Gobekli Tepe
Page 45
Formozov, Aleksandr, 172
Fortune, Dion, 209
Fountain of Hızır, 257–58, 357, 358–59, Plate 33
Fountain of Life, 252–54, 303
carving on pillars, 119–20, 213
as cosmic trickster, 128, 131, 144–45
leaping, 129, 130
used in burials, 201–2
worship of, 126
fox-pelt loincloth, 119, 121, 123, 126, 130, 131
Fox Star (Alcor), 127–31, 128, 150
fox tails, comets as, 124, 125
Franchthi Cave, 191–92
funerary practices, 96
Garden of Eden, 224–36
existence of, 15, 226–27
four rivers of, 227–36, 240, 248, 249–52
Göbekli Tepe and, 225–26
Kharsag and, 267–69
location of, 12, 230, 232, 234–36, 237, 240, 320–22
plain of Mush as, 236, 250, 267–68
return to, 342–54, 370–71
search for, 227–29
Gaylaxaz-ut (Wolf Stone Mountain), 203–5
geese, as soul carrier, 133
Genesis, book of, 11, 12, 227–28
Gihon river (Araxes River), 230–32, 329
Gimbutas, Marija, 175, 176
Glak, Zenob, 267, 303, 304
global civilization, 4–5
glyphs and ideograms
belt buckle glyph, 120–23, 125
C glyph, 50, 52, 53, 54
Cross Bands, 90, 91
emblems of office, 53–55
at Enclosure D, 50–57
eye and the crescent, 55, 56
H glyph, 50–52, 54, 56
shamanic pot stands, 52–53
Gnaedinger, Franz, 72
Göbekli Tepe
abandonment of, 220–21
Bingöl Mountain connections, 196
carved art on, 1–2
celebrating birth, death, and rebirth, 111–12
as center of pilgrimage, 195–96
Collin’s visit to, 362–66
construction of, 3, 5–6, 117, 162
engineering conundrum, 38–39
fig-mulberry tree, 19, 29, Plate 1
Garden of Eden and, 225–26
lion pillar, new, 364–65, Plate 20
Lion Pillar Building, 4, 29, Plate 17, Plate 18
Neolithic revolution and, 2–3
overview, 14–15
phases of building, 34, 47–48
purpose of, 5–6, 111, 133, 162, 212
Schmidt’s visit to, 18–19
Snake Pillar Building (Enclosure A),
29–32, 45, Plate 4
stone totem pole, 106, Plate 24
unfinished monolith, 362–66, Plate 10
water supply, 35
See also Enclosures
Gobustan rock art, 199–200
Gokihar (meteor), 151–52
gold, 232–33, 353
golden triangle (triangle d’or), 2, 48–49
Greater Zab (Pison/Pishon river), 232,
233–34, 235, 251–52
Great Flood, 11, 227, 246, 262
Great Pyramid, 3, 325
Great Rift (Milky Way)
alignment with opening of, 107–8
entrance to, 108, 109
as entrance to sky world, 89–90, 95, 108, 109
as final destination of the soul, 102
Venus and the Sorcerer panel as, 72–76
Vulture Stone (Pillar 43) and, 104
Great Sphinx, 3–4
Greenland ice cores, 162–63
Gregory the Illuminator, 238, 267, 304, 350
Grimm, Jacob, 150–51
Halaf culture, 296–97
Hale, Rodney, 78–79, 80, 83
Hallan Çemi, 196–97, 200
Halley’s Comet, 121, 124–25, 126
Hancock, Graham, 1–8
Har-Minni, 282–84
Harran, 10–12, 13–14
Harva, Uno, 210
Hathor, goddess, 109
Hauptmann, Harald, 98
carved like a ball, 99–100
as seat of the soul, 97, 100–101
snakelike, 293, 294–95, Plate 32
center of the world, 63–64
clockwise motion, 61
cosmic harmony, 62–63
gateway to, 60–67
place of the placenta, 64–65
portals to, 65–66
Temple of the Twins, 65–66
Heavenly Mountain, 283–84
Hebraeus, Bar, 297–98
Hevelius, Johannes, 139, 140
Heyerdahl, Thor, 347–48
H glyph, 50–52, 54, 56
Hiddekel (Tigris River), 229–30, 244–45
Hızır (Al-Khidr), the “Green One,” 252–53, 254, 257–58
