Book Read Free

Finding Home

Page 15

by Maddie James

  The consultant stepped around the podium. “Yes, I understand. I’ve spoken at length with the new shop owners. The fact of the matter is, as much potential these businesses have today, if things do not change, they will likely close shop within two years.”

  He paused to glance about the room. Suzie registered the scowl on several faces.

  “In fact,” he continued, “as I look out into this crowd, I predict each of you will be hard-pressed to make a profit in the next three-to-five years.” The consultant’s gaze landed on her.

  “That’s ridiculous!” Suzie jumped up and shouted the words before she’d realized it. “How dare you come in here and tell us we are doomed!” she continued. “We Legendarians aren’t like that, Mr...Consultant. We persevere. We work hard. We live our dreams. And we don’t give up!”

  Slow and sporadic applause erupted throughout the town hall. Suzie jerked her shoulders back and stood a little taller. It felt darn good to stand up for something she believed in.

  “That may be well and good, however, perseverance doesn’t pay the bills…”

  “Wait a minute.” Suzie glanced around the room. “Most of us are small business owners. We’re not struggling, are we?”

  A cone of silence fell over the crowd as realization set in.

  “My daughter went off to college and never came back.” The response edged up from someone to her right.

  “Tired of living from check-to-check, wondering each month which bill I might have to wait to pay,” squeaked out another.

  “The kids say there is nothing here for them,” came one more.

  Suzie crossed her arms. “I don’t get it.” She set her gaze on several faces. “Legend is beautiful! We have so much to offer. Nothing for the kids? We have a wonderful mountain and a lake and…”

  “That’s great for recreation, Suzie,” Jack interjected. “The kids want real jobs. He’s right. They go away to college and get their degrees, see the world, and don’t want to come back and work in a craft shop, stock shelves at the Piggly Wiggly, or wait tables at Soda Jerk’s.”

  Suddenly, a cacophony burst forth in the room. Heads all around bobbed back and forth discussing the situation with their neighbors.

  “We don’t need a damn factory to ruin our beautiful landscape!”

  “My kid wants a job at Valu-Mart. Why can’t we have a Valu-Mart?”

  The man who had just bought the Piggly Wiggly shot to his feet. “Because those of us who love downtown Legend will lose our businesses. That is why we don’t need a Valu-Mart! My grocery store would be doomed with a Valu-Mart.”

  “But we’ve worked so hard to rebuild our downtown. We got that grant money. And people shop here. It’s on the tourist route. Why…didn’t we have a bus load of senior citizens here last week from Ohio?”

  Oh, hell. What was happening?

  Suzie searched the room. Where was…? “Midnight!” she pointed to the owner of the new Emporium. “Tell them about Market Legend. All of the plans. The website. The marketing strategy. We are not doomed.”

  Midnight stood halfway up when Jack Crenshaw cracked his gavel on the podium. She sat back down with a frown.

  He pounded the gavel again with a rat-a-tat-tat. “If I could have your attention. Attention please!”

  The rampant discord in the crowd abruptly stopped and everyone turned the mayor’s way. How was old Jack going to handle this one? The primary was around the corner and if he stepped too much one way or the other, he could either lose his job or be set for another term.

  “Folks, let’s be reasonable here,” he said slowly. “There may be a solution, so let’s hear some alternatives. We’re not finished yet. Martin?”

  The crowd turned again to Martin, who at this point, looked a little rattled at the previous onslaught. Brad shifted in the seat beside her. She’d been so caught up in all of the action she’d almost forgotten he was there. Nooo… How could she forget the smell of his after-shave wafting toward her and the heat of his thigh searing hers?

  Leaning over, she resisted the urge to lay her hand on his leg. She whispered, “Wonder what this is all about?”

  Brad shifted again, angling toward her. Good. If he hadn’t moved she would have gotten a stupid crook in her neck. What was it that turned her on about him? That he just spilled over with decadent sex appeal? So much so that she was drawn to him like flies on cider whether she wanted to be or not?

