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Anton's Strength

Page 9

by R. M. Healy

  "That would be fantastic," Esther said, smiling at the two men.

  "Hello, my name is Anton Romano,” Anton held his free hand out again, and Jae took it.

  "Hey, I am Jae, and this is my brother Chan. We're her cousins."

  Anton raised his eyebrows and looked down at Esther, "Oh, cousins? Interesting."

  "Yes. I've spoken to your mother and father, and I must say your family is so kind. How about we return the gesture, and the three of you come and enjoy dinner with us too?" Jae said optimistically.

  Esther didn't know what Jae was thinking of inviting Anton. He didn't know him, and her father and his sister should be able to enjoy this time together without people neither of them knew that well.

  "I'm afraid I'll have to let you know. Anyway, I will leave you to say your goodbyes."

  Placing his hand on Esther's shoulder, Anton bent down to whisper in her ear so only she would hear, "don't have too much fun tonight masturbating alone over what could have happened in that office."

  Gulping, Esther took a deep breath. Anton walked away back over to his family table and left Esther standing awkwardly with her two cousins, who both grinned, clearly not hearing what Anton had just said to her.

  "Anyway, it was lovely to meet you both. I look forward to seeing you in a couple of days. If you need anything until then just give me a call. Have you got transport home?" She asked them.

  "Yes, I hired a car. We will be fine."

  After saying goodbye to them, she walked the entire room wishing everyone else goodbye, except Anton, who seemed to have completely lost interest in her as he spoke to his uncle.

  What game was he playing, trying to seduce her only to pretend she didn't exist. She didn't bother feeding into it, and when her taxi arrived, she left without even looking his way.

  The taxi dropped her sister off first, and her parents wanted her to be taken home next. As they reached her apartment, the silence was broken.

  "I am sorry I took my own prejudice out on you, Esther," her father said, taking her by surprise, "You are my daughter, and I will always love you. I respect you like the independent woman you are. I see how different you are from any woman I've met, and I can only say sorry for not seeing that sooner."

  When he finished his words, the taxi pulled to a stop.

  "Thank you, dad. I don't know what to say."

  "You don't need to say anything. I just wanted you to know that. And I want you to know that Anton seems like a polite young man. He just better be good enough for you."

  "Good enough for me?" She laughed, "I think you've got the wrong idea about him and me. I barely know the guy."

  "Oh...well, goodnight, sweetie, I will never forget what you've done for me tonight, Esther," he said with a teary voice.

  She embraced him and her mother before getting out of the taxi without a word. She didn't deal with sharing her emotions openly very well, especially when her father had never been so open with his.

  While getting ready for bed, she couldn't stop thinking about Anton and what he'd said to her. She was old enough to know that she was sexually attracted to him, that his words turned her on. She was also old enough to know sexual attraction wasn't significant enough to make her get into bed with any man. It took a lot more than just sexual attraction for her to be interested in a man, and that was all she had for Anton, nothing more.

  Plus, she had been drinking alcohol, so perhaps that was why she wasn't as harsh with him as she usually would have been. The next time she saw him, she had every intention to tell him he was out of line. Not only that, but she would make sure with Anthony and Rosa that Anton would never be her boss.

  She would leave if that were to ever happen.

  Esther woke up needing a cold glass of water after the dream she'd had. It seemed Anton's words had influenced her mind a lot more than she'd anticipated.

  Fantasizing about what could have happened between her and Anton in that office alone was not healthy or wise.

  Knowing that, however, didn't prevent her from thinking it. If she stayed in bed any longer, she knew she'd continue thinking about Anton.

  Stretching out and walking from the small bedroom into the open living space, she sighed when she saw the weather from her window.

  It was raining heavily, and Esther didn't have her car since she'd left it at the restaurant. It was two buses from her apartment to the restaurant, which meant she would have to order a taxi. And since it was a public holiday, she'd have to pay the double fare.

  Thankfully, she wasn't due at work until the evening, so she didn't need to worry about it just yet.

  She checked her phone and was surprised to see that Rosa had left her a message.

  Hey Esther, I'm driving past your place today if you'd like a ride to work? I saw your car last night when I left.

  Esther texted back asking what time, and it was luckily an hour before Esther was due at work, so she said yes.

  A few hours later, as she sat in Rosa’s car, she regretted accepting the offer.

  "Anton really seemed like he enjoyed last night, don't you think?" Rosa asked Esther as the car stopped at a set of traffic lights. They'd spoken about last night already, and Rosa said what a fantastic night it was.

  But she seemed keen to say something more, and Esther had no idea why the older woman was acting so strangely.

  "I didn't speak to him really, but he looked happy," Esther lied and looked straight ahead at the road as it began to rain.

  There was a short pause before Rosa spoke again, "Oh, one of the waitresses, Laura? I think that was her name anyway, said she saw you both coming out of the office together.”

  Esther made sure she didn't react to the statement as she knew Rosa would be looking at her to see any reaction.

  Frankly, Esther was annoyed that the employees had been gossiping about her and Anton, especially to the owners.

  "Did she? Why would she feel it necessary to tell you that?" Esther questioned harshly and avoiding what Rosa was implying with her statement.

