The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

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The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles Page 12

by Andrew Wood

  "I understand Highness," Maxim replied, not quite sure he should tell the crown prince what he really thought of his mother.

  "Ignore her Max, she was quite happy to have you help when you rescued us and brought us to Pitford," Anden said walking around the room, before sitting down on a cushioned chair beside the fireplace.

  Maxim was not certain whether his new role as royal protector, should mean he needed to follow the prince everywhere. After a little hesitation, he shuffled a little nearer, and noticed one of the guards on duty sniggering at him. Ignoring the man, Maxim was surprised when Anden gestured for him to sit alongside him, "I cannot talk to you if I have to keep straining my neck, come on sit down."

  Anden seemed happy to engage in further conversation, and after enquiring about how he got on with Zack, he asked a little about Maxim's past. "I am sorry your highness I do not know much about my past, other than I was in an orphanage and then dumped on the streets. That was of course before Danton found me and brought me here with Zack and the others," he replied, finding talking to the young prince much easier than he had anticipated. "You do not know your parents?"

  Maxim shook his head, "No your highness, sorry," he replied, feeling mentioning he had been seeing images of a woman, who he assumed was his dead mother in his dreams, was probably best left unmentioned.

  Anden appeared genuinely saddened, "I am sorry to hear that Max...Oh and please call me Anden...If you are going to be my personal protector the least we can do is call each other by our names...No need for etiquette."

  The two chatted for a while, with Anden opening up to Maxim about how he was nervous about becoming king, and that he was worried he would not meet people's expectations. "You will be fine...Ramon and Zack will help where they can I am sure of it," He replied not certain what else to say.

  "You like Zack don't you?"

  "I do your high...sorry Anden...Yes," Maxim replied remembering he was asked to call the prince by his name.

  "I can tell the feelings are mutual as well, he is very defensive when anyone speaks ill of you."

  Maxim smiled, there was only one person that sprung immediately to mind that spoke ill of him and that was the queen, but he kept his opinions to himself.

  Anden stood and wandered about the room, before stopping at one of the two small windows in the place he was now forced to call home. "They should be starting about now, it will still be a while before I am allowed out," he said rather sullenly. Maxim stood and walked over to where the young prince was standing, just remaining a few yards to his left. He heard Anden sniffle and thought he saw a tear or two on his face, but said nothing. He thought it must be difficult enough losing your father, without having to carry the burden of a divided, warring nation, and felt sorry for the young man beside him.

  Anden suddenly turned to face him, "Ramon says you are probably the most powerful magician he has ever known, is that right?"

  Maxim shrugged, he had never really thought about it. He could do things others could not, but then again others could do things he could not. True they did use him because for whatever reason he had more magical energy than the others, and he supposed if that meant he was more powerful, then he was indeed as Ramon had described him. Wanting to sound modest though, "I am not sure to be honest Anden," he eventually replied.

  The young prince smiled at him, "My mother thinks I am safer with these two guards than you...Do you agree?"

  "No," Maxim answered so quickly Anden appeared so surprised.

  "You think you can better these two guards?" Anden asked waving his hand to the two men stood either side of the room. Maxim had a good idea where this was leading, and he was not certain he wanted to go there. However, Anden had already made his mind up, "You and you," he shouted over to the two guards in question come here please.

  Both guards did as was asked, and walked regimentally over to where he stood. The two royal guardsmen towered over both the prince and Maxim, as Anden decided what best to do. "So if these two men were to attack me, you could stop them?" he asked looking to the elementalist. Maxim nodded quite confidently, although it was clear the two guards thought otherwise. Anden turned to the slightly taller of the two men, "So you do not think Max would be able to stop you?" The man laughed, "I'm quite certain I could tie one hand behind my back, stand on one leg, and still beat him your highness," he replied sounding rather arrogant.

  Anden clapped his hands together, "Fine, let us do a little test then. You two will try to grab me...Max you must stop them before they do." With that announcement, the prince walked to the middle of the room, and gestured for his protector to stand beside him. Maxim was unsure he wanted to do this, "I do not want to hurt anyone," he said, worried that he may be a little heavy handed. One of the guards laughed again, "Don't worry about us ginger lad...I think we can manage anything you can throw at us."

  Maxim thought that with everything that had gone on of late, those non-magical folk would have appreciated those that were a little more. However, it was clear that the queen was not the only person that still needed winning over. "Okay...when you are ready you two try to attack me then," Anden announced, clearly excited at the prospect.

  The two men looked at each other before boldly strutting forward. Maxim waited a few moments to let them get a little nearer before stepping in front of the prince. With a mere flick of his hand, both men were suddenly sent flying backwards. One crashed into the table, knocking a couple of cups to the floor and causing them to smash, whilst the other thumped back first against the far wall, before landing on his backside.

  Maxim grimaced, thinking he would be in trouble, but Anden clapped his hands together once more and burst out laughing. "Whoa...that is amazing...Right I have made my mind up Max...You are definitely going to be my Protector... You two can go," he added to the guards staggering to their feet. Clearly humbled, the two men glared Maxim's direction and headed for the door as ordered. Anden laughed and patted Maxim on the shoulder, "I think me and you will get along just fine...I can see why Zack speaks so highly of you."

