The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

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The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles Page 11

by Andrew Wood

  Ramon led Rylan indoors, before heading up the main staircase, towards the rooms being used by the royal family. Although there were plenty of people about, Rylan noticed a certain sense of melancholy amongst them, but kept his opinions to himself as he listened to Ramon explain the layout of the main building. He did notice the flickering lamps barely helped the atmosphere, giving off barely enough light to illuminate their way.

  After Zack had made his own way back in from the cold outside, he turned to Samuel, "Thank you," he said, "We hardly know each other, yet you have gone out of your way to help me." Samuel just shrugged, "I think the debt I owe you and the others far outweighs anything I have done," the young Bosarian replied modestly. Zack left it at that, and although he would have liked to have rested and relaxed with his friends, he knew he would probably be wanted by Ramon with the other royals, the upside of which would mean him spending time with his father during his short stay.

  The guards on the doorway outside the room did not stop Zack entering, barely casting him a glance as he let himself in. On seeing him enter, Ramon gestured him to join them at the table, "I have ordered some food for us to eat whilst we discuss matters," he told him as the young royal sat beside his father. Anden, who was clearly tired, sat opposite, and Zack actually felt a little sorry for his younger cousin; things were going to get no easier for him over the next few days.

  Ramon started by explaining everything that had happened over the past few days, and although Rylan had already heard much of it from Zack earlier, he listened allowing the seer to fill in any gaps. Before moving on to the funeral arrangements, Ramon had some surprising news and a suggestion that shocked Zack more than a little. Ramon explained how Pitford's fate had hung in the balance, when one young magician had risked everything to buy them enough time to retreat into the inner wall. When the name Kurtis was mentioned, Zack suddenly started taking notice. "The lad used every last ounce of power he had, striking down dozens of enemy soldiers," he added.

  "Sounds like this Kurtis is a bit of a hero," Rylan suggested looking to the others for their reaction.

  "Probably no more so than any other man or woman who placed themselves on the front lines in our defence," Ramon admitted, before explaining Kurtis' history.

  Rylan was shocked that a boy who had tried to kill his own son had actually been allowed to live. "You must understand, under normal circumstances I would agree. However, he was not himself, and so blame cannot be placed upon him." Zack noticed his father did not wholly agree, but did eventually concede the point, "Perhaps he is not the hero I thought...Yet I suppose he has at least earned our thanks."

  "He has earned my full pardon," Anden added to the conversation, catching the others a little by surprise.

  Zack noticed his father looking at the crown prince, and although he knew his father did not agree, he would never openly say so, "As you wish," he finally said putting an end to the subject.

  Zack was actually more interested in the food than the conversation, as Ramon ran the finer details of the funeral past Anden and his father. Tiana sat beside her son, teary eyed but composed as she listened in as her late husband's final movement were mapped out before her. Although neither Rylan nor Tiana thought the garden in Pitford a suitable enough resting place for a king, they both agreed it was probably the best of a bad lot. Traditional would usually see Anden make a public speech about the man he was replacing, although Rylan had offered to take his place, as the young crown prince already had enough on his plate.

  Zack stifled a yawn, as the last of the funeral arrangements were finally agreed upon, and he was thinking the day was at last coming to an end. "Now on to the coronation and running of government," Ramon said shuffling through a pile of papers. "I would like to start by thanking Zack for coming up with so many ideas to help Anden," he added, making the royal realise he was going to be a part of the next conversation whether he liked it or not.

  He noticed his father looking at him, smiling as Ramon ran through the idea of the high council, and the personnel involved. Naturally, it would depend on Anden having the final say on the matter, as he would be in overall command. Zack tried to watch his cousin for any reaction, but Anden appeared to be giving little away. Ramon turned to the crown prince and asked him his opinion, "So your highness, what do you think of having Zack as your advisor, and the elementalist as your protector?"

  All eyes turned to Anden, who despite only being in his early teenage years showed an understanding beyond that. Having grown up, knowing one day he would be king, he was fully aware that once he did, his life would change dramatically. "Zack only advises...the final say is mine?" the crown prince replied verifying the point. Ramon nodded and agreed, "The final word is and will always be yours highness."

  "Then I agree that Zack will be my advisor. I do not know this elementalist...Perhaps I should meet him and get to know him. After all, he will be following me around a lot. Is he trustworthy? I heard he came from the gutter, is that right?" Anden fired off the questions one after the other before allowing anyone to answer.

  Ramon was about to give a reply when he realised the most qualified person to do so would be Zack, and gestured a hand for him to do so. Rylan watched on carefully as his son answered, "Maxim was found in Woodhaven, living rough that much is true. However I would trust him more than any other man I know," Zack said in defiant tone. Anden looked at him, tilting his head just a little to one side as if considering something. Tiana, Anden's mother spoke next, "I do not like the idea of some filthy wretch from the gutter defending my son...I'll have Commander Porter assign a couple of his best guards."