Hızır, Fountain of, 257–58, 357, 358–59, Plate 33
Hoffmann, Andrew Gottlier, 280
holed stones
Enclosure D, 85–86, 105–6, 109, Plate 15
Kilisik statue, 106–10, 107
as seelendloch, 86–88, 111–12
as symbolic vulva, 112
holy anointing oil, 306, 309, 310
holy oil of Myron, 336–37
Holy Wood, 309–10, 348–49
Hooded Ones
arrival of, 215–18
as messianic figures, 117–18, 163–64
as Neanderthal-human hybrids, 215–16
predicting comets, 125–26
statues of, 115–16
as Swiderian ruling elite, 213–14
T-shaped pillars representing, 114–16
Horowitz, Wayne, 288
Houtsma, Martijn Theodoor, 247–48, 250
angelic nature of, 334–35
creation of, 270–71
human statute, Plate 23
regaining our spiritual bodies, 336
at Abu Hureyra, 154
catastrophobia of, 5–6
sudden change in lifestyle, 116–17, 125–26
transition to farming, 2, 21, 154–55
ice age
cave art, 68–76
extinction of animals, 158
onset of, 142–43, 144
See also Younger Dryas (mini ice age)
innocence, loss of, 367–71
Ivanov, Vyacheslav, 149
Izady, Mehrdad, 48–49
jaguar, 90–91
Jerico, 218–19
Jerusalem, 240
Jesus Christ, 306, 323, 335
Jinn, 298–99
John the Baptist, 238, 303, 304, 306, 350
John the Evangelist, 31, 33
Josephus, Flavius, 324, 352
Karajeddah Dag (volcano), 160–61
Keightly, Thomas, 298
Kennett, James, 154
Kenyon, Kathleen, 21
described, 262
Duku located on, 6, 261
as Garden of Eden, 267–69, 270
as home of the Anunnaki, 266–67
as Mountain of the East, 261
Mount Ararat identified with, 264
Khorenatsi, Movses, 317–18, 319
Kiepert, Heinrich, 251
Kilisik statue, 106–10, 115–16
king, twin of, 65–66
Koryak reindeer herders, 207–8, 209
Kostenki-Streletskaya culture, 181–82, 200–201
Kubrick, Stanley, 27, 28
Kurdish people, 205–6, 257
Lascaux Caves (Shaft Scene), 69–71, 94, 185, 187
Lastivertc’i, Aristakes, 204
laurel-leaf points, 179, 180–81, Plate 25
lion pillar, new, 364–65, Plate 20
Lion Pillar Building, 4, 29, Plate 17, Plate 18
lions, 356–57
Lion’s Gate (Enclosure C), 44, Plate 8
Lipinski, Edward, 284–86, 287
Luther, Martin, 244
lenians, 179
Magli, Giulio, 80
Mallowan, Max, 293–94
Map of the World, Babylonian, 287–88, 289
maritime trading, 192
Martirosyan, Hrach K., 204
Maya of Central America, 89–91, 102, 193, 295
McClintock, John, 231–32
McKern, Sharon and Thomas, 177
megalithic architecture, 38, 167
Mellaart, James, 76, 98, 198
melt products, 155–56
Mesolithic age, 21, 100, 167
metals and metalworking, 13
Meteor Crater, Arizona, 155
Methodius of Olympus, 320, 321
microspherules, 155–58
Midgard Serpent, 137–39, 141
Milky Way
Nut as personification of, 110
as Path of Souls, 92
See also Great Rift (Milky Way)
mining operations, 190
Molleson, Theya, 294–95
monastery, Surb Karapet, 238, 337. See also
Yeghrdut monastery
Moore, Andrew, 153–54
Morris, Janet, 313
Moses, 306
Mountain of God, 284–85
Mountain of Victory (Mons Victorialis), 329–32
Mount al-Judi, 262–63, 264, 281, 318
Mount Ararat, 38, 262, 264, 265, 281–82,
318, 328–29
Mount Armon, 280, 282
Mount Cordan (Cordan Monte), 320–22
Mount Hermon, 268, 273–74, 280, 284, 287, 290
Mount Massis, 262–63
Mount of Assembly, 287
Mount Sir (Seir), 328–29
Muska, 357–58, Plate 34
Myron, holy oil of, 336–37
