Hello, Esher, sorry I'm late. We had to go through the back door," Anthony said, nodding at Anton as if that explained why.

  "I see," Esther said, trying to smile and stay composed.

  "I needed to talk to you, but I thought it better to do it in person. Once all this nonsense with the press dies down, Anton wants to get back into the family business. I want him to shadow you as you work. You know Romano’s Italian better than anyone else, even me."

  Esther stared open-mouthed at Anthony. Surely he was joking?

  "Erm, what?" She said, unable to hide the surprise in her voice.

  "Let's all take a seat, so I can discuss this properly and so I can eat," Anthony said, pulling out his own seat, seemingly oblivious to Esther's sudden anxiety.

  Anton sat down beside his father and took his hood down, revealing the bandage covering his face.

  Intentionally, he lifted his brows to Esther when she glanced at it. He knew she'd looked at it, and he didn't like it. She didn't smile at him, knowing he might find it patronizing if she did.

  "Esther, please sit down," Anthony said, gesturing to the chair across from him and Anton.

  She cautiously sat on the other side of the desk and waited. Anthony immediately started eating while Esther and Anton sat in silence. She was aware of Anton watching her and deliberately ignored him.

  Sitting there, she began to feel more and more anxious. If Anthony wasn't joking, then her 11 years of working for the Romanos was about to come to an abrupt end. Something she'd not even contemplating happening.

  In fact, she loved her job so much she hadn't envisioned ever leaving it.

  As far as she was aware, Anton never wanted anything to do with the business. She hoped when Anthony and Rosa retired in Italy that she would be able to buy 50% of the shares of the company or even the entire thing.

  And did Anton really want a career change so soon after being seriously injured?

  "The food is good, but these chefs will never be able to perfect my Rosa's cooking. Anton, try some and tell me what you think."

  "If I am going to own this place someday, I suppose I better had," Anton said with a forced smile. Handsome as his smile was, Esther saw the calculation and resentment behind it.

  He knew Esther would hate to work with him and especially for him.

  "Esther, aren't you eating today?" Anthony questioned, surprised she wasn't eating. During their monthly meeting, they usually ate together as they talked about business.

  "I have no appetite," she said, looking at Anton. His dark eye's looked up at her as he bit into a slice of pizza, still managing to look smug as he did so.

  It didn't miss her attention that his other arm was obviously bandaged still under his jumper. She was surprised he was out so soon after the accident. It hadn't even been three weeks.

  "Anthony, I don't mean to be rude. Is this joke? Anton has his modeling career."

  Anton laughed and shook his head before looking up at her, barely hiding his anger.

  "How about I show you my melted arm? Or maybe the puckered flesh that's all over my face? I am sure that there will be so many agencies keen to use me for their campaigns. Because who wouldn't want to see a monster advertising an expensive aftershave?"

  Esther looked into his eyes. He was clearly daring her to say something. Which was good since she had a lot to say.

  "I get you're clearly struggling to deal with your scars, Anton, but that doesn't mean you get a pass to talk to people like crap all of the time. As for your stupid remarks about showing me your skin, go on then, you think people haven't had worse injuries than yours? Do you think they're all monsters too? You’re fortunate that only a fraction of your body is scared. You still have your good looks. Not everyone is that lucky!"

  It annoyed her that Anton spoke about himself as a monster, many people had scars, and unlike others, Anton's handsome face remained very much intact, as did his health.

  "Anton. I can clearly see you're not ready for this yet. I'm sorry I pushed you," Anthony said, standing up. Anton swore under his breath as he pulled his hood up and walked out of the door.

  "Esther, I am sorry to cut this meeting short and about Anton. I am trying to deal with this situation as best I can. I'm not qualified to deal with this. I will contact you tomorrow, and we can meet this week to overlook the plans, ok?"

  Esther smiled and nodded, "Of course. And Anthony, you're a great father. It's clear to see you love your son. Just give him some space for now."

  Anthony nodded and sighed, "Maybe you're right. I should have seen that he wasn't ready for this, even if it's what he said he wanted. Goodbye, Esther."

  Putting her elbows on the wooden desk, Esther ran her hands through her tied-up hair. She hoped what she said was the right thing. Because even with good intentions, his parents may have expected too much of Anton too soon.

  For anyone, coming to terms with such a traumatic event could take months and perhaps even years.

  It hadn't even been a month, and Anthony was trying to get his son back into work.

