Amelia Elias - [Guardian's League 02] - Outcast

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Amelia Elias - [Guardian's League 02] - Outcast Page 14

by Outcast (lit)

  Eli’s step faltered and his heart stopped. When his pulse started again, it pounded hard enough to hurt. His mind filled with the image of Renee sleeping beside him, her warm, lush body against his, his arms around her, holding her close for every second remaining until sunset. When the sun left the sky, would she turn to him and offer him everything she’d offered on the dance floor last night? Every sense went on full alert and Eli barely bit back a groan.

  “Let me stay,” Renee whispered again, and he couldn’t think of anything he’d ever wanted more.

  That was why he didn’t dare agree to this. He clenched his fists and took a ragged breath, trying without success to banish the seductive images from his mind. No. It was the height of folly to even consider it. It was already damn near impossible to think of her as his fledgling without giving in to this crazy temptation. There were limits to even his strength.

  No. If he allowed this, he knew exactly where it would lead. One of them had to be strong and kill this ill-fated attraction now.

  It was on the tip of his tongue to refuse her when he felt the dampness of her tears on his bare shoulder. He didn’t even have to touch her mind to feel her genuine fear at the thought of an aftershock coming while she was alone in her room. This wasn’t a ploy or an attempt at seduction. She was truly terrified, truly needing his comfort.

  “Please,” Renee breathed, and the single word tore through him.

  Eli closed his eyes and bent his head in defeat. He could resist her teasing, he could resist her flirting, but he could not resist her fear. “All right,” he whispered as he turned and carried her to his bed, trying to convince himself he hadn’t just damned them both. Maybe if she went to sleep quickly, he might still resist the nearly overpowering urge to touch her. “All right, baby. Don’t cry.”

  He followed her down onto the soft mattress, clenching his jaw as she clung to him. She ignored his attempt to put space between them and draped herself across his chest, hiding her face in the curve of his shoulder. Her warm breath against his neck and jaw brought every nerve in his body to full, aching life. He held her close because he couldn’t help himself, stroking her hair and trying desperately to ignore these desires a sire should not have for his fledgling.

  And as always, he failed. Miserably.

  Renee sighed and slowly relaxed against him, her body softening with sleep, curving into his. She felt far too good pressed against him and Eli was about to try to shift her away from him when his fangs suddenly erupted against his lips. The bloodlust hit him without warning. The sweet, electric scent of her blood called to him, permeating every breath he took, intensifying the fire in his veins. His arms locked her to him as if to keep her from escaping. Eli took a deep breath and forced his grip on her to loosen, fighting the abrupt and inexplicable urge to sink his teeth into her vulnerable throat.

  It made no sense. He forced the urge away with a surge of confused panic. Why did this keep happening? He had sworn never to take her blood. He’d fed well last night. There was absolutely no reason for this unexpected craving, but it would not be denied. The more his body ached for hers, the more his fangs throbbed in his mouth, demanding that he take her in every way. And she slept on, completely ignorant of the danger.

  It was torture. Pure and simple.

  Eli clenched his fists in her hair as her breathing slowed and she passed from human slumber to the vampires’ deep, almost lifeless sleep. He envied her. He knew there would be no rest for him.

  * * *

  The sun dipped below the horizon, rousing Renee from her rest. She resisted the intrusion of wakefulness. All she wanted was to remain in this dream of lying in Eli’s arms, cradled to his chest.

  Pressed against him from cheek to knee, Renee relished the heat of his hard body. One arm lay across her waist, trapping her there—as if she’d even consider moving. His other hand was twined in her hair. She took a deep breath and savored the warm scent of him before letting the air out in a soft, utterly content sigh.

  As if her sigh were a signal, his hands moved. His fingers gently massaged her scalp as his other hand traced a slow line from her hip to the base of her spine. Renee arched closer, eyes still closed. If this dream wanted to take a more erotic turn, she wouldn’t complain a bit.

