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His Favorite Mistake (Baby Its Cold Out)

Page 13

by Mary Eason

  "No. Brody, there's nothing going on between us. How can you even ask me that?” She stepped away from him.

  "Really?” he said again not bothering to hide his sarcasm or doubt of her at her answer. "Well it’s not because he's not trying is it. Don't bother denying it I've seen the way he's always hanging around you the way he looks at you. He's off the team Reyna, I've told him so and that means he's off the London trip as well. Ryan Lancaster will be taking his place from now on."

  "Brody that's crazy he's harmless. He's just got an innocent crush on me that's all."

  He made a sound that condemned her defense of Teddy Vasquez. "He's off the team Reyna and that's final.”

  "He'll think that were involved with each other."

  He reached for her and brought her up hard against his taut body. "Do you think that I give a damn about that? Do you think for one moment that it matters to me who knows we are involved?” He searched her face urgency in his blue eyes.

  "But Brody if Teddy knows then everyone in the office will know as well that, that we're involved."

  "Reyna…” His voice caught shifting from anger to an exasperated laughter. "We share a house, we share a bed, we share our bodies what do you think we're doing here? What's wrong baby? Tell me what it is that's hurting you?” The laughter left him as quickly as it had come. He watched her far too closely willing her to tell him the truth and she wanted more than anything else on earth at that moment to tell him about Jenna's accusations to hear him deny every word but she couldn't find the strength to put the words to voice, she didn't know if she truly wanted to know the truth.

  Reyna leaned weakly against him letting her head rest against his chest her arms going round his waist and his strong arms gathered her close.

  "Nothing. I'm just tired I guess. I'm sorry I know that I embarrassed you in front of Teddy and Parker and that was unforgivable. I'm so sorry."

  His hands threaded through her hair turning her face up to his and there was so much tenderness that it astounded her. "You could never embarrass me Reyna. Nothing you would ever do would embarrass me."

  He kissed her then slow and lingering wiping away all her doubts and fears and then he picked her up in his arms and carried her into his office placing her down on the leather sofa and he stood looking down for a second longer before he walked over to the connecting door and slid the lock home.

  When he took her back into his arms, he kissed her with so much desperate hunger that she could think of nothing but Brody next to her, his hungry lips and the unquenchable need that they both felt for each other that would allow for no denial. It didn't matter who knew nothing mattered accept each other. He loosened the buttons on her jackets. "Brody, this is crazy. Someone might come in."

  He removed her jacket his hands sliding up her arms unbuttoning her shirt. "No one is here love there's no one to interrupt us.” Still Reyna hesitated on the verge of giving in to this wild maddening passion and uncertain for just a moment longer until his hands slipped inside her blouse stroking her touching her driving her mad with desire and then she was lost completely consumed by her need of him.

  He removed the remainder of her clothing quickly urgently before dimming the lights so that the room was bathed only in fire glow. She heard him undress and then he was there beside her holding her his kisses driving her wild with need. He took possession of her moving slowly sensually inside of her. He teased her until she cried out for him.

  Reyna awoke some time later to find that he had covered her with a warm blanket. She felt slow and lethargic. "Brody?” She looked around the room her eyes adjusting to the firelight. He was standing near the window but at the sound of her voice, he went to her knelt in front of her brushing back the curls from her face. "I'm sorry, I guess I fell asleep. How long have I been sleeping?"

  He smiled at her and she looked away and heard him laugh softly at her shyness. "Don't apologize, love. I love the way you lose yourself when we make love. You hold nothing back it’s as intoxicating, as it is exhausting. I don't think I'll ever look at my office in the same way again."

  Reyna blushed, sitting up clutching the blanket against her body. "It's late, I, I should get dressed.” Her clothing was lying on the floor and he reached to gather it up handing them to her. His hand circled her throat and he stroked the racing pulse at its base before touching his lips to it. He could feel her pulse beat quicker as he trailed kisses upward gently rubbing his lips back and forth against hers a slow seduction stirring deep inside of her and she whispered almost desperately against his lips. "Brody, please, you don't know what you're doing to me."

  She heard him laugh once more softly against her lips looking into her eyes. "Oh I know love. Yes, I know because you do the very same thing to me. "

  Chapter Seventeen

  Reyna stared out the window of her office at the cold December day. Her heart was as heavy as the threatening Denver skies above. It was the week before the Christmas holiday the team was scheduled to leave for London in two days everything was ready. They were finishing up last minute details before leaving the office and she couldn't control this feeling deep inside of her that something bad was about to happen.

  Each night she lay exhausted in Brody's arms and even as they grew closer both emotionally and physically, there was a wall between them that only seemed to grow with each time that they made love. She knew that it was partly due to her the truth that they both knew she kept so hidden away that stood between them now but it was more than just her secret that stood between them it seemed almost as if Brody were deliberately keeping a part of himself hidden from her. As if he didn't trust her with his, everything or perhaps he didn't trust himself.