  "I asked her if she'd seen Anton, and that's what she said. I didn't mean to upset you. I wondered what he'd said to you in there," Rosa said softly, clearly feeling guilty for saying it.

  As she turned onto the freeway, Esther turned and looked at Rosa, who was concentrating on the road. Perhaps Esther had been sharp snapping at Rosa like that. After all, the woman was only concerned about her son.

  That didn't mean Esther was going to tell Rosa what Anton had said. The woman would probably be traumatized hearing exactly what Anton had said to Esther in that room.

  "He didn't say much. He brought up that he may have a future working in the business. Anthony had already mentioned that last week too."

  "That's it?" Rosa seemed surprised, "I know it sounds ridiculous, but I wondered if he'd cornered you in there or attempted to seduce you. I've seen enough of these articles over the years."

  The woman clearly knew her son well.

  "No, nothing like that. You know me and Anton are very different people Rosa," Esther did not want the woman getting any funny ideas about some blossoming relationship that wasn't happening.

  "I know, a woman can only hope," she said quietly with a deep sigh.

  As they pulled off the freeway and drove down the side of the docks, Esther felt relieved. Rosa's conversation made her extremely uncomfortable. She loved Rosa and cared for the woman more like a relative than an employer, but that didn't mean she wanted to marry her son or even discuss such a topic.

  "It was kind of you to take me to work, Rosa," Esther said as she parked the car outside of the already busy restaurant.

  "Not a bother, I had to go to the mall by yours anyway for my Christmas shopping, bad idea on such a busy day!" Rosa joked.

  "Thanks for reminding me. I haven't even started mine yet."

  Esther picked up her handbag and stepped out of the car into the now bitter cold, "Thanks again, Rosa, see you soon."

  She was grateful for t
he heat when she walked into the back of the restaurant and into the office. She really didn't deal with cold weather well. After putting her things away and sitting down at her desk, Esther was surprised to see a text from Anthony saying he would be in the restaurant in just one hour to discuss Esther's plans for the restaurant.

  The door knocked, and Stacey entered, a sly grin on her face.

  "Coffee?" She asked Esther, who logged herself onto her laptop.

  "Yes, please."

  "Good thanksgiving?" Stacey said, still smiling at Esther, who began to suspect what the other woman was really implying. The gossip about Esther and Anton being in the office together had clearly already spread around the entire restaurant, which immensely annoyed Esther.

  "Yes. I really need to concentrate, Stacey, so I'd appreciate being left alone, just have someone from the floor bring my coffee, thanks."

  When the door shut, Esther ran her hands through her hair and closed her eyes. She was so irritated that people were gossiping about her when all she had done was talk to Anton in the office.

  Just because Anton had a reputation, it didn't mean she deserved to be implicated in some seedy story.

  What if he really did decide to work with her? Would everyone be gossiping that something was going on every time they were left alone in the office together? Or if they both had to visit another restaurant in another city?

  She knew people would speak no matter what but she would make a point to people that nothing was going on between them as soon as she knew how. After an hour of working on the computer, she was glad when Anthony showed up. It was about time he heard her plans.

  Even more fortunately for Esther, he loved her plans for the business. He knew like Esther that it would only benefit the company and couldn't wait to start the renovation.

  "How many reservations have we got for January and February? My nephew works in construction and knows all the best people. Since you've got the planning, I think we can have this done in under three months!"

  Anthony was extremely enthusiastic about the plans, much more than Esther had anticipated.

  "I've meant to talk to you about something for a while, and I think now is the time," Anthony said, typing on his own laptop across from her.

  She suspected he'd bring up Anton working with her again, so when he spoke, she was shocked.

  "We want to open a new restaurant. I need you to be the one to head it all like you've done a dozen times."

  Esther hadn't planned on traveling so soon, she still wanted to be 100% sure that Jessica was settled, and it hadn't even been 6 months yet, let alone a year.

  "Not yet but this will take a lot more planning than all of the others since it will be in Italy."

  "Italy?" Esther looked straight at Anthony, she had never traveled overseas to open a restaurant, and she'd never even been to Italy.

  "I don't know Anthony..."

  "Just think about it for now. You won't be alone doing this, Anton has already said he will be on board if you are. Of course, he will be with you every step of this renovation too," Anthony said as if he was giving her a fantastic piece of information.

  "What?" She said stunned.

  "He's starting the week after Christmas, he's very excited to work with you."

  Esther couldn't believe it. She was speechless, she'd hoped that all it was a big joke and now it seemed he really would be working with her.

  "Are you ok, Esther?" Anthony said, clearly confused at her lack of response.

  "So Anton really will be working for you?" Esther questioned, trying not to sound angry.

  "His heart has always been with the restaurant business, it's just taken an unfortunate event to make him remember that."

  Esther was annoyed that she'd worked so hard to get where she had in her career only for someone who had limited experience in the restaurant business, only ever working part-time as a waiter when he was a teenager to come in and take over a company she'd been building.

  "What will his position be exactly?" She asked, hoping Anthony wouldn't expect her to work beneath Anton.