  The steady rhythm of his breathing caught, then quickened. She turned her head just a bit, seeking his skin, and when she found his throat, she nuzzled. His scent was intoxicating, the dark and spicy aroma owing nothing to cologne. He smelled of man and sex, hot and wild, completely unrestrained. Remembering the delicious flavor of his kiss, she ran her tongue along the line of his quickening pulse.

  His groan vibrated through her body. His hand left her hair to slide down her spine, joining the other at her hip. Renee flattened her palm against the warm skin of his chest and drew a little pattern with a fingertip.

  Both hands suddenly left her hips and cupped her bottom. He pressed her closer, squeezing lightly, and she whimpered.

  Eli shuddered and pressed his lips to her ear. “You could tempt a stone to sin,” he whispered. “Tell me no, little one. Help me stop this before it goes too far.”

  She almost laughed. How like her too-honorable Eli to keep resisting even while she was draped over him, more than willing and already in his bed. She kissed a path up his throat until she found his own ear. “What if I don’t want to stop? What if I like this dream as it is?”

  He groaned and tumbled her onto her back. Her gasp at the sudden movement died against his lips.

  Renee moaned and lost herself in his kiss. Hot, hungry, desperate—it was everything she’d hoped for and more. His tongue thrust into her mouth, retreated, came back for more. She wrapped her arms around him and scraped her nails down his back. Their fast breaths mingled. She shivered as his hand slid up her belly and, hesitating only a moment, covered her breast.

  Her nipple hardened in his palm. The heightened senses she’d gained as a vampire apparently applied to every part of her body, because the pleasure that shot through her when he rolled her nipple between his fingers was staggering. Just that touch was almost enough to make her come.

  And apparently he knew it, because he backed off an instant before she reached the peak. She tore her mouth from his to protest, “Eli!”

  For a moment, he froze. His body went rigid against hers. Then he released her breast and caught her chin in his hand. “Open your eyes, damn it. Open your eyes and know what you’re doing.”

  The ferocity of his voice startled her into obeying. Renee looked up at Eli, poised above her with his dark eyes burning with stars, his face taut with strain. It wasn’t a dream. She was truly here, in his bed, and there was no way in hell she’d let him back out now.

  “Don’t stop,” she whispered, her voice a sultry murmur in the stillness. Just in case he had any doubt she meant it, she wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed. She opened her mind, pushing her desire, her need, her desperate arousal at him. “Don’t you dare stop now.”

  Eli’s pupils dilated and he let out a long, shaky breath, clearly feeling the surge of her passion. “Why must you make it impossible for me to pretend?”

  She stroked his back and lifted her hips, shamelessly tempting him. His hard cock pressed against her thigh. “No way you’re pretending this.”

  He shuddered and suddenly kissed her again, fast and hot. Both hands dove into her hair to hold her still for his pleasure, but he pulled away after only a moment.

  His voice, low and fierce, sent shivers down her spine. “Hear me now, Renee. We have no blood tie. You were never my fledgling, and I will no longer play your sire.”

  Any reply she might’ve made was cut off by his kiss. In truth, Renee didn’t want to reply. It might lead to a conversation, and in her estimation, they’d already said everything that was necessary. It was past time to put his gorgeous mouth to better use.

  And sweet heaven, did he know how to use it! His tongue teased hers with velvet caresses before he broke away to b
laze a trail of kisses down her throat. Her gown dissolved, sending a tingle over her skin, an instant before his mouth closed over one taut, aching nipple. She cried out in sheer bliss as he licked and nibbled.

  If she’d thought his hand felt good, it was nothing compared to his lips. Only when she was utterly wild with pleasure did he switch to her other breast.

  God, yes, this was what she’d wanted, ached for since their first kiss. The sharp tips of his fangs grazed her skin, thrilling her with the revelation that she could make this tightly-controlled man go wild. She had to touch him, had to feel more of him. The taut muscles of his back flexed beneath her hands as she caressed him, urging him on.

  That shivering tingle teased her skin again as Eli banished his pajama pants with a thought. The sudden press of his flesh to hers was intoxicating. He slid down further, kissing and nipping her ribs and stomach, leaving only his head and shoulders within her reach.