myths, Neolithic, 221. See also catastrophe myths
Nag Hammadi library, 323–24, 326, 327
Native Americans, 92, 93
Neanderthal-human hybrids
Hooded Ones as, 215–16
skulls in Russia, 182
Swiderians as, 175–76, 292–93
Neolithic revolution, 14–15, 39, 40, 221
Neolithic towns, 2, 369–70. See also Çatal Höyük
Nephilim, 7, 12–13, 274, 275, 276
Nevalı Çori
cult building, 24, 25–26
great monolith, 24–25, 26, 27
location of, 23–24
monoliths (pillars) at, 24–28
number of T-shaped pillars at, 60
representations of vultures, 98
submergence of, 361
Nippur foundation cylinder, 261–62, 266–67
Noah, 11, 227, 317, 328
Noah’s ark, 11, 262–63, 264, 318, 329
Nordic folklore, 146–49
North Star, 148
Nut, sky goddess, 109, 110
O’Brien, Christian, 266, 267–69, 278, 297
obsidian, 190–94, 195–96, 197, 202, 204–5, 360
occultists, 209–10
Oil of Mercy, 305–6, 335, 336
omphalos (conical stones), 63–64
Orion constellation, 78–80
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 181
Paleolithic art, 42
Pavlovians, 201–2
People of Truth (Yâresân), 356–57
Perez de Ribas, Andres, 124
Peri, 205–6, 298–99
Peri Şu (“river of the Peri”), 205–6, 251–52
Perlès, Catherine, 192
Phrat (Euphrates river), 229, 230
Pillar 1 (Enclosure A), 31
Pillar 10 (Enclosure B), Plate 6
Pillar 18 (Enclosure D), 46–47, 50, 51, 56,
120, Plate 11, Plate 13, Plate 16
Pillar 27 (Enclosure C), 43, 55
Pillar 31 (Enclosure D), 55–57, Plate 12
Pillar 37 (Enclosure C), 42, Plate 9
Pillar 43 (Vulture Stone), 98–101, 102–4
Pison/Pishon river (Greater Zab), 232,
233–34, 235, 251–52
placenta, 64–66
Place of Descent, 263, 264, 281, 318, 329
plain of Mush
described, 237–40, Plate 30
as Garden of Eden, 236, 250, 267–68
Plato, 168, 200
Pliny the Elder, 205
Polaris (Pole Star), 70, 149
pole star
changing stars, 70–71
shifting, 94–95
Vega, 70, 94–95
veneration of, 94
See also Deneb (Pole Star)
pot stands, shamanic, 52–53
Pottery Neolithic age, 21, 293
Pre-Pottery Neolithic age
at Abu Hureyra, 154–55
building Göbekli Tepe, 34
described, 21
map of sites, 23
Swiderians role in, 219–20
pressure flaking, 173–74, 175, 177–78, 180
Prose Edda
about, 136
battle of light and darkness, 139–41
date of the catastrophe, 143
devouring of the sun and moon, 136–37, 144
Earth sinks, 141–42
Fimbul-winter (age of ice), 142–43
human survivors, 142–43
Midgard Serpent, 137–39, 141
monstrous regiment, 139
nuclear winter, 143–45
psychopomp (“soul carrier”), 98, 101, 111
Ptolemy, 322
radiocarbon dates, 82–83
Ragnarök. See Armageddon (Ragnarök)
Rappenglück, Michael, 70
Red Church. See Dera Sor (“Red Church”)
Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo, 52
Reland, Hadrian, 232, 234–35, 241
Rimantienè, Rimutè, 179
rivers of Paradise, four, 227–36, 240, 248, 249–52
Roberts, Alice, 166, 220
Roc-de-Sers shelter, France, 183–85
rock of truth, 326–27
Romanian sky myth, 129–31, 133
Rose, John Cruikshank, 293–94
runes, 147–48
Sabeans, 10, 11, 81, 338, 339
Saint John the Baptist, 238, 337
Saint Martin, 132, 133
Saint Peter, 336
Sale, George, 263
Salle des Taureaux (Hall of the Bulls), 71
Sámi, 174, 188, 210–12
Şanlıurfa, 15, 297–98
Satan, 204–5
Schmidt, Klaus
on builders of Göbekli Tepe, 35, 259–60