  At least a thousand times a day Reyna wanted to ask him about Jenna's comments but at least a thousand times a day she found she couldn't find the words to bring her fears to light. What was afraid of? She knew the answer to that question she couldn't even bear to think of Brody with any other woman but picturing him with Jenna made her almost physically ill.

  Reyna couldn't meet his eyes anymore she just couldn't look at him without revealing her fears, her doubts her love. Everything that she was trying so desperately to keep from him was there in her eyes. She found herself constantly tied in knots trying to concentrate on anything to take away the painful feeling deep inside of her that something bad was about to happen that it was only a matter of time before he left her physically as well as emotionally. In everything about him lately it was there. Every time they were together, she sensed a certain pulling away. She wasn't so sure why she was surprised hadn't she been expecting it for a while? Since in fact she had moved in with him. She hadn't been expecting to feel so sad, so alone or so desperate.

  Reyna didn't hear him come in but as she looked up to see his reflection watching, her across the room, and she held her breath. He looked almost as unhappy as she felt. Dear God what had she done to him to make him feel this way? This was the last thing on earth that she wanted. was it sadness or was he just trying to find the words to let say goodbye.

  She told herself that she had to be strong for him that she wouldn't hold him to her under any misplaced feeling of obligation he might feel towards her because of Cade. She would smile and let him go with as much dignity as she could with a heart that was shattering into a million pieces. There would be time for falling apart later, once she was gone.

  He came and stood close behind her and watched her through the glass before he pulled her back against him. Reyna didn't care if it was just physical on his part she loved him and needed him far too desperately to distinguish between those feelings.

  He touched her face and gently kissed her. Reyna wanted nothing more than to keep right on kissing him and know that for this moment at least he was hers. She couldn't stop the bitter tears that welled up inside of her from spilling over and she knew that he had felt them too for he lifted his head looking down at her with so much pain that it ripped at her heart. "Reyna, don't cry love. Plea
se don't cry. Did I hurt you love? Please tell me that I didn't hurt you. Tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it, I don't want to see you cry."

  She shook her head unable to answer him, how could she possibly tell him the truth? She wrapped her arms around him and held him close to her resting her cheek against his chest. "It’s nothing Brody I'm just tired that's all. Just hold me. Hold me close."

  He held her next to him their bodies touching close enough to hear his heart beat as it raced to match her own. He lifted her face to him once more, kissed her tenderly careful not to hurt her, and for an instant time seemed to stand still. Nothing mattered but the man kissing her touching her holding her so tenderly. Nothing, not even the future had its place in this moment.

  It was Brody who reluctantly pulled away from her still holding her in his arms and he watched as she opened her eyes slowly looking up at him. A slow smile lifted the corners of his mouth. "Come on love let's go home."

  Now two days later as he watched the woman sleeping close to him wondering what dreams haunted her sleeping hours. She looked so peaceful now, not at all sad as she had that evening in the office. She was almost like a little girl sleeping curled up beside him and he wanted her more than ever before. He closed his eyes trying once more for sleep but it was no use his heart ached for her, all of her and there was no way he was going to be able to stay here beside her and not love her once more. He pushed aside his need and decided to let her sleep slipping quietly from their bed.

  The house was quiet as he walked into his office and closed the door not wishing to wake her. He looked out the window at Denver before dawn one of his favorite times of the day. It was so quiet at this time the party goers had at last retired or moved on to another part of the city and the working world still lay sleeping. It was four in the morning on Sunday and his heart was heavy. Dear God he didn't know what to do surely, what he was thinking was at best risky. If he lost her now because of it he didn't think, he could go on at all but he had to know the truth he argued with himself for the hundredth time in the space of twenty-four hours. He had to know for his own sanity she was keeping from him. He couldn't go on that way it was driving him mad not knowing how she felt or what she felt.

  Now it had become almost impossible for him to concentrate on work at all. The upcoming London trip was in jeopardy he knew just as he knew what he had to do to salvage the account but she wasn't going to be happy with him over that. She had been looking forward to London for weeks now it was going to hurt her not going but he had to be firm with her on this otherwise the client was walking and the account was no doubt history. He would take her back to London show her everything that the city had to offer once they’d sorted through the mess they’d make of their relationship. That was if she was still with him. There was certainly no guarantee of that only his gut feeling.

  Whenever he touched her, loved her he could almost feel her return those feelings. Brody was almost certain that she cared about him but he had to know if he were just fooling himself in believing that she was letting go of her feelings for Cade enough to love him. There was still that one dark hidden secret that she was keeping locked securely away inside of her that was becoming more and more important to him as it stood between them. He knew that he had to find out just what it was with each passing moment.

  He left the emptiness of his office going into the living room. The Christmas tree that they had picked out together and had taken such care to decorate twinkled colorfully as it was reflected in the window. He didn't want to leave her here alone for a moment let alone the days that he would be required to be away in London but he would be back in time for Christmas he promised himself. He didn't want to be away from her on Christmas he couldn't he had something very important that he wanted to ask her that was if she were still willing to talk to him after he broke his news to her.