  None of it was good. Neither the attraction she was feeling nor the fact that he had definitely staked his claim on her last night. She was having difficulty reconciling all of it.

  Martin cleared his throat. Reluctantly, she skid her gaze away from Brad.

  “I know all of this is a touchy subject,” Martin said, “but I think there are alternatives. I’ve been talking with our consultant and others, and perhaps we can come to an agreement about the kind of development that could benefit Legend’s economy. Suzie is right about one thing, our natural resources are a draw. The lake. The mountains. The tourists do come to buy local crafts and the like.”

  An angry male voice bubbled up from the back of the room. “Ah, hell, Martin. You just want to sell land. You don’t care about the economy.”

  Martin’s face turned all but purple. “I want what is good for our town and the people who live in it. I’m not about huge change, I’ll admit that. But I think we can invest in projects that can benefit all of us. For example, we have done a great job revitalizing downtown and I differ slightly in opinion from what our consultant says. There are…well, there are things in the works to put Legend on the virtual map, so to speak. Let’s not be hasty in spouting doomsday speeches.” He shot an awkward glance to his right at Midnight.

  Suzie smiled. She’d wondered if something was up between Midnight and Martin. The way he looked at her now confirmed that. Midnight’s Emporium was taking off; business was good. And Suzie would bet nickels that Midnight would be hard-pressed to admit her new business wasn’t a good thing.

  Martin shifted back to the crowd. “So, I’d like to introduce someone to you who can explain a new project. I think you will like this. It will bring jobs and support the local economy, as well as revitalize a bit of our past. Mr. Matthews has a plan. Legendarians, meet Brad Matthews.”

  Suzie’s breath caught in her throat. What the hell?

  “Thanks, Martin.” Brad rose and shoved his hands in his tight jean pockets, then tossed a nervous glance at Suzie. He looked…uncertain. And that was an anomaly for Brad Matthews, the most self-assured man she’d ever met. He turned and faced the crowd.

  “I’ll be brief. One solution, it appears to me, is to capitalize on what you already have. The downtown is great. Tourists ride in here every week on buses. They stay for a couple of hours, buy lunch, a few souvenirs, and then leave. I think one way to boost the economy is to provide quality lodging services so tourists will stay longer.”

  Suzie sat straighter in her chair, her back ramrod stiff. Her attention was definitely at high-pique with his statement. Legend has quality lodging services. Her!

  He didn’t look at her. Coward.

  “Old Lake Lodge was a boon in its heyday. People came in droves to experience the mountains, stay the week, and unwind. Since the bankruptcy of its owners more than thirty-five years ago, and the subsequent condemnation of the Lodge itself, it has sat abandoned, empty and virtually unused.”

  Suzie scooted to the edge of her seat, her face growing warm. What-in-the-hell was he proposing? The room was silent.

  “I know I am an outsider, you don’t know me from Adam, but I’ve been studying your town for a while and I’ve decided to move here.”

  Abruptly, Suzie broke into a choking fit, casting most all eyes in the room her way. Someone in the row behind her reached over to pat her hard on the back. She glanced to her rear through watery eyes and nodded her thanks to old Geraldine and then swung her gaze around to Brad.

  “Sorry, please go on. I find this extremely, uh...interesting.” Sh
e glared at him, not entirely certain she understood the look that he shot back.

  Brad returned to the crowd. “I’ve purchased Old Lake Lodge,” a twitter of conversation broke in the room then, “…and the surrounding sixty-two acres. I’ve been meeting with local contractors, zoning, utilities, and the town council. I am prepared to put a lot of money into the local economy in two ways. One, by providing jobs for locals in the construction of a new mega-hotel, restaurant and spa on the old Lake Lodge site. Two, once it is finished, providing a hefty number of jobs required to run the business, in the areas of hotel management, culinary arts, recreation and relaxation, housekeeping, maintenance and such. I believe, and your Town Council agrees, that this is a viable compromise to the situation. The ‘kick in the butt’ as the consultant so eloquently put it.”