  If that were the case, she would hand in her resignation there and then.

  "I don't want it to affect your place in this business. You are the best employee we've ever had, and this business wouldn't be where it is if it wasn't for you. But my wife and I are getting older, and before this accident with Anton, we had plans to move home, back to Italy."

  Anthony shut his laptop and smiled fondly at the large photo of Naples on the wall, where he and Rosa were both from.

  "I want to be fair, and I think it would be fitting if we left Anthony 40% of the company, it was always our intention to leave it to our children."

  Looking down, Anthony sighed and shook his head. Esther knew this wasn't the time to bring up the other child that she was so curious about.

  "But things change and you more than anyone else deserves a percentage of this company. So it would only be fitting to leave the other 40% to you. We will keep the remaining 20%."

  Leaning back in the chair, Esther found herself speechless for the second in less than five minutes.

  "However, that will come in time, we won't be moving yet. And as for Anton's position, he doesn't have one. He has his own fortune and is willing to shadow you, unpaid for the next few months until he is up to your standard. Only then will he take up a management position equal to yours."

  Esther felt overwhelmed with all of the information Anthony had just given her. It was a lot to take in, and she wasn't sure how she felt about it.

  "I know it will take a few days to think about everything but keep an open mind. You and Anton could take this business a long way together. I have to go now, but the three of us can meet up the week after Christmas and get everything kick-started."

  All Esther could do was nod her head in agreement.

  "Great, have a good evening, Esther."

  Anthony left, and Esther still didn't know what to make of his words. How was she going to work with such an egotistical, arrogant asshole?

  One thing was for sure, while she was working within the company, she wasn't going to take any crap from him. She knew what was best for the company, not him and it annoyed her that he'd been given an easy pass into a job. People worked years to get such a reward, and he was getting it for nothing.

  Esther wasn't sure if she would take Anthony up on his offer anyway.

  Working in Italy would be a fantastic experience and broaden her knowledge and skills. But would it be worth it if she had to spend time with a man she hated?

  That would be something she'd have to think about in the next couple of weeks and decide if she was willing to tolerate Anton to further her own career.

  A 40% share of a successful business was a huge deal, and not something any sane person would pass up. But she had her own savings and she'd secretly dreamed of opening her own business.

  In her own mind, she didn't believe Anton was strong enough or dedicated enough to put in the work, and she wasn't going to run the business alone just for him to profit.

  The city center hotel where her fathers family were staying was one of the most expensive in the city, Esther had never been inside but had always wanted to go inside and eat at the restaurant.

  A giant Christmas tree with red and gold traditional decorations stood in the middle of the lobby in between the four floors, which had sparkling fairy lights draped across them.

  "Did you have to sell your house to stay here?" Esther's father joked as they followed Jae across the marble floor.

  "Fortunately, no. My mother and father have never left Korea, so Chan and I decided to make this trip special for them," Jae said as he led them through double doors.

  The busy restaurant had all the trappings of wealth, just like the rest of the hotel, and Esther wasn't sure where to look.

  Three chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, a man in a suit sat upon a stage playing soft tunes on a black piano, and all the guests sat upon matchi
ng dark wood and gold chairs in their expensive outfits.

  Esther thought it was impressive, yet she preferred a more intimate and traditional setting for a restaurant. Jae led them to a round table where the rest of his family were already seated and looking at their menus.

  As they all sat down, Esther ended up beside her aunt for which she appreciated as soon as they began talking.

  The older woman shared many recipes that Esther's father hadn't told her, and she looked forward to trying them out herself. She hadn't even looked over the menu when Jae interrupted the conversation between Esther and his mother.

  "The waiter has just informed me there is a man in the hotel lobby wishing to speak with you?" Jae questioned, his eyebrows raised.

  "I am sorry, I better go and see who it is. I will have the steak medium with the vegetables, please," Esther said as she stood.

  Walking between the tables, she began to feel angry. She was sure that it would be Anton who was waiting for her in the lobby. Although her cousin has suggested he come, she didn't think he would have the cheek to do so, and it really bothered her that he would show up like this.

  Her small black heels clicked loudly as she walked through the lobby.

  A tall, dark-haired man in a black suit stood at the bottom of the Christmas tree, and as Esther stood behind him, she knew for sure it was Anton by the smell of his expensive aftershave.

  "What do you want?" She snapped angrily, crossing her arms over her dark blue dress.

  Slowly he turned and raised his dark brows at her, a small smile on his lips.

  "You look beautiful, Essie, then again, don't you always?" He said, looking her up and down.

  "I asked you a question, Anton. What do you want?"

  "Well, I thought I would come and join you," he said innocently.

  Esther could see right through him, and she tried to ignore her guilt as she responded.

  "Anton, I don't mean to be rude, but I didn't invite you here, and I want to spend time with my family. This is only my second time meeting them. I want to enjoy it."

  It was harsh. She knew it. But she refused to be forced into an uncomfortable situation by Anton again. Her family would only be here for another couple of days, and she wanted to enjoy the time she had with them. Anton being there would make her annoyed and uncomfortable and spoil the experience.


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