  That wasn’t acceptable as far as she was concerned. “Get back up here so I can touch you!”

  He bit her hip, not piercing the skin but nipping hard enough to make her arch and moan. He chuckled, a low rumble of pure dominant male amusement. “When I’m ready, baby, and not before.”

  Without warning, Eli flipped her onto her stomach, moving with such speed that she had no chance to try and resist. Her gasp of surprise turned into a moan when he pinned her with his body, covering her from head to toe. His cock pressed against her bottom, thick and hard and only inches from where she wanted it. She arched beneath him, rubbing shamelessly against him.

  His sharp intake of breath was all the reward she needed. He cupped her chin in one hand and kissed her, all earlier finesse forgotten in a blaze of hunger. She pushed her own hunger at him and felt his mind open to her as he fed her his passion and need. Never had she wanted anything more than this.

  Eli groaned into her mouth as if hearing her thought. Thrilled by the possibility, Renee imagined everything she wanted to do to him in vivid detail—licking a path across his chest and nibbling his nipples, sliding her hands up his thighs to cup his sac, pressing her breasts together and capturing his cock between them—

  He broke the kiss with a moan and thrust inside her at last. Renee pressed back, shuddering with pleasure as he invaded her, filling her and retreating. She lost herself in his mind, the erotic sensation of her heat and wetness surrounding him.

  “More,” she gasped, wanting things from him she didn’t even have names for. “More, Eli!”

  Everything, he promised, speaking directly to her mind as he thrust deeper, faster. His desperation filled her and built with every surge forward. You can have everything.

  Nothing had ever been as intense as this pleasure. Each thrust sent her higher on a spiral of ecstasy, promising a release that would far surpass anything she’d ever imagined.

  And it didn’t come.

  Poised on the brink, her body straining and every nerve alive and aching, she cried out in mingled ecstasy and agony. All she needed was one tiny push and she’d tumble over the edge, but what was it?

  Then Eli’s presence filled her mind, merging them completely. I know what you need, he murmured, rocking faster. His wrist pressed against her lips. Take it.

  As soon as her fangs pierced his vein, rapture overwhelmed her. His blood was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Rich and powerful, the taste of him triggered her pleasure and extended it to unbelievable heights. She’d never imagined anything could be so erotic. Surely nothing could be better than this. She pushed pleasure at him, needing to share the incredible feeling.

  And then Eli bit her shoulder, and every cell of her body shuddered with joy. Their moans and cries muffled against skin, they came at the same moment, entwined on every possible level.

  It took a long time for Renee to come back to her senses. The reality of their lovemaking had far, far surpassed any dream she’d ever had. She felt him close the bite on her shoulder and reluctantly did the same for his wrist. His taste, hot and utterly addictive, filled her mouth and the warmth of his thoughts still flooded her mind.

  Abruptly he cut off their mental bond and rolled away from her, but not before she caught one last thought from him.

  Sweet heaven, what have I done?

  Chapter Eight

  The full realization of his sin was slow in coming, but when it did, it killed every trace of joy. Icy fingers squeezed his heart.

  Eli had only meant to pleasure her, but he’d done much, much more than that. Not only had he completely shattered the sire-fledgling bond, he had let Renee take his blood. He couldn’t blame her for it—he’d actually urged her to do it.

  His stomach clenched. No, it was more than that, far worse than that. They had shared blood. Mind and body and blood. Eli groaned and covered his face with his hands as the full implications of such an exchange crashed in on him. He should never have let this happen!

  Eli rolled further from her and sat on the edge of the bed, his entire body shaking. What the hell had he been thinking, letting things go that far?

  The answer to that one was easy. He hadn’t been thinking. He’d been drowning in feeling, in the culmination of weeks of longing, and he’d wanted her in every possible way. He’d wanted to get so deep inside her she’d never get him out.

  But he should never, never have initiated the blood exchange.