  Despite Anton trying to annoy her with his comments, she guessed it may have been a distraction from the real pain inside. As much as she didn't want to get involved, she couldn't help but wish to help in some way.

  But there was nothing she could do, and it was clear she and Anton would never get along.

  "Do you and dad want me to pick up food? Or is dad cooking? Or do you want me to cook?"

  "Your dad likes your cooking more than his own. How about you make some Korean food? It's been a while since he’s cooked it."

  "Sure, mom. Want me to pick you both up?" Esther asked the question even though her father hadn't been in her car in years. He was the worst back seat driver she'd ever encountered, and he thought he was the only person who had a right to be on the road.

  It was only one trip, and she knew he spent the rest of his time at home resting these days since he felt too
tired to work.

  There was a long pause, and Esther waited for her mother to ask Esther's father if he wanted her to drive. And her mother's answer was just as she predicted.

  "No, thanks. Your dad said he's driving. I will see you at your sister's at around 5 pm. Bye."

  “Mom, he’s too sick to drive, you know that.”

  “We will talk on the day. Goodbye.”

  Not long after the phone call, Esther drove down to the food market, and as she was walking down the quiet cobbled street, she saw the newspapers and magazine covers. She probably wouldn't have even noticed them had she have not seen Anton's face staring back at her on the front page.


  Walking closer to them, she opened the one with the headline and began reading the article that spread across two pages with various images of Anton with his past famous girlfriends and a picture of his cousin Sebastian.

  Known playboy and heir to his parent's fortune, Anton Romano spotted for the first time in two weeks, leaving one of his parent's exclusive restaurant chains last night.

  It seemed Anton was unusually keen to avoid the public eye as he escaped through the back door and attempted to cover his face with a black hooded jumper.

  Just two weeks ago, Anton was shooting for well-known accessory brand BlaneGolden when something caused part of the shoot to collapse on the star and leave him with extensive burns.

  One can only imagine how the family felt. Anton's sister sadly died fifteen years ago in a tragic accident at the farm that the family has owned for over thirty years. A source close to the Romano family also revealed the deceased owner of Romano Enterprises had a secret son, Greek hotel owner Marco Makris.

  Anton Romano’s other cousin, the illusive Erik Romano, has been released from Italian authorities after being questioned in connection to a murder case in the capital.

  Amidst all of the drama, the family declined to comment.

  Anton's cousin, ex-model, and multi-millionaire Sebastian Romano is well known for his ability to step out with a brave face regardless of any controversy, and it seems his cousin is no different.

  Actress and ex-girlfriend Anton Romano, Felicity Gorga informed us that she had known this story was going to come out because Anton had planned it months ago to gain more publicity ahead of his move to New York and The Model House.

  She isn't the only model to come forward about Anton Romano. Socialite Danielle Summers told us she wouldn't be surprised if Felicity were telling the truth.

  Danielle Summers had been photographed with Anton just two months ago and said he used her in a bid to gain favor with her father, photographer to the elite, Jean Summers.

  Could these beautiful exes be bitter, or is Anton Romano really just after a boost in his profile? Was there really a fire, or is any publicity good publicity?

  Only time will tell what is under Anton Romano's suspicious bandages!

  "Are you buying?" An annoyed-looking old woman asked at the counter.

  "Sorry," Esther smiled tightly and put it back on the shelf. She wouldn't buy a magazine that printed that crap.

  She couldn't believe it. How could they be so insensitive to print a picture of Anton when he clearly didn't want to be seen and put such malicious lies?

  What else she couldn't believe was that Rosa and Anthony had lost a daughter. Esther had absolutely no idea that Anton wasn't an only child.

  Her initial thought would have been that the press was lying since they implied so quickly that Anton's bandage was a fake. But Anton's words at their family meal had played on her mind since that night about him being Rosa's 'only living child.'

  How hadn't she heard this before? Why hadn't she realized?

  Anton had some level of fame before the fire, but he'd never been in the magazines and newspapers for anything other than who he may or may not have been dating.

  She wondered how Anthony and Rosa felt about the press telling everyone so blatantly about something they never spoke about. At least not to her or anyone at the restaurant.

  It was hard not to call Rosa to see if she was ok, to see if they'd heard about the absolute trash the papers were printing about them. It was a bad idea, and she knew it.

  If the family wanted to tell her about their personal business, that was their choice.

  As for Anton, she did begin to pity him. He may have hurt these girls by dating them, but to say he was lying about something so painful to get revenge on him was just cruel.