  After several minutes of Anden asking so many questions, all to do with Maxim's extraordinary powers, the call for the crown prince came. Maxim felt almost relieved when it did, although the prince's face suddenly turned to one of sadness, as the realisation of what he was about to do hit home. "Come on," Maxim said holding open the door for him. The two youngsters followed one of the house staff down the corridor, before each being handed a black cloak at the main entrance. "Best wrap up warm," Anden said trying to make light of the situation, although Maxim was certain he could already detect a few tears in Anden's eyes.

  Once outside into the keep yard, they were ushered towards the gateway where they were to wait for the funeral procession to slowly make its way in. Fortunately, the wait was only a short one, as Maxim could see Zack and his father beside the queen and Princess Frona, walking just ahead of a horse drawn carriage. Dozens of soldiers, all smartly dressed in full uniform marched along either side of the coffin, as the fallen king made his final journey.

  Zack peered over to Maxim, as another tear rolled down his cold cheeks. The sorrow he felt was more for the fact his father beside him was clearly in a state of great distress, more so than for the fact they were about to bury his uncle. In all his young years, he had never seen his father so openly upset, and he wanted nothing more at that moment to step over and give him a hug.

  The procession paused just a moment, as Anden stepped in to the centre of the front line of mourners. Maxim remained just off to the left, as he turned to see the queen glaring his direction; if looks could have killed, Maxim was certain he would have been a dead man. He ignored the woman and focused his attention instead on the surrounding area; after all, it was his job to protect the crown prince, and that is precisely what he would do.

  Chapter 16.

  With the day of the funeral over, it was now time for the day of the coronation, of the new Kothian king. If the previous twenty-four hours had
been one of tears and sadness, this day was supposed to be one of a new beginning, the start of a new era for the troubled nation, and for the people of Pitford, to enjoy the frivolities such an occasion deserved.

  Maxim had endured a restless night's sleep, as his dreams were once more haunted by strange figures, all clad in deep crimson robes. Every now and then, he heard the words ' We are coming' echo in his mind, and he was not sure whether this was supposed to be a warning that something terrible was happening or not. He decided during one of his many sleep sabbaticals, that once the coronation was over, he would seek out Ramon and ask him about what his dreams could possibly mean. He knew if any man could help him understand what was going on, it would be him.

  With the previous day having gone well as regards getting along with Anden, the same could not be said for the queen. After the service, she had made several remarks about Maxim, mainly all concerning the fact he was to be the one left guarding her son. Where her sudden mistrust of him or magicians had come from no one was quite certain, and it had taken Rylan to calm her down and suggest she retire back to her rooms.

  If anybody wanted breakfast, they would not be getting it from the Dining hall, as Pitford's largest room was being set up for the coronation. The banners of Kothia were being hung from the walls, as the tables were removed. Wooden benches were laid out in lines, with a wide central partition between them to allow Anden space to make his way to the front. Here, a short dais was being hastily assembled, so the wooden throne they were using, could sit just a little higher off the floor than the other seats.

  Despite the early hour, there were already dozens of people working away, trying to get everything ready for their new king. Naturally, the people of Pitford took great pride that the new monarch was being crowned there, and each of them wanted to try to make it the best occasion they could. After the service, the dining hall would have to undergo another refurbishment, as it was also to be used for a great feast much later in the day.

  Maxim got dressed as quietly as he could, but it was soon obvious he was not the only one awake. Zack sat up, the room still dark and gloomy, "You cannot sleep either?" he asked as Maxim turned to look. "May as well put a lamp on," Maxim said before waving a finger towards one of the lamps on the wall. A small flame flickered into life, as the room illuminated just enough to see. Zack nodded, clearly impressed at Maxim's sudden turn-around in controlling his abilities. Since his escape from captivity Maxim had appeared almost a different person as far as magical control was concerned. Whereas once he would have likely set half the room alight, now he could create the smallest of flames to carry out jobs such as lighting lamps and fires.

  Mikel stirred and grumbled about how inconsiderate they all were, before Shadow jumped up on his bed and licked his face. "Pfft get off me you daft creature, you are supposed be with me not them," he grumbled wiping his face. Maxim quickly lit two more lamps and the room soon became much brighter, causing Mikel to squint and rub his eyes. "Come on Mikel, we best get up and ready," Zack said trying to show a little enthusiasm. No sooner had Mikel adjusted to the sudden increase in light, when the door burst open and in run Connor and Tia. Shadow started wagging his tail as he bounded over Mikel to greet the youngsters.

  Knowing the dining hall was closed for breakfasts, Mikel was just thinking he would have to go hungry when Melia walked in through the door carrying a large tray. "I've been down to the kitchens and managed to get us all something to eat," she said having to walk slowly so as not to tip the tray up and spill anything. Mikel clapped his hands together, and was about to make sure he was first to get something, but instead decided to show a little consideration and let the others help themselves first.

