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Italian Stallion: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 17)

Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  “Yay! Happy dance time,” Leah says from the back seat.

  “Why’s that honey?” Larry says.

  “I just got a WhatsApp from Elizabeth. They let her check into the room. She says she’ll meet us at the pool.”

  “Great,” Larry says, before turning his gaze from the back seat to me. “Roman, you’ll get to meet our daughter today.”

  “When was the last time you saw her?” Leah says from the back seat.

  “Wow, Leah. It’s been a long time. I think not since her baptism.”

  “Oh my gosh! That long? That was ages ago. Well she’s all grown up now. You’re going to love her.”



  I ’m sitting poolside when the waitress brings my coffee. Finally, I think to myself. After last night I need caffeine. I can’t believe I made it past noon without any. I sip my espresso and await the arrival of Larry’s family.

  As inviting as the water is, I’m not in the mood for a swim. I’m still feeling the effects of the passion I shared early into this morning. Lisa was incredible. Her youthful vigor, her willingness to try new things, and her mischievous side and how well she enjoyed a good spanking. I smile at the memory, and feel disappointed that I will almost certainly never hear from her again.

  I realize I could request one of my staff to visit her hostel and collect her contact details, but that would be borderline stalkerish. I should have asked her when we departed company, but I was too lost in those eyes of hers, and too focused on extending those final moments. C’est la vie our neighbors in France would say, but in this case I refuse to accept it. There must be a way to see her again.

  “Sorry we took so long,” Leah says. I turn behind me to see her and the family arriving.

  “I didn’t even notice,” I say.

  The Lane family gets situated and Leah requests a coffee from the waitress.

  “Oh, sorry,” she says, as the waiter turns. “What’s your Wi-Fi password?”

  “When in Rome,” he says. “With an exclamation point at the end,” he winks.

  “Isn’t he a little devil?” Leah says as she types it into her phone.

  “We haven’t been able to get reception. We were trying to get ahold of Elizabeth, but we couldn’t connect to the Internet.”

  “You can borrow my phone,” I say, reaching for my pocket and realizing I left it in the Range Rover. “I can just run to the parking garage.”

  “Got it!” Leah says. “Thanks, but I’m all set now.”

  “Find her, honey?” Larry asks.

  “She says she’s here by the pool.” Leah surveys the swimming area but doesn’t seem to be able to spot her. “I don’t recognize any of her swimsuits.”

  “There she is mom!” Lucas says, pointing towards the side of the pool.

  “Mamma mia!” I say under my breath, but apparently not quiet enough.

  “What’s that, Roman?” Larry says, noticing I’m staring right at his daughter.

  “Cup a tea, yeah? Would anyone like a cup of tea?”

  “I thought Italians only drink coffee?” Leah says, waving to her daughter.

  “Variety is the spice of life,” I say. Right now there’s nothing more that this Italian would like to drink than the beautiful glass of milk that is their daughter, Elizabeth. But this isn’t the girl I know as Elizabeth. This is Lisa! She is back!

  I look in Lisa’s vicinity to see if there is a second girl that I’ve missed. No, only one. Oh my god, Lisa is coming this way and she is waving at me, or is it Leah? I am so confused.

  And not only is she back, but she is back, as in Baby Got Back by Sir Mix A-Lot. She’s wearing a swimsuit that’s as red as my Ferrari and as small as a pair of my socks. I bite down on my lower lip and sink down into my chair as I reach for the copy of the Rome News-Tribune sitting on the small table next to me. I quickly set it over my midsection, hiding the erection that’s already the same angle and girth as the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

  “She better not be posting photos on Instagram in that swimsuit,” Larry says. “She’s lucky we’re on vacation, because that doesn’t even qualify as a swimsuit. If she pulled that stunt back home I’d bend her over my knee. She’s not too old.”

  A bead of sweat falls from my temple as my mind races back to when it was me who had Lisa bent over my knee. This is heaven and hell wrapped up in one. I can’t believe I’m going to get to see her again, but I have no idea how this can be Elizabeth, the Lane’s daughter.

  I recognize that moment where Lisa has recognized me. Her mouth suddenly falls open and her feet get tangled up as she falls sideways into the pool.

  “Is she drunk?” Larry says. “If one of these damn Italian guys got her liquored up last night and tried anything with her you can bet your ass I’ll kick his!”

  I keep one hand on the newspaper and wipe my brow with the other. Holy shit, what have I gotten myself into?



  O h my, god. I can’t believe I just face planted into the pool and I really, really can’t believe that Roman is sitting with my freaking family! How in the hell did they meet? What did he tell them?