  They had spent Saturday together doing some last minute shopping before their trip and Brody had taken her to one of her favorite restaurants in the city. He had wanted their last night together before he told her about London to be very special, something that he could hold onto and remember during those long endless meetings that he knew were going to require so much of his concentration.

  He walked slowly back to their bedroom realizing for the first time that he had long ago stopped referring to it as his and watched her sleep once more. She was so beautiful and he was so much in love with her that he ached being away from her just for a moment. What would she say if she knew how he felt about her? He wished at that moment for the answer to that question. That he had the courage to ask that question.

  He heard her make that sweet sound of hers that she made sometimes when she slept or when they made love and he forgot about his promise to let her sleep. He wanted her so desperately, he needed her, and when he lay back down beside her he kissed her awake, making love to her with a hunger that both surprised and frightened him. Long after he lay, spent and exhausted next to her, he knew that no matter how many times he took possession of her he would never quench this fire inside of him for her that only seemed to grow with his love.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Reyna woke and looked over at the alarm clock. It was well past mid-morning and she was exhausted. She glanced down at the bed seeing its disarray and knew that she had not been dreaming when she imagined being awakened by Brody nor had she imagined the fierce possessiveness in which he had made love to her repeatedly throughout the early hours before dawn.

  She dressed quickly thankful for once that he was not around for she was truly so exhausted that the slightest of efforts such as getting out of bed took all her energy. They would be leaving for London in a few short hours and although she was almost completely packed, there were a few things still to be done.

  Reyna went into the kitchen expecting to see him there but it was empty. Coffee was had been made for quite some time and it was then that she felt the first stirring of apprehension grip her as she hurried down the hallway to his office. He was there and he was dressed already and putting papers in his briefcase. He held his laptop case on his shoulder as he closed the briefcase her fear only growing. He was dressed to leave for the airport.

  Brody looked up as she entered the room his eyes capturing hers. Her heart slammed against her chest as she held her breath.

  "Reyna, I’m glad you’re awake. I've been waiting for you. There's something that I need to tell you, love.” He came close to her reaching for her hand. "Come sit down by the fire, you're freezing."

  Reyna ignored his hand, ignored the soothing way he spoke to her. "What is it Brody? Is something wrong? Are you going into the office before we leave? Please, tell me what's wrong?"

  He took her hand. It was freezing so he led her to the fire. "Sit down Reyna this is hard enough to say.” He watched as her legs seemed to give way beneath her and she sank quickly down her eyes reaching up to his pleading. He ran a rough hand through his thick black hair trying to calm his voice. "Reyna I'm going to London without you. I have to do it this. The account is far too important to the firm and in jeopardy right now to take you with me. You would only be a distraction for me at this point. Please try to understand that. I'm sorry, I know how much you were looking forward to going but it has to be this way love, there's no other choice. I promise I'll be back before Christmas Eve."

  "Brody, no. No, don't do this, not like this. Please don't do this. I'm, I'm afraid…”

  "Reyna…" She heard the pain in his voice as he said her name. "There's nothing to be frightened of. It has to be this way love, that's all. There's nothing to be afraid of, I promise you. I'll be back before you know it and then there are some things that we have to talk about. Things that need to be said between us.” He looked at her and wanted to take her in his arms. She was crying and her tears tore at his heart far more than anything else in the world but he knew that he couldn't give in to her.

  "Brody, please. Please don't do this. Please I'll be so lost here without you. I don't wan
t you to leave me here. Please don't do this like this."

  He knew that if he stayed a moment longer he would give in to her. He pulled her to her feet and forced her with him into the entryway. His suitcases and coat where there waiting. He had to leave her now before it was too late and he changed his mind before he told her everything. "It will be okay, love. Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it. I'm going into the office for a while and then I'll leave for the airport from there.” He reached for her again and brought into his arms before kissing her. "I'll be back before you know it love, please don't worry. I'll call you when we land in London okay?"

  He looked at her at the tears falling down her face and left the house hating himself. Hating that the sight of her tears would be the last thing he would remember about her until he returned. Her tears broke him.

  He tried to put out of his mind her sorrowful image as he reached his office resisting the urge to pick up the phone for one moment and then he was dialing her number, desperate to hear her voice more frightened than ever before as the answering machine picked up. He stood and paced the office floor nervously debating with himself angrily before picking up the phone once more and calling Parker Martin.

  Reyna listened as the door closed quietly behind him and then slowly her legs deserted her once more and she collapsed there onto the entryway unable to stop the sobs that tore at her body. He was gone. That was it. It hadn't been anything like she expected but it hurt every bit as much as she knew it would. Reyna cried for what seemed hours. When there were, no more tears left inside of her she stood and walked into the bedroom that she had just left reaching for his pillow. She held it against her tightly and his scent clung to it bringing new tears to her eyes. She had expected this moment for days, imagined what it must feel like but nothing had prepared her for the reality of being over.


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