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Dawn of Chrysalis (The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. Book 2)

Page 10

by Sam B Miller II

  Forcing his thoughts back toward rationality, Zeck recalled he was a prisoner of the Humans. Blinking his eyes to wipe away a sleep induced film; he saw two of the animals looking down at him through the glass top of his stasis pod. The unemotional look in their eyes made Zeck's gut clench. His heart almost skipped a beat when they opened the pod lid, grabbed his arms and pulled him to his feet.

  "Well hello Hissy," the smaller Human animal said. "Hope you had a nice rest 'cause it's time to go to work. Follow me."

  True to form, Zeck jerked his arms away from the offending Human and said, "Don't you dare touch me. You have no authority over me."

  His whole body seized up tight as a drum. He couldn't twitch one finger as the female animal reached up and flicked the side of his head with her finger.

  "Be nice Hissy," she chastised. "I don't want to have to drag you to the control room, but I will if you don't cooperate."

  Realizing his telepathic powers were no match for the Human, Hisspat relaxed and felt himself free to move once again.

  As he was marched from the stasis chamber, Zeck stared at his reflection in a mirror hung the left of the exit portal. He was still dressed in his golden robes with deep red epaulets and matching cuffs as he had been when his mother ship was captured. Even his diamond glass tiara was on his head although it was perched slightly askew. Pausing for a moment, he reached up and straightened it to the proper angle.

  Upon entering the master control room, Hisspat saw two Chrysallamans standing to the left of the main control board. Recognizing the traitorous collaborator named Whatsit who helped the Human animals, his blood ran cold, and he longed for a cutter ray pistol and the one second it would require to cut the lizard in half. He didn't know the other Chrysallaman but there seemed to be an uncanny resemblance between Whatsit and him. Was it the similar shape of their lower jaws or the way the coloration of their throat scales appeared to match? His musings were interrupted.

  "Did you know the Emperor was following you to Earth?" Doug asked as he pushed a glowing blue button on the control panel causing the view screen to light up with an image of the flagship Destinnee.

  Hope flared in Hisspat's breast as he recognized the Emperor's flagship. "Rescue!"

  Believing the Humans were scared of the new threat, Hisspat decided an aggressive bombastic response was in order.

  "Release me at once, and I'll consider reducing your punishment to a lifetime of hard labor rather than a lingering painful death."

  Surprised when his magnanimous offer was not hastily accepted, Zeck added, "You have ten seconds to respond."

  "You're unbelievable," Chang replied as she crossed her arms. "You want to tell him, Whatsit, or shall I?"

  "General Zeck," Whatsit said. "I trust you haven't jumped to the conclusion the Emperor has come to rescue you. The flagship Destinnee suffers from battle damage. There is no fleet of mother ships guarding it. The ship is broadcasting a repeating message ordering you and your fleet to rendezvous with it."

  Pausing a few seconds to let the significance of his words sink in, Whatsit added, "It appears the Emperor is in trouble."

  Zeck was so shocked by the news he suffered a dizzy spell and grabbed the back of a nearby flight couch to steady himself. His green hide lightened a couple of shades, and his eyes darted back and forth as he fought to stabilize his jittering thoughts.

  MerrCrr JnnWall was torn. On the one hand, General Zeck was the supreme commander of the Chrysallaman invasion fleet. Under normal circumstances, once the planet was controlled by Chrysallamans, the supreme commander became the planetary governor by direct appointment of the Emperor. Hisspat Zeck was unquestionably his sovereign ruler. Now the Emperor was coming, and he was the sovereign ruler of both Zeck and MerrCrr. The orders of the Emperor were to be obeyed without question.

  On the other hand, the invasion fleet had been defeated by the Humans, and MerrCrr had solemnly pledged his allegiance to his Master, Rebecca Chang. The conflicting loyalties made his thoughts chaotic. His introspection was broken by Colonel Alex Fields walking into the control room.