  I sink to the bottom, thanking the lord I didn’t have breakfast because it would have already come up. I feel like a ton of bricks as my butt hits the bottom of the pool. I push off and make my way back to the surface, pulling myself up on the side, like a total klutz, and hurrying over towards my family in desperate need of a towel.

  I don’t know what’s worse, that this suit from the gift shop was made for a girl at least two sizes smaller than me, or that they didn’t tell me it becomes a little transparent when it gets wet. To make matters worse I’m running, and the girls are bouncing every which way, causing every single guy at the pool to stare at me, much to the chagrin of their wives and girlfriends. I am a complete disaster, with a capital D.

  “Hey guys,” I say as I approach their chairs.

  “Honey, are you alright?” my mom says.

  “Yeah, there was just a slick spot back there. All the kids getting in and out by the side you know.”

  “You’re lucky you didn’t get hurt.”

  “You’re lucky I don’t put a hurting on you right now, young lady,” my dad says.


  “What in the hell is that thing you’ve got on?”

  “It’s the only thing they had at the gift shop, dad.”

  “What about the ones you brought?”

  “Someone stole them from the clothesline in Barcelona one night last week.”

  “You better not have gone skinny dipping!”

  “Larry, please!” my mom, says. She’s right. My dad is fully out of control and I’m out of control, and it’s double stressing me out. To make matters worse, Roman is sitting six inches from my leg. I look down and see that I’m dripping on him!

  “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry,” I say.

  The minute I make eye contact with him I know I’m finished. Everything we did last night comes racing back and I want to mount him right then and there in the warm sun.

  He’s wearing sunglasses, but I can see his eyes through the lenses. He’s looking at me like a wolf stalking its mate when she’s in heat. He’s staring at my body, which is dripping wet. I can see he wants to pounce on me. That flimsy newspaper is doing a terrible job at hiding his desire.

  “Good lord, keep this on until we get to the airport,” my dad says, wrapping me in about five towels. “We don’t need anyone ogling over you.”

  “Dad, I’m an adult. I can wear whatever I want.”

  “Not when I’m around!”

  I don’t say anything, just realizing the meaning of my words. I had finally had sex. I had finally given myself to a man and it had given me more confidence, and made me feel more complete. I was a woman now, not that I needed any validation from a man to feel that way. It was my decision, after all, to go home with him, and one I didn’t regret in the slightest. As a matter of fact, I would ha
ve liked it to continue, and if my parents and little brother weren’t here right now it probably would.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?” my mom says.

  “Hi, I’m Elizabeth,” I say offering my hand to Roman. He takes it, still shocked beyond belief and shakes it, but says nothing. A few seconds pass before he finally says, “Roman. Nice to meet you…Elizabeth.”

  “You can call her Lisa, if you want, Roman,” my mom says. “It’s the shortened version and might be easier to remember.”

  “Yes, it might,” he says, and I can see that realization on his face as to my name discrepancy.

  “You look tired, sweetie. Up late last night?” my mom says.

  “Must be all the overnight trains,” I say. “It’s making me look more tired than I actually am.”

  “You didn’t answer your mother,” my dad says. “What were you up to last night?”

  Jeez, he won’t give it a rest. “Just roaming the city, dad. Trying new things.”

  “You were out late.”

  “I’m traveling, dad. I’m trying to explore everything I can in a short period of time.” I pause. “You guys arrived early.”

  “Just one day,” my mom says. “We got an earlier flight out free of charge and couldn’t resist. We were hoping to surprise you, but couldn’t seem to get ahold of you.”

  “Well, you certainly surprised me,” I say. Did they ever.

  “Excuse me, sir,” my mom says to the pool attendant. “Are there any more chairs?”

  “I am sorry ma’am, but today is very busy and I’m afraid we’re out.”

  I look back at where I was sitting and see that someone has already taken my old chair. That was fast.

  “Just sit here, honey,” my mom says, patting the end of Roman’s chair. “You’ll be right by me and we can talk.”

  I sit down next to Roman and as I settle in I brush against his skin. “Sorry,” I say, reaching down instinctively to touch the area I’ve just offended.

  “It’s nothing. Really,” he says, as he looks at me with those bedroom eyes of his.

  My hand lingers a little too long on his leg. As I remove it I make sure to run it across his leg and feel his muscles. His legs are thick and powerful, and they haven’t been neglected at all, unlike many of the boys at college who only train their chest and arms.

  I marvel at the sight of him again. The bright light from the sun shows me his body in every single detail. It’s as if Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci got together and decided to sculpt the most perfect male form imaginable, or not, because I truly couldn’t have imagined a body so perfect in my wildest dreams.

  “Sis, can you pass me my juice?” my brother says.

  I look at the table next to Roman and naughty thoughts fill my head. I must be thinking too long as my brother says, “Come on. I’m thirsty.”