  Now that the press had started this drama and made him front-page news, how many other bitter exes would come forward? How long would this story be front page?

  Anthony still hadn't emailed her back about rearranging their meeting, but perhaps this was the reason why.

  Esther believed he may have felt guilty that he had persuaded Anton to come to Romano's last night. But he hadn't known his son would be photographed and that details of their lives would be splashed in magazines.

  It was so crazy that the people who printed this magazine would take such little disregard for people's feelings. Esther found herself angry as she walked into the meat market.

  After dinner with her family, she would call Rosa and see how they were.

  "I am scared, Esther."

  Esther shook her head as she chopped the vegetables. They were almost done preparing the food for the family dinner, and Esther knew that her sister was beginning to get anxious.

  "Hey, don't worry, Jessica, this is going to be a lovely night. I have been looking forward to this all week," Esther said honestly.

  She had thought about her father being rude to Joe, but then she knew even he couldn't be so selfish. Plus, her mother said he would be fine, and if there was one person who would make her father behave, it was her mother.

  "I think I love him. I know Joe loves me. He told me he knew he did when he saw me moving in. He said I am beautiful!"

  It was so sweet that Jessica was getting to experience something she'd always wanted.

  Just because she was slightly different didn't from other women her own age didn't mean she should miss out on anything that life had to offer, and Esther was grateful that her job enabled her to provide this new life for her sister.

  "No wonder he loves you, Jessica. You're beautiful, kind, caring, and the happiest person to be around. I just hope he's good enough for you!" Esther joked.

  She knew Joe was perfect for Jessica. He was so sweet and polite, just like her sister. It was Joe’s parents ' set up and owned the farm that provided this perfect ideal home for her sister. Esther hoped they'd be just as happy as her that their son had found someone he loved.

  "Ok, you go prepare the table and light the candles, and I will finish the food. Then call Joe over, and he can be here before mom and dad, ok?"

  Jessica looked nervous and nodded while opening her kitchen cabinets to lay the table behind her. She wondered when it was due to snow this year as she looked out at the garden. It was freezing cold outside, and Esther knew it would be frosty later

  Christmas used to be her favorite time of year when she was a little girl.

  Then she married Micheal, and it became boring. He didn't celebrate Christmas and treated it like any other day, and they never exchanged presents.

  Her mother and father always made Christmas a fun time for her and Jessica, but as they became teenagers, her parents stopped the tradition.

  This year Esther would try and make them celebrate it again. She wanted them to be closer as a family and for her father to get past his petty resentment towards her before it was too late. For such a long time, Esther had felt lonely, and the only people she had were her family, but her father had pushed her out until he needed help with Jessica.

  "Ok, I am going to call him now. Do I look ok?" Jessica patted down the dark blue floral dress that Esther had brought her for her last birthday.
  "You look absolutely perfect. He's going to faint when he see's you."

  Jessica grinned as she practically skipped out of the room on the way to her home phone.

  Her sister had forgotten to light the candles, and Esther laughed. She must have been so excited to call Joe.

  Esther lit the candles in the little jars and switched on the fairy lights that hung around the doorways in the kitchen.

  Whether Esther's father would criticize the food was another question. It was always obvious he loved her food in the fact he ate the entire plate, and most of the time, had seconds of thirds.

  Despite the evidence, he always pointed out something he could have done that would have made the food taste better. It didn't matter. She was just happy the family was together.

  "Joe is on his way," Jessica said in a rushed voice.

  "That's great. Mom and dad should be here at any moment now, and the food is ready."

  The door knocked a few moments, and Esther waited in the kitchen for her sister to bring Joe inside to meet her.

  "Thank you, Joe. I love them!" She heard Jessica say.

  Jessica walked in with a bouquet of red roses and a bright smile on her face, Joe following behind her.

  He was the same height as her sister and had dark blonde hair. Esther loved how he'd worn a lovely black suit here. She was used to seeing him around in his jeans and a white t-shirt.

  "Hey, Joe, nice to see you. Your suit makes you look like a city man," she joked.

  "My mom said it was important to look good to meet the family," Joe said, smiling back.

  It was great he'd told his parent's and they clearly must have approved if his mother told him to dress up smart for the occasion. The door knocked again, and Esther went to get it this time, knowing it would be her parents.

  Her mom looked radiant even in her nondescript brown coat, but her father looked worse than the last time she'd seen him. His hair was thinning, and his belly was beginning to look prominent even with his jacket on.


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