  Fields took the pilot's couch and began activating ship systems. One of the indicator boards displayed icons representing the status of scout ships. If a scout ship was undamaged and fully docked in its berth on the mother ship, its icon was green. All five scout saucers were green.

  Setting the GPC for Pluto, he looked back at Doug and said, "All systems are at full power. Defensive shield sensors activated. All scout ships are docked. GPC destination set."

  "What is the meaning of this?" Hisspat demanded. "If you idiotic animals think the weapons on this mother ship are capable of even scratching the surface of the Emperor's flagship, you're living in a fantasy world. The armament and weapons on that craft are impregnable."

  "Just like your mother ships were impregnable to the weapons of the Humans, right Hissy?" Doug asked as he drew his MA pistol and pointed it at the General.

  A feeling of dread sucked at his chest as Zeck stared at the weapon.

  "Just why am I here?"

  "You're the Emperor's right hand, General Zeck. The one person he's expecting to see when we meet him. You didn't think we would fail to invite you to the party?"

  With what dignity he had left, Hisspat straightened his back and said, "I won't betray my Emperor. With my last ounce of strength and final breath I'll do whatever I can to warn him of the treachery of Humans."

  "Even if we guarantee you won't be killed and will live out the rest of your worthless life in luxury with as many Chrysallaman females as you desire?" Doug asked.

  The last time Hisspat had felt this level of thrilling satisfaction was when the Emperor had named him General of the invasion fleet. He had to admit the offer was tempting. Having witnessed the mental, physical and technological powers of the Humans, his gut told him the Emperor stood almost no chance of defeating them. The Humans had an eerie confidence in their demeanors. Perhaps he better take a queller in the hand than two in the hole.

  "Just what do you want me to do?" he asked with narrowed eyes.

  Chapter 9 - Greetings

  Popping two more pickled egg yolks into his mouth and absently chewing, Emperor Horcunt considered his predicament. The Destinnee was well armed and encased in an impregnable shell of Armorium. It carried enough food, water, equipment and weapons to outfit a small army for a long time. His trained and loyal Guardsmen were his crew. He should feel safe and secure. Instead he felt confined, exposed and endangered; ensnared like a wild animal with its leg caught in a trap.

  Just as panic was beginning to bore its spiny tendrils into his mind, Captain Yoogo Batress approached and said, "The mother ship VrrSilliac Xur has just arrived. General Hisspat Zeck requests an audience and is awaiting your reply."

  "Put it on screen," Horcunt ordered as tension flowed out of his neck and upper back.

  A nearby monitor came to life with the image of General Zeck sitting at his master control console. Horcunt was pleased to see Zeck attired in the ceremonial robe of conquest and the diamond glass planetary leadership tiara rather than his military combat vest. Standing at attention behind Zeck were two other Chrysallaman males, one of whom looked familiar. The other was dressed in a crazy looking wide-brimmed hat and long, high-collared green coat.

  Concluding the colonization of planet HG-281 was already underway following extermination of the native animal infestation, he said, "General Zeck, how many mother ships are in your entourage? I believe ten on each flank of the Destinnee should be sufficient to provide a royal escort to planet HG-281."

  Zeck looked shocked and replied, "Your Royal Highness, the VrrSilliac Xur is the only available mother ship at the moment. All others are busy with colonization duties. When I received your radio transmission, my first thought was to make sure there were millions of Chrysallamans waiting to greet you on the planet. It never occurred to me you would have made the journey from Chrysalis without a phalanx of mother ships by your side."

nnoyed by the reasonableness of Zeck's response and not wanting to reveal how scared and exposed he felt, Horcunt blustered, "While within the safe walls of my flagship, I don't need mother ships to guard me. Who stands behind you?"

  Looking back over his shoulder, Zeck said, "They are both colonists. To my right is MerrCrr Z. JnnWall, a professor of telepathic studies who teaches our military how best to mentally control lower lifeforms. On my left is Whatsit who has a unique ability to empathize with and calm lower animals."