  Roman doesn’t budge, and I don’t want to make anything seem awkward. I reach across Roman’s body, stretching my arm over him, but doing my best not to touch him. The tiny red swimsuit that is struggling to contain my breasts is inches from his face as my hand wraps around the drink.

  I want him to grab my tits, to yank my top off and take my nipples in his mouth as he did last night. To grab me by the waist and pull me on top of him as I ride him here in the hot noontime sun. To bounce me up and down on his cock as he impales me as my breasts shake up and down as he watches as I feel his cock flex inside me as he hammers away at my pussy which is squirting my approval all over his midsection.

  How I want to feel him inside me again.

  I can feel my nipples harden as water from my suit falls onto his face. He stares up at me and I can see his body is shaking ever so slightly. He’s doing a good job of concealing it, but not good enough. I know my father’s watching from just a few feet away and I know he’s not liking it.

  After the awakening my pussy had last night I feel so alive. I’m playing the role of Lolita, teasing Roman and showing him that I can be the Aphrodite to his alpha. I relish in this feeling of the power of the pussy, but it’s not coming from a manipulative place. I know he wants me and I want him, but I want him to want me even more. To feel what I know he’s already feeling, but times ten…times one hundred…one thousand.

  And when he can’t take it anymore, and neither can I, then we’ll find a way to do what we must to satisfy our desires.

  I’m not a big believer in fate, but fate did bring us together last night and then defied the odds again by doing so a second time. I’m not going to be the one to prevent fate from taking what she wants, nor will I prevent myself from having the only man I’ve ever had…again.



  I almost lost it when she lifted herself from the swimming pool. Watching her profile as her entire body emerged from the water. She was dripping wet. Her swimsuit was nearly transparent. It was an absolute fantasy for me. One minute I think she’s gone forever and I’m thinking of ways I can get in touch with her again without breaking the law or causing her to run in the other direction. The next minute I’m staring at her body, just as I did in the early morning hours at my guesthouse.

  I’ve memorized every curve. I can trace the angles of her lower back in my mind. How her curve started out at her firm, muscular upper back before curving in and then jetting out again to form that amazing ass that I had slapped so many times it had turned red in the exact shape of my hand. I had owned her ass last night, and I would own it again.

  But the way in which I would do that again had become an incredible dilemma. Larry had seen the way I looked at his daughter, how I had taken in her body from head to tow and back up again. Surely he’d noticed how I’d not so casually reached for the morning paper in order to conceal my approval for her. How my pulse had shot up along with my posture, before slumping down into my lounger in order not to reveal any clues as to what I was thinking. It was too late for that. He knew.

  Larry had been my agent when I first went to Hollywood to try and “make it.” There was only one problem…I hadn’t made it, but as much as I wanted to be a success in America it didn’t matter, because I met Larry. He was such a great person. He welcomed me into his social circle and took care of me like I was one of his family, and over the years we had become family. Although we didn’t see each other as much as we liked we were without a doubt the best of friends. We emailed often and even did Skype chats. Our businesses still overlapped as I would recommend new Italian talents that might fit the American market, and he would often send over young American actors and actresses looking to work on artistic European films. Those that wanted a break from the Hollywood blockbuster template that was so rigorously followed in big cinema filmmaking. It was a chance for those young actors and actresses to get better at their craft and to pursue roles that could help them grow.

  Right now the only thing I could think of pursuing was his young daughter, and she was certainly making me grow, but not in the way I wanted Larry to see.

  Luckily Leah seemed oblivious to everything, and even better she had prescheduled a couples massage for the two of them.

  “We must talk,” I say, a few minutes after Larry and Leah are gone and are certain not to return in case Larry “accidentally” forgot something.

  Lisa is lying on her back taking in the sun. She is perfect. Amazing. She lowers her Ray-Bans and says, “You think?” She winks.

  “Hot tub?”

  “Let’s go,” she says.

  We settle in to the hot tub and I turn on the jets. It’s too hot to be in the hot tub, which is good. We won’t be interrupted.

  “You didn’t tell me your real name was Elizabeth.”

  “And you didn’t tell me you were the friend my dad was flying half way around the world to see.”

  She had me there.

  “Well now we both know,” I say, splashing water on my face.

  “And I wasn’t expecting this to last beyond a single night.”

  I pause, turning my
gaze from the pool in front of us to her. “You weren’t expecting it, or you don’t?”

  “I wasn’t,” she begins. “And now I don’t know.”

  It’s all I can ask for, a sliver of hope. A way in. It’s a million times better than a no, and I know that with just the smallest opening I can show her what this can become. “I think we owe it to ourselves to at least see where this can go.”

  “Where can it go?” she says. “I’m surrounded by my family.”


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