burial of enclosures and, 34
on cup marks, 38
describing Göbekli Tepe as Eden-like, 225–26
determining the oldest enclosure, 85n
on excarnation, 96
exploring Göbekli Tepe, 2, 18–19,
21–22, 23, 28, 29
at Göbekli Tepe with Andrew Collins, Plate 19
on hunter-gatherers, 39
on the purpose of Göbekli Tepe, 362–66
recognition of Göbekli Tepe’s
importance, 221
on stone tool technology, 166
on stories, myths and legends, 6, 278
on the Swiderians, 219–20
on watchmen, 277–78
on Younger Dryas Boundary impact event, 162–63
scorpion, 102, 103
Scorpius constellation, 102, 104
seelenloch (soul holes), 86–88, 111–12
Seth (son of Adam)
book of, 327, 329–30
children of, 338–40
descendents of, 322–23
gnostic followers of, 323–24
Oil of Mercy and, 305–6
in paradise, 320
pillars of, 324, 325–26
teachings of, 11, 15
Tree of Life and, 309
true race of, 334
Settegast, Mary, 168–69, 200
Shaft Scene (Lascaux Caves), 69–71, 94, 185, 187
shaman’s pole, 208–9
Shem (son of Noah), 317–18, 322,
Shir, land of, 33, 330, 331, 332
shoham stone, 228, 233–34
Sim Mountain, 317–18, 322
Siriad (Seiris or Sirian), land of, 324–26, 327, 328
Sirius (star), 80
sky pole (world pillar)
cosmic tricksters as enemies of, 130, 131, 145
described, 5–6, 71
of Sámi tribe, 210
stability of, 147–48
sky world, portals to, 66–67
SLOs (siliceous scoria-like objects), 155–57
Smith, George, 230
Smith, William, 283
snakelike heads, 293, 294–95, Plate 32
Snake Pillar Building (Enclosure A),
29–32, 45, Plate 4
cult of, 30–32, 295–96
Midgard Serpent, 137–39, 141
worship of, 267–68
Solecki, Ralph and Rose, 101, 198
Soloman, king, 298, 348
Brünn peoples and, 180–83
carved stone friezes of, 183–85
cult of the bird, 185–87
disappearance of, 179–80
Kostenki-Streletskaya culture and,
181–82, 200–201
Lascaux Shaft Scene and, 185, 187
Swiderians and, 179–80
tanged points used by, 177–78, Plate 25
soul holes (seelenloch), 86–88, 111–12
Great Rift as destination of, 102
head as seat of, 97, 100–101
path of, 88, 89–95
See also psychopomp (“soul carrier”)
Spence, Lewis, 193
Spencer, Walter Baldwin, 53
stars, alignment toward, 77–88
Stonehenge, 3, 38
stone tool technologies, 179
stone totem pole (Göbekli Tepe), 106, Plate 24
stork (as “soul carrier”), 111
storm-demon with open mouth, 92–94
Strabo, 231, 232, 246–47
Strecker, Wilhelm, 251
Stroumsa, Guy G., 328, 329
Sturluson, Snorri, 136
Summer Triangle, 69–71, 72–73
sun, path of, 61–62
Sungir skulls, 182
Surb Karapet monastery, 238, 337
swans (as “soul carrier”), 111, 133, 187–88
in Crimea, 172–73
as human hybrids, 175–76, 292–93
hunting strategies of, 219–20
hunting with wolves, 189
Kostenki-Streletskaya culture and, 201
obsidian trade, 190, 192, 202
physical appearance of, 292–93
religious ideologies of, 187–88
as ruling elite, 213–14
Sami culture and, 212
snake-like heads of, 293
Solutreans and, 179–80
as Watchers, 292–93
Zarzians and, 198–99, 200
See also Hooded Ones; Watchers
tanged points, 167, 168–69, 170, 173, 174,
177–79, 192, Plate 25
tektites, 155–56
Tell Arpachiyah, 293–94, 296
Teutonic mythology, 150–51
Thaddeus of Edessa, 303–4, 306, 316, 337, Plate 27
Tigris River (Hiddekel), 229–30, 244–45