  Zack tried to bite his lip and say nothing but he felt anger building up inside. "Max is not a filthy wretch," he snapped, "As far as guards go, what use would they be against an enemy magician? Maxim could wipe out a score of men with but a click of his fingers," he added feeling his emotions getting the better of him. Ramon placed a placating hand on his shoulder, "Okay I am sure the Queen did not mean it in an offensive way...She is just trying to do best for Anden," he said. Tiana scoffed at her nephew, having no knowledge of magicians, she clearly did not rate them very highly.

  Ramon thought it best to explain, and hopefully defuse the situation before it got out of hand. "Highness," he said, "If not for us magicians we would not be sitting here now. As far as Maxim goes, he is the most powerful person I have ever known, as from where he originates I do not know, I only have what Rylan has told me."

  The queen was about to speak again, but Anden beat her to it, "I think Mother," he said, "That if Ramon and Zack are sure, then I should give this...Maxim," he said checking he had the name correct, "A try. If he is as powerful as they say, then I will have sufficient protection."

  The conversation moved on, as Zack glared for a while at his aunt, something that did not go amiss by his father. Although it was clear, the queen was not overly pleased that her son had to run everything via some mishmash of a high council, her son appeared keen enough to give it a try. Anden may have been young and well educated, but he was also wise enough to know others knew more about such matters than he did.

  Rylan eventually thought it best to call a halt to proceedings, as he noticed his son struggling to stay focussed. "Perhaps Tiana, Anden, we may get some rest, we do have a rather traumatic day ahead of us tomorrow," he said making excuses. Fortunately, it appeared both his aunt and cousin seemed as exhausted by proceedings as Zack did. Ramon was happy to let things be, although he would have liked to have discussed all the finer points of the high council, the proposal at least had been accepted in principal.

  Zack wished his father goodnight, before slowly strolling down the dimly lit corridors, back to his own room. He was glad to find on his arrival only Mikel, Maxim and Shadow were present within. "Melia has taken the others next door, Samuel is a little worn out and she wanted to make sure he was okay," Mikel told Zack as he closed the door behind him. The royal's first concern was to make sure Maxim was fine, having be
en the one expending all his energy to get them to Dewston and back. Maxim appeared in better condition than he was, testament to the young elementalist's great power.

  Zack immediately prepared himself for bed, undressing before slipping his nightshirt over his head. As he slipped between the sheets and rested his head down on his feathered pillow, he mentioned to Maxim about his earlier conversations. "Anden would like to meet you...Although I am not sure my aunt is overly keen on you being the one to protect him." Maxim turned to look at his friend lying there staring up at the ceiling, "I'd be happy to meet them...if you could introduce us perhaps...after the funeral of course," he added thinking it would be best left until after then.

  There was a short silence, as Zack pondered about the information his mother had given them about Maxim's whereabouts. "Max...Do you know where you are from?" he asked. Maxim pondered, "I do not know...Funny you should ask that question...I have been having a few strange dreams of late...and I'm certain I have seen my mother's face."

  "Really...What does she look like? Mikel sat up suddenly taking an interest.

  "Mikel," Zack hissed.

  "Oh yeh! Sorry forgot...the whole being dead thing...Sorry Maxim."

  "I don't mind...I never even knew her" he replied.

  Maxim settled back down before realising he had not answered Zack's question, not that he had an answer to give him. For as far back as he could remember he had lived in Woodhaven, which is precisely the reply he did give. "Why do you need to know?" Mikel asked him wanting to be part of the conversation.

  "It was something my mother said...She seems to think you are from a place called Icenia...or something like that."

  "Never heard of it," Mikel replied almost instantly, before deciding to drop his head back down on to his pillow.

  "In all honesty Zack, neither have I," Maxim added before doing likewise. The young royal realised he wasn't going to get any answers that helped, so decided to call it a night and settle down to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a tough day, for his father especially, and he did not want to spend it yawning.

  Ramon settled down for the night, knowing the next few days were going to be hectic ones. He closed his eyes after extinguishing the lamp beside his bed, and fell almost immediately into a deep sleep. His subconscious mind started creating an image, and although he was not in control, he knew it to be a possible future.

  The pictures flowed down a corridor; one he thought was possibly in the keep at Pitford, and into a large room. Sat at one end upon a large wooden chair was a young king, whom he immediately recognised as Anden. His vision was possibly showing him the not too distant future, although beside the king was a blurred figure. For a few moments he was puzzled as to what or whom that might be, before he had a thought of a possible answer. He slept calmly as the image appeared to show no immediate dangers, with the new monarch seemingly laughing to whom or whatever was stood beside him.

  He felt himself being jolted, whether that was just in his sleep or for real he was not sure, such was the ferocity of it. A warning sign of some sort, but what it was, he could not make out. A power, the like of which he had never felt before rushed forth and stopped just before the young king. Even in his comatose state, he could feel his heart pounding, thumping like a hammer in his chest.