  A pregnant pause floated about the still room. Suzie didn’t know what to think or say. A thud landed in the pit of her stomach. She wanted to stand but wasn’t sure her legs worked.

  “You’re going to tear down Old Lake Lodge?” Mr. Wilson feebly raised his hand and uttered the words. “My wife and I were married there sixty years ago last month.”

  Suzie’s heart fell. The lodge was old and decrepit but it was a part of their history. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were old and decrepit, too. Did that mean you just got rid of them?

  “Unfortunately, the lodge will have to go.” Brad took a deep breath, his face as hard as stone. “And part of the mountain. Not much, because we want to preserve what we can but we need more level land.”

  Finally, she found her land legs and rose. Her jaw was tight and her fists clenched. “You’re going to level our lodge and blow up our mountain? Do you want to suck the lake dry, too?”

  Brad fixed his questioning gaze on her.

  Yes, she was angry. Damn angry.

  Not only was Brad Matthews ruining part of Legend’s history, but he single-handedly was out to destroy her little business as well. How in the hell would Legend’s Landing Bed & Breakfast size up against the likes of a mega-hotel and spa?

  Likely, it wouldn’t. In the matter of a few minutes, he had managed to kill everything she’d worked so hard for the past year and longer.

  She wasn’t going to sit around and let that happen. Not for one moment.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “So, I’ll ask again. Are you planning to blow up our mountain?”

  Brad took in Suzie’s frantic, wide-eyed gaze, her stiff-armed stance, and suddenly got gut-punched. He had some explaining to do. And quick.

  He turned toward her and lowered his voice.

  “What I said was that we needed to level more land. Most likely we’ll clear off a few acres of trees and yes, we will need to dynamite to make way for...”

  Suzie stepped forward, shaking her head. “So, you’re going to blow away part of the side of our mountain, kill several hundred trees, level a piece of local history, and ruin the view from my home and business? A small “mom and pop” business, I might add, that according to our consultant here,” she swept her arm toward the front of the room, “is doomed in a couple of years, anyway? Is that what you are thinking?”


  She put up her hand. “No. Stop, Brad. Stop right where you are. I think it’s time for you to go. Time for you to cut your losses and get out of town. You are not wanted here. We don’t need your super, mega-hotel slash five-star-restaurant slash spa. We’ve survived on what we have for many, many years and we’ll do quite nicely after you and your ideas are gone.

  “So...leave, Mr. Matthews. Please.”

  That please did him in more than anything, particularly when he registered the ache in her eyes as she said it. Brad watched the woman who lambasted him—the same woman who held the key to his heart, unfortunately.


  A male voice boomed up from across the room. “Suzie,” the man said, “his idea is not a bad one.”

  Surprised, Brad watched her swivel toward the man. “You can’t be serious, Jack. What good would this idea do for Legend?”

  “Think about it,” the mayor urged. “There are a lot of jobs connected to a project like this and it sounds as though he has considered what is important to our town. It’s not a discount department store or a factory. If we have to invest in something, to keep our downtown the way it is, this could be the better option.”

  “For whom?” Her nostrils flared when she glanced from face to expectant face. “What about keeping all of our businesses the same? I’m not downtown but I’m still Legend and I still count!”

  She turned, leveling her gaze firmly on him. “Mr. Matthews,” she continued through clenched teeth, “is only considering one thing…himself. And I can’t believe all of you have fallen for it.”

  In a flash, she jerked her gaze. He thought her eyes looked a little misty. With a deep scowl, she stumbled out of the back row and headed for the door. She made an ungraceful getaway by shuffling over empty, metal folding chairs as well as a few Legendarians’ feet.

  He guessed he’d pissed her off.

  No. That wasn’t a pissed look. That was hurt. Pure and simple.

  Brad released a loud, long pent-up breath. Dammit.

  Chapter Twenty

  Jim stepped into the floodlight illuminated darkness and stopped as he scanned Suzie’s yard for Lilly. Suzie had directed him out back. He finally spotted her near the edge of the lawn where the more wooded acreage began. He headed towards her, taking the opportunity to study her long, slender frame. Some women, he decided as he approached her, were meant to wear backless dresses. Lilly was one of those women. “Hey.”