  "I do seem to remember meeting JnnWall at some point in the distant past," Horcunt replied.

  Then peering curiously, he said, "Whatsit is an odd name. I don't believe I've ever heard it before. What is the surname of your family, Whatsit?"

  "Zennk," Whatsit replied, and he was sure he heard MerrCrr inhale at the mention of the name.

  "How unfortunate," Horcunt said.

  "Why do you say that?"

  "A fellow named Zennk was the first Chrysallaman to ever lose a scout ship on a mission, and in military circles the word Zennk is now synonymous with bad luck."

  "How very unfortunate."

  At that moment Zeck broke into the conversation with a suggestion, "Your Majesty, I would be honored if you would grant me the privilege of sending my personal navigator to guide the Destinnee to planet HG-281. He has all the solar system planetary coordinates in a memory chip for download to your navigation computer. I can shuttle him over in a scout saucer at once if you so agree."

  Just as Horcunt was about to answer affirmatively, Batress pushed the mute button on the console and warned, "I don't like what I'm seeing and hearing Your Majesty. My gut tells me something is amiss."

  "Why do you say that Captain?"

  "We've seen no evidence of military involvement. Zeck is in civilian attire. The only Chrysallamans with him are civilian. No mother ships accompany the VrrSilliac Xur. The circumstances are very unusual to say the least."

  Horcunt normally heeded the opinions of his Captain. Batress had never failed to give him sound advice; however, Horcunt was frightened by the military power of the Asiddians. He wanted 50 mother ships guarding his backside sooner than later. He decided to compromise.

  "We'll let the scout ship dock. It's impossible to fill a small saucer with enough troops to overcome all your highly trained men. Keep everyone onboard the saucer under heavy guard. Escort the navigator to me."

  Batress nodded and pushed the Mute button to permit conversation.

  Horcunt said, "General Zeck, I would be pleased to have your navigator come aboard. Please dispatch him immediately."

  "At once, Your Majesty," Zeck replied as he bowed his head.


  Alex had never had to maintain an illusion of himself as a Chrysallaman warrior with so many native Chrysallamans for such an extended period of time. The Human expert in casting illusions was Becky Chang, and she had coached him on the techniques for maintaining the mental concentration necessary to carry out his subterfuge. Still he worried. Alex was both a perfectionist and a self-doubter; two traits his father had told him didn't mix well. On the one hand, Alex felt confident he could carry out the illusion with no slip up; however, he also knew the longer he kept up the illusion, the more chances there were to make some minuscule mistake a native Chrysallaman would spot with ease.

  The sound of the docking hatch opening broke into his reverie. Nine armed Royal Guardsmen stared at him with the dead black eyes of killers. Zeck, Whatsit and JnnWall stepped through the hatch into the wide entryway leading into the Destinnee. Clamping down on his self-doubts, Alex followed them.

  One of the Guardsmen with Captain's insignia on his combat vest ordered two of his men to inspect the scout saucer. As they shouldered past Alex, the Captain said, "If you find anyone in the scout saucer, restrain them and deliver to me."

  Turning a stern gaze on the foursome, the Captain said, "General Zeck, I am Yoogo Batress, Captain of the Royal Guard."

  "Yes I recognize you," Zeck replied with disinterest.

  Pointing at his entourage, he said, "This is JnnWall, Whatsit and my navigator Fields. Escort us to the Emperor at once."

  Batress didn't take orders from anyone except the Emperor, and he bristled at the disrespect.

  "Don't presume you have any authority on His Majesty's flagship. I have my orders . ."

  "You should treat General Zeck with respect when he makes a civil request!" Whatsit intervened.

  Shocked by the audacity of the interruption, Batress faced Whatsit and demanded in a derisive tone, "Who do you think you're talking to, you civilian peacemaker?"