  On the tray was a large bowl of porridge, as well as several smaller bowls and spoons. There was a small pot of honey for those that like to sweeten their breakfast, as well as a dozen slices of toasted bread and a pot of butter. With all of them being permitted to the coronation, thanks to Zack, they would have plenty of opportunity to eat later in the day. However, he and Maxim would have to spend the day playing different roles to the others. Zack would be spending his time stood and sat at Anden's right hand side, Maxim being the Royal Protector on the left.

  Despite three of their number being Bosarian, Zack had asked Anden's permission for them to be allowed to come. Despite his mother's outrage about having the nation's enemy invited, the crown prince had readily agreed. Although Samuel was deemed older enough to follow protocol, it would be left to Mikel and Melia to keep Tia and Connor quiet during the ceremony; the same rule applying to Shadow.

  With Maxim and Zack once more having to leave their friends, the two headed for the rooms being used by the royal family. Rylan, Zack's father, was already present, and greeted his son with a hug. The atmosphere in the room suddenly turned very chilly as the queen walked in and instantly glared their direction. Dressed in a long satin dress that glittered in the flickering light of the lamps, she appeared to glide across the floor. Following just half a pace behind her, was the young princess, who thankfully had a smile and a little wave for her cousin and his friend.

  A few moments later Anden entered, and immediately made a beeline their direction. "Good morning," he said with a warm smile, "I am so nervous," he added puffing his cheeks out. Maxim returned the smile and thought how smart the future king looked. Kitted out in full Military dress, consisting of a red tunic with fine gold stitching, black trousers that had two red lines running down the outside leg, and possibly the shiniest black boots Maxim had ever seen. Standing beside the young prince suddenly made Maxim feel very scruffy looking, "Oh I have had something made for you Max," Anden suddenly said patting him on the shoulder.

  Max suddenly grinned excitedly, as Anden waved for one of the royal staff to bring the gift. "As we are a similar size, I had them use my measurements, so I hope it is a good fit," he said handing over a neatly folded bundle. "I thought as you are going to be my official guard, you should have clothes to show you off," Anden added gesturing for Maxim to look at what he had given him.

  There was a dark blue tunic, black trousers with blue lines, almost the same as Anden was wearing, and a new pair of boots. "Come on then Max, let's get you changed," Anden said excitedly, before grabbing his arm and leading him into the other room. Zack followed them in, and closed the door behind him. The room was dimly lit, with two narrow beds and one much wider, which Maxim assumed to belong to the queen and king.

  "Come on then, try your new clothes on," Anden said again. Maxim grinned, and started undressing, "Ooh best get you another shirt as well...Not sure that one is suitable," Anden added.

  "I gave him that shirt," Zack said feeling a little hurt by the comment.

  "It is a lovely shirt Zack," Anden replied turning and rummaging through a large chest, "Just not suitable for Maxim's new outfit," he continued. Maxim slowly undid his buttons and removed his shirt before looking up to see Zack watching him. The two friends shared a smile, just as Anden stood from his searching with a replacement shirt in his hand. "Here you go Max, try this on," he said handing him the white silken garment.

  Zack watched on as Maxim quickly dressed into his new outfit, feeling a touch of jealousy as his cousin fussed about him. Maxim was his dearest friend and the thought suddenly occurred to him that now he was Anden's protector, there would times when they were not together. Zack thought it was probably a selfish belief on his behalf, and although he knew there was nothing he could do about, the thought of sharing Maxim's friendship was not one he liked.

  "You do look very smart," Zack said, as he had to admit the new clothes made a big difference. "I feel a little under-dressed now you both look so dapper," he added with a wry smile. Anden turned to his cousin, "Nonsense Zack, you are probably the finest dressed man I know. I don't think I've ever seen you look anything but." Zack blushed just a little at the compliment, before thanking Anden for the kind words.

  The three of them made their way back into the other room, wh
ere Rylan was first to make comment on Maxim's new outfit, "You look very stylish," he said buttoning up his own freshly pressed tunic. No such praise came from the other side of the room where the queen was too busy snapping at her lady in waiting, for taking so long in adjusting the bottom of her dress.

  "I suppose we wait until called," Rylan said, as the males in the room were all ready, although he felt the need to adjust his son's collar just a little. Maxim tried not to look across at the queen, who was still cursing and flapping around at the poor young lady in her service. Seeing people treat others in this way made him uncomfortable, and although he needed to rise above it, he was finding it increasingly difficult not to say something. As if sensing his friend's ill ease, he suggested they wait outside in the corridor, "Perhaps your mother would be best left alone," Zack suggested to Anden.

  The queen over heard Zack's suggestion and decided to take it as a personal slight, "You can stand out in the corridor Zack, and take that piece of filth with you," she shouted pointing straight at Maxim. Rylan raised his hand, "Come now Tiana, leave them be, there is no need for that sort of behaviour," he said trying to placate matters. The queen shoved her lady in waiting aside and marched over to where they stood, "If you do not like what I say Rylan, then why not join them," she hissed as she thrust her face towards his. With that, she grabbed her son's arm, "Come Anden, let them go, you will wait here with me."


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