  She had no idea what it meant. Eli had no such excuse. He hadn’t told her anything of bonding yet. He hadn’t thought she would need that knowledge for years more at the very least—

  No. He could no longer lie to himself. He hadn’t told her because he hadn’t been able to bear the idea of her bonding with anyone, couldn’t stand the thought of a time in the future when she wouldn’t need him, couldn’t face knowing she would one day turn to another man and leave him alone again.

  Well, he had certainly complicated that for her by completing the first exchange. There was no way to take back what had happened. Eli swore under his breath, long and viciously. None of this was her fault, but in the end she was the one who would pay. He had no right to do this to her simply because he wanted what he would never deserve.

  If she knew what he really was, she’d run in terror.

  He heard her stirring behind him an instant before her fingertips ran down his spine in a feather-light caress. Bliss radiated from her. He wouldn’t have been surprised to hear her purr. His traitorous body leapt to life in response. He had to resist the temptation to pull her back into his arms and love her until she was so addicted to him, she wouldn’t care what he was. What he’d done.

  The danger he’d exposed her to by allowing her to take his cursed blood.

  Tell her, a tiny voice whispered inside him. Tell her. She has a right to know. And maybe…

  Maybe nothing, he thought back fiercely. Everything in him rebelled at the thought of her terror should she find out about him. He would do anything to prevent it.

  Renee rose to her knees and leaned against his back, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her cheek against his warm skin. She smiled, her body still tingling in the aftermath of their incredible lovemaking.

  She frowned when he stiffened at her touch. “Eli?”

  His hands closed over her wrists and pulled her arms from around him before he rose stiffly from the bed. She blinked and he was dressed, his gorgeous body completely concealed by dark jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, his back still to her. She bit her lip, suddenly nervous.

  “Eli?” she repeated uncertainly. “What’s wrong?”

  He whirled and fixed her with such a furious stare she clutched the sheet to her chest. “You can ask me that now?” he asked harshly.

  Renee stared at him in shock. She didn’t understand what was wrong. The last thing she remembered was unbelievable pleasure, absolute sharing. She’d felt a part of him in every way. To have him pull away now was more than painful, it was shattering. She twisted the sheet between her fingers, unable to think of a single thing to say
in the face of his anger.

  Eli ran his hands through his hair in a completely uncharacteristic show of agitation at her silence. “Didn’t you hear a word I said to you?” he demanded.

  Her brows drew together in confusion. In truth, she’d been listening to what his body had been telling her far more than anything that had passed his lips, but she made an effort to remember now. It was clearly important to him.

  And then she remembered. “You aren’t my sire,” she whispered, the words and all that they meant sinking in now. She didn’t try to hide the hurt and confusion in her eyes as she looked up at him. “Why did you lie to me?”

  He paced the length of the room and jammed his hands into his pockets without answering. Renee rose to her feet and wrapped the sheet around her shoulders, wishing she could summon clothing with the ease he had. She felt at a horrible disadvantage in her sheet-toga.

  “Why did you lie to me, Eli?” she repeated. “And where is my real sire? Why are you protecting him?”

  He sighed and his shoulders slumped before he turned to face her. “I don’t know where he is,” he said, his voice almost completely toneless. “And it wasn’t him I was protecting. You were sired by an Outcast, Renee.”

  She gasped. She couldn’t have been more shocked or hurt had he stabbed her through the heart. Unable to speak, she shook her head mutely, denying his words with everything inside her, but still the words would not come.

  Eli drove the blade deeper. “The same Outcast you helped to escape last night.”

  Renee stared at him in horror. She wanted to be sick. “No,” she whispered, sitting down hard on the edge of the bed as her knees gave out. “No—you’re lying. I don’t believe you!”

  Eli felt the pain coming off her in waves and almost wished he hadn’t said anything. His instinctive need to comfort her drove him a step closer to the bed, but he forced himself to stop. No, he told himself savagely, refusing to give in to weakness again. She had to know the truth after what he had done to her. He had to put her on her guard even if she hated him for it later.


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