  When he didn't get a stunned reaction from the lizard at his insult, Batress added, "What kind of ridiculous outfit are you wearing? I won't permit you to wear an ugly hat and coat in the presence of the Emperor."

  Whatsit stepped up to Batress with practiced dignity. His natural height plus the sombrero made him tower over the shorter Chrysallaman.

  His telepathic reply was so strong it almost made JnnWall and Zeck wince. Batress had never encountered Whatsit before and his eyes began to water as the powerful message entered his brain, "These garments hold significant religious and supernatural meaning to the Human animals infesting planet HG-281. Do not demean what you can't understand."

  Taking a quick step backward in reaction to the unexpected comeback, Yoogo hastily drew his cutter ray pistol and blustered, "No one speaks to me like that."

  "Well I just did."

  To his amazement, the oddly clothed Chrysallaman turned his back and began to walk to his former position just behind General Zeck. Batress was so angry he fired his ray pistol at the offensive lizard. The ignominious death of the insolent Chrysallaman would be a lesson to Zeck. The silvery beam of light about the width of a good cigar flashed at Whatsit's back. Zeck and JnnWall threw up their hands in a defensive gesture as the weapon fired, but the cutter ray never touched Whatsit. A clear bubble of protection surrounded him.

  Turning to face Batress as the deadly ray continued to beat against the PDS screen, Whatsit strolled over to within 3 inches of the active pistol barrel and said, "Would you please stop embarrassing yourself and holster the useless weapon?"

  Easing his finger off the activator button, Batress looked in wide-eyed amazement first at Whatsit and then at General Zeck.

  "What sorcery is this?" he squeaked.

  "I have much to discuss with the Emperor," Zeck replied. "You would be surprised at the things I have learned in the past few weeks. Now stop wasting my time, and take me to him."

  Still keeping his pistol clutched in his hand, his eyes narrowed with suspicion and fear, Batress shuffled sideways toward the bulkhead as far as he could to avoid touching Whatsit. Casting furtive glances over his shoulder to make sure he was putting distance between himself and Whatsit, Batress shuffled down the passageway toward the throne room. Ringed by the remaining guard of six commandos, Zeck and his companions followed him.


  Their trek to the Emperor's throne room took so long Alex got the distinct impression they were being slow-walked on purpose. To make matters worse, the telepathic tokens in the bulkheads had been turned off leaving no way for them to determine where they were in the maze of passageways. Standard design protocol for Chrysallaman spacecraft included subtle telepathic signage built into the walls giving clear guidance throughout the ship. Once you knew the tokens existed, even a child could find any area of the craft. It was obvious the Royal Guard didn't want strangers gaining familiarity with the layout of the Destinnee.

  At last they walked up to a set of double doors made of Armorium emblazoned with a gold Chrysallaman star logo. Batress placed his hand on a palm reader set in the door frame and the interlocked double doors slid into their wall slots. Zeck recognized the large chamber by its similarity to the palace throne room on Chrysalis. The Destinnee throne room was 30 paces long and 15 paces wide. The deck was tiled with a black stone polished to a sheen so perfect that as you walked across it, a mi
rror-like reflection of yourself appeared to walk along with you. At the far end of the huge room was a dais made of alternating layers of polished white and black stone. At the apex of the dais was a throne made of intricately faceted diamond glass. Strategically placed spot lights shown on the diamond throne causing it to sparkle in a dazzling display of beautiful rainbow colors. Emperor Terr Horcunt sat on the throne staring at them as they approached.

  Except for the spotlights on the throne, the lights in the room were dimmed, and dark shadows filled the corners. Alex closed his eyes to trigger the bat-like sonic hearing of his enhanced DNA and the entire room took on the appearance of a black and white movie in full sunlight. Details of everything were clear. Keeping his eyes closed, he casually turned his head and saw Royal Guardsmen hidden in every corner of the room with their ray pistols aimed at his group. Reopening his eyes, he caught Whatsit regarding him with a questioning look.


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