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Abandoned to Lust (Erotic Romance Story), Book 2 (A Month of Pleasure)

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by Mason, Carla

  “I always wanted to write, it seemed the best way to reach people, to get a point across, except when sitting opposite a person that makes a real difference to people that he meets every day”

  I was feeling a little inept

  “I guess in the big scheme of things it could seem a little counterproductive; fruitless even when comparing it to what you achieve on a daily basis”

  “To the contrary, everything doesn’t have to be heavy and tied up with perfomance. Steph, it’s not a competition, life really is what you make of it. You are doing something you are passionate about, with every word you write it’s with purpose and in doing so you make a difference to all those that read your column. You bring a smile to someone or give advice to another, even putting a point of view across is of purpose, never underestimate the power of words”

  I was feeling quite formidable, capable, needless to say the wonderful Gerrard just said the right thing at the perfect time.

  Time had raced by and it was dark outside.

  “I’m starving, would you like to stay and we’ll grab some take out?”


  I was surprised at how disappointed I felt .

  “I can’t stand take out, lets see what you have in the fridge”

  A felt a smile sweeping across my face

  “I think I just have some vege’s and noodles.”

  “Perfect I shall whip us up a vegetable stir fry with noodles, is that okay”

  “He cooks, and he asks is that okay” I retorted laughingly.

  “Yes, it is more than okay”

  Gerrard told me of how when he was in campus he couldn’t stand the take out plastic food and so decided to take a cooking class, he became known as “little chef” like the rat in “Ratatouille” because of the unlikeliness of his being able to cook so well.

  I grabbed some plates, chopsticks and glasses.

  Dinner was ready in 20 minutes and we were sitting at the table, a candle lit, glasses of mineral water eating a fantastic meal, it was perfect.

  “Is there anything you can’t do Gerrard?”

  “Oh plenty, but I am always open to learn”

  “I enjoy being with you Gerrard”

  Oh no, have I scared him off, I forgot the main rule, don’t tell a guy how you really feel as they tend to be emotionally stunted when it comes to love

  “I really love spending time with you too Steph, but I don’t want to appear anything less than I am. I try to be honest with people, especially those I care about. I really am here to raise money, I am intending on going overseas as soon as I raise the funds to help deliver vaccines to kids in India to save their lives. I can’t tell you how long I’m in town for, nor when I will be coming home, I have no intention of staying put, there are so many people out there that need help”

  I felt a lump in my throat, I didn’t want him to go, I hoped the money wasn’t free flowing and then of course I felt like the biggest heal.

  Gerrard smiled.

  “Steph, lets not wreck a great night, I just wanted to be upfront with you, I care too much about you to lead you on. You know you could always come with me, maybe write freelance? Anyway lets not think about that tonight”

  We finished up our meal chatting light heartedly and then washed up together.

  “It’s still raining outside would you like to stay?”

  I was hoping with all my might that he would.

  “I’d love to Steph, but I’m actually seeing a patient early in the morning and need to run through his file again before I turn up for surgery, I should leave”

  My face fell, my disappointment obvious.

  “Of course no problem, I should catch up with some research also”

  “I’ve had a magnificent night - the best laundromat visit I’ve ever had”

  “Well you’re welcome”

  Gerrard lifted his hands to hold my face ever so gently, he kissed me on the lips.

  “I really enjoyed bumping into you Steph, thank you. I look forward to seeing you soon maybe give me a call, now that you have my number in your phone and we can continue where we’ve had to leave it”

  “That sounds wonderful, I shall call you soon.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  We kissed slowly, passionately then he grabbed his laundry and overcoat and was gone.

  I stood at my doorway until I heard the front door close.

  What an amazing man.

  I slipped into bed and dreamt about going overseas with Gerrard, maybe it could work ….... my sleep was that of a woman in love.

  The next day life seemed that little less complicated. I sat and did some research for my column and began typing a draft. My laptop on a table by the window, the perfect amount of space for a coffee cup and plate of food.

  The sun had made an appearance once more, I was in a perfect mood.

  I’d just finished my first draft and decided to take a break. All inspired to eat a little healthier I went to Farmers Market to collect some ingredients, as I was walking around I bumped into George.

  “The places I see you amaze me” I said with a smile.

  George turned around and smiled, that gorgeous cheeky smile, that magnetic feeling between George and I was indisputable - it was there again.

  “Steph, I hardly recognised you out of sweatpants.”

  “Hmmm yes, well I hardly recognised you without a leggy dark haired woman wrapped around you”


  “Ha you wish”

  “What are you up to after shopping?

  “Just dropping this back and relaxing at home”

  “How about relaxing at my home”


  That cheeky smile was there again ….... Where was this man going to lead me now I wondered.

  Read the complete “Month of Pleasure” series at




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