  He drank in the sight of the woman. Simply put, she was beautiful. Her nearly black, curly hair was short, framing a delicate heart-shaped face. Her large, deep blue eyes and long spiked lashes stood out against a flawless complexion he was certain had never seen the sun. Her lips made him think of plump ripe berries, and he licked his own in anticipation of a sweet taste.

  Lilly Peach was a woman that reminded a man that he was a man. “Hi.”

  She actually blushed, which sent a jolt though his system. He grinned, pleased with the sensation. It had been a long time since a woman made his body hum.

  She turned, a smile on her lush lips. “Have you ever seen anything so beautiful in all your life? Suzie is amazing. I would love to have a yard like this.”

  The hum was in full throttle. He wanted to take her into his arms and kiss those lips. Slide his tongue over those straight white teeth. Burrow in the swanlike neck. “Yes, beautiful,” he agreed but he couldn’t have told anyone what the yard looked like. The woman had him completely captivated.

  A slightly cautious look came into Lilly’s eyes. “I don’t really date.”

  Jim studied her. “What do you mean?”

  She swallowed, looked away as if embarrassed, and then back. “I don’t really know what you expect from me.”

  Relief washed over him. She was experiencing nothing more than first date jitters. “I don’t have any expectations. I’m attracted to you. I’d like to get to know you. We can share a good meal and see where it goes from there.”

  She grinned. “I’m attracted to you, too.”

  Satisfaction settled into his gut. “Well then. Let’s get that meal.”


  True to his word, Jim provided her with an excellent meal. “I’m embarrassed to have eaten so much.” She pushed her plate away and watched as he took his last bite, cleaning his plate completely. “The meal was wonderful.”

  Jim looked her over. “Over-eating obviously isn’t a problem for you, though I over-indulge every time I come here. The owner was a good friend of my father’s. He makes the best steaks in the state as far as I’m concerned. Suzie provides him with desserts sometimes.”

  Lilly relaxed into her seat. “She’s amazing. I’ve never known anybody like her. She seems to lead the perfect life.”

  Jim shrugged. “Not always. She was married to a jerk who didn�
�t appreciate her. I’m glad she got rid of him, but it changed her some.” He folded his napkin then placed it upon his plate. “Put a little steel in her soft edges.” He nodded to the waiter who brought them both cups of coffee. “She is still the best person I’ve ever known.”

  Lilly toyed with the rim of her cup, watching the steam rise. She had to ask. She knew she might be setting herself up for disappointment, but she had to ask. “Is my being here messing something up between the two of you?”


  He said it so firmly Lilly couldn’t help but smile. “Good.”

  Jim slid his chair back. “Are you ready to go?”

  Lilly felt a flutter, one she refused to identify in case it was fear. She hadn’t experienced any other kind of reaction for so long she was afraid to label it now. But she refused to let it intimidate her as she rose from her seat to precede Jim out to his SUV. He stopped her at the door and gently turned her to face him.

  “I’ve wanted to do this ever since you answered Suzie’s door. He lifted her chin and lowered his head, closing his eyes as his lips took hers.

  Lilly’s eyes drifted closed as she absorbed the feel of his lips placing gentle kisses above, below, and upon hers. Without thought she responded, opening her mouth slightly, allowing him to tug on each lip independently before tilting his head and taking her mouth fully.

  She fell into the kiss, her mind spinning, her legs growing weaker as the rest of her system went on full alert. He pulled her closer as she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, running her fingers through the softness of his short dark hair.

  “Way to go, Coach!”

  Lilly pulled back as her cheeks warmed. She stepped behind Jim as he scanned the dimly lit parking lot and waved to a group of teenagers. One boy gave a thumbs up signal, his grin huge. Several others, both boys and girls, were watching them as they whispered to each other.

  Jim grinned as he first helped Lilly into the vehicle then settled in himself. “I’m going to get the ribbing of my life at practice tomorrow.”


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