  Ramon sat up, his brow dripping with sweat as he caught his breath. With his vision still firmly in his memory he re-lit the lamp in his room and stared vacantly at the wall opposite. He felt his breathing and heart rate slowly return to their normal rate as he tried to make sense of what he had been shown. Something was coming, he did not what it is was, or when it would arrive, but it was something momentous, of that he was certain.

  Chapter 15.

  The sun was barely up and Ramon was already preparing for his day ahead. His breakfast had been taken up to his room, and as he ate the thick stodgy porridge drizzled with a little honey, the images of the previous nights vision ran through his mind. One thing he could deduce from his glimpse into the future was at least Anden had made it to king; meaning today's funeral and tomorrows coronation would appear to go without dramatic incident.

  As he picked up his bowl just slightly, scraping his spoon around the inside edges to get the last of his porridge, he cast his eye over the written list beside him. The number of tasks to do upon it was almost daunting to look at, and now Oran had gone it was growing daily. Ramon was aware that initially at least, Anden would have to be shown what needed to be done and when. If people thought that the life of a ruler was nothing more than one of idle luxury, Ramon was only too aware it was anything but; something the young crown prince would very soon find out.

  After washing and dressing in his finest tunic and black trousers, Ramon ran a brush through his thinning hair whilst looking into the small mirror above his washstand. Happy that he looked his best for what would be a sad day, he headed out of the door and down the corridor. There were a few people about, even at this early hour, although most of them seemed to be staff; starting work early so as people such as he could have their breakfasts made for them.

  Besides making a slight detour back to his office to collect some papers, Ramon firstly needed to go get Zack and Maxim. He then needed to collect Rylan and take them all to the quarters of the crown prince. After that was done, he needed to go outside to the stables, and make sure the hastily adapted carriage was ready to transport the king's coffin around the town.

  After all that was done, Ramon then needed to go see the commander of the royal guard, and check the positioning of his soldiers around the course the royal funeral party was taking. There was also the grave to check, the headstone, the pallbearers, the guard of honour as well as refreshments in the dining hall for afterwards.

  Mikel was almost glad when the door to his room burst open and Tia and Connor came running in. Zack and Maxim had already got up, and left him alone; something he thought might become more of a regular thing, especially now his friends were tasked to helping the new king after his coronation. Shadow also appeared happy to see his two young playmates, as the wolf quickly pounced up greeting them both with a lick to the face. Mikel's biggest smile however was reserved the young woman who followed them in just a few moments later.

  Melia gave him a little wave, and he was glad when she walked over and sat beside him. Mikel actually felt a little nervous as he could feel Melia's body touching his own, but was disappointed when she got straight back up as Samuel made his way through the door. Deciding to stop wallowing in his gloomy mood, he stood and started getting ready. They all needed to go down and get breakfast, before standing out in the cold for the funeral to pass by.

  Maxim stood beside Zack, as the young boy he was soon to be working for, walked into the room. The future king was smartly dressed and well groomed, and although he may have been a few years younger, was almost as tall as he was. Bowing his head slightly, Maxim heard Zack introduce him to Anden, and awaited a reply. He stood straight, as the young man stared at him, "Nice to meet you Max...I can call you Max can't I?" Maxim nodded, "Of course...Sire," he added as an afterthought, hoping it was not picked up on. Anden held out a hand in greeting and Maxim shook it, adding a smile as well.

  Anden seemed fascinated by the colour of Maxim's hair and eyes, with the young royal staring at him for quite some time, moving his head one way then the other as if peering from different angles made a difference. He then explained that the two of them would have plenty of time to get to know each other in a little while, "Apparently it is too dangerous for me to be part of the ceremony beyond the inner wall. Despite the fact we are burying my father, I am only allowed to the latter part." Maxim quickly got the impression this was a point that had been forced upon Anden, and one that was clearly a sore point.

  After a few minutes, Maxim's attention was drawn to two large burly looking guards making their way in through the door, and taking up positions either side of the room. Anden and Zack appeared as confused to their presence as he was, before he hea
rd a voice from the adjoining room. A tall slim woman entered, dressed in a black silken dress that had a veil covering part of her face. "Do not be alarmed my dear. I have asked Commander Porter to have them posted here, whilst you are alone with...that," she added pointing in Maxim's general direction.

  Maxim was quite used to verbal abuse and snidely remarks, and took no notice of the quite apparent slur by Anden's mother. Zack was clearly not amused by his aunt's comment, and was about to say something when he noticed Maxim shake his head just a little, to tell him not to bother. Even Anden seemed a little put out by her remark, but took a deep breath and left it at that.

  When the time came for Zack to leave Maxim alone with Anden and the two guards, he placed a hand on his shoulder, "Good luck," he whispered moving his head a little closer. Maxim smiled and watched his friend follow the queen out of the door, where they were to meet Rylan and Ramon, before heading out for the funeral procession.

  There was an awkward silence between the two, and although Maxim was happy for it to be kept that way, he was not sure whether perhaps he should try to engage in conversation. Fortunately, Anden set the wheels in motion, "So Max, my cousin speaks very highly of you, although as you can tell, my mother on the other hand seems not to